This week’s artist is Hung Lui @hungluiartist who just passed in August. She is a painter and often created mixed-media installations around her paintings. Hung’s style is layered not only technically but also in context. She uses layered brushstrokes combined with washes of linseed oil to create her paintings. Her portraits are of refuges, prisoners, prostitutes and the forgotten. Her installations might have one piece, a broom, clock, or cup paired with the painting. Or be a mountain of railroad tracks surrounded and leading to a pile of fortune cookies.
These items bring us into her pieces like a smell leads us to memory or an object starts a dream. Then as we awaken and remember, we hold on to an aspect that is vivid and punctuated but the whole is blurred. Hung’s art feels as if she is summoning ghosts. As she says “When I moved to the West, exactly half a lifetime ago, I carried my ghosts with me. The ghosts I carry are a burden, but also a blessing.” Your pondering for this week: seeing your ghosts as blessings.
Solar System highlights: This week the Moon starts in Virgo– it’s all about organizing and cleaning until the 8th. Then the Moon goes into Libra and a focus on relationships. And finally, into Scorpio for the weekend- time for finding some fun. Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends. Venus is in Libra until the September 10th – enjoy your relationships and work with the energy around equity. And then it moves into Scorpio to add more positive energy to the weekend vibe. Mars is in its last week in Virgo – clean and tidy up anything your gaze goes to. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Blue Boy Hung Lui
*Judgment – Last week’s energy was about co-creation, and the Muse of Evolution takes it to the next level. Time to push your self out of the same old – same old and evolve into a new you. If you could become any type of chimerical creature, what would you be? A Merlion? A Catantram? Your challenge this week to answer – What are the best qualities of your peers and mentors that you want to add to you?
Mirror Hung Lui
*Hierophant – The Muse of Structure is here to help you with your Achilles heel, over- doing. If you make a structure so airtight, you make the building and its inhabitants unable to breathe. Or so impenetrable, you stifle creativity. Your work this week is about balancing work with play. All work kills creativity. All play ends up not getting you to the goals you have set. So, how can you build a sense of a schedule with the flexibility and spaciousness to create freely?
Dry Well Hung Lui
Five of Coins – This week’s energy can highlight a sense of lack in your life. So, the Helper Muse has come to highlight you are not alone nor totally lacking. Though this week is hard it is not doomed. There are gifts to this week. But you must reach out to acquire them. This Muse reminds you that focusing energy on only the negative feeds it. Her advice, starve the worry and feed the hope.
Crane Dance Hung Lui
*Lovers – The Muse of Co-Creation recommends looking at who and/or what you are partnering with to create this part of your life. She advises call on your likeminded friends and do some deep imagining. Or ingest some literature or music that inspires you. Spend some time with your favorite material or tool and make something. Bring into your life the people, things and ideas that make you a better you.
Dragonflies Hung Lui
Ten of Cups – The Muse of Family is highlighted this week. She reminds you that family are the people that support you. They can be the ones you are born with but are also the ones you have gathered. Time to connect with your peeps and deepen your roots.
Polly Bemis Hung Lui
*Star – Your third and Big Karmic energy to work with this year is the Muse of Healing. This year, magic is flowing around you to help restore and rediscover your purpose. As you leave behind the past, pick up the lessons and move into a brighter future. The lesson this Muse has is that wounds leave scar tissue, and these areas must still be tended to and stretched often. You have all year to work with this energy, but this week spend time with your bruises and wounds and see which ones still need mending.
Visage VII Hung Lui
Two of Wands – The Muse of the Future is here to activate your imagination and set some goals for you to work on into 2022. If nothing was in your way, would your goals change? This Muse wants you to ponder obtainable and seemly unattainable goals. She then asks you what is in your way to get to these seemly inaccessible aspirations. Compare them to the strengths that make your obtainable goals possible. Work on areas where there is crossover.
America Hung Lui
Queen of Wands – The Muse of Nature is calling to you. Animals and plants are calling you to impart their wisdom. Whether it is the resilience of a dandelion growing in sidewalk, the focus of a dog finding a scent, the joyous song of a bird, the fragile beauty of a butterfly or the contentment of a cat finding the perfect spot to rest. Nature is giving you clues on aspects in your life that you need to work on.
Refugees Woman and Children Hung Lui
Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love is here. Whether you are in a relationship or not this energy advises you to share some part of you. The more you joyfully fill another’s cup the more your cup will be filled with joy. The challenge is if it does not bring the joy then you are sharing that negative energy in a loop, so try something new or quit and move on.
Chinese in Idaho Portrait II Hung Lui
*Hermit – The Muse of Hermitage has called you back to the cave. This energy comes when you need to gain perspective by pulling back from society. But the challenge is you can not completely withdraw. So, your pondering becomes: How can you hang out your open sign without being bombarded by the crowds? Think about the paradox of honesty and stealth. Like being that spooky shop that is on some back alley. You know it is open but it hard to get to its exact location.
Jongzhe- First Spring Thunder Hung Lui
*Justice – The Muse of Truth has come to help align you to your purpose or to help you find a solution to a problem. However, this energy holds you accountable for your actions and words. If you are aligned with your divine or searching for a truth to aid, then no worries. However, is you are not aligned or hunting up a “good story” then be careful, for Justice is swift.
Strange Fruit Comfort Women Hung Lui
Three of Swords – The Muse of Heartache is here with tissues and a shoulder if you need one. This week can be rough and triggering. First be kind to yourself. And secondly, be aware you are being triggered because something is not aligned to your heart purpose. Either it is an old hurt or hole that needs mending. Tend to it this week.
It feels like spring this week, so it felt right for a sonnet. What is the difference between a poem and a sonnet. A sonnet is a poem that is fourteen lines long that uses formal rhyme schemes. A poem is a piece of writing that expresses feelings and ideas which are given power by using rhyme, rhythm and/or imaginary. Below and in each sign’s tarotcast is a line from Sonnet 98: From you have I been absent in spring by The Bard, William Shakespeare.
From you have I been absent in the spring,
When proud-pied April, dressed in all his trim,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
*Fool– Another birth year Muses, so you all will have a lot of energies and muses to with from now until next April. The last two weeks Muse energies were about balancing excess, blending binaries, cultivate and assessing at what intensity and focus to beam this energy at. And now the Muse of Leaps of Faith is asking you to make that jump into the unknown. This coming year you spirit animal is the Bighorn sheep of the western mountain of North America. Who traverse ledges sometimes two inches in width. They are not as agile as mountains goats, but their vision, focus and feet are more specialized. Enabling them to traverse areas that seem untraversable. So, if you enhance your balancing, blending and vison you too can jump and take advantage of places that others can not reach.
Hath put a spirit of youth in everything,
*Moon – More time to dive into the subconscious either through dreams, meditation, or aimless ponderings to connect to information about your higher purpose. This Muse of Reflection is the light for last week’s higher purpose information gathering. Again, look for clues in synchronicities and cycles. Take this Muse’s advise to be soft with your reflections and expectations. She reminds you of the cycle where your higher purpose connects to your emotions which in turn supports your energy flow to do your purpose.
That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him.
Three of Wands – This is a great week to create plans, goals, and schedules for the next three months. The more preparation you do this week the more ready for action you will be for the coming weeks’ momentum.
Yet nor the lays of birds, nor the sweet smell
Nine of Cups – The Muse of Contentment has shown up this week. She asks you to ponder what is enough? Where are you pushing yourself to give 100% or strive for the unobtainable goal of perfection? This week pull back at least 10% and you will find that almost brings more realistic and obtainable gratifications.
Of different flowers in odour and in hue,
Four of Cups – The Muse of Introspection arrives this week. She advises you that deep pondering and philosophizing is needed before going forward. However, she also challenges you to turn outward when you find yourself either to deep in the rabbit hole or feeling stuck. The outside world has information to help you readjust so you can go back musing with a fresh perspective.
Could make me any summer’s story tell,
*Chariot – The Muse of Self-Propelled Momentum is honking outside in her convertible to take you for a ride. This energy challenges you to create momentum in your life. Take the next steps towards your dreams and destiny. If you find yourself unable, then get outside and move, walk, ride your bike, skate, or drive with the windows down. Focus on the wind on your face and imagine moving forward. Go.
Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew:
Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance is having you practice multi-tasking but with only two components at a time. If you find yourself unsteady this week, stop put everything down and then pick one thing to work on until you regain your equilibrium. Only then can you add another item to your list.
Nor did I wonder at the lily’s white,
Three of Wands – Last week the Muse of Tying up Loose Ends came to help you complete something, so you could create space and time for the new to take root. Well, this week’s Muse is the little sister to that. This energy is that space between breathes or the task that needs to be set up before making a move. So, if you could not finish things up last week, you got another week. And if you have completed your tasks, then tidy your space and mind in preparation for your next move.
Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;
Evolution/Judgment – It is time to up your ante and start anew. This muse asks you what are you not achieving? What metamorphosis would you like in your work, purpose, life, and/or relationships? Now is the time to work on making that transformation happen. No more same old- same old. This is a perfect energy for these seasons of Spring/Fall. You choose, are you ready to spring forward or do you need another season to simmer and wind down before moving on? Either way this energy is about re-invention.
They were but sweet, but figures of delight
Two of Swords – Your Muse this week is the Muse of Choice. In some places in your life, you may not have the privilege of choice, and in these places, you need to let go and go with the flow. In other places though you do, and this is where your energy needs to be spent. Though she reminds you when making your choices, the path you decide to travel is more important than the goal.
Drawn after you, – you pattern of all those.
Knight of Cups – The Muse this week prompts you that having emotions and being vulnerable leads to understanding and intimacy. This week you may find yourself in a miasma of emotions. Invite them in. Have a cup of Tea with each, for they give you information that is useful in the weeks to come.
Yet seem’d it winter still, and, you away,
Three of Coins – The Muse of the Collaboration is visiting this week. That means your teamworking skills need to well oiled. She reminds you three heads are better than one. So not only is your opinion needed but also your listening skills.
The artist this week is Nancy Fouts. Fouts is a visual punster. Her humor, imagination and mischief-making reconnects us to our own playfulness while challenging our conventional mindset. She has the viewer repurposing and expanding what is the traditional known.
Fouts reminds us that art and life can be lighthearted as well as thought provoking. That is what humor does; it lightens our heart. It relieves the burdensome mind of worry. Prompting us that life can be fun without losing our hard-fought wisdom. In fact, humor when done well makes our minds sharper and more innovative, which is so needed at this time. The pondering for this week – how can you sharpen your mind through your wit?
The planets: Mars is in Taurus (great for getting things done but need to watch hard headedness) and Venus is in Pisces, (great for emotional work can be overly touchy). Well, they square off this week. This brings our relationships in focus – love and hate can be illuminated, and on a grander scale has us working on binary thinking in general. Remember absolutes are great for stability but suck at innovation. And they are rarely 100 percent true, so be careful that this or that thinking does not define you or your actions.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
Nancy Fouts
Five of Swords – This is your second five card so let’s dive into that for a sec. Fives signify that there is chaos in your life that either needs to be tamed or avoided. Last week was to avoid and not take on responsibilities that was not yours. This week the chaos is yours. Your ego is causing turmoil. This Muse is here to help you see that your ambition/social standing is making decisions not your integrity.
Nancy Fouts
Two of Wands – The Muse of Adventure is guiding you this week to expand your horizons. This energy is begging you to go out and experience other parts of the World. This might be hard to do right now, but this Muse reminds you the internet can expose you to musings from all over. Here is a fun link to get you started.
Nancy Fouts
Ace of Wands – Last week the Muse of Suspension was holding the energies at bay, so you could take time for introspection and innovation. I hope you could do this pondering so you can start this week dabbling with those innovations in the real world. These is a great week to start anything new. If you were not able, this energy still allows for ruminations, but make sure you have some plans drawn up by the end of the week.
Nancy Fouts
Six of Coins – This week is all about the flow and movement of energy. The more aware you are of this dance the more momentum you can obtain. This Muse reminds you when all parties are served, seen, and appreciated the energy balances and flows with more ease.
Nancy Fouts
Ten of Coins – This week signifies you are in the midst of a chapter closing within the material plane. The Muse of Completions is here to help you be mindful of how hard it was for you to get here. And before you move on to the next, enjoy being in this moment. Be present this week to see and partake in your accomplishments.
Nancy Fouts
Page of Cups – The Muse of Play is calling you to come out and enjoy the simple things in life. Laying in a sunbeam and imagining you are a plant, fishing for Moby Dick, digging to China (or America depending on where you are at), air-conducting the London Philharmonic, or air-guitar/drums for your favorite band. This Muse wants you to revisit when you thought anything was possible and you could be anyone you wanted. This exercise is allowing you to stretch who you are today.
Nancy Fouts
Sun – Last week the Muse of Letting Go was here to help you release what is no longer working for you. Hopefully, this has now provided room for this week’s Muse. The Muse of Divine energy is here to grow whatever you want to focus on. This Muse asks you if all your needs were meet what would be the first thing you would want? Then she prompts you to put that on your mirror and repeat it every time you see it.
Nancy Fouts
Nine of Cups – The Muse of Contentment has arrived to help you find a place of peacefulness. She asks you to lay down your need or perception of perfection. She reminds you that 75 percent is still passing. This is not about being perfect but being ok with things being slight not okay. She reminds you that contentment is easily obtained when not pushed to 10 (or 11 for you Spinal Tap peeps).
Nancy Fouts
Six of Wands – The Muse of Successes is here to remind you that small steps get you to the same goal as large leaps. Look for these small successes to lead you to paths of ease this week. Now is not the time to begin anything new or push something through. If it is working, go with it, and if difficult, hold off.
Nancy Fouts
Two of Swords – This week is a simple yes or no kind of week. Your time is best spent doing then mulling. If you come to a place of indecision, this Muse suggests pulling out a coin and flipping it. Whatever lands will have a useful lesson in its answer and keep you moving forward.
Nancy Fouts
Knight of Cups – This week your emotions are on the surface or at least they should be. Brenne Brown explains this energy well. …We associate vulnerability with emotions we want to avoid such as fear, shame, and uncertainty. Yet we too often lose sight of the fact that Vulnerability is the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity, and love. Be open to your love ones.
Nancy Fouts
Nine of Pentacles – The themes for this birth year are big (letting go and metamorphizing), and last week was about taking part in the world so you could find your place in it. But this week you can put all that momentous stuff aside and just enjoy the simple things in life. The Muse of Refuge reminds you to balance all that extrovert-ness with your innate introvert-ness. This can be as simple as beautifying or tidying your personal space to make it into an oasis of calm, and then enjoy.
Before we get into our 20/20 vision of 2020 let’s talk about the celestial event tomorrow. Jupiter and Saturn are having their grand conjunction tomorrow a half an hour after sunset wherever you are. These two planets will be one tenth of a degree apart (or the width of a dime held at arm’s length). They meet up every 20 years in varying degrees. But they haven’t been this close and visible in 794 years.
Astrological this means they are moving from Earthy Capricorn to Airy Aquarius and will hang together for 1 and half years. So personal and societal this means time to think outside the box about how you live on this planet and what is it you want to do. The past 2 years we have been looking at our structures what is constrictive and where do we need to expand. Now with Aquarius we can start to go into a new phase and if used wisely stop cycles of the old ways and look forward to new ways with a more collective and innovative mindset. Pluto will still be in Capricorn showing us the cracks to our structures for another 2 years. And personally, you still have time to reconstruct your structures until the sun leaves Capricorn on January 19th.
Now to my year in review for 2020. Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets collecting data points from the tarotcast’s cards that each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror view of this year or uniquely to this year our 20/20 vision.
I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data shows some statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average (which this year is 8 times). Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years, and I am only on year five, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see a year in review for 2016 , 2017 , 2018 & 2019). Also, some of you had asked why I include the tarot card’s name. I do this for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you all that just want the trends, skip over the card names.
First, the look at anomalies or card pulls outside the norm: This is a look through a societal lens. This year the most pulled cards were the Death card, Fours and Eight of Wands.
Death traditional means, transformation, mortality, and suffering. And some people say the imagery of the cards is related to the plague of 1347. I also see it as organic change or change that has its own timing or flow that you can hook into. The work with this card is releasing what we cannot control, has died, or no longer works. Learning from that and letting that go so new growth and transformation can happen. So, I don’t really need to explain this though to be honest until I tallied it up, I thought highest pull would be the Tower.
The Eight of Wands is information. This I think played out in the avalanche of information that we received, and it was up to us to sort through what was true. This combination of disinformation and information that we had to wade through for events like the U.S. elections and the data for Covid local and worldwide to name just two. Also it represented the dissemination of information. The countries that have done better with Covid have had the best communication about it and how it spread.
The Fours (home, introspection, recovery/illness, frugality) were pulled more than any other set of cards. When you look at these as a set you can see how many of us are learning to deal with these issues. Here are just some examples: Introspection– We are spending a lot of time with ourselves giving us lots of time to contemplate. This 4 also means that we need to look out and bring that introspection into practice. One way this was highlighted was with George Floyd and the BLM movement. We as a collective are needing to look at institutionalized racism but just as importantly ourselves and our actions. Resources/frugality – Covid highlighted the systems that distribute our resources locally and globally, equality in distribution, how we support others, look at what we hoard, seeing that minimum wage in US just does not cut it, toilet paper, PPE, food, the stimulus money, and educational resources. Hopefully, we have learned this lesson, so the distribution and allocation of the vaccines is more humane than toilet paper was in the beginning. Home – working from home, living on the edge of eviction, the importance of home and family. Recovery/Illness – the cracks in our health care systems, how systemic racism and poverty effects health, and then Covid itself.
The lowest pulls for the year are places where we did not have enough support from the universe. The lowest higher arcane card was the Moon. We have not looked or cared to our emotions and mental health issues this year. These was a year just to survive, but we will have to deal with it eventually. Especially with our healthcare workers that have been in the trenches since March. Though on the good side the lowest in the suit cards was the Five of Wands. Because of the world slowing down and staying home, the chaos inducing power of the Five of Wands just didn’t have a chance to play in most of our everyday life. And maybe some of us have found we do not want to return to that chaotic pace.
Lastly, below are the trends within each sign in comparison to the norm.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2021.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
PPS. Need a last-minute stocking stuffer get the Quick Draw reading for only $5. For any gift reading I can email you a printable gift certificate.
PPPS. The pics are personal favorites from 2020.
Irving Penn
This year compared to other signs was around the norm energetically. But you were really working on the Fours all year, twice as much as other signs (see above for explanation of 4s). You started out the year with lots of plans for new beginnings. You were in sync with your purpose and working on how to structure your life and in March people were in the forefront of your mind. However, by April you slammed into the Death card ie: a reality check about Covid and the crisis arising around the World. In June and July, you had another karmic hit with justice or injustice and a second round with the Death card energy. It wasn’t until October did you start to feel a bit “normal” or shall we say the new normal. Your big theme for 2020 was trying to see and provide opportunities not only to yourself but to others, and personally working with what stabilizes your life. Also, believe it or not (ask your friends) you were a touchstone of strength for those around you.
Flood Dance Stella Snead
This year compared to other signs was around the norm energetically. You started off on a rocky start to the year but by February you had some divine inspiration. A month later you were grappling with some of the heaviest energy for the whole year. Big concepts of life/death, justice, and how are we going to heal from this all. So, from April through June your heart was tapped into the suffering happening not only personally but socially. Around the end of summer, you all had a bit of an existential crisis which has been rippling til about last week where you have found a bit of balance. Your big themes where connecting to the World, seeing the work that still needs to be done to heal, and on and off realizing that you need as much self-care and compassion as you give to others. What still needs work is implementing that self-care.
Ed Fairburn
This year the amount of karmic energy you were dealing with compared to other signs was one of the highest. And you had to deal with the swings of fortune/misfortune twice this year. Your “normal” people person attitude was also thoroughly tried. People drove you a bit crazy, so you retreated. You metaphorically dealt with this year like a groundhog. Popping out seeing and dealing with the chaos, then diving back in your hole weeks at a time. (Again, no wonder since you were dealing with big karmic themes, at least 2 or more a month, except for end of May to June and October.) However, if you used this time wisely you could have used that down time in ways that cultivate creation and imagination. Or you could have fallen prey to engaging with the exorbitant amount of information and disinformation. In November, the Death energy hit you hard and later then the rest of the signs causing you to retreat again. The big advice this coming conjunction has for you is that the planets are more favorable to the air signs. 2021 will feel much different and have more space for you. So please pop out your head and come back and join the fray.
This year overall was average in comparison to other signs. However, karmically you started out the year nice and slow until the end of March you started to see the stress fractures around you personally and society. Then continued grappling a karmic question each month. Around your birthday the Death energy hit, making summer the hardest part of the year. You dealt with this by working but always coming back to the themes around inner strength & healing those around you and yourself. Cancer’s natural tendency to pull in when stressed worked for 2020. The big advice for you in this coming conjunction is looking for ways to innovate especially around work, reconnect with people and keeping up with your self-care.
Ingrid Pollard Pastoral Interlude
You started out this year with high hopes and lots of plans for 2020. By the beginning of February that stopped, for you dealt with the Death energy card first out of all the signs. You were sending out flares to the rest of us, though this caused you to spiral first into stagnation and Kali-like energies. Your karmic energy was average in comparison to other signs, but you experienced an existential crisis that ebb and flowed throughout this year. You were like a cosmic juggler with pessimism on one hand and optimism on the other. 2020 big asks were how to meld joy with the answers and actions to your ponderings of what is your purpose – why are you here. The work was the 4 (see intro) and 9 cards preparing for 2021. Your advice for 2021 is utilizing this new sense of freedom that Jupiter brings but you will have to work for releasing the boundaries you and society might try to chain you to. Freedom is calling are you prepared to partake in it?
beth cavener
You started this year slow. But like Leo were one of the first signs to work with the Death energy. However, you work with the most out of all the signs. (3 times compared to everyone else working with it once). Though you rank one of the lowest with karmic energy you cycled through the process of deconstructing, testing, balancing, constructing and back again. All the while building up your power to wield in 2021. This year was about closing chapters and experimenting on what to construct next. Your advice for 2021 is hopefully you learned that balance and being connect to the divine is essential, for 2021 will give you opportunities of altruistic work and more freedom to expand.
Emma Kunz
You all were dealt the lowest amount of karmic energy this year compared to all the other signs. The Death energy (see intro) showed up at the end of April. Though you tried to keep optimistic it got to you by the summer. Hopefully, you got to pull back a bit because you had the most interactions with people compared to the other signs. Which had its good point but some of these interactions may not have all been good. There were power struggles to deal with. Your lesson was how to hold your boundaries and not give too much of you energy/power away. You are ending 2020 on a higher note then it started but it was a struggle to get there. Your advice for 2021, you are an air sign so this next year and into 2022 will feel much lighter. You may even get some vacation travel in. The challenge is not making your relaxing time all about others and learning to ask for help. Altruism goes both ways.
Eva Camacho
This year was a high energy year for you. You had above average Higher Arcane cards (karma energy) in comparison to the other signs. You started 2020 with open arms and hope. This energy carried you through to summer though by mid-summer you were dealing with the justice and inequity energy of 2020. You worked this energy by closing chapters and a deepening your sense of gratitude. The Death energy hit you the latest of all the signs and added a dash of a spiritual crisis to it from October through November. Though you are ending the year more hopeful but very realistically. Thank you for being there for the rest of us during our earlier breakdowns. In the coming year you might feel the call to work with those in need. The big challenge with this is you have not really dealt with the repercussions of 2020. Make sure you find time to heal before you jump back into the World pot. 2021 will have you practicing balancing personal and societal healing. Remember gas mask on you first.
Tawny Chatmon
You had slightly less deals than average of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. The interesting trend is that you all and Pisces did not get dealt the Death card. Not that you weren’t affected by Covid but it didn’t remake who you are. At first the staying in place felt awkward but you adapted to it quickly. However, this year did highlight to you the injustice and disparity in the world. And you started seeing the cracks in your personal and/or social structures. You did have a Come to Jesus moment in August that hopefully realigned you and got you unstuck. So, overall if you did the work by shoring up your life especial in the financial sector then you are set up for 2021. Your advice for 2021 is with your behind in the past and your feet firmly planted in the present you can shoot for the stars.
On Kawara
You all had an average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs. The height of you dealing with the Death energy happed in May. Overall, your higher energy cards came at a slow and steady pace throughout 2020. You would deal with one or two high energies and then dipped into low energy cards for 4 to 5 weeks. Having 2020 feel like a slow-moving rollercoaster. But you did do some major work with the Fours (see intro for more info). Working with these energies 2020 was about creating, growing, building, and stabilizing. You out of all the signs utilized the prep around structures that need to happen in 2020. However, your challenge will be bringing more innovation into how you present you in the World and the work you do in 2021. More out of the box then how the box is constructed.
Though you had the average amount of higher arcane cards. You were one of the signs that dealt with the Death energy early on. Then on top of that information/disinformation affected you more than other signs. The month of May was rough, so by the summer you were wanting or needing to pull in a bit. You had opportunities to jump start 2021 by starting new projects. While still plugging along in the morass of 2020. Your go to and work to get through 2020 was Temperance (which is your sign’s karmic life card). So, pondering balance as a concept and it details as actions and re-working structures that create more balance in your life was your 2020 work. Your advice for 2021, you are ready to innovate new ideas into your life to provide more freedom and more community. Take advantage of these winds made in your sign to lift you to new places and new ideas.
Nina Leen
You were dealt with the average amount of karmic energy this year. The interesting trend is that you all and Sagittarius didn’t get dealt the Death card. Not that you weren’t affected some way by Covid but it didn’t remake who you are or how you are living in a life changing kinda way. And another thing, you all were the sign to have the least human contact. You were disgusted or dismayed with the way people reacted to the issues of 2020, but here is your work for 2021 we need each other. And we will be dealing with or need to deal with our emotions going forward. So next year you are going to have to poke your head out the door and start interacting again. All water signs are needed to balance the intellectual airiness that is getting charge for the next 20 years.
The artist this week is Hadieh Shafie. The foundation of her work is rolls of paper that she refers to as ketabs, the Farsi word for book. Shafie begins with a word, line or poem. She then cuts 11 by 11 papers into strips and paints the edges of the paper with a few choice colors. Hadieh then calligraphs on each piece the word or line in Farsi, creating a “page” for her “book.” Once a pile of these pages has been created, she begins to compile her ketabs by rolling these strips around a needle. It is the layering process which creates the illusion of the color we see. For instance, paper with red and orange the eye blurs to peach. She then puzzles together these scrolls to create a larger piece or “library”.
We are ending this year, and about to come into a new 20-year cycle. What will be your story? What will you carry forward, lessons learned? If you could hone down your experience or expression of this year to a word or a line what would it be?
Also, just a heads up we have two big celestial events coming up. The first on Monday is an Eclipse in Sagittarius. Astrologers say this is a big occurrence for it is close to the world karmic south node. Which is the node of our ancestral karma or past and Sagittarius beginning the sign to learn from the past, firmly plant your feet in the ground and look towards the future.
On a more personal level, you can look at your natal chart for any planets in Sagittarius and which house it sits in. These are places where releasing old karmic patterns is battery charged. These eclipse cycle will be hitting Gemini and Sagittarius all through 2021. So, lots of time expanding and releasing areas around the flow of information, communication, adventure, and philosophy. Next week, I will talk about the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction that happens on the 21st.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
Hadieh Shafie
*Strength – This week can bring out the beast in you. Your challenge is to tame it. This can look like doing an exercise regime that gets out that antsy feeling. Start journaling or call a friend to vent out all your frustrations. Part of the reason you need to let off steam is you are also needed to take the lead or lend your strength to others. But oxygen mask-up yourself first.
Hadieh Shafie
*Temperance – The Muse of moderation is here to prompt you that balance is key. Life ebbs and flows. Up becomes down eventually. The practice this week is to walk the middle path. The path of generalizations not extremes or outliners. Be aware of all or nothing scenarios or opinions, yours or others and find the path of compromise and cooperation.
Hadieh Shafie
*Hermit – This energy advises to withdraw from society sometime this week. You need to gain a broader perspective. The eclipse energy is in your equal but opposite sign testing your belief systems and plans. This muse reminds you not to throw out your ideas but step back from them and see what needs to be supported possibly diversified in your coming journey in 2021.
Hadieh Shafie
Four of Coins – Take stock in your resources. The energy this week is a good time to stop and plan what needs bolstering in your reserves. This can be financial, space, time, or energy. Then restock your actually or metaphorical cupboards. By doing so you will feel more secure as you move into 2021.
Hadieh Shafie
Four of Wands – You all get another revisit with this energy from 2 weeks ago. This muse is tapping you again that your home needs more energy/focus. Two weeks ago, it was the physical aspects that needed attention so you would feel more comfortable. If you did not get time to do that then you get another week. If you did then this week is about filling it with the people energy that you love. This could be hanging all your Christmas cards, or Facetimeing with friends about the favorite ornaments on your trees. If you can’t bring in the physical people, bring in and highlight their energy to warm you den.
Hadieh Shafie
Eight of Wands – Last week, the muses asked you to dig into what aspects that have left you sterile. They wanted you to literally bury all that needs ending. Then on Solstice next week make a list of what you want and burn that. Reminding you that change is inevitable and now is the prime time to get a handle on what you want to change. This week the muses are downloading a plethora of information and this makes the energy run high, making you either frantic or want to fall asleep. Either way keep a note pad by you to write down anything that bubbles up. Putting things on paper not only releases it from your psyche but also can provide fodder for 2021.
Hadieh Shafie
*Empress – The Muse of Creation and Nurturing is knocking on your door. Grab a cup of tea or whiskey and invite her in. She would like to chat with you about how you are not taking care of yourself and therefore can not take care of others to your Libra level. This will be a conversation about self-love, compassion, and an inquiry on what you would like to personally create in 2021.
Hadieh Shafie
*World – Another high energy to help you finalize and expand. Last week the muses were assisting in the power of creation. That energy not only challenged you to grow bountiful environments, but also instilled the power to generate in places that others find barren. This week’s energy is about closing and finalizing what needs to be so you can start focusing on what you will be growing in the coming 9 to 10 months. So tie up 2020 so you can unwrap and tend to 2021.
Hadieh Shafie
Four of Swords – You had a taste the past two weeks on what to focus on for 2021. First energy was bringing the divine down into the World. Your task until the end of this year is to keep honing what that energy will be focused as 2021 unfurls, ie: goal setting. And remember you already have all the tools you need, no need to spend energy worrying about that. Then the Muse of optimism and success tapped you saying – you will have a conduit to the source of energy needed to accomplish anything you set your focus on. This week is your proverbial seventh day. Take this week to rest and relax. The eclipse is hitting your Sun so take this time to sit back and enjoy soaking in the energy.
Hadieh Shafie
*Devil – Your sign’s personal muse is knocking at your door. Her intention is to remind you that 2021 has the opportunities of freedom if you let go of the expectations of others and mostly yourself. Your natural tendency as a sign is to strive for more and to do better through action and structure. Not that these are bad traits we all need these energies. As a world we have been working with them for the past 20 years. But we are now moving into Aquarius which you all need to adapt to. This energy is reminding you evolution requires structure as much as innovation.
Hadieh Shafie
*Tower – The Muse of Kali is calling you water bearer. As a world we are about to be part of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius which happens around every 800 years. Personally, this week is about deconstructing what is not working. Take time to list the cracks in your foundation, what needs to be fixed, readjusted, or reinvented. This can be as simple as going around the house and making out weekend fix it list. Or as complex as looking at your structures that need to be totally rebuilt. This coming year will be full periods of standing back and contemplating old constructs for ideas so you can innovate new ones, but you need these last few weeks to identify what is wrong first.
Hadieh Shafie
Four of Cups– You might find yourself pulling in this week. Emotions may run too high for you and you might need to run a bath to get away from the hubbub. However, this energy also requires with each withdrawal and equal amount of time socializing. You do need quiet time to contemplate and imagine on the future, but you also can’t find all the solutions solely in your mind and heart.
Another spooky favorite is cartoonist Charles Addams. He created the Addams family cartoon which later became a TV series, animations, live action movies, and a stage musical. Addams brought the ghoulish and absurd into our everyday habitats, cities, and suburbs. He started drawing cartoons in 1935 for the New Yorker and contributed to it for more than 50 years. However, of his thousands of cartoons, the Addams family only appears in around 50. His humor was subtle either in the wry captions or the characters’ juxtapositions within “normal” settings. He brilliantly added to the definition of American Gothic.
American Gothic literature was born from puritanical ethos and anxiety of the unknow wilderness of the forming United States. This ghoulish vision of condemnation reinforced by shame and guilt was fertile ground for Irving, Poe, and Hawthorne. Later Darwinism adding to the gothic collective consciousness the ab-human, authors like Lovecraft and Shelly having us question what it is to be human. These themes still resonate in modern literature like Interview with a Vampire and The Shining. The beauty and twist with Addams are he knew how to traverse the line of the macabre and the “normal.” Inverting the battle of good versus evil and coaxing the viewer to find common ground with our darker or absurd side of the psyche. In essence he makes the viewer ponder the American Gothic that lies in all of us.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
Oh I couldn’t make it Friday …I’ve so many things to do. It’s the thirteenth you know
Four of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was pushing you to harness your emotions and start creating momentum. Using this Mars energy to your advantage to get a head start on 2021. This week the energy lessens but still the goal is the same. Make sure you allocate your finite resources to continue laying down the foundation for 2021 projects. And be careful this week not spending money or time in frivolous endeavors.
Charles Addams
Queen of Wands – The energy this week is about creation, inspiration, and leadership. Your tasks are to reflect and revise your mission statement. What is your purpose? What are you trying to convey? Use this retrograde energy to recalibrate your goals to your message.
Ace of Wands – Fresh starts this week are in abundance. This muse asks you what would you do if your slate was clean? Your answers will help define your next steps.
Eight of Coins– The muse this week is here to help you hone your craft. This can be how you make your money and/or what you do with your hands. The more you focus on the details of your skills and tweak how you do things the easier your work begins to flow.
How many times have I told you…always read the labels
*Magician – You all are just banging out the karma and dharma cards the past 3 weeks. So, you have been and will continue (if needed) working with energies about blocks, so you can jump with the elegance of a sleek black cat not knowing where exactly it will land. If you have done the work, then you realize each jump lands you in the arms of the next Magical Muse. This muse creates space for experimentation and creation. She helps you pull the divine down into the material world. This can look as simple as you taking your hobby to the next level, or as complicated as starting a new business/job. The key is allowing and experiment with your tools to move you to the next stage of growth.
I think you know everybody
Three of Coins – Collaboration and teamwork are the energies of ease this week. Finding people with your common goal not only uplift you but also have vital information for you. By fusing your energies, you create something more then you could attain this week on your own.
Charles Addams
Four of Swords – Last week your year card of beginnings and endings foretold what 2021 will hold. This week is about rest. This is about spending your last week of your birth month, luxuriating. Time for bubble baths, spa days, reading a novel, and lazing in the sun. Your mind needs time to rest and reset for the coming year. Turn off electronics for at least a day and relax.
I give up Robert What does have two horns, one eye and creeps
*Devil – What an interesting card to start off your birth month. This energy is one of your karmic energies for your sign. This coming birth year will have a lot of distractions and potholes. However, if you use your incredible Spidey sense you can navigate it all with ease. You can read a room well when you tune in, and you can see someone’s weakness and strengths in a glance. These aspects will be tested this year, so one thing to do this month is have a mirror talk with yourself and ask what do you really want out of 2021? Write down your response so when a distraction pops up you can pull out your map to stay on your path.
It’s the children, darling back from Camp
Five of Swords – Last week’s energy was about mortaring up holes in your physical realm’s foundations or dealing with an issue hanging around since May. This week’s muse gives you another week to shore-up work. The challenge can be your sensitivity is high with all the posturing that can is going on around you. You cannot ignore the problems, but you also should not engage. Your motto: Not your monkeys, not your circus- Polish proverb. But if they are your monkeys cleaning up after them is your responsibility.
Dinner time, Webster
*Temperance – This week’s energy is about harmony. The key to this energy is understanding that balance is not about equal it is about appropriate amounts for a harmonious flavor. This week work on the components and amounts of hardship, work, play, purpose, thriving, enjoying, and healing to blend into a savory dish of life. Your song: A Spoonful of Sugar.
I think you know everybody
Nine of Wands – This energy is about meeting your goals and follow-through. You might have to put on blinders and lock yourself in the room, for the world is very willing to distract you this week. So, staying diligent and putting up strong boundaries is necessary to get things done.
Charles Addams
Seven of Wands – Ok time to fortify your defensives this week. No joke this Mars and Mercury retro is making people just not a their best and this week you are ultra-sensitive to it. The challenge is not taking it personally and protect your inner light from outer negativities. This is a great time for pillow forts, ice cream, or anything lovely that can get you through this week’s negativity.
Many of my clients are asking for a heads up of what is going on in with the planets for the rest of the year. So I am taking break from art for my intro this week and doing a generalized and abbreviated dive into astrology. If you want a more detailed and personalized version get an appointment with astrologer. (I use Michelle Gould.) And while we go down that path, I thought I would share with you all my personal baker’s dozen of pictures of cuteness above and in the tarotcast. Enjoy.
And now for astrology summary (if you just want the quickie version go to the last paragraph).
This summer has felt weird around the concept of time. Partial this is due to Covid and our staying in, but also that theme is reflected in the sky. Normally the inner planets, Mercury and Venus or what is called our personal planets, move within a month. Venus has been in Gemini since beginning of April, and Mercury has been traversing back and forth through Cancer the home of home and emotions since May 28th. And both have been in retrograde motion.
Not to mention most of the outer planets are in retrograde too. In June and July, the only movement besides the Sun going through Gemini and Cancer and the Moon doing its rounds, was Mars who left Pisces and returned to Aries on June 27 (where it stays the rest of the year). So, both June and July could have felt either unusually sluggish or like you were on a continuous repeat and rinse cycle.
In August we will still have 5 planets in retrograde, Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter, and Saturn and Uranus will join mid-August. Retrogrades are great times to use the 3 Rs: Review, Reflect and Reassess. Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are outer planets and have to do with trends with society at large. For example, Pluto likes to dredge up all the stuff that isn’t working and Capricorn is the sign of society and personal structure and our purpose, so we, as a world, are going through those shifts and will continue in some form until 2024.
However, in August personally things start to move again. Mercury goes through three signs Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Our thinking and communication stats flowing again from emotional to flamboyant to orderly and detail oriented. Venus moves out of Gemini where we are reassessing our values and how we communicate and moves into Cancer August 2nd, so now we can act on creating or strengthening emotional bonds and connections through Sept 7th.
Also, we can look at Saturn and Jupiter personally, and they are both in Capricorn until December. Jupiter is the planet of growth and Capricorn is how we live on the material plane make money, our health, and our purpose. Jupiter being retrograde just means things will run positively in those areas, but it will take time. And Saturn for us personally is about boundaries and how we do our scheduling and managing our life. That means we have the rest of the year to work on our personal structures and how we want to live to get us ready to start innovating when they both move into Aquarius at the end of 2020.
Starting in September Mars goes retrograde on Sept 9th until October 13th, so it can get a bit sluggish again. But by the end of September both Jupiter planet of growth and Saturn planet of structure institutions, and Karma go direct. This means that we can create more traction and action from this massive refection period to start rebuilding and restructuring.
So, what does this all mean.
If you felt like you have not gotten anywhere over the past couple of months you are just in line with the energy of this strange bit of planetary retrograde where the three Rs, review, reflect and reassess are the actions most supported. Starting in August things will start to shift on a personal level. And by the end of the year most of our lives will be in the place to rebuild into a lighter more enlightened future.
P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you. Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Ace of Wands – This week inspires passionate new beginnings, electrical ideas, and vibrant musings. This is a great week to explore your creativity and imagination. Experiment and playing with ideas is best.
Six of Pentacles – The key this week is about the energy exchange in giving and receiving. And the two are not so different except in your perception and feelings in either position. The challenge is trying to find more joy in receiving and gratitude with giving.
*Lovers – This energy is one of your life lessons. The Lovers card embodies the aspect of duality and choice. Now is the time to commit to a choice or two. The key to choosing is to let go of old panics and unhealthy decision of the past. They are lesson learned and you will not make those mistakes again. But to make these choices you must open your heart and trust in yourself that if needed you will see the red flags and pay heed to their warnings. This is a time to trust your gut and make some choices.
King of Cups – Last week was about letting go of the old and sloughing off the things that no longer work for you. This releasing is generating the fodder for new beginnings, and this week you have more time to process this primordial ooze lapping at your shores. Accepting all your emotions are key to this process of evolution. As Rumi suggests in Guest House, you are a guest house to your emotions, treat each one honorably and be grateful, for your emotions have been sent as guides from beyond.
Queen of Cups and Seven of Cups – So this week can go into the land of disillusionment or into self-acceptance and choice. You have one energy inviting you to self-discovery, compassion, and passion. Where your empathy gains strength without taking on other people’s baggage, and your actions align with your heart’s choice. The other vibe has the mind tricking the heart that there are more choices to think about. Now is the time to make a compassionate heart choice and see it through to action.
King of Wands – Visionary thinking will be needed to navigate this week’s energy. Though it has positive tones this energy can burn your edges or possible crisp you to your core. BUT you are supposed to emulate the phoenix and rise again inspired and enlightened. The key to this is you cannot do this alone. You need your people to guard your back and bring you sustenance during your rebirth. Your task is only to fall madly in love with your new goals and aspirations.
Six of Swords – The energy this week lends a helping hand with difficult transitions. The challenge is seeing and following the breadcrumbs of serendipity through the mist of uncertainty. You will find help from unexpected sources. Eyes, ears and mind open.
Two of Wands – This is a great week to make plans for the distant future. Where do you want to be a year from now? What new experiences do you want to manifest? By casting your line farther out in the future you will catch bigger and better fish.
Knight of Coins – The energy this week is slow and steady wins the race. This is a great week to create action and movement on any project you pick. Relax into the tasks you have there is no rush. The only challenge is being consistent and doing a bit every day. While balancing it with equal time and energy just kicking back and living life.
Seven of Wands – You deserve this success. This week do not let anyone dim your accomplishments. Defend this spark and push away any darkness inflicted by others or your doubting self. Fill your heart with joy of accomplishment.
Page of Wands – This week is full of inspirations, solutions, and potentials. The challenge is rooting them into your core truths then taking action to bring them into reality. The key is not getting over-whelmed so pick one or two to start with.
Five of Coins – Last week your task was to ground and deepen your connection to how strong you really are. Hopefully, you took the time to do that because this week’s energy wants you to tackle your relationship with money. That can look like putting money into savings, asking for help, seeing that you have been through worse or raising your prices. You can take positive actions this week to accept your worthiness and heal the rift between your wealth, self-worth and feeling financially secure.
intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny
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