The artist this week is Ruth Asawa. She is known for her intricate wire sculptures. However, she also painted, did printmaking and was an activist for the arts and education. She was a co-founder of Alvardo School Arts Workshop and instrumental in building a public high school for the arts in San Francisco in 1982.
What I find interesting is her daily drawing practice. Drawing was her way to hone her perception and concentration. By doing so she heightened her awareness of her surroundings. In her words: “My curiosity was aroused by the idea of giving structural form to the images in my drawings. These forms come from observing plants, the spiral shell of a snail, seeing light through insect wings, watching spiders repair their webs in the early morning, and seeing the sun through the droplets of water suspended from the tips of pine needles while watering my garden.”
Your pondering for the week: Asawa said: a child can learn something about colour, about design, and about observing objects in nature. If you do that, you grow into a greater awareness of things around you. Art will make people better, more highly skilled in thinking and improving whatever business one goes into, or whatever occupation. It makes a person broader.” How has art made you broader in life, understanding of self, and/or more attuned to your surroundings?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Capricorn – so we can jump into the week energized. On Tuesday it moves into Aquarius – think outside the box. On Thursday, the moon moves into Pisces – go with the flow. Then on Friday it moves into Aries – a great time to do small projects around the home.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is now halfway through its 10 weeklong stay in Virgo (analyzation). So, lessons continue with getting to the point when communicating. Being clear and concise is the goal. Mercury is in retrograde through Sept 13th. Use this time as a pitstop to Reflect, Review and Redo. Mars (action) moved into Libra (balance) until Oct 12th. Have us purview that our actions justify our goals While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th. This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?
Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus until May 2024, an aspect that nurtures the expansion of pleasure in our lives. The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect. Saturn (structures) is in Pisces (flow) until 2026. Wanting us to make our structures elastic and responsive to change. The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.
And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024. So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

*High Priestess – Your higher self is calling for a consultation. So, the Muse of Intuition has come to help you integrate this deeper understanding. One thing this energy tries to convey is confirming that you are here, as you are, for a reason. You may not see it but this week you just being you is needed in the world. As Carl Sagan said: “We are made of star stuff” and that is magic in and of itself.

Knight of Earth – The Muse of Surefootedness is here to help you pace your week. This muse would like you to work on a step-by-step approach with all that you do. If you focus too far into the future, you may trip yourself up in the present.

Ace of Earth – Last week the Muse of Stops told you to slow down. Now the Muse of Flourishing would like you to ponder what area of your life would you like to grow something. We are still in retrograde season, so seeds can be planted but know they will take time to flourish.

*Magician– The Muse of Manifestation would like you to ponder what you want to manifest in your life. Now this is not just a list of wants and needs. You will have to ponder the intentions behind them too. Remember intentions are the children of your desires and the grandparents of your destiny.

*Moon – The Muse of Subconsciousness would like you to turn your shine inward. This energy is perfectly in sync with retrograde season’s reflection period. During this week pay attention to your nightly dreams or subconscious murmurings. For example, maybe songs pop into your head for no reason. Go read the lyrics. This week is full of personal subtext.

*Chariot – Another high energy Muse to work with this coming year. The Muse of Momentum would like you to plot out your road map for the coming year. The last two weeks you have worked with the muses reflecting backwards and figuring out what you would like to carry forward especially around the aspect of daily life. Now this Muse would like you to plan your exploration of the world around you in the coming year. Think of things like trips, goals, and destinations.

Two of Earth – The Muse of Juggling is here this week. You all usually balance two things pretty well. But this Muse would like you to focus on just one thing at a time this week. This is less about your skill at multi-tasking and more about practicing laser like focusing on one thing so you can enhance it to its fullest.

Four of Air – Perfect energy for this retrograde season the Muse of Rest has come to visit. She advises that this week you work on restoring your body and mind as much as possible. So, eat well, go to bed early and try to lower your technological input as much as possible.

Queen of Earth – The Muse of Abundance would love you to engage in all your senses this week. She would like you to remind yourself how wonderful and full your life is if you just slow down and engage with the things you have worked so hard to establish and maintain.

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Fitness is visiting you all this week. This Muse would like you to tune into your body’s needs, so you can strengthen them making them more resilient. Things like eating well, exercise, and mental agility are on the list to work on.

Ace of Air– Hopefully you all got to do some daydreaming last week, because this week you need to start making plans and gathering more knowledge around how to bring some of those daydreams to fruition. It is also a great week to read a book, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, and write. Any of those activities also help you focus your mind.

Three of Fire – The Muse of Planning comes when some background work needs to be done before you start on a new venture or plan. This week investigate and work behind the scenes so you can execute the next part of a project or mission with more ease.
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