In general, my aim is to be uplifting and write about my ponderings around art, science, and tarot (spirituality) as differing conduits to try and explain our collective experience. And I share it with you for with theses hopes: That the tarot part will give you guides to create more ease in your life, and for you to find support and comfort with your intuition. The science part is to share how amazing and awe-inspiring the universe is. And lastly the art, which shows how amazing people’s imagination and spirit can be portrayed through visual means. This week I struggled.
Three days ago, the Roe versus Wade a 50-year ruling was overturned and I am furious and unbelievably sad. I have cried for 3 days straight. So, I was having a hard time writing, my mind was swirling- everything felt contrite. What is making me sad and angry about this decision isn’t totally about reproductive rights. It is about people not believing that women are capable to choose their own destiny. That women don’t think about motherhood, a child’s safety, the environment or circumstances these potential souls might be brought into. That a woman in 36 states, who possible like me 35 years ago when my birth control pills didn’t work and I got pregnant, may not have the privilege and rights I had and women before me fought for. So, I was struggling to find light and hope.
While scanning my inbox for support, I found one of my favorite voices Anna Fusco @lordccowboy. Fusco’s art and writing gives me hope for the future of women, our resilience and humanity in general. She opens herself up to her viewers through her musings by painting, line drawings and her words. She lets us into the messy parts of living as much as its moments of awe-inspiring beauty. And though one may not be able to relate to every aspect of her art (like I don’t surf), I do relate to her the process of her pondering.
Fusco guides us to reflect, to think, to imagine, to mull over, to hope…She shares how she experiences moments of life which in turn prompts us to live in our own. She reminds us that humans are messy; we are the paradox and fulcrum of our shortcomings and excellence. Her art and ponderings gives us hope to continue trying to be the best human we can be, even when we are struggling.
Your pondering for the week: What is liberty? And would you let someone else define yours?
To support women’s choice support an organization like Sister Song, write or call your representatives, speak up, and vote!
Solar System Highlights
On Monday the moon is still in Gemini good for conversations. Then on Tuesday the moon goes into Cancer time for home life and self-care. Mercury is in Gemini its home spot. This eases conversations and inspires downloads of knowledge. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge). Interesting that the divine feminine is getting talk about right now. Ladies tell your stories. Mars (action) is in Aries (action). Good for getting things done. Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th. It influences action and expansion over the summer months. And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum brings you the fuel, but you will need to manifest the direction. This energy helps you get unstuck, but the challenge is you need provide the focus and goals. Or you will tend to run in circles. So, she asks what do you want to accomplish this week? Write a list and then go at them one by one.

Two of Cups – This week the focus is on your love relationships. Spend quality time with those you love, for your emotional cups need filling, as do theirs.
King of Wands – Last week the Muse of Organic Change advises that now is the time to let go and create space for the new to grow. Now that you have created some space, the Muse of Innovation asks what you would like to grow in this empty space? Spend this week pondering what can you implement to innovate a better life?

*Star– For your second energy to work with this year the Muse of Healing and Hope has “shone” up. So, this week write down some aspects that you would like to heal, and some hopes you would like to cast. You get a year to rest and gather your strength and make plans for a healthier future.

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams asks you if you had seven wishes what would they be? The challenge is being very precise and very realistic when making them.

Page of Coins – The Muse of the Student comes when you need to learn something. This week you will be missing some skill set. Your challenge is to let your hubris go and crack open the books, internet or find a mentor.

Page of Swords – The Muse of Investigation comes around when information is needed but it will be a challenge to get it. Not that someone is purposely hiding the answers, but you will need to probe deeper then a casual “how are you or what do you mean?”

Ace of Swords – Hopefully you set your goals last week because this week you will need to be decisive and very focused. If you have not, then do that on Monday before you start your work week. And in general follow logic more than your heart this week.

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future Planning is here again. Either you did not plan far enough into the future a couple of weeks ago, or you need to tweak some of your plans. Hint: This Muse likes to have a few out of the box ideas so it can manifest more opportunities when possible.

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Stealing comes when you are “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” So, what resources/things are you moving around but not really dealing with the problem? Time to fess up and work on the solutions.

*World – The Muse of Opportunities is here to open doors for you. The challenge with this card is feeling that when you make a choice you must stick to it. That is not the case right now. Take each opportunity and try it on for size. And then pick the best fit.

Seven of Coins – Hopefully you pulled back from society last week to get perspective because this week is all about work. Yep, it is time to pull up your trousers, roll up your sleeves and start checking off what needs to be done. It may sound hard but once you start you will find your flow.
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