This week’s artist is Shahzia Sikander. She has a show touring called Extraordinary Realities and will be at the Rhoda Island School of Design Museum from November 12, 2021 through Jan 30th, 2022. She brings the traditional art form of Indo-Persian miniature painting into a modern-day art practice with animation, installations as well as 2-D. Her works explore history, class, gender, the immigrant, the Muslim, and LGBTQ. Sikander shines a light on the feelings around being the outsider or “otherness.” She directs the viewer to examine how culture and society shapes our imaginations and the way we can clash or how we try to conform within those intersections.
As we move through this planetary time where relationships are being brought to the forefront, this idea of otherness becomes vivid. We either belong within a relationship or community or we are outside. Sikander’s art nudges us to relate to our otherness. By finding even aspects of her art relatable we create a new community where we find sameness, “normalness” from difference or “the other.” Your pondering for the week: What if we entered community from the perspective that we all are other?
Solar System highlights: This week the Moon starts in Gemini – great time to putting forth your voice. Then on Sept. 29st it goes into Cancer – self-care and home is highlighted. Then by nighttime on the 30th it goes into Leo – your time to shine just watch you don’t step on anyone’s toes. And we are still in a time where the good and bad of our relationships are highlighted. Mercury is turning retrograde in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends. Remember when Mercury is retro not a great time to start projects but a great time to Review, Reflect and Revise, and of course back -up your technology. Venus is in Scorpio – a great time to feed your pleasures and passions but in general watch overindulgences. Mars is Libra too – another planet sending energy into investigating relationships this is around the question are your actions following your words? This theme and work around your relationships is big until Mercury moves into Scorpio Nov. 7th. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Six of Coins – Conscious connections and moral dilemmas were the themes last week. Those themes continue with a smattering of cosmic karma. This week your actions ripple out farther then you might realize. So, the challenge is seeing the subtle differences and nuances of treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself versus care for your neighbor as you would like to be cared for.

*Magician – Ok another big karmic week. Three weeks ago, Muse of Structure came to help you build a schedule with the flexibility and spaciousness to create freely. Then the Muse of Flow came to help you equalize the consumption and release of energy, and the Muse of Opportunity provided openings to up your game. And now you have the Muse of Manifestation. Time to utilize the structures you built, the energy you have tapped, and the opportunities that have been provided to DO. Yep, this week get in the ring and fight for your creativity and purpose for being here and then do the work.

Two of Coins – As a sign you will always work around the concept of balance, but this week has the potential to knock you off kilter. This energy is an exercise in doing one thing well before you add another ball to your juggling mix.

*Hanged Man – This week the Muse of Stagnation has you in a hover pattern. Think of this time like a rest stop in your life. A time to refuel, find your bearings and readjust your game plan. This perfectly concedes with Mercury going into retrograde a great time to review, reflect and revise. This stop can also provide a download from the Universe, so mind open.

*Justice – If only this week’s energy could be as obvious as yes or no. But true Justice is slow and complex. This week you need to be honest with yourself about the truth of a situation. The beauty behind this energy is it also provides fairness in the end. Though you may not see it this week, what you do during this time if done with integrity will come out justly for you.

Queen of Coins – Last week the Muse of Manifestation came to aid you in your creations, tuning you into the Universes power source. This week the Muse of Luxury wants to remind you that all work and no play can make you a bit dull. Why work so hard if you do not reap the benefits, she asks. So, make sure your vision and goals for the coming year include enjoyment. And try to indulge in a good meal or soft sheets this week to start that ball rolling.

Nine of Coins – The first energy to work with for this coming year is Muse of Material Success. She asks what do you have to show for all the work you have been doing since your last birthday? If you have at least nine successes that have brought you a sense of accomplishment or material gain, great. Time to line up some new opportunities to work with for the coming year. However, if you don’t now is the time figure out why it didn’t happen. Success awaits you this year so tweak what isn’t working.

*World – The Muse of Opportunity is here to open doors for you. This week is a week of saying yes. You don’t have to commit if you end up not liking it, but you need to try new things. Give the Universe the chance to open new portals and the World to you. Great time to travel this week even if it’s a small trip.
Eight of Wands – Last week you needed to hone your skills in riding with the waves of Life. This energy went about rebalancing karmic debts, but as you will discover things are beginning to work in your favor this week. The Muse of Momentum is pushing you to the next level. The challenge is, are you ready?

King of Cups – The Muse of Mastering Emotions has come to help clean up after last week. The emotional plane is not your favorite place, you all are doers. If it doesn’t have a reason, then you challenge it. Well, this week this Muse wants to show that sometimes it is just about immersing yourself into your heart for no reason other than getting better at riding the waves of being.

*Star – Last week the Muse of the Shadow Self triggered and tested you on behavior patterns that no longer serve you. Having you watch your reactions, to see if they are representations of the new or old you. Luckily the energy has shifted to healing. Take time out to be with yourself and re-discover your hope. This Muse reminds you that every scar represents the wound of the past, the healing of the present and the potentials of the future. Your song: When you wish upon a star.

Three of Coins – The Muse of Collaboration has come with company. This week’s energy is all about getting help and listening to others’ ideas. The more heads and hands you invite into problem solving the more collective experience you have to work with and less likely in redoing old mistakes. Your Motto: I do not h
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