It is a New moon in Aries today. Since Aries starts the astrological wheel, this New Moon is about beginnings. The Ram is all about action, launching and creating the new, this week set goals, start projects, plant seeds etc… Also, the Sun, Moon and Venus will parley with Pluto which can highlight power struggles but also can gives us the tenacity to solve them.
This week’s artist is Richard Whadcock. Whadcock paints dream like landscapes. They transport the viewer to the pastural dewy dawns, foggy aftermaths of a storm, the misty breath of a cold lake… Having us ponder those times when we can see the potential, but nothing is yet fully in focus. Where we question and contemplate what we are actually perceiving. Navigating our surroundings more with our emotions then with tactile knowledge. Pondering the unknown and times of transitions.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Eight of Coins – So first let’s sum up your big energies to work with this coming year. Your Muse energies are balancing excess, blending binaries, cultivate and assessing what intensity and focus to beam this energy with. And by doing this you can make leaps that take advantage of places that others cannot reach. And now this week’s Muse reminds you this will take work and you will be busy. But do not fret for you already have the primary skills to obtain these new heights. It is just about fine tuning your assets.

Taste the Air
Queen of Coins – Last week the Muse of Reflection reminded you of the cyclic nature of intention. That your higher purpose connects to your emotions which in turn supports your energy flow to carry out your purpose. This week’s Muse is more rooted in reality than the philosophical headspace of last week. This week it is hands-on energy or really your five senses on. You need some grounding after all that pondering, so this week use your five senses each day to integrate your ponderings into actions.

Ace of Coins – Last week was creating plans, goals, and schedules for the next three months. This week’s energy helps put those plans into action. Remember this is just the beginning no need to rush. It is vital to create grounded foundations so you can build higher and better.

Three of Swords – The Muse this week helps you connect with the emotions of sorrow, grief, loss, and disappointment. As a water sign you know that there are lessons and value in all emotions. Take time to come to an understanding with at least one of these emotions. Learn its lesson and then heal the wound.

King of Cups – The Muse of Emotions is here to help you celebrate your emotional depth and width. It is a great time to enrich your emotional IQ and befriend your emotional monsters. Your challenge is when working with these entities not to get triggered and let them drive the car. The poem Guest House by Rumi will aid with this skill.

Nine of Wands – Preparation and defense is the name of the game this week. The more you are prepared for the day the more you can pivot, weave and swat away any hindrances. As they say the best defense is a good offense. So, carry protein bars, fill your gas tank up, leave 10 minutes early, etc.…

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is visiting you this week. Reminding you that all work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dreary person. So, watch comedies or stand-up, tell bad dad jokes, dance in your room, share laughs as often as you can, for laughter is the best medicine.

Two of Cups – This week the Muse of Loving Relationships is here to remind you to tend to yours. Whether that relationship is with a plant, an animal, or a person, this week you need to feed that connection. Relationship is key to grounding you and maintaining your momentum, as well as theirs.

Two of Wands – Last week the muses asked what metamorphosis you would like in your work, purpose, life, and/or relationships, and to choose your pace in that innovation. Well luckily, you have another week to work on this pondering with the Muse of Future-gazing. This muse challenges you not to just think of what you want to achieve in the coming year but what do you want to be doing in five, ten, twenty years from now. You do not have to have a clear vision but at least a vague outline of the landscape will help.

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is here. This energy arises to give you information, but you will need to cull it from your memories. Whether you go through old journals, photos, or allow it to seep into your dreamscape find a way to spark this download.

*Temperance – The Muse of Moderation is here to help you navigate this week’s surges. She helps you blend desperation with patience, hopelessness with faith, and changes frustrating nothings and burdensome everythings into manageable somethings. Your work is to get enough sleep and subsistence to keep you even keeled.

King of Coins – The Muse of Building Prosperity is here to do just that. This is a great week to look over your finances and create some action steps to increase your fiscal wealth. Whether that is increasing your payments to your savings, buying a home, investing in the stock market, or starting a side hustle, you are in a good place and time to fortify your fiscal foundations.
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