Tag Archives: Rithika Merchant

Tarot and Art-cast for March 2- 15, 2025

Bennu and Futuraheliopolis, Rithika Merchant

The artist highlighted in this tarotart-cast is Rithika Merchant @rithikamerchant. Merchant’s work “explores the common threads that run through different cultures and religions. Similar myths, stories, and ideas are shared by cultures all around the world; her paintings explore this concept while also featuring creatures and symbolism that are part of her personal visual vocabulary.”

Using collage, painting, drawing and geometric paper folds, she gets the viewer to perceive and examine our connections between the mind, body, and Earth. And perhaps ponder that we have similar pieces that make us relatable to another, but it is how we put these pieces together that makes us unique. As she stated in an interview for Colossal: “I think there is something powerful in taking whatever scraps you can find and putting them together to create something meaningful.”

Your pondering: I have always been intrigued by our use of symbols, especially those that we see cross cultures like the image of an eye or the sun.  Symbols are often simple and at the same time hold a larger content.   What symbols or images would you use to represent you?    

Solar System highlights

We begin with the Moon in Taurus on Monday – great energy to get things done.  On Thursday it moves into Gemini – communication and information exchange are emphasized.  On Saturday it moves into Cancer – do things around the house.  On Monday March 10th  the moon moves into Leo – your time to shine.  On Wednesday the 12th it moves into Virgo – great for organizing.  We have an eclipse on the 14th lay low if you can.  Then on Saturday the 15th the moon is in Libra – relationships take priority.

Mercury is now in Aries – great for using communication to move things forward. The challenge is realizing compromise is the only way to do it.  So, watch “my way or the highway” kind of thinking. Mars is retrograde in Cancer, so movement forward still takes alternate routes to get to your destination.

Venus is still in Aries.  This is not one of Venus’s favorite spots. But it does teach us to follow through with our actions and to take this Aries “go for it” energy to make the world a more loving place.  Just watch for stubbornness or over reaction.  Lead with curiosity and create win-win situations that move you and others forward not backwards.

Our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June.   This placement helps us to work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   Saturn is in Pisces until May 2025 wanting us to learn how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.



*Signs with an * it is a big week for you.   Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time. `

**** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.




Quantum Fluctuations, Rithika Merchant

Six of Air – The Muse of Tiny Transitions will be traveling with you this week.   She challenges you to make little doable changes in your life that will move you to a clearer more efficient headspace.  For example: wanting to get up earlier, she advises just starting to set your alarm in 10-minute increments until you get to the hour you are wanting to rise at.  Look for small simple ways to make your life and thoughts more efficient and your daily life easier.  And on a side note, this muse says water is an important element to make this transition.  Whether that is going to the beach or lake or taking a bath, this exercise is a great way to hear yourself think.


Deliverance, Rithika Merchant

*Tower – The Muse of Deconstruction comes when you need help seeing what isn’t working in your life.  This can be something like physically not taking care of your body, mentally not taking care of your mind, being in the wrong vocation, or as simple as oiling a hinge that’s squeaking and is driving you crazy.  The key with thus energy is not ignoring the cracks or wishing away the irritants that can be fixed.  So, look at what in your daily life resources you and dismantle what does not.


Plant Medicine, Rithika Merchant

Nine of Earth – The Muse of Discernment challenges you to see what and who you are dependent on.  Are you being realistic with your expectations of them? Are you taking action instead of being reactive?  This Muse reminds you that relationships are important to your well being, but they also can be a detriment if interdependence changes to dependance.


Halcyon Days, Rithika Merchant

Body of Earth – The Muse of Pace advise during the next two weeks to watch your pace as well as move at the appropriate one.  These coming weeks need a slow and steady movement to gain ground. This may seem contrary to Mars being in your sign.  For most people this aspect of working on sideways movements to gain traction is hard, tries their patience but is meant to help see alternatives to the narratives.  However, this is old tromping grounds for crabs. You all by instinct can find alternative solutions to any problem.


Midnight Sun, Rithika Merchant

Spirit of Water – The Muse of Compassion is working with you for the next two weeks.  She advises that kindness and sincerity are not only useful to get things done with others but also will tame your inner lion(ness).  These challenge times bring out the protective side of you all and most of the time this is helpful and appreciated.  Who doesn’t want a big cat in your corner.  However, this muse recommends for the next two weeks to be more kitten-like, cute, playful and if they scratch, they are easily forgiven.


Providence, Rithika Merchant

King of Fire – The Muse of Vibrancy is challenging you this week.  Vibrancy is defined as the state of being full of energy and life.  This muse wants you to be the beacon in helping us, as a community, to become more vibrant in our own lives as well as others.  So, this muse tasks you to help others become more of who they are instead of who they should be.  So, the muses ask you to shine in your uniqueness to inspire others to shine in theirs. Your motto: I am the change I want to see in the world.


Rithika Merchant
Panorama II, Rithika Merchant

Body of Fire – The Muse of Adventure would like you to do two things.  One to see your life as an adventure full of curiosities to discover and puzzles to unravel.  And secondly to take a real-life adventure.  It can be a day trip or a weekend.  The where is less about the destination and more about the journey there.


Rithika Merchant
Altered Destiny, Rithika Merchant

*Magician – These next two week the Muse of Experimentation is hanging with you.  She would like you to experiment with some part of your life where you are trying to manifest or conjure up something new.  The key is that this new aspect’s what, how and when need to be played around with to manifest something truly unique and useful.  So, she challenges you to let go of expectations and work on bringing the divine (excellent; delightful) into the world.


Rithika Merchant
Rithika Merchant

*Lovers – The Muse of Relationships is working with you for the next two weeks.  She challenges you to be more intimate with people.  Maybe of late you have pulled away or felt the need to be independent and freewheeling, for this is your natural state.  However, this muse is asking you to engage more deeply with the people around you.  You all are the philosophers of the zodiac and easily see how all things are interconnected, but the Muses are challenging you to take actions to prove it.


Mothership II, Rithika Merchant

*World – The Muse of Integration is choosing to walk with you in the coming weeks.  This energy shows up when you are in an alpha and omega moment.  Where aspects of your life are coming to an end while simultaneously things are beginning. You are here at this moment because of all your hard work and therefore ending a chapter.   While simultaneously you are walking into a new cycle of evolution.  She advises that you let go of the past as you finalize it, so your arms are open to embrace the future.


Panorama III (Aether), Rithika Merchant

Mind of Earth – The Muse of Building comes to give you energy to build upon what already is in existence.  This is a great time to finish off things on your to-do list, and to bring projects that were on the backburner to the front.  This muse suggests using this Mars in Cancer energy to find alternative ways to get past the blocks you might have with unfinished projects.


The Inner Sanctum, Rithika Merchant

*Hanged One – The Muse of Suspension comes when you need to put things are hold so you can contemplate new perspectives.  This energy’s mythology is based on Odin hanging from the Tree of Life and discovering the runes.  The key to this story is him discovering the runes not that he created them.  There is a little quantum theory with this energy.  It is the concept that everything already exists, and we just need to align ourselves with that thing’s frequency to tune into it.  So, use this time to sit back and just ponder – let your mind wander and see what it discovers.