Happy Spring Equinox. The zodiac wheel completes another turn on Saturday March 20th. The sun moves into Aries and all the planets are in direct motion until end of April so great time to get things done and started. But remember relaxation should be part of your equation. The new norm is innovation that has us working smarter not harder.
This week’s artist is Cecil Kemperink @cecilkemperink. One first comes to her work above as a minimalistic piece. She uses one material clay and one shape a circle. However, Kemperink then interlinks these clay circles and we begin to see how something as simple can become a complex “organism.” That through connection these pieces can be reformed into a variety of shapes while emitting a soul-chorded sound. We now see that this simple circle when linked to each other becomes more versatile, strong because of the connection. Kemperink explains Motion is a key part of the expressiveness of my sculptures. The movements show the importance of each circle of the object. Every ring is essential and influences the other: because they are all connected.
Note: this article will not do her pieces justice. Please go to her Instagram page and watch not only her process but also the motion and sound of her pieces.
Your ponderings for the week: As we move into a new season, see, and appreciate your connections, for they confirm your existence, purpose, and make you stronger.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

10 of Cups – The Muse of Bliss is here to help you step into your birth month with a gleeful stride. This week enjoy by inserting some merriment into each day. Swap stories that create chuckles, watch comedies that make you laugh, tell Dad jokes that get you giggling. Don’t you think this is the perfect time to laugh out loud, big belly laughs or snort even? Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. – Victor Hugo

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams would like you to dream bigger. She nods with all your counterarguments about being grounded, vigilant and staying in the here and now. But she reminds you that taking a dream break feeds the soul, expands the heart, and is a place where innovation is born.

Page of Cups – The Muse of Play is here to loosen you up. Yep, your juices need a refresh and no better way to do this then to play. Crayons/fingerpaints out, doodle during boring meetings, take pictures from a 5-year-olds perspective, or reinvent the PBJ. This muse reminds you play is a gateway to imagination and creativity.

Nine of Coins – The Muse of Alone Time has left you a note. Your solitude will be support and a home for you, even in the midst of unfamiliar circumstances and from it you will find all your paths – Rainer Maria Rilke. Find time this week for alone-time you will get more done then in the company of others.

Five of Wands – The Muse of Chaos is here, and it is your choice whether to open the door and let her in or ignore her insistence this week. This energy comes to remind you chaos is an aspect of creation though uncontrollable and transient. So, you can do little about it, except sidestep its path or join in it’s dervish dance.

Three of Cups – Connection is what you need. Find ways to link up with your friends this week. If you can mask up and social distance yourself a hang. If not, then get on a phone and have a virtual beverage together. You need a good chinwag with people who care about you. One reason is to vent; the other to refill your emotional cups.

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Closet Cleaning has come for a visit this week. She comes when you have outgrown an emotion, purpose, copping mechanism, or your style. There is something or someone that no longer is helpful in your life and it is time to shed it. This muse recommends get you in the mood and thought pattern go through your closet or junk drawer. Throw away all the items that are no longer useful or the style you are trying to convey. Motto: cleanse the trivia to get to the substance.

Knight of Swords – The energy is fast paced this week or at the very least feels as if you should be trying to keep up with something. The Muse of Slowing Down has come to remind you to look both ways before you step out into the metaphorical and literal street. This week it is important to be mindful of your thoughts, words, and steps. No rushing.

King of Wands – Another good week for you all. This is a week where that Sagittarian good luck is working in your favor. Whether that is getting a parking space, a vaccine appointment, or following synchronicities like homemade sour dough breadcrumbs, it is all gold. Also, by following your intuition, you can bring together many moving parts into a cohesive apparatus. You are like Elizabeth in Queen’s Gambit. A step or two ahead of all that you do, once you are in the zone (If you haven’t seen it on Netflix – please do).

Knight of Coins – Last week the Muse of Leaps came to help you out of a rut you may not have realize you were in, by having you play around with your routines. This week you get to implement some of the things you discovered back into your regular schedule. The one key is making your pace appropriate to your path. If the way is rocky slow down, but if it is open road you can put the pedal to the metal.

Four of Coins – This week your resources – energy, time, money and space – are limited. The key to this week is quality over quantity. Make sure ever minute is used wisely that includes getting enough sleep, putting good food in your belly, and taking some “me time” to relieve some of the push you-pull me stress. Make sure your needs are dealt with first before your wants.

Page of Wands – The last card for your birth month is innovation. You already know that organic change is a big theme this coming year. Advising you to have something in the works to change every season. But another essential is this cannot be the same old rodeo with new costumes. You have this year to play around with trying new things/ways to innovate the who, what, how and where and possible why in your life. Nothing must be written in stone this year, so have fun experiment. Leave the beaten track behind occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before. – Alexander Graham Bell.
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