From Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect back on what has been and plan for what is to be. So this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror view.
Not sure if everyone knows but I am a bit of a data geek. I have kept excel sheets on the tarotcast cards that each sign gets since I started this blog. I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I wanted to see if the data show some statistical difference. And it did. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average, (which is approximately 9 times) in a 12 month period. With this data I looked for general trends. Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years. But let’s see how this works out with the data I have so far.
Overall, the least pulled cards (2 times) this year were the Two of Cups – love and the Six of Pentacles – giving. So this year the world was not a very giving or loving place. As an example at least politically, we can see this with Brexit and the US election where open arms policies are changing to arms-crossed policies.
The card pulled the most was the Five of Wands (21 times) – confusion and chaos. The Ace of Wands (20 times), which had us asking ourselves the big philosophical questions of why we are here what we stand for. The Ace of Swords (16 times) challenged us to decipher truth and logic.
The most pulled Higher Arcane (karmic) cards were the Chariot (15 times)- balance while moving and Strength (14 times). In their higher forms we have persevered, tamed our “wild beast” and moved forward with balance and determination. In its lower form, we lost control and direction, which came out as aggression. Again I see an example of this in the aftermath of the US election. I think that how we all deal with Trump on either side of the table will require perseverance and “taming the beast” in our government and in ourselves.
Below are your tarotcasts from the past year with general trends for each sign. The pics are from a tarot deck, New Vision. This deck literally reverses the view of the regular Rider Waite deck.
I would love feedback on how true this kind of tarotcast reads for you.
P.S. Don’t forget, New Years is a great time to get my Astrological reading for a panoramic view of your coming year.
Aries – Your big trends: In May your challenge was around relationships – either you broke up or you finally broke through. Then, in August and September, you were challenged with the death of old habits and strengthening of habits which make your environment run more smoothly. The cards that came up the most for you were 10s. This was a year where you finished up a lot of cycles of the heart, mind, body, and soul. Look in your rearview mirror and see all the things that you have accomplished.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Dec. 18, 2016
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