It is my favorite month for spooky inspired artists. The artist this week is Sara Torgison @saratorgison. I couldn’t find much about her, but I love her art. Not only for her superb ceramic work but how she literally knits it together. She creates pieces that show the paradox of connection, the need for it and how it can hold us in that connection for good or bad. She is self-declared “Teaching-Arting -Keeping it Weird” and looking through her post “weird” is a word she uses often.
The definition of weird as an adjective is “suggesting something supernatural; uncanny. The archaic use of it as a noun was “a person’s destiny.” And the verb informal North American definition is “induce a sense of disbelief or alienation in someone”. The interesting thing about Torgison’s work is that it does all there. So, we could say her weird art is an exploration of the supernatural weaving of destiny that also brings to light our own alienation.
Your pondering for this week: What is your weird? (use any definition or all three to ponder)
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Leo – create some shine. On Tuesday it moves into Virgo – great for staying focused and organized. On Friday, the moon moves into Libra – balance and relationships become the focus. And on Saturday we have a new moon and the start of eclipse season which ends on Oct 28th.
The planets are on the move. Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Libra until Oct 22nd. Where the lessons are on finding the balance of listening as well as communicating clearly. Mars (action) moves into Scorpio (passion) on Oct 12th. Wanting us to make sure your actions are supporting the expression of your passion. While Venus (beauty and harmony) just moved into Virgo (organization) and stays until November 8th. So now we move from contemplating that our outward expression harmonizes with what is within to now applying it into our life. This week is prime time to start to make changes happen. You will have all of October to catch this wave.
The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Two of Air– Last two weeks have prepared you for this week. First the Muse of Possibilities asked you to broaden your horizons. Then Muse of Intention asked you with this expanded space what are your intentions? And now the Muse of Decisions is asking you to pick a path. She reminds you to follow the path that is more attune with your heart than with logic.

*Fool – The Muses of the Wanderer would like you to refresh your perspective by exploring new paths. This can be as simple as taking a new route home, trying new kinds of food, or as complicated as trying on a new career. The key is broadening and exploring your environment and therefore your experiences.

Four of Earth – Resources are limited this week. So, the Muse of Savings would like you to be thrifty in the areas of money, space, or time. She would like you to bank some of these material commodities, so you can spend them with more leisure later this month.

Two of Fire – The Muse of Horizons would like you to do some future gazing. What would you like to explore in the coming months? What challenges or goals would you like to set for yourself? If stuck, the muse suggests things like spending time on the Discovery channel or surfing places to travel for inspiration.

Four of Air – Last week you need to save your materiel resources, this week the Muse of Restoration would like you to bank some physical and mental rest. She advises to spend time off technology, and just sit in silence. Also, she suggests a series, if possible, of good night’s rest.

Ten of Fire – Virgo you have once again taken on more than you should. The Muse of Burdens advises you to list your obligations and scratch off the last two. By next week they will either be no longer a priority, someone else took it on or they weigh less in a week’s time.

*Wheel – The Muse of Fortune heralds the time for change. Since this is also your birth month, a new moon and an eclipse in your sign, it seems now is the time to make your move. The interesting thing with this energy is even if this change feels right or rough this change is needed to unlock a brighter future.

Knight of Air – Muse of Rushing is advising you to slow down this week. Watch getting pulled into situations or conversations that have potential of requiring a heroine/hero. This week take the slow road and the metaphorical back seat. And if you must act, watch and listen before you charge ahead.

Three of Air – The Muse of Sorrows comes when aspects of this week can trigger old wounds. She reminds you these twinges are not about reliving the hurt but to find ways to do a deeper healing.

*Sun – The Muse of Shine would like you to shine the spotlight on others. Yes, this week the muses would like you to take a back seat and be the cheerleader instead of the leader. It’s not that you need to be more humble or less efficient, it is just that you will be in a better light and less stressed if you help others do their thing.

Knight of Wands – You are in the right place at the right time all this week. The muses have some info for you, so they are placing you in the right places at the right time to hear and see these informational tidbits. Now they do not guarantee that it will be all roses, but the thorns have data to download too. Just remember you don’t have to act on any of it now.

Four of Water – The Muse of Introspection is here but you need to watch falling into the waves of languor and self-doubt while doing this deep dive into emotions. She reminds you, if you find yourself too far in your emotional bellybutton, to go hang with someone else or at the very least watch/read a good story to take you out of yours.
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