Happy Solstice to all of you. May the light shine on you, in you and with you.
The artist highlighted this tarotart-cast is Mila Zemliakova, @milazemlia. Mila’s anthropomorphic creations are pieced together from her and her family’s collection of textiles. The artist shares that she sees this menagerie as an expression of “the connection of Belarusians with their nature, as well as with their traditions, which are now in a dangerous position and under repression.” cite Colossal. This is one of the many things that artists and their art do for us viewers; they connect us to culture and perspectives that are not our own.
Your pondering: Mila often takes pictures of these soft sculptures outdoors in what could be called their natural setting. Often sitting in quiet repose, staring of in the distance or if we are lucky into the viewer’s eyes. Take time this season to sit in quiet contemplation (hopeful within the view of nature) and see what comes up. May this new year bring peace to you and to collective we call life.
Solar System highlights
We begin with a full moon in Gemini on Sunday night. Go out and howl at that beautiful, illuminated globe in the night sky. On Monday the moon moves to Cancer – find ways to nurture yourself. The on Wednesday the moon shifts into Leo – your time to shine. And then on Friday it moves into Virgo – great for prepping for your festivities. Solstice is that Saturday. Release the old and make wishes for the new.
On Monday December 23 the moon moves into Libra- great for hanging with friends and family. On December 25th the moon is in Scorpio- it’s all about celebrating pleasure. And then on Saturday the moon is in Sagittarius – go exploring. And we end the year with a new moon in Capricorn on Monday December 30th – a great time to think about what action steps you would like to take but see Mars below for the challenges.
Mercury is in Sagittarius until January 8th, 2025, and is now out of retrograde. So, we can keep exploring big ideas, truth seeking and growth in communication. The challenge is still being blunt or soapboxing. Especially because Mars is retrograding in Leo until Jan 6th, 2025.
This aspect is fiery when direct – great for getting things done but be careful around egotism in yourself and others. However, when in retrograde it is hard to keep momentum. Also, Mars stays in retrograde though it moves into Cancer until February 23rd, 2025. Which if you remember action moves sideways not in a straight line. So, with all that New Moon in Capricorn energy for planning our moves forward, it will feel like a very slow start to 2025.
One of our brighter spots is Venus, which is in Aquarius until January 2nd, 2025. This aspect is all about hope and love. So, shower the world with hope, harmony and love. Be the Change….
Our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025. This placement is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits. However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness. And Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures. And lastly Pluto in Aquarius is still feeling very new. So is you are feeling wobbly, remember to take things slowly. We have lots of time with these aspects.
* I usually do a year looking back as my last tarotcast for a year. That is, I look at the statistics of the most pulled cards. I am doing this as a 10-year study on whether pulling cards had an even probability. Or does woo come into play. Well, my inquiry ends next year at the end of September. So, I decided this year that I will hold off at looking at the trends and do it as a bigger post in October 2025. Though if I have time, I might post an abbreviated version of this year’s trend on my Instagram @thefoxandthetarot. Will post around solstice.
** Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius/Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini/Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.
*** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

*Hierophant – These final weeks of 2024 the Muse of Structures challenges you to ponder are the structures in your life supporting you. Now is the time to tweak or dump what isn’t working for you. This new year is asking you to innovate the structures in your daily life and for some of you investigate your belief systems. Are they giving you the support/foundation you need/want for the year ahead? Get out your pencil (and I do mean pencil because of the flexible criteria – you will need to erase and rework all next year) and start creating your stronger but more flexible foundations.

Heart of Fire – The Muse of Spark is accompanying you through these final weeks of 2024. She challenges you to create more space for your passions, for the things that get you up and running, for art, and for more nature. She would like to see AWE in your everyday life. So, stay curious, discover and then support the things that make you go: Whoa! Wow! OOOOooo! Yum! Love it!

Six of Earth – The Muse of Generosity is here to help you enter the new year with more ease. She challenges you to look at what you do, see if you can’t make it into a positive and then extend that positivity outward. Make it magical. Say you clean the counter – you imagine you are cleaning away old karma for yourself and/or anyone who needs it. Or you are feeding your family – see it as giving them energy to accomplish their dreams. Where washing your hair or brushing your teeth becomes a spell for self-care. And where smiling at a stranger creates a wave of goodwill spreading across the globe.

Three of Air – The Muse of Healing is you co-pilot into the new year. These coming weeks are meant for parenting that inner child and pampering the adult you have grown resiliently into. You might feel some barbs or twinges of past hurts. Take this time to see where your scabs are and make sure you have taken the time to properly attend to them.

Two of Water – The Muse of Love is hanging out with you for the final days of 2024. She challenges you to figure out what you need and need to heal to be truly in love with someone as well as yourself. This self-love is especially hard for you lions. You are all tough on the outside but a mushy kitten on the inside. Remember to tend to the kitten these coming days. So, lots of play, naps and cuddles.

*Death – The Muse of Organic Change will be your guide these final weeks of 2024. She first asks you to excavate what no longer works for you. What purpose, project, person no longer is appropriate for the new you? Now is the time to compost these outdated aspects. By doing so you are creating more fertile ground and resources for growth in 2025. And then she challenges you to write out a baker’s dozen (13) of things you would like to grow in this coming year. Your motto: Out with the old and in with the new.

Four of Water – During these final days of 2024 the Muse of Contemplation hangs with you. She challenges you to do a deep dive into your emotional well. Is it full? Do you have some emotions you haven’t dealt with this year? What has your heart been saying that you haven’t had time to hear? But it is not all inner naval gazing part of these insights come from outside sources.

Nine of Air – The Muse of Worry is working with you these final days to slow your mind. She challenges you to spend these final days of 2024 to set aside any worries you have that you do not have a solution for. Spend the rest of 2024 creating or doing action steps to clear your plate of solvable scenarios. So, by the time Mars goes direct in February you are focused and have more time to work on new things.

Five of Earth – During these final weeks of 2024 the Muse of Refuge is hanging with you. Refuge is defined “as a condition or something where you are safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble.” You are the explorers and wanders of the signs, but everyone needs a homebase, a place that grounds and protects you. She asks where is your refuge? So, she would like you to spend this time shoring up what, where and/or who of the that question.

Seven of Water – The Muse of Dreams would like you to spend the final days of 2024 daydreaming. 2025 will be full of opportunity. Now with Pluto off your proverbial back, you will feel freer than you have for the last 16 years. So, spend time cleaning your plate and dreaming bigger than the practical side of you usually allows.

*Devil – The Muse of Final Exams is here to help you finish out 2024. She asks what business is unfished? What would you like to wrap up so by the time your birthday comes you are ready to begin anew. As Pluto moves in with your Sun sign for the next 2 decades these will be very transformative years for all of you, water bearers. New careers, new lifestyles, new relationships are all on the horizon. So clean/finish up what you do not want to carry forward.

*Wheel – For the final days of 2024 the Muse of Surprises comes to hang out with the fishes. She challenges you to go with the flow. Take opportunities as they show up. Work on being spontaneous. This is not a time to push things through or make things happen. The world has its own agenda and wants you to loosen up and roll with the surprises. If you do, you will end up in a better place then you started.
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