Tag Archives: reading tarot cards

Solar Eclipse Tarotcast for August 20, 2017

The first total solar eclipse seen from America since February 26, 1979 happens tomorrow. The science part of this is pretty cool. NASA has a great website for facts about eclipses.  Also from an astrologer’s point of view, this solar eclipses brings new beginnings and change. An interesting tidbit from my favorite astrologer Michelle Gould, is that each eclipses effects a different group of people more. This eclipse focuses on Leos and whatever house Leo resides in your natal chart, and especially if you have anything at 28 degrees.

This eclipse I find myself in a new home and in a new town. The next annular solar eclipse to be seen in the continental US is on October 14, 2023 and will be visible from Northern California to Florida. Following this, we will have a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 visible from Texas to Maine. I wonder where I will be then? What new beginnings are you conjuring now and what will be on your horizons in 6 years?

This week, instead of asking the Universe what do you need to know for the coming week, I asked what advise it had for you in the coming 6 years. Enjoy.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Ace of Wands – What a wonderful card to get for the solar eclipse. Aces are new beginnings, and Wands asking you to focus on what brings you passion in your life. Your challenge is to figure out how to get more time to focus on what lights your fire?

*Taurus – Death – This eclipse brings with it slow change for you. What do you want to weed out of your life?  What do you want to plant and then lovingly grow in the next six years?

Gemini – Four of Cups – Last week the Justice card advised you to think logically and with an end game in mind. The eclipse would like you do to do some contemplation – to do inner work to effect the outer. Now is the time to change what gets you down in your life. The challenge for you is stop trying to fix everything.   Just pick one thing and change that the rest will fall in to place at their appropriate time.

Cancer – Seven of Cups – The Seven of Cups is a card of imagination, wishes, dreams and illusions. Your lessons for the next six years are to flex and strengthen that imagination muscle and start believing in your magic. Your challenge is to let your imagination soar and realize that if you are aware and clear of what you are wishing for that alone will steer you away from illusionary thinking.

Leo – Five of Wands – The Five of Wands is advising to use this eclipse energy to look at the chaos in your life. How can you start to release the tension in your life? The big challenge is that strife in life is a given. Your lesson is more on finding ways to deal with it better.

Virgo – Three of Swords – Last week Judgment challenge you to make some major shifts in your life because the universe will support it.   This week your eclipse card is Three of Swords. This card challenges you to stop agreeing with negative thought patterns. There are three of them that were placed there by others. Now is the time to pull them out and discard them. Yes, you will feel a bit hollow for awhile but your heart will be lighter and healthier.

Libra – Page of Pentacles – The Page of Pentacles is asking you what do you want to learn during this 6 year eclipse cycle? What do you want to add to your skill set or study for fun? Painting? Surfing? Excel? Art History? Your challenge is to expand your mind and increase your talents.

Scorpio – Five of Pentacles – The Five of Pentacles is advising you to start saving. The lesson with this card is that you feel safer when you are debtless and have a good size nest egg in your bank. The next 6 years is the time to grow that egg.

Sagittarius – Two of Wands – Your eclipse challenge is to start making firmer decisions to change your life. Your easy going – deal with it as it comes personality has worked so far, but can you imagine what would happen when you had a clearer focus for the next six years.

Capricorn – Ace of Pentacles – Your eclipse card is the Ace of Pentacles. This is a card of new beginnings which is appropriate and it is pentacles which means to take action. So this continues last week’s walk the talk attitude, but since this is the eclipse card this is a new beginning that will take 6 years to harvest. Your challenge is to remember patience and being in the moment – every day is a new day. When you falter or make an error these are building blocks as much as your victories. Contemplate this: if life is a journey of steps and it’s goal or end point is death, which do you think is more important the steps or the goal?

Aquarius – Ace of Swords – The Ace of Swords is your eclipse card. This card appropriately denotes new beginnings, and for you this new beginning is around your thoughts and communication. The next 6 years will bring you enlightenment and with it new thoughts and ways to communicate; therefore as your mind expands so does your life purpose. Oh, an amazing byproduct of this will be a new sense of serenity.

Pisces – Ace of Cups – Crazy, so all the Aces have shown up in this tarotcast and you got the last one the Ace of Cups for your 6 year eclipse challenge. Aces are new beginnings and your focus are emotions. The next six years you will be learning how all emotions sprout out of LOVE. Your challenge will be how to grow love and acceptance for yourself and then spread those seeds of love to others.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarotcast for Week of July 9, 2017

balloon art

Fourth of July parties and parades always seem to have with them the clown that makes balloon animals. I loved them as a kid, but now the sound of the balloons being twisted into shapes makes me run the other way. Artist Masayoshi Matsumoto has taken this children’s party sideshow to an artistic level. He sculpts with rubber and air creating people, toys and a variety of animals such as insects, octopi and water buffalo.

It is amazing to think about balloons and how they keep their shape. Air likes to expand and move. When we blow air into a balloon we are pressurizing it. As we blow more air molecules into a smaller space, the air molecules’ increasing density and movement creates pressure against the balloon, expanding it as the balloon’s sides push back against air.

This action rings true with us too. When the pressure is just right in our lives we expand,  become more resilient and flexible.  How each of us deals with pressure shapes us into our unique selves. However, just like a balloon too much pressure can make us pop. So try to see the pressures in your life as your partners, but remember to gauge the amount you allow in.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – King of Swords – The King of Swords’ lesson is strategy. This week you will need to use your cunning and good communication skills to gain an advantage. The challenge is that even though you can see the gray areas in an argument you need to make a decision.

Taurus – Eight of Wands – Last week your life needed structure to get things done. This week the Eight of Wands brings a more go with the flow approach to your days. There will be some vital information coming at you this week, so be flexible with your time and keep your eyes and ears open.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of July 9, 2017

Tarotcast for Week of July 2, 2017

Humpback WhalesThis picture reminds me of the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. Whales have always been god like to me. Since first grade, when I read The Whales Go By a Dr. Seuss I Can Read book, I was awestruck with their size, and when you looked into their eyes they looked so all knowing. Their connection with spirituality heightened when my second grade teacher played Rodger Payne’s Songs of the Humpback Whale. The sounds were and are still so ethereal. Whales became one of my totem animals from then on.

Whales are grouped together with dolphins and porpoises. Because of new genetic research, whales are now being grouped under Cetartiodactyla or even- toed ungulates. This group includes cattle, sheep, pigs, llamas, camel and deer, to name a few. However, their closet living land relative is the hippopotamus. Isn’t it amazing the variety of paths evolution or even our lives can take. That we all came from a one celled organism that started in the sea, and can end up back in that same ocean trying to re-connect.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Four of Wands – This week stay close to home. The Four of Wands forecasts that your heart is where your home is. Your challenge is how can you make your home a place of rest and bliss. However, if have to leave home, make sure to find a place and time where you can put up our feet and breathe a sigh of relief.

*Taurus – Hierophant – This week you need to put some structure back into your life. The Hierophant is a task master. He asks what do you really need to get done this week. Think of this energy like your personal trainer – wanting you to be the most productive and efficient you. And his advice to do so is to create your ideal schedule, prioritize what needs to get done, and just do it.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of July 2, 2017

Tarotcast for Week of June 25, 2017

National Geopgrapic pic pollinators

June 20th through the 26th is National Pollinator Week and beginning of Cancers’ birthday month. I have two challenges for you this month.

First, did you know that three fourths of the world’s flowering plants and about 35% of the world’s food crops are dependent on animal pollinators to reproduce? I am sure you all have heard that honey bees and bats are on decline, but the majority of other pollinators are also having trouble.

So your first challenge is to help pollinators. The easiest way is to increase places for them to eat. And the best way to do that, if you have a green space, is to plant some flowering plants. Even a potted flowering plant gives pollinators a way-station from one habitat to the next.  And if you don’t have any green space, search out empty lots and seed bomb them. (You can get these seed bundles in other places like Etsy or a local hardware store. And please be conscious of what you are planting. For instance if you live in Hawaii do not buy an Eastern seed bomb – I am not promoting planting invasive species!)

Second, Cancer rules the emotional realm this month. Emotions are like pollen. As people visit us and we visit them we give off emotions that can stick to people. So this month be responsible for what you are spreading – be that seeds or your emotions.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you. Below are some pollinators.

Aries – Six of Wands – A victory or break through will happen for you this week. The challenge with this card is taking this for granted or not taking this win to the next level.


Taurus – Ten of Swords – Last week, The Hangman’s lessons were about stopping your regular life to take a detour and gain a totally different perspective. This week, the Ten of Swords has shown up. It means that last week detour put you in a vulnerable place. The challenge with this card can be one of two things.   Either you need to follow your intuition by seeing the hits coming and lessen the blow. Or, that last week’s Hangman detour exhausted you, where you feel beat up or floored and need to stop fighting and heal.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of June 25, 2017

Tarotcast for Week of June 18, 2017

Each Wednesday, I post on Instagram Art images that resonate with a tarot card or it’s meanings.   I like to ponder the card, the meaning and the art  image on hump-day for insights into our collective consciousness.   For this week for fun and possible insight, I picked images that resonate with your cards or their meanings for this tarotcast. Enjoy.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Queen of Cups – The Queen of Cups brings fun and frivolity into your life this week. She challenges you to put away your serious face and begs you to let your quirky, funny side out. Or as they say: this week, let your freak flag fly. The lesson she is trying to convey to you is not to take yourself so seriously. Your friends fell in love with the quirky side of you, not the perfectionist side you try to maintain in public.

*Taurus – Hangman – The Hangman’s lessons is about stopping your regular life to take a detour and/or gain a totally different perspective. This week your regular life is on hold. This might be as simple as getting caught in traffic and will need to find an alternate path home. Or it can be as complex as deciding to do something totally different this week than following your normal schedule. The big lesson with this card is that this 90 degree turn should give you a new perspective and enlighten you, so when you get back to your normal routine you will have rebooted.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of June 18, 2017

Tarotcast for the Week of May 28, 2017


I grew up in the seventies when crafting was a big thing. Every summer we would pick a craft – macramé, leather work, making candles, making glasses out of wine bottles, or making pictures with things from the sea. My Mom’s big thing was ceramics and my Dad’s was making things out of leather. My grandmother did needle work but she gravitated more towards knitting. And as a kid I tried everything, but nothing really stuck until I got my first embroidery kit of a terrier’s face with one thread color and one stitch. I liked that embroidery added a silky texture and dimension to a picture. But what really amazed me was that something I used to fix the holes in my pants had the potential to become art.

Crafting in general has now had a resurgence with the DIY movement. And even though embroidery has had an high-art face since the seventies, it is now being recognized by museums and collectors as fine art instead of just arts and crafts. The images above and below represent artists of two generations, four countries and both sexes that use embroidery with photos in their art work. Maria Ikonomopoulou from the Netherlands, Julie Cockburn from the UK, Laura Mckellar from Australia, and Jose Romussi from Chile.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Ace of Pentacles – The Ace of Pentacles continues to call you to action. As with all Aces, this marks a new beginnings. This week this card is challenging you to begin manifesting something new into your life. This can be as simple as spending time in your garden planting flowers, herbs or veggies, or making something in your workshop.

Taurus – Seven of Pentacles – This week the Seven of Pentacles advises you to dig in and get some work done. However, the challenge is all work and no play makes Jack/Jill not happy. Spend this week honing your skill at focusing on what you are doing: when at work – work, and when at home – play.
Continue reading Tarotcast for the Week of May 28, 2017

Tarotcast for week of May 14, 2017

Happy Birthday Taurus! Taurus is generally represented as the most stable and the most stubborn of the astrological signs. However, I am friends with them because they enjoy being silly. A prime example of a silly Taurus is Edward Lear, born May 12, 1812. Edward, was an English artist, illustrator, musician, author, and poet. He is best remembered for his nonsense poem Owl and The Pussycat. He also popularized limericks, was the first major bird artist to draw from living birds instead of just their preserved skins, and he was a prolific landscape artist. Also, he was known to introduce himself as “Mr Abebika kratoponoko Prizzikalo Kattefello Ablegorabalus Ableborinto phashyph” or “Chakonoton the Cozovex Dossi Fossi Sini Tomentilla Coronilla Polentilla Battledore & Shuttlecock Derry down Derry Dumps” which he based on a game from Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos.

The nonsense world has no comprehensive system of logic, although it implies that there is a mysterious one just beyond our grasp. Even though the nonsense world has strange creatures and fantasy destinations, it does not follow the fantasy moral norms of good versus evil or happily ever after. And even though it makes us think the way riddles do, it has no answers, or like jokes it can make us laugh but there is no punch line. This genre is most easily recognizable by using various techniques like misuse of grammar or faulty cause and effect to balance meaning and lack of meaning. So, I have begun reading the news and tweets coming out of the White House as nonsense literature. It has improved my mood, though not my sense of reality.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Nine of Swords – More mind “fullness” this week with the Nine of Swords. This card is about worries. With all the thinking you have been doing during the past three weeks, it’s no wonder your brain is over-worked! Your challenge from the Nine of Swords is to get Zen with your thoughts. Your brain needs the rest. Find solutions for the things you can and let the rest go.

*Taurus – Six of Pentacles and The Lovers – Finally, the big card for your birthday month and the coming year – The Lovers, and with it the Six of Pentacles. The Lovers’ lessons are around collaboration and the give and take of relationships. And to reiterate that you got the Six of Pentacles, whose lesson is that what you give out, you receive back in threefold. The advice for this coming year is to really look at the relationships you want in your life and enhance the positive you are giving to them, because you will get it back threefold. The only challenge is that negative energy works that way too. So, be aware that negative in is three times negative out.
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of May 14, 2017