This week’s artist is Ruby Silvious. Silvious artistic journey involves the consideration of what can be used as a canvas and therefore what is art. The transformative aspect of her work is her uses of everyday ephemera and elevating it to an art form. This has been done before but Silvious dives deeper and longer in her investigations then others. An example of this is the series where she created an art piece a day for 363 days using teabags for her canvas. She later published this collection as 363 Days of Tea.
The art shown in this blog is the product of Silvious specific and our collective times. Silvious explains, inspired by Picasso during his Blue Period, this series uses found materials around the house/yard as canvases over a 14-day self-isolation period during the coronavirus pandemic, 2020. All in monochromatic shades of blue.
Every one of us has gone through our own blue period with Covid. Hopefully, this series has us collectively sighing, smiling, and pondering how can we raise the energy of our everyday experience into something sacred and precious.

Light and Love
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Eight of Cups – This week’s muse advises you that you need to either turn away from a project or person at least this week, possibly longer. Consider this advice as the avenue to simplifying your life. If you continue in this old pattern you will be allowing the drama of old models to get in your way to a lighter brighter future. Time to figuratively clean out your junk drawer.

Page of Swords – You will need to keep your thinking cap on and vision board up on for this week also. Last week was about long-term planning and figuring out what you will be focusing your energy on in 2021. This week your energy is best spent doing some research on how to make that happen. Again, many insights will come from out-side sources, so reporter/researcher hat on. Inquiry is your Muse.

Ace of Swords – New ideas and ways of thought are key this week. The more innovated your ideas the more prepared you will be in the coming months. Brainstorming is your Muse’s energy. Also, very practically at the end of the month Mercury is going retro so if you need new electronics now is the time to buy.

Knight of Wands – Last week the muse asked you to free yourself of old stories that have bound you to past recollections of self and take control of your new narrative. You may continue this process with this week’s energy. However, this energy invites you to be more creative and playful with parts of your narrative. This muse frees your passion and purpose to explore new storylines.

Five of Wands – This week the Muse of Chaos has invited herself in. Her goal is to liven things up and keep you from getting stuck in routines and boredom. However, she can be very messy with this process. The best way to work with this energy is to allow the chaos to ensue without trying to control it. When you do not feed the energy, it putters out quickly.

Page of Wands – Inspiration and creative energy continues this week. This muse reminds you that all work and no play makes jill/jack a dull person. Go find and play with things that make you zing. This can look like deep listening to an album, re-reading your favorite book, camping… Do what you love and be with it intently.

Queen of Wands – Last week you may have had times that seem to take every ounce of strength you had to persist, BUT the universe gave you moments to refresh your spirit. This week’s muse energy continues to re-fill your courage, confidence, and joy. The key to connect with this energy is to follow your desires and aspirations. You are worthy of the light.

Seven of Cups – Last week the muse was asking you to let go of 2020’s bindings. I hope you did, for this week the Muse would like you to dream. Dream outside your old boundaries. Go ahead ask for what you want. There is no hurt in trying. The key is to not to focus on the goal but imagine the how that goal would make you feel. This gives the Universe space to gift you in ways your mind may not be able to predict. Dream big.

Three of Wands – This week things are on the move behind the scenes. For you this might feel like a standstill, but you still need to put energy towards your goals for the future. Think of this time like you are in a holding pattern waiting to land. This is not the time to turn back or use your energy for useless worrying. Let things take their natural course.

Knight of Coins – Pace is key this week. Somethings take time, and some done quickly. This Muse has you playing with how to lump/space your projects together and create a pace to your work. Do you like to do all the quick jobs at one time? Emails in the morning or on Mon, Wed, and Fri? Find your natural rhythm. To move forward she suggest this mantra: I set the pace for the horse; the horse does not set the pace for me.

Hierophant – This energy is best used in pondering and overhauling your structures and boundaries. First make sure you have some goals set to shoot for. Then take time reorganizing and streamlining to create more ease to obtain those goals. This can look as simple as rearranging your room, schedule, diet. Or this can look as complex as finding useful and innovative mentors that can help you in that reformation.

Ace of Wands – Last week the muses had you balancing inequalities and re-focusing your life to your truths. This week you can continue these ponderings; however, this energy also wants you to think of ways to innovate your life. This year has the possibility to create new opportunities. Take this week to lift your wand and start casting some spells that will mature in the summer.
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