Tag Archives: sculpture

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 24, 2022

Bridget McClum
Diver Bridget McClum

This week’s artist is Bridget McCrum. Since childhood she was fascinated with ancient remains and natural stone landscapes, so she began painting her surroundings.  Then by her forties she turned to sculpting it in stone.  Her studies are often but not always abstract interpretations of the glacial movement of geography in contrast to the rapid flight of birds.  In her words: “The landscape around my two homes has inevitably worked itself into my mind. The gentle curves of the hills of South Devon and the stark limestone cliffs carved by wind and sea on Gozo, have all subconsciously influenced my carving. Looking down on birds circling and gliding above their prey from my home high above the Dart estuary. They make marvelously abstracted subjects and I have carved them ever since I have been here.”

Her work is a study of stillness and movement.  She creates this by juxtaposing squares and rectangles that seem to effortless hold up smoothly curved abstract avian forms.  By working in stone and simplifying the line of birds in flight, McCrum enhances the elegant evolution of birds and their prowess in the air.  This contrast also exemplifies the intersection of how birds use topography to enhance their flight ie: their use of thermals or dynamic soaring.  This is where a bird catches a thermal to ride upward.  Once they reach these higher altitudes where the wind moves faster, they shift to same direction as the wind to gain speed.  Then they can glide relatively fast or slow while descending by shifting their wings or the angle of their body.  McCrum’s work is an exquisite example of observational study and interpretation of the beauty of nature through art.

Your pondering for the week:  Explore and utilize ways that you can use your environment to soar.

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts in Cancer this week.  This energy may feel like you do not want to leave your house, but if you must then make sure you balance it with quality self-care time.  By Thursday it has moved into Leo – time to shine.  Then for the weekend the moon moves into Virgo – great for cleaning and reducing clutter in your life.   Mercury is in Leo – great for PR but watch that you are listening as much as you are sharing.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Cancer – beautify your home, spend time with loved ones and focus on self-care. Mars (action) is in Taurus, so action steps are at a saner, slower, and steadier pace.  Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th.  It influences action and expansion over the summer months.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Bridget McCrum
Windrider Bridget McCrum

*Emperor – Hopefully last week you aligned you actions with your inner compass, because this week is all action.  The Muse of Building is here to get any project you focus on moving if you have a well-thought-out plan.  So, think like a city-planner this week.  Have you thought about who you serve and are you building a self-propelling structure to maintain it?  The challenge with this energy is not to build just to build, or act just to act but to thoughtfully create.


Ghafer II Bridget McCrum

Six of Coins – The Muse of Mini-Karma arrives when karma is about to re-balance.  So, as you go about your daily life this muse reminds you that being nice begats positive benefits.  However, this is also true for being unkind which will producing negatives.  The other challenge with this energy is that it usually doesn’t reciprocate in a direct line.  So, watch your p’s and q’s and be mindful of possible side swipes or unexpected gifts.


Bridget McCrum
Etrusa Bridget McCrum

Eight of Coins – Last week was about paying attention to downloads from your subconscious.  This week is about refining your conscious and physical skillsets.  The Muse of Mastery comes when your superpowers and expert skills are needed, so share your amazingness this week.


Bridget McCrum
Moon bird Bridget McCrum

Five of Wands – This Muse of Drama comes when you need to sharpen your confidence on when to fight and when to walk away.  You can engage in rivalry but if you do you cannot play victim.  You have chosen to play the game.  However, this muse reminds you that you can also just not participate and walk away.  The choice is really yours.


Granta Bridget McCrum

Nine of Swords – Your first Muse to work with this birth year is the Muse of Overthinking.  This year you are going to be challenged by getting out of your mind and acting on what you can.  Now this Muse does give you some rules to live by for this year.  1) Worry only about what you actually can control in the present. 2) Do not use the phrase or concept of: would have, should have, and could have. And 3) You need to prioritize good sleeping habits.


Bridget McCrum
Mesopotamia Bridget McCrum

Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance comes when you are trying to do too much.  She advises to do only one to two things at a time.  This is not a week for multi-tasking.


Awakening Bridget McCrum

*Fool – The Muse of Clean Slates and New Adventure has come to have you play around with a new avenue, study, or project.  This, like last week, is a great period to start a project, plant a garden or continue a new venture.  The challenge with this energy is she asks you to come at anything you do with fresh eyes or playfulness.  If you are having trouble doing this, she suggests doing this exercise: When you go somewhere familiar take a new route or venture out without a purpose and see where you land.  These activities will exercise your adventurous side.


Bridget McCrum
Standing Stone Bridget McCrum

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams is here wanting you to play with your imagination.  Find time to daydream.  Play scenarios in your head where everything works out perfectly.  The challenge is identifying these dream signs in your reality.  If you don’t see the beginnings of this path, then it is time to dream a new scheme.


Bridget McCrum
Mythical Horses Bridget McCrum

Page of Coins – The Muse of Critical Thinking has come to guide your thoughts this week.  Critical thinking is the analysis of available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a judgement.  However, the challenge is when the subject is complex and therefore several different definitions or arguments can exist.  So, this week keep to the facts and put the speculation aside, and if you can not come to a verdict with what you know, wait for more evidence.


Bridget McCrum
Meteorite Bridget McCrum

*Wheel– The Muse of Maybe comes when the energy for the week is unpredictable.  Her advice is to be careful not to over-plan or tightly schedule this week.  The more flexible you can be the more apt you will be to navigate the hits and misses of the week, and possibly find treasures on paths not planned.


Gharfer I Bridget McCrum

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation comes to help you conjure up whatever you like.  Even though you have all the tools you need to do as you wish, the challenge is really thinking through the consequences of what you are bringing forth.  Does it actually coincide with your purpose or plan?


Bridget McCrum

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Emotional Beginnings is here to make sure that your heart plane is nourished before you embark on this new phase of emotional growth.  She reminds you that it is more beneficial and sustainable if you can fill your emotional cup then to rely on ours doing it for you.  Self-Love first, fishy frien

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 10, 2022

Sophie Woodrow
Sophie Woodrow

The artist this week is Sophie Woodrow @sophiewoodrow.  Woodrow is a ceramic artist that works in porcelain. Her figures are an amalgamation of the natural world.   Sophie’s artisanship comes through the elegant equilibrium of minimalism in color, delicate intricacy in form and a context of otherworldliness. If spirit guides had guises, then many of them would look like her figurines.

You may have fallen in love with her work, like I did.  But much like connecting to spirit guides, to obtain Woodrow’s work is a combination of mystery, devotion, and a possible pilgrimage.  In my research to find out about her there are few avenues:  a couple of well-placed articles, a website error and even finding what gallery she is showing in right now is an enigma (a hint in her Insta comments, Narbeth Pembrokeshire, Wales).

However, this research reminded me of the spiritual journey that resonates for both Art and Spirituality.  The purpose of this quest is rarely to find answers, it is the process of pondering life and our place within in it.  As a viewer/audience of art or even the artist themselves, we need to be careful of our ego demanding that the artist make their art easily accessible or that spirituality is obtain with some sage.  In this age of Instant-cart and Amazon, we need to be reminded that experiencing Art, Nature and Spirit is a quest and should be more like a golden egg hunt for awe then a click of fleeting satisfaction.

Your pondering for the week:  How can you bring more mystery, moments and meaning in your journey?

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts in Sagittarius so it may be hard to settle into your work week, but by Tuesday you get into the groove with the Moon in Capricorn’s help.  On Thursday it moves into Aquarius great for innovation and ideas.  Then it’s in Pisces giving us a dreamy weekend.   Mercury is in Cancerian waters great for reconnecting with whomever is your mother figure and verbally supporting the woman in your life.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge).  Ladies tell your stories.  Mars (action) is in Taurus, so action steps are at a saner, slower, and steadier pace.  Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th.  It influences action and expansion over the summer months.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Sophie Woodrow
Sophie Woodrow

*Hanged One – The Muse of Purpose came last week to solidify your reason for being. You have another week to ruminate this theme with the Muse of Inertia.  This Muse puts blockades in your way to make you stop and think about where, what, and how of the possible forward planning action steps.  She does this for two reasons.  One if you need to tweak your plan or two if the timing isn’t right.  So if you feel resistance, stop and look both ways before you proceed.


Sophie Woodrow
Sophie Woodrow

*Fool – Last week the Muse of Hermitage asked you to step back from your daily life and look at your placement within your timeline and the World’s.   Now the Muse of Clean Slates is adding its energy to your ponderings.  She asks, what if you had a clean slate?  What if you said from this point on, I am going to _____ and nothing can hold me back.  What would you fill into that blank? Because now is the time to step into this new journey.


Sophie Woodrow
Sophie Woodrow

Ten of Wands – The Muse of Obligation has come to help you prioritizes your responsibilities.  This week has the potential to feel overwhelming, but this muse helps by reminding you to watch your definition of obligation.  You are only responsible for your stuff and no one else’s.  Time to put their responsibility back on their shoulders because you have enough to do.


Sophie Woodrow

*Hierophant – Your next Muse for your birth year is the Muse of Constructs.  All this year is about refining or creating new structures that support your well-being.  It is like you are molting and building your new shell.  Devote this time to adopting or creating mottos to live by, environments where you thrive, and schedules that run with your natural bio-rhythms.


Sophie Woodrow
Sophie Woodrow

Eight of Coins – This is your second eight so a tiny dive into the number.  Eights represent refining and releasing.  Last week the Muse of Bondage asked you to let go of what is holding you back.  And now the Muse of Superpowers is asking you to focus and hone the skill set you are good at.  Her homework is to name three of your super-powers and refine them instead of hanging on to your kryptonite.


Sophie Woodrow

Five of Cups – This week will have its ups and downs.  So, the Muse of Spilled Milk is here to help you clean up and move on. The not-so-great things happening this week are not the worst things you have gone through.  She reminds you that these are minor spills easily cleaned up and “You have more milk in the fridge.” So, your motto:  My cup many not runneth over but it is refillable.


Sophie Woodrow

Three of Swords – Last week the Muse of the Subconscious provided you with insight to create more ease.  Though they may take some time to decipher. Hence, the Muse of Wound-healing has stepped-up to highlight the insights that are meant to heal deep wounds.  So, pay attention to emotional and thought induced landmines this week, for this muse is prompting you to work on the reactions instead of the action itself.


Sophie Woodrow

Five of Swords – This week has the potential to frustrate you.  The Muse of Ego has stepped in to help you navigate these irritations. She first asks you how important is it for you to interject yourself into the situation?  Then she advises unless you or the people around you will be hurt, walk away.  So, pick your battles this week.


Sophie Woodrow

Page of Wands – The Muse of Originality is asking you to indulge in the arts and/or nature.   Usually, this muse shows up when you need to re-ignite your imagination.  She asks you to plan something awe-inspiring to do this week:  a concert, play music, watch the stars, nature walk, dance, go to a museum, or paint your own masterpiece.


Sophie Woodrow

Ace of Coins – This week is perfect for beginnings on the physical plane.  Whether that is planting in your garden or creating something in a workshop, starting a new endeavor, etc.… This week has all the grow-power you need to fertilize your new seedling.


Sophie Woodrow

Nine of Swords – This week can have more downs then ups, which can send you into your head or bed.  So, the Muse of Worries comes with this advice.  She asks you to categorize your worries into things you can do something about, things you are not sure you can do something about and things you can’t.   Then drop the last two and focus on working on the solutions for the worries that are relevant now.


Sophie Woodrow

Nine of Coins – Last week the Muse of Inertia advised you to slow down, meditate and reflect more than do.  This energy continues somewhat with the Muse of Contentment. This muse like you to begin moving but do it at a relaxed pace.  This is not a week to commit to everything but more to metaphorically turn your life volume knob down from a 10 to a 9.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 12, 2022

Djakou Kassi Nathalie

The artist this week is Djakou Kassi Nathalie @djakoukassi.  Djakou works with clay like quilters work with fabric.  In many of her pieces she carves stylized masks, houses, mathematical equations, shapes, and lines in a crazy quilt like fashion.  Weaving together a tale with small treasures, like a person peeping out a window with 2020 carved beside it or a notched gear placed like the sun over a house.  Her work relates powerful stories against domestic violence, man’s volatile interactions with nature, survival, and the inspiration of divine womanhood.  These masks which adorn many of her large vessel, vases, plates, and stylized figures are as if our ancestors or ancients are looking at as, questioning our reasonings and telling us their knowledge. Are they and Djakou reminding us of cautions and insights from the past that reverberate into the now?  That our present-day life is interwoven with generational knowledge, our own past experiences, who we are now, and then questions our own legacy?  The beauty of how all our stories intertwine, connect and that ultimately together we build vessels for the next generations?

Your pondering:  As humans, we are a tapestry of our experiences interwoven and stitched to the past as much as the present. What will be your part in Earth’s weaving?

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts this week in Sagittarius, so it might be hard to get into the groove of the work week and leave the weekend vibe.  But by Tuesday the moon is in Capricorn, and it becomes easier to focus on getting things done. By Thursday it shifts to Aquarius where it lifts energy towards innovation and the removal of grid locks.  Then on the weekend the moon moves into Pisces, great for all things involving water and nestling into home and family.  Though be aware you can get some celestial downloads too.

Mercury moves to Gemini on Monday its home spot.  This eases conversation which we will need with Venus and Mars’ lesson this week. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Taurus one of its favorite places.  And Mars (action) is in Aries where it loves to hang to provide momentum.  However, when it comes to relationships these two put out a stubborn vibe.  Hence, we are back to challenges in our relationships, though this helps us learn the skill of compromise.  Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th.  It influences action and expansion over the summer months.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future Adventures is nudging you to do some goal setting and to balance that with a vacation plan. What places would you like to explore next year and where do you see yourself in June of 2023?


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Teacher, Djakou Kassi Nathalie

*Star – The Muse of Healing and Hope wants you to realign with your north star. She asks if you could heal one thing what would it be?  And if you had one truth to live by what would that be?  This is the week to start that particular wound healing and calibrate yourself to that truth.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Koki, Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Three of Cups – Your last Muse for the coming year is the Muse of Friendship.  First let’s review your other guides for your birth year.  The Muse of Collaboration came saying that people are vital to broadening your perspective and adding skill sets that you will need to create a better life. Then the Muse of Karmic Kindness forecasted that any good or bad deeds you do come back to you three-fold, however, the reciprocation is never linear. And then the Muse of Commitment has you working on why you are dedicating yourself to something more than looking at the “why not”.  And now the Muse of Friendship enters the chorus reminding you that friends are who you fill and empty your emotional cups with.  This year people are vital to your wellbeing and growth.  So, open up your contacts and start reconnecting.


Roots Djakou Kassi Nathalie

*Strength – Your third high energy week and your last week to wind up your birth year.  The last two weeks’ themes have been about creating, building, and nurturing.  And this week the Muse of Strength is wanting you to work on integrating and strengthening your habits to support these concepts.  So, this Muse is asking what do you need to maintain the space and time to play with creation, manifest it into being and then feed it so it can grow to the next level?  The challenge is starting small and slowly in taming your internal and external chaos.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Shape of Numbers Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Worry comes when your mind is on “11”.  You are overthinking and this week’s energy is not going to help.  So, this muse shows up to remind you that “worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.”   You can plan until the cows come home and 999 out of 1000 times you will have worried for not.  So, what would happen if you focused that worry brain power somewhere else more pertinent like what is happening in the present.  One of your superpowers is dealing with problems in the moment.  So, if you stay present, you will more likely solve the potential worry if they actual occur or acknowledge that it will solve itself in time without you.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie

*Death – The Muse of Organic change comes when you need to pull some weeds in your metaphorical (or literal garden with all you gardeners out there).  You need to create space in your life and your environment.  Take this week to clear some space.  This Muse is a harbinger that good things are coming but they need room to grow, so some clearing is necessary.


Strong connection Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Ten of Coins – The Muse of Prosperity comes when you are at a place to enjoy the hard work you have put in.  You have worked your butt off to get here.  And why did you work so hard if you don’t spend time enjoying it?  Take time this week to luxuriate  before you move on to the next project.


Stop Garbage, Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Five of Wands – The Muse of Chaos comes to shake things up.  She is not always helpful in how she does it though.  Often, she nudges your insecurities or rivalry to reveal your wants and needs.  First make sure you are not measuring your self-worth according to another person’s life or opinion.  Once you have done that, then tend to satisfying your wants or needs without comparisons.


Eternity, Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Ace of Wands – The Muse of Inspirations is knocking on your door.  It is time to broaden your world and your goals.  Take time this week to visit new places and adventures.  If you do so, they will not only stimulate you but also inspires new experiences which then fertilize your own growth.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Djakou Kassi Nathalie

*Moon – The Muse of Visons is here all this week to bring forth dreams, apparitions, and emotional bubbles from the subconscious.  Do not see these sights as omens but more like dreamscapes to play with your imagination and glean insight from its shadows.  Use this spiritual fodder to nurture your artistic side.  And lastly go howl at the moon on the 14th or 15th when the moon is in your sign.


Speak Out, Djakou Kassi Nathalie


Two of Swords – “Decisions, decisions, decisions” seems to be your earworm this week. To make any decision this week you need to think about the journey more then its goal.  Because no matter which path you take you will get to the same end point; so, take the path that feels right to you.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Heritage Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Three of Wands – The Muse of Venture comes when it is time for you to start on a project.  The important step for it to begin with ease is preparation while you are waiting for the right time or way to finance it.   This week is no time to stand idle.  Make the space and time for this new thing to come in.  Think of it like feathering one’s nest before your next golden egg is laid.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Feb. 27, 2022

Allora and Calzadilla
Hope Hippo Allora and Calzadilla

Continuing with the theme of collaborators for the last two days in February, the artists are Allora and Calzadilla.  They have been working together for over 20 years.  They are multi-media artists and work in a variety of forms sculpture, photography, performance art, sound, and video.  Allora and Calzadilla take on big concepts like art history, geo-political dynamics, colonialism, war, and culture.  Often their work is the juxtaposition of metaphor and literalism. Thus, as viewers we are pulled into their creative process.  We become co-creators with them.  By interacting with the literal form, we manipulate the metaphor, or at the very least contextualize it to our own life experiences. At some level we do this with all art, but Allora and Cazadilla bring this dialogue to the forefront.


I find it’s interesting that all these artists consider their work in some part sculpture.  Is it that the collaborate work leans towards the concept of a 3-D object?  Something we can immerse ourselves in and experience with multiple senses.  One of the reasons I do this blog is my belief that art and the tarot are linked on a variety of levels.  The concept of the Lovers card in tarot is that of relationship and collaboration.  And when its path is taken with the highest and purest intent, it represents the act of combining  things/people to create something new and unique, even though it consists of the “DNA” of the original pairing.  This new and distinctive thing often ends up becoming a dimensional object, something we can see, hear, feel, smell and touch.

Collaboration is a constant of nature, survival, and legacy.  So again, I would like us to ponder this act by the question: In your partnerships what have you birthed?

Solar System highlights

The Moon starts in Aquarius and moves to Pisces by Tuesday.  So, this week will start in a dreamy mode. Then it moves into Aries on Thursday – lots of energy and action for the weekend. This is the last week the inner planets will be in this configuration.  Mercury is in Aquarius for some of us it is a time to pull back for perspective, for others working with communication styles that are more outside the box.  We have two planets left in Capricorn until March 6th.  Venus – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality.  And Mars – where it provides momentum in our workplaces.  After this week we will be more with our heads in the air then our feet on the ground, so getting things done will be easier than in the coming weeks.  Jupiter is in Pisces until May; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Allora and Calzadilla
Allora and Calzadilla

*Empress – Last week change was in the air but you needed to release or complete projects so you can move on.  This week the Muse of Creation has come to help you start growing what you want to produce.  The challenge with this Muse is she needs time to cultivate this project with you.  So, what do you want to grow that you can commit to for the next 10 months?


Allora and Calzadilla

*Death and Eight of Wands – The Muse of Composting and the Muse of Downloads are with you this week.  First the Muse of Composting comes when change is about to happen, but you need to clear your decks to allow it space.  So, whether that is cleaning your inbox and/or desk.  You are needing to clean your workspaces.  Then the Muse of Messages comes downloading information to distract you from create this very space.  So, this is not a time to process the new, jot down ideas and inspirations if they come, and only work with emails of the highest priority this week.  The lesson around these two energies is completing what is already on your table and not adding more to your pile.


Allora and Calzadilla
Allora and Calzadilla

*High Priestess – The Muse of Purpose comes to have you realign with why your soul has selected this time and place to be on Earth.  We all have multiple purposes to be here, our family, job, friends, the kind of person we want to be.  Take time to meditate.  Are there any places you feel unfulfilled?   Have you lost your sense of the divine?  Now is the time to ask for help if you have.  The Muses await to reconnect you, they just need your permission.


Allora and Calzadilla Chalk

Knight of Cups – This week is emotional but in that good cleansing way that ends with laughter.  Unless you don’t allow yourself to be vulnerable.   Heart and arms open this week.


Clamor Allora and Calzadilla

Five of Wands – Last week the Muses asked you to specify – why do you do what you do?  And how does it better the world around you?  The Muse of Competition and Chaos comes to add her two-sense by asking you to look how your ego may be diverting you from your higher self.  Compassion is key for not only others, but it also unlocks it for yourself.


Allora and Calzadilla
Allora and Calzadilla

*Chariot – The Muse of Movement has brought gas to fill your tanks, but it is up to you to supply the direction.  Find focus this week before you start it.  For you will find yourself driving in circles without a destination.   And remember road stops are allowed at certain intervals.


HyperFocal Allora and Calzadilla

*Hermit – The Muse of Kismet walked with you last week and now the Muse of Contemplation comes with reservations for some quiet time to gain perspective.  Maybe you need to ponder what you learned last week, and/or you need to stand back from life to gain insight that only distance can give you.


I Have Forgotten my Umbrella Allora and Calzadilla

*Hierophant – Last week, the Muse of Backbone reminded you that you are an amazing emotional conduit, and not to hide these emotions or hide behind them.  Hopefully you have seen some of your strengths, for this week you will need to look at your structures – how you live, work and play.  Then do some adjustments so that they better support the real you.  Fortify the ones that do and reconstruct the ones that don’t.


Solar Catastrophe Allora and Calzadilla

*Sun – Take time this week to count your blessings.  The Muse of Optimism is here to point out the silver linings in all that you do, have, and are experiencing right now.  Even if times are tough you have gone through worse.  You are strong, vibrant, and we as a world need your light.  Let the sunshine in by the Fifth Dimensions


Allora and Calzadilla

*Temperance – This week’s focus is Harmony.  The Muse of Soothing comes with bath salts, sounds of waves, chamomile tea, the loosing of muscle after a good workout, and blue skies with fluffy clouds.  Even though the planets are very much in your work wheelhouse this week so is the time to relax.  This is not a week to push things through but to take the Middle Path.  Moderation in all things is key.


Allora and Calzadilla

Three of Wands – Last week the Muses had you look at your structures and make sure they are modernized for supporting you.  Luckily the Muse of Patience and Preparation has given you another week to clean up your act, diet, or environment, so you can fine tune your support structures and get on with your new year.


Allora and Calzadilla
Allora and Calzadilla

Ten of Swords – Your second ten so a quick dive into that number.  Tens come when we are in a stage of endings or completions.  There is still some work to be done to start new, but this is a cycle change.  Last week the Muse of Responsibility came so you could lighten your load and whole-heartly commit to the responsibilities/goals that are truly yours.  This week outside sources are diverting you from your path.  This is not a time to listen to them or let your ego make decisions.  This Muse asks: what needs to be finished up to allow the space to grow into this up-coming new cycle?



Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Feb. 13, 2022


Hilla and Bernd Becher
Hilla and Bernd Becher winding towers

Continuing with the theme of collaborators for February this week artists are Hilla and Bernd Becher.  They started collaborating when they meet in 1959.  She was a commercial trained photographer and he studied painting and typography.  After two years of collaboration, they married and continued working in partnership for the next 50 years.   They are known for photography of industrial structures throughout Europe and North America.  The Bechers exhibited their work in sets or typologies.  They called their subjects “anonymous sculptures.”

Technically their work is photography, but it is viewed as sculptural.  Their unique combination of form, black and white photography, similar perspective, and grouping in sets, illustrates the sculpture properties of architecture.  Also, by choosing how they present their subjects, mimicking cataloguing flora and fauna in the sciences, these typologies emanate to the viewer the beauty of functional architecture, the relationship between form and function, and the effect of architecture on the economy and the environment. The amazing thing about their work is both have said they do not know which picture was taken by whom. Their collaboration is without the seams of the ego. Your pondering for the week is how ego or ownership affects us when working together?


Solar System highlights:  The Moon is in Leo will be full on 16th – time to shine.  Then it moves later that day into Virgo – good for organizing and cleaning.  Onto Libra for the weekend – perfect time for friends and family.  Mercury moves into Aquarius for some of us it is a time to pull back for perspective, for others working with communication styles that are more outside the box.  We have two planets left in Capricorn until beginning of March.  Venus – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality.  And Mars – where it provides momentum in our workplaces.  Jupiter is in Pisces until May; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Coal Bunkers 1974 Bernd Becher and Hilla Becher 1931-2007

Four of Swords – Where last week was all about gaining momentum, this week is about rest and restoration.  Take this week slow.  Make sure you feed your body well and rest your mind.  Try to turn off all technology for at least an hour a day.  Bask in natural light and ambient noise.


Hilla and Bernd Becher
Water Towers 2009 Bernd Becher and Hilla Becher 1931-2007

King of Wands – Last week the Muse of Inertia wanted you to take moments to slow down, providing you time to think and readjust before moving forward. If you were able to gain this new perspective, you will be able to navigate this week well.  However, if not, this week opportunities will give you second chances to learn how to harness energy and use it for good, but it will feel like you are flying by the seat of your pants.


Hilla and Bernd Becher Gas Holders

Ten of Wands – The Muse of Burdens has come to help you navigate your obligations this week.  First, she points out you have taken other people’s task/responsibilities and you need to let go of your responsibility to those.  Then she tells you to prioritize the rest of your list and see what you can realistically do in this week.  So, ten tasks now look more like a doable four.


Hilla and Bernd Becher
Hilla and Bernd Becher

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future Planning has come to help you navigate your next steps.  Pick a long term goal and map out the timeline and tasks you need to do to get there.


Hilla and Bernd Becher Cooling Towers

*Tower – Change is in the air again.  Where the last two weeks the change was about working with perspective and letting go, this week the change comes from outside sources.  Yes, this Muse has Kali like energy.  If you can not make the changes for growth necessary for your wellbeing, then this energy will step in to force you to do it.  So, you can work with this energy to navigate where you would like the change to occur.  Or you can let her tectonic tremors show you the cracks in your foundations and tear down what isn’t working.


Hilla and Bernd Becher
Hilla and Bernd Becher Gas holders

*Sun – The Muse of Vitality is here to warm you up and make you thrive.  This Muse rises to feed you the positive energy you need to personally bloom.  She wants you to realize and utilize your brilliance.  You are a creator so put your energy towards what you want to flourish.


Hilla and Bernd Becher

Knight of Cups – Time to get your flirt on.  The Muse of Amour is here to create some excitement and romance in your relationships.  Take time this week to connect to the ones you love and have some fun.  Make food together, play games, or go somewhere awe inspiring.  And for those with pets don’t forget their companionship could also do with some recognition.  Did someone say candlelight and tuna/steak?


Hilla and Bernd Becher
Hilla and Bernd Becher

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Worry has come to lighten your mental load.  She reminds you that to take each worry and ask these questions.  Could it happen?  If so, can I do something about it?  And if so, what steps do I need to take to do it?  And the ones left over are beyond your control so time to let them go.


Pitheads 1974 by Bernd Becher and Hilla Becher 1931-2007, 1934-2015

Three of Swords – The Muse of Old Wounds comes around when you need to do some mending.  There are either negative thought forms, emotions, or relationships that you still need to do some personal healing around.  Watch for places you feel irritated or triggered this week.   These are the areas to investigate and mend.


Hilla and Bernd Becher Silos

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Luxury has come to ask, after your hard work how do you reward yourself?  Her go to is often retail or self-care oriented also she knows how to combine luxury with practicality.  So, she prompts you to follow in her footsteps this week by not only working but also revealing in its rewards.


Hilla and Bernd Becher

*Lovers – This is your last energy to work with this year.  Let’s review.  First the Muse of Fortune said this year will have its ups and downs and not feel totally in your control.  But whether karma or luck, it is not the occurrence but what you do with it that is key.  Then the Muse of Friendships and the Muse of Pleasure are prompting you that friends, love, and laughter need to be woven back into your life.  And lastly, the Muse of Relationships re-emphasis that this year is all about you connecting with the ones you love.  Your work is to spend quality time with your “peeps” while fine tuning your people skills in general.  She reminds you this quality time promotes intimacy.  Connection and Joy are your key words word to work with this year.


Hilla and Bernd Becher
Hilla and Bernd Becher

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details has come with magnifying glass and tweezers. Here motto is the devil is in the details.  This means that there are hidden aspects or that something may seem simple but in fact is more complicated and can cause problems.  So things like, re-reading your emails before sending, cleaning your keyboard, being conscious of your accessories and deep looking into contracts (written or verbal).  Watch what you promise, and be aware of your personal nuances if they are appropriate with what you are trying to convey.



Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 30, 2022

Gibbs Farm
Horizons Neil Dawson

This week is a collection of artists from Gibbs Farm in New Zealand.  This is a private art collection commissioned by Alan Gibbs that he started over 20 years ago.  Gibbs Farm is open to the public once a month for free but must be booked in advance.  The interesting aspect of any sculptural park is how the artist decides to utilize the land itself.  This farm’s vast landscape rolls from mountains down to the shallow flats of Kaipara harbor gives each artist a lot to choose from though challenging.   Also tricky the artist must contend with the prevailing westerly weather of the area.

You can see how each artist highlights the elements of the landscape with their art.  Some artist work with the landscape like Kapoor with shape or Goldworthy with the tides.  Or artist like Van Den Eijkel or Judah work in contrast the former with color the latter with angle.  And then there are artist like Lin or Lye that use the elements of the landscape, grass, and wind to be part of the sculpture itself.

Your pondering – How do you work within your landscape?

Solar System highlights:  The Moon starts this week in Aquarius – innovation is key.  Then moves into Pisces on the 2nd – dream time.  Onto Aries for the weekend – go out and be active.  We have 3 planets in Capricorn until February 14th.  Mercury in Capricorn is retrograde until Feb 3rd, so Review, Reflect, and Reassess until then.  Then we can once again start to set things in motion.  Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality.  Mars is also in Capricorn- where we can easily focus our momentum.  So though the week starts with inner work we move into action by the weekend.  Lastly, Jupiter is in Pisces until May; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck.  And Saturn is in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is the focus for another year.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Gibbs farm
Red Cloud Coronation in Landscape Leon van den Eijkel

Four of Cups – Last week the Muse of Organic Change nudge you to grow and asked you to let something go.  You get another week of this reflective energy if you feel as if you have not totally taken out the trash.  If you have done your life chores and your tabletops are clean, then take this time to look inward and relax into what could look like a mini hibernation for the week.  Either way, solitude is fine for the week but by the weekend turn your eyes and mind back out to the world.

Gibbs Farm
The Mermaid Marijke de Goey

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is here with lampshade in hand.  This week your goal is to have a bit of fun ever day.  Whether that is playing games, watching some comedy, finger-painting, or making a snowman, it is important to bring laughter and play back into your world. (Check out Greg or Pinky two of my favorite hilarious people)

Cabbage Tree Bill Culburt

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Mastery has come to help you tweak your skills of choice.  Take this week to focus on one thing that needs to be upgraded in your work life.  Does your website need tweaking? Your resume? Or your communication skills? What needs just a bit of a nudge to take you to your next level at all things pertaining to work.

Gibbs Farm
Dismemberment Anish Kapoor

Page of Wands – Playing around with your creativity is needed this week.  This Muse loves to experiment without a goal, doodle while listening to music, search the internet for random art from the 15th century.  By randomly playing in the land of creation, inspiration will come.

Arches Andy Goldworthy

*Death – The Muse this week is Organic Change.  Like last week this energy is pushing you to let go of the old to fertilize the new.  She gently reminds you that change/death is inevitable.  By fighting it you leave your field “fallow.”  This Muse likes to compost the past and release its pain.  By letting go of things that aren’t working and/or your suffering, you allow yourself space to grow.  This can look as simple as changing jobs or as complex as forgiving someone.  And don’t worry this energy takes time to fully transition but at least start the process this week.

Gibbs farm
Giraffe Jeff Thomson

Knight of Coins – Last week the Muse of Fertility came to help you give birth to ideas and experiences. You get another week to work with this birthing process with the Muse of Pace.  This Muse gives you the momentum you need to go forward and expand; however, she also reminds you that we all work at our own unique optimal pace and way.  Sprinter/Marathoners; Diurnal/Nocturnal; Solitary/Collaborative, etc.  Find when and how you work best to utilize this energy with efficiency.


Gibbs Farm
Jacob’s ladder Gerry Judah

*Judgement – The Muse of Metamorphosis has come to do more brainstorming with you around how you want to up your game or evolve into the new and better you.  Evolution has four main components.  Potential, can it be done?  Variation, are there multiple avenues to get there?  Competition, do you have to vie for resources?  And proliferation, can it be done more than once?  So run your goals through these lenses.

A fold in the Field Maya Lin

Six of Swords –   Small trips are needed this week.  Each of these little outings will have hiding “Easter eggs” for you.  Check by bodies of water if you can.

Gibbs Farm
Chris Booth Kaipara Strata

*Tower – Look around you and check for cracks because Kali has come to shake things up.  This Muse causes chaos so you can see what needs to be fix.  The best way to work with this energy is to find your “cracks” first and then actual fix the problem.  Caution this is not a week to use literal or proverbial “duct tape”.

Wind Wand Len Lye

Ten of Swords – I hope last week you honed your skills in flexibility, self-compassion, and patience to partake in the deep nourishment of your emotions and soul. Because this week the Muse of Epiphany has come to gracefully end an old way of thinking or responding.  It may be a hard ending but be grateful for the lessons you have learned, for it is preparing you to respond differently to challenging situations.


Te Tuhirangi Contour Richard Serra

*Wheel – This Muse reminds you that everything changes.  If you are in a place of fortune, be grateful for the wheel will eventually cycle out of this phase.  And if you are in a place of misfortune, this too will not last.  Karma or dumb luck may have gotten you here, but what you do with it is within your power.

Green and White Fence Daniel Buren

Seven of Coins – The Muse of Work is here with a cup of coffee.  This week’ energy gives you the kick to get things done.  By using this energy you are investing in your future.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 14, 2021

Cecil Kemperink
Blue Rising Cecil Kemperink 50x40x40cm.

Happy Spring Equinox. The zodiac wheel completes another turn on Saturday March 20th.  The sun moves into Aries and all the planets are in direct motion until end of April so great time to get things done and started.  But remember relaxation should be part of your equation. The new norm is innovation that has us working smarter not harder.

This week’s artist is Cecil Kemperink @cecilkemperink.  One first comes to her work above as a minimalistic piece.  She uses one material clay and one shape a circle.  However, Kemperink then interlinks these clay circles and we begin to see how something as simple can become a complex “organism.”  That through connection these pieces can be reformed into a variety of shapes while emitting a soul-chorded sound.  We now see that this simple circle when linked to each other becomes more versatile, strong because of the connection.  Kemperink explains Motion is a key part of the expressiveness of my sculptures.  The movements show the importance of each circle of the object.  Every ring is essential and influences the other: because they are all connected.

Note:  this article will not do her pieces justice.  Please go to her Instagram page and watch not only her process but also the motion and sound of her pieces.

Your ponderings for the week:  As we move into a new season, see, and appreciate your connections, for they confirm your existence, purpose, and make you stronger.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

Cecil Kemperink
‘Big Hugs’ Cecil Kemperink

10 of Cups – The Muse of Bliss is here to help you step into your birth month with a gleeful stride.  This week enjoy by inserting some merriment into each day.  Swap stories that create chuckles, watch comedies that make you laugh, tell Dad jokes that get you giggling.  Don’t you think this is the perfect time to laugh out loud, big belly laughs or snort even?   Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. – Victor Hugo



Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams would like you to dream bigger.  She nods with all your counterarguments about being grounded, vigilant and staying in the here and now.  But she reminds you that taking a dream break feeds the soul, expands the heart, and is a place where innovation is born.





Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

Page of Cups – The Muse of Play is here to loosen you up.  Yep, your juices need a refresh and no better way to do this then to play.  Crayons/fingerpaints out, doodle during boring meetings, take pictures from a 5-year-olds perspective, or reinvent the PBJ.  This muse reminds you play is a gateway to imagination and creativity.




Cecil Kemperink

Nine of Coins – The Muse of Alone Time has left you a note.  Your solitude will be support and a home for you, even in the midst of unfamiliar circumstances and from it you will find all your paths – Rainer Maria Rilke. Find time this week for alone-time you will get more done then in the company of others.



Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

Five of Wands – The Muse of Chaos is here, and it is your choice whether to open the door and let her in or ignore her insistence this week.  This energy comes to remind you chaos is an aspect of creation though uncontrollable and transient.  So, you can do little about it, except sidestep its path or join in it’s dervish dance.





Cecil Kemperink.
threesome Cecil Kemperink.

Three of Cups – Connection is what you need.  Find ways to link up with your friends this week.  If you can mask up and social distance yourself a hang.  If not, then get on a phone and have a virtual beverage together.  You need a good chinwag with people who care about you.  One reason is to vent; the other to refill your emotional cups.



Cecil Kemperink
Souls Cecil Kemperink

Eight of Cups – The Muse of Closet Cleaning has come for a visit this week.  She comes when you have outgrown an emotion, purpose, copping mechanism, or your style.  There is something or someone that no longer is helpful in your life and it is time to shed it.  This muse recommends get you in the mood and thought pattern go through your closet or junk drawer.  Throw away all the items that are no longer useful or the style you are trying to convey. Motto: cleanse the trivia to get to the substance.



perpetuum orange

Knight of Swords – The energy is fast paced this week or at the very least feels as if you should be trying to keep up with something.  The Muse of Slowing Down has come to remind you to look both ways before you step out into the metaphorical and literal street. This week it is important to be mindful of your thoughts, words, and steps.  No rushing.



Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

King of Wands – Another good week for you all.  This is a week where that Sagittarian good luck is working in your favor.  Whether that is getting a parking space, a vaccine appointment, or following synchronicities like homemade sour dough breadcrumbs, it is all gold.  Also, by following your intuition, you can bring together many moving parts into a cohesive apparatus.  You are like Elizabeth in Queen’s Gambit. A step or two ahead of all that you do, once you are in the zone (If you haven’t seen it on Netflix – please do).



Cecil Kemperink

Knight of Coins – Last week the Muse of Leaps came to help you out of a rut you may not have realize you were in, by having you play around with your routines.  This week you get to implement some of the things you discovered back into your regular schedule.  The one key is making your pace appropriate to your path.  If the way is rocky slow down, but if it is open road you can put the pedal to the metal.



Cecil Kemperink

Four of Coins – This week your resources – energy, time, money and space – are limited.  The key to this week is quality over quantity.  Make sure ever minute is used wisely that includes getting enough sleep, putting good food in your belly, and taking some “me time” to relieve some of the push you-pull me stress.  Make sure your needs are dealt with first before your wants.



Cecil Kemperink
Cecil Kemperink

Page of Wands – The last card for your birth month is innovation.  You already know that organic change is a big theme this coming year. Advising you to have something in the works to change every season.   But another essential is this cannot be the same old rodeo with new costumes.  You have this year to play around with trying new things/ways to innovate the who, what, how and where and possible why in your life.   Nothing must be written in stone this year, so have fun experimentLeave the beaten track behind occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before.  – Alexander Graham Bell.