The artist this week is Sasha Gordon. Gordon is a portrait artist that directs the viewer to the study of self. That we all change our perceptions of self, depending on mood as well as our surroundings. In her words: “At first I said ‘Oh they’re not me. They’re just variations of myself.’ While I still think that’s true, they’re definitely all me. I don’t see myself as one person. I change depending on who I’m with or what the situation is or my mood and all these other aspects. Growing up, I guess I had a hard time seeing myself as a person. Painting myself so solidly is a way of making myself feel more permanent and present.”
Your pondering for this week: We are humans, multi-faceted. And if we acknowledge this, we can see that in others. Hopefully brings us to a state of less judgment, more acceptance and ultimately the beauty of our chameleon-like moods and the complexity of humaning. Where do you judge yourself and others? And what do you do to feel more permanent and present in yourself?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Aries – great time to start on a project or an idea you have left dormant. On Tuesday the moon moves into Taurus, you have the energy to make things grow. Then on Friday the moon is in Gemini – time for hanging out with friends for the weekend. Then Sunday, the 17th, the moon moves into Cancer- self-care is your top priority. On Tuesday the 18th it moves into Leo – time to shine. And on Friday April 19th the moon moves into Virgo, a great time for spring cleaning or working outdoors.
There is a solar eclipse on April 8th that can be seen across the US. For all you Aries and Libra with sun signs and natal nodes watch/listen for downloads of information for the next couple of days.
Mercury is in Aries until May 15th giving us a crash course in learning to say what we need in a non-reactive way and working on making sure our actions follow our words. Venus joins Mercury during this teachable moment giving us more grace when we are attempting to better our communication skills.
Mars is still in Pisces with Saturn. And they are prompting us to act on being adaptable, especially in our day-to-day life. This theme of adaptable action, beauty, and harmony lasts until the end of April.
*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
****And I am experimenting again. I had switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire. Now I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards. So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

*Hermit – Where the last two weeks have been about Momentum this next two are about standing back and getting perspective. The muses had you set goals and maintain focus. Now it is time to step back from your projects and your life a bit and see what is or is not working. This energy aligns perfectly with Mercury being in retrograde. A time of reflect, reassess, and redo. Take these next two weeks to tweak what needs to be modified. This Muse of Perspective also suggests finding space in your schedule to just ponder and let ideas bubble up.

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Will is with you these next two weeks to help you establish and protect your boundaries and ideas. The challenge with this energy is choosing when the fight is just, is it producing more harm than good, and/or understanding your alliances and antagonists so that you are expending energy efficiently. She asks is this a fight or just a boundary dispute? While reminding that you can have boundaries without engaging in a full war; for some fights are not worth the effort and wars are too big to take on alone.

Heart of Earth – The Muse of Experiencing comes when you need to gain new knowledge or skills. The next two weeks work on filling the gaps in your knowledge or skill sets. However, she prompts you to look outside your normal sphere of stimuli and do some critical thinking in a new environment or experience. Whether that is finding a new space to do your work or reading a book outside your regular genera, she prods you to make new connections to old experiences.

*Emperor – The Muse of Building would like your next two weeks to focus on building something that already is in play in your life. Use this retrograde period to reflect, reassess and redo especially in the considerations of the concept of durability as well as adaptability. She asks does this job, portfolio, or project have the components to last/work for the coming months or years? Is it flexible to evolve with you? Are you building for a brighter future or just building to keep busy?

*Fool – The Muse of Spontaneity has arrived to shake up some of your restrictions and self-afflicted boundaries. She is promoting you that for the next two weeks fill them with new tastes, thoughts, and experiences, which ultimately shake up your emotions. You all as sign dive deep into experience, but like any cat that will jump an expanse without a thought and then be frightened by the watery aspects of life. This Muse is asking you to just be in the new without judging it or comparing it to the old. Clean slates my friends.

Seven of Water – The Muse of Dreams would like you to use this retrograde period to ponder, daydream and use your imagination. This is an exercise of letting go of limits and letting your imagination run wild. Yes, this is a hard assignment because this is an exploration of possibilities without the constructs of perfection, reality, boundaries, and structures you all like. She reminds you that fantasy is a way to explore the unknown without leaving the house. And maybe you can come home with a unicorn or dragon.

Heart of Air – The Muse of Lift would like you to focus on what lifts you and how you lift others? For the next two weeks use this retrograde period to tweak the aspects that give you air to breath and energy to fly on. These can be spending time with those that lift you spirits or going on solo flights of fancy. Your goal, support and strengthen the areas of that are your “air beneath your wings.”

*High Priestess – So these past weeks have had you step away and gain perspective on what system you need to refine and then come down from the proverbial mountain and put them in place. Now the Muse of Meaning would like you to spend the next two weeks using your intuition making sure those systems align with your principles and support what brings meaning to your life. If lost or unsure of where to start ask the muses for information, but remember they work in signs and synchronicities so eyes, ears, and mind open.

Ten of Air – These next two weeks the muses would like you to work on finalizing areas of your life that are like a burr under your saddle. This can be a simple as oiling a squeaky door or as complex as letting a bad habit go. The key is picking the things you know that you can accomplish solo. For the coming weeks, people will try to force their agendas onto yours. Retrogrades with an eclipse is going to put some people in a spin and best you avoid the spin as much as possible.

*Empress – The Muse of Nurturing would like you to spend these next two weeks cultivating this practice into your daily life. She asks how do you nurture yourself? What project(s) would you like to develop in 10 months’ time? Who requires your nurturing? And then this muse reminds you not to rush answering these questions or the nurturing itself. The practice of nurturing is also a practice of patience and subtlety.

*Star – Okay I don’t know what you guys have been doing but for the last 4 weeks you all got the card of rest and restoration, and this card is the Big Momma of the 4 of Air. So maybe you didn’t really relax the last four weeks. Or maybe you just need more rest. So, a stronger message from the Muse of Healing is asking you to sit your butt down. This is a muse you work with your whole life. Her areas are healing and hope in all its forms and challenges. So hopefully these next two weeks you will do some things that rejuvenate your inner flame. These can be as simple as getting massage and a salt scrub, planning a much-needed vacation, having a designated daily unplug time, or putting in time with activities that light you up without tiring you out.

Eight of Stone – The last two weeks the Muse of Building wanted you to focus on building something that already is in play in your life. Now the Muse of Labor is telling you to focus on the steps to make that happen. Remember this is a retrograde time so this is not a time for new projects but a time to get projects that are already in the works. And remember this is a time when adaptability is vital to all that you build. So, this retrograde period might be used for tweaking and incorporating the flexibility in said work.
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