Tag Archives: Photography

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Sept. 13, 2020

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff two waves and salt scattered and poured

The artist this week is Meghann Riepenhoff.  Her process is cyanotype.   Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print.  Engineers used the process well into the 20th century as a simple and low-cost way to produce copies of drawings, referred to as blueprints.  She is not the first person to use it for art. Anna Atkins would be the first, using it to “photograph” seaweed.  (Atkins will be highlighted soon.)  Riepenhoff has taken Atkin’s process of creating static images to creating a dynamic photograph of an action or interaction.  She collaborates with the elements of rain, snow, ocean, salt, and sediment.  She drapes her “canvas” over objects in the environment which adds the aspect of the terrain that then collides with these elements.  These interactions are recorded on the cyanotype.

The two series represented here and below are Ectone and Littoral Drift .  Ectone is a region of transition between two biological communities. Litoral Drift is a geological term describing the action of wind-driven waves transporting sand and gravel.  Riepenhoff is illuminating that these edges of water, air, and land blur in their interaction, becoming something new and occupy an everchanging space.  Thus, having us as the viewer pondering where, when or if we begin or end.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff water poured and silt scattered

Ten of Coins – Last week’s energy was cluing you into something being off in your life and you needed to gain perspective to find solutions.  This week the energy shifts from contemplative to active.  So, if you found solutions, now is the time to use them.  If you found that everything is balanced and moving smoothly then do not dally, for now is the time to move things into the done box.  This is a great week to finish projects and bask in your success.

Meghann Riepenhoff two waves poured dawn to dusk
Meghann Riepenhoff two waves poured dawn to dusk

Three of Coins – Last week the energy was asking you to look for cycles that need to be readjusted, and synchronicities to help move you forward, enlightening situations of inertia or chaos.  This week wants you to take those enlightenments and utilize them in the world.  The challenge is you need the help of others to lift what you are doing to a new level.  Time to get your besties on the phone and brainstorm.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff 23 minutes in a tidal stream

Ten of Cups – Last week’s energy wanted you to reignite optimism and hope in your being.  Luckily, you get another week to find moments that give you the curative perspective that after each period of chaos comes a time for healing.  You need to heal and bask in love, so this week engage in activities and people that fill your cups. Joy is key.  Find or create it.

Meghann Riepenhoff.
tidal pools dipped and buried

Ace of Swords – The energy this week is great for planning, research, philosophy, and problem solving.  Your mind is your best tool.  Your emotions can play with the radio, but your mind must do the driving.

Meghann Riepenhoff.
Meghann Riepenhoff snow, salt draped against a window

Page of Coins – You got another active energy card.  So, if you still need another week to finish up old projects do that.  But if you did that work last week this is a great week to start a new project.  The challenge is taking tiny steps, because big leaps will have you in a tangle of minutiae or chasing your own tail.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff three waves buried and flooded

*Death – Your first big energy card for your coming birth year.  This energy is about rebirth, regeneration, and metamorphosis.  The energy this year is about rising from the ashes of old.  The challenge is making sure that you are not holding on to dreams you have outgrown.  This Muse has come to aid you in seeing the parts of you and your life that have been decaying and need to be buried.  That the seeds of change are just below the surface being feed by the aspects you are now laying to rest.  When you step back you will see that this burial ground is also a place of planting and future growth.

Meghann Riepenhoff. rainstorm one hour and 47 minutes

Knight of Swords – This is not a week to rush anything.  Though you may feel antsy or anxious do not jump without thoroughly looking both ways and figuring out your plan before you step onto your path.  This card can also mean to be careful of injuring your extremities.  So cut your vegetables with care and watch where you step.

Meghann Riepenhoff
rain through a tree canopy

Queen of Swords – Last week’s muse asks you to dive into your subconscious, listen to your intuition, emotions, and dreams.   The challenge was that emotions could run high.  And you had to decipher which emotions were yours and what were others.  Emotions are still riding high this week.  To combat this, this muse suggests only taking in the logical details to see the correct channel through these emotional waters.  Your motto:  head over heart.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff rain sleet snow draped on a log

Knight of Coins – The last two weeks had you deep diving into your shadow side to find your vulnerabilities, strengths and testing your character and will.  You can use this insight now to really dig into your work.  The key is your pace.  You are now less likely to be distracted and will find that slow and steady wins the race.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff two waves dipped

Queen of Coins – Last week’s energy was about building upon your empire.  This week you can continue your construction, but you must add indulging in the finer aspects of your physical environment.  This muse knows how to work hard but also can fully indulge in her bounty she has created.  Your challenge is to follow her lead and realize play, comfort and pleasures are as important as work.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff five waves

Seven of Coins – Last week’s muse wanted you to adjust your material and spirit goals, blending the need to survive with the need to enjoy life.  This energy bleeds into the beginning of this week.  The first few days are best used as a pause between the past and future.  This is a moment where rethinking, reestablishing, and redirecting is need before you push forward.  By the end of the week you will be in full nose to grindstone mode, but the challenge is a plan and adjustment is needed before going ahead.

Meghann Riepenhoff
Meghann Riepenhoff

*Judgment – The muse this week is pulling you above the clouds to a personal clarity.  A reckoning is needed.  You have made a mistake from the past which you have not forgiven yourself for.  This week’s energy is implanting the clarity of self-compassion and forgiveness into your sight for self.  This muse ask you to truly forgive yourself for this past transgression, so you can open yourself to a lighter and enlighten future that is more in tune with your divine nature.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 30, 2020

Aida Muluneh
Aida Muluneh The more loving one – part one

The artist this week is Aida Muluneh.  I usually pull art from the artist’s entire work but today I am homing in on one series, The World is 9.  It centers around a phrase her grandmother would say, “The world is 9, it is never complete and it’s never perfect.”  The concept in Muluneh’s words:  In this world, we are idealists seeking perfection but living in a reality which does not afford us that balance. Life is unpredictable and imperfect – we must conquer these challenges with strength and endurance because the world within us and the world knocking on our door, bears the unknown future.

So far, this year has felt like that – unpredictable and showing all its imperfections.  And dang we have been challenged personally and socially.  But that is the beauty of grokking the world is 9.  By seeing the world’s and our imperfection, we can continue to strive – creating a better world, and at the same time let our growth be infinite.  Thus, not binding us or our world to and ending, a completion nor perfection.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Aida Muluneh
Aida Muluneh

Page of Swords – The key to this week’s energy is to use your mind like a sharp tool.    Information is available for you, but it is either hidden or lock away by sphinx-like energy.  Pieces of information will be given if you ask the right questions to decipher the riddles in front of you this week.


Aida Muleneh
Aida Muluneh

Eight of Swords – Last week the devil was in the details and details had the potential to be your biggest foe.  This energy seeps into this week as well with a “bonus” feeling of an overwhelming or a closing in.   Thus, you feel choices/decisions are demanded of you.  The key to this is again is either committing to a choice and see how it goes or saying f#$% it and go with the flow.  The goal is to stop thinking you have no choice in the matter, or there is only one right path.  This leads to circular thinking and a sense of inescapable inertia.


Aida Muluneh
Aida Muluneh

King of Cups – The intensity of the energies finally recedes for you this week.  Though the themes stay the same.  The last two weeks were challenging you to follow the breadcrumbs of synchronicities and reimagining yourself as the beautiful spark of inspiration with flaws exposed making you shine more brightly.  This week’s energy helps guide you in an alchemization of your all your feelings happy, sad, anger, lonely etc… You need to see that all your emotions make you who you are.  Your motto the Rumi poem The Guest House.


Aida Muluneh

Six of Swords – The energy surrounding you might feel a bit muddy and unclear but also has a sense of lightness.   This week is full of small transitions helped by small miracles.  Following the willow wisps will not lead you to danger but safely to a new shore.  Your motto: Follow hope.


Aida Muluneh
Aida Muluneh

Knight of Wands – The energy this week is wanting you to answer what truly inspires you in nature?  The sand between your toes, staring at fire, smelling a storm on the way, or watching the power of a lion/cat on the hunt…  Now replicate these feelings/inspirations by doing something artistic, experiencing an art form that resonates it, or mediate on it.  Embed that inspiration into your life.


Aida Muluneh
Aida Muluneh

Nine of Pentacles – The energy this week wants you to sift your successes and see their worth as a collection.  Find contentment in the positive things you have done.  You have just one more chapter to complete this cycle.  You are on the verge of a transition.  Spend this week in moments of solitude and contemplation of your past and the last steps for this birth years conclusion.  By doing this exercise you will be prepared to move forward with solider foundation.


Aida Muluneh

King of Wands – Last week’s energy wanted you to pull away from society as much as possible, grounding and gaining some perspective.  Hopefully, you got to do this, can put this insight into action.  If not, luckily this energy still allows time for gaining perspective.   For this week is full of visionary thoughts and advises to look at the bigger picture for solutions.


Aida Muluneh

Two of Wands – Last week’s energy was highly active and best used in building what is already started. However, this week wants you to turn your gaze to the future.  This is a great week to let your imagination ponder where and what you will be wanting to do in 2021.  Imagining now will set the universe working behind the scenes to prep some of the roads ahead.


Aida Muluneh
Aida Muluneh

*Moon – This is a perfect time to dive into your fears and emotions.  Yep the energy this week would like to test your emotional waters.   In practical matters aspects are hidden from you.  You can wait until this phase passes by the weekend (Tuesday is a Full Moon in Pisces so things will start to clear up after that).  Or you can dive into your shadow side.  The latter is harder but more productive.


Aida Muluneh
Aida Muluneh

Queen of Wands – This energy is best used in the act of creation and self-expression.  This muse comes to embolden you to see your courage and power.  You are the creator of your life.  Are you creating your desires or societies?  If so, this is a great week to set intentions.    If not, then time to do some heavy mirror gazing and reconnecting to your power source and intuition.


Aida Muluneh

Eight of Wands – Last week was about balancing multiple elements into a cohesive path of ease.  Hopefully, you worked on your balancing act, for this week the energy level is still busy.  So, going in with a balanced mind-set will help you navigate all the information coming at you.   This energy also recommends a game plan, while keeping your eyes and mind open as better paths come quickly into your foreground.  If you are good at racing video games, then this week you will do great.  If not, peripheral vision is vital.


Aida Muluneh

*Hierophant – The energy this week is about deconstructing your environment or systems and then creating new paradigms.  This can look as simple as pulling everything out of your closet and reorganizing.  Or as complicated as doing this with a work project or relationships.  The strategy is pulling everything apart to see its working and non-working parts, fix and then reassemble.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 16, 2020

Nina Leen
Nina Leen

The artist this week is photographer Nina Leen.  She was the first woman photographer hired by Life magazine.  However, Life only hired her for freelance, even though she contributed to the magazine for 30 years with over 50 covers and countless reports and photo essays.  Her photo style was unique for she took pictures of everyday events, but always with an added twist, a place of tension or surrealness.  

This made her photograph not only stand out but had the viewer subtly expanding their perspective.  For instance, she took the picture above the group of artists that led the 1950 fight against the exclusion of abstract expression from the Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibitions .   Leen had the one woman Hedda Stern, at the shoot only 15 of the 28 signers showed up,  stand above all the other men, making the subtle statement of the bias on women in the art scene and an ironic statement of exclusion.

Her subjects were often actress, fashion models, everyday women, teens and animals.   She also co-wrote and did photography for 12 books on animals.   Some say she liked animals more than people.  The viewer can see this wry sense of humor.  With her washed kitten (see Leo) titled wet by wiser or (see Libra) where actress Joan Roberts is walking her dog at intermission.  Leen’s choice of showing the owner not in totally control of the scene lowers the glamour star status of Ms. Rivers but also makes her more relatable, more real.  Leen’s photos are even today avant garde, female positive, intriguing, and wanting us to turn the page to see more.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Nina Leen
Nina Leen

*Magician – The energy this week helps with manifesting anything creative.  You are prompted to produce a plethora of beauty and ingenuity.  You have all the tools you need to do this work.  The challenge and key to creating with ease is allowing for experimentation.  Make mistakes, color outside the lines, and let your imagination play.


Nina Leen
Nina Leen

Page of Coins– This is a great week to plan, practice, learn, and discover.  Think of yourself as a student of life.  You do not have to master anything this week.  The challenge is allowing yourself to play and explore without grading your work.


Nina Leen

*Wheel – The energy this week is about changing your fortune.  No matter where the Wheel’s cycle lands, win or loss, it is the step of trying and accepting the ups and downs of life that are key this week.  You are in the midst of an energy shift.  The way to work with this energy is follow the breadcrumbs of synchronicities and serendipities.  You cannot grab the brass ring without getting on the ride, but also the ride by itself can give you a new perspective.


Nina Leen
Nina Leen

*Justice – Last week was about building your material plane and feeding your goals while lifting others; to be a steward of good.  This good stewardship continues this week, but the energy is less active.  Now is a time to reflect and revise where necessary. Look with long vision as well as with your everyday choices.  The challenge is making plans and choices that are balanced in the mind and heart and actions ethical with your soul.


Nina Leen
Nina Leen

*Fool – So you started your birth month with some high personal karmic energy setting you up for big growth in the coming year.  This had you tapping into your superpowers and your personal kryptonite preparing you for the future.  At the same time reminding you that relaxation and  expressing your emotions are vital in this coming journey.  Now at the end your month you receive a call from the Fool, the blank rune.  This energy asks you to jump into the unknown.  This year is a place of new beginnings, to lean into trust, things are changing, and you are one of the signs heading into it first.  The landscape is forming with each step.  You get to paint on this new blank canvas as you go.  The challenge is not singing the same song, repeating old patterns, and staying stagnate.  Time to allow this metamorphosis to begin.


Nina Leen
Nina Leen

Queen of Cups – Last week’s energy was around working with your monsters.  You get to continue this work but funneling your focus to only the emotional realm.  Specifically, to being more compassionate around your own emotions.  Not to see them as monsters but as signposts or bridges to a deeper understanding of your wants and needs.


Nina Leen
Nina Leen

Seven of Cups –The energy this week is pushing you to dream bigger.  Yes, you still need to be cautious about the parameters of reality or at least the parameters of 2020 where nothing is predictable.  So, if nothing is predictable why not dream beyond your typical boundaries.  The challenge is not hanging your heart on each wish coming true exactly how you planned.


Nina Leen
Nina Leen

Page of Wands – Inspiration is the energy to create ease this week.  You are stuck in some rut and need to think outside the box.  This energy advises you to find inspiration in things that make you go Ah or Oh or Oooooo.  This can be nature, music, art, and/or spiritual.  The challenge is submerging yourself enough in it that you lose your self to find yourself.


Nina Leen
Nina Leen

*Devil – The energy this week is abundant with distractions and opportunities to tempt you away from path.  The reason this energy shows up is because you have not given yourself the permission or time to have some fun for fun’s sake.  The challenge however is this is not the week to let your “restraints” loose.  So, schedule that fun-time in soon but just not this week.


Nina Leen

Ace of Cups – Last week you all got the Tower, change that occurs outside of your control.  Asking you to look at the “cracks” that 2020 has brought on in your life.   To make sure that even though the structures you imagining and creating look different,  you are not building on the same defective footing.  The energy this week gives you more time in that creation of the new.  This energy challenges you practical Capricorns not to forget that it is the feeling of your life that is more important then the structures.  Or another way to look at this, do your new structures support the feeling you are going for?



Nina Leen
Nina Leen

Ace of Pentacles – Hmm another Ace, let us take a closer look at Ace energy.  All Aces are new beginnings.  Last week was to get inspired looking for something that has potential for new beginnings to sprout.  Hopefully, you have found this new inspiration.  Now, this Ace is about doing the steps to make that happen.  This week pull together your materials and take that first step.



Nina Leen

*High Priestess – Last week’s energy was about taking a chance to move forward.  This week is a 180 degree turn from extroverted jumping into the outside world to introverted knowledge gathering.  This information comes from quiet contemplation and dreams.  Whether you do this by howling with the full moon on Monday, going to the desert to commune with the Milky Way, putting on headphones and listening to your music collection of shuffle, or meditating, this Muse wants you to work closer with your intuition and the Universe.  Your challenge is finding the time and keeping your mind open to see the connections and cycles.



Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 28, 2020

Ingrid Pollard Pastoral Interlude
Ingrid Pollard Pastoral Interlude

Ingrid Pollard’s work is a case of visual intimacy meeting a panoramic mind.  She is a photographer, media artist and researcher.  Pollard’s art has the viewer often focuses on a vignette that holds the reverberations of history and the physical/social landscape that history inhabits.  You can look at the landscape as a working environment that’s very managed and not natural at all. The very romantic, nostalgic view expresses more about society’s understanding of what’s important, what to preserve. It’s also [connected to] relationships to other landscapes across the sea and how that’s changed in the last 500 years. You’ve got to look at landscape in the wider sense. (from an interview in Frieze, April 4, 2019.)

In these times this view of the wider context is vital if we want to change our intimate exchanges. For systemic change we need to see our history, how we got here, and like Ingrid points out in her work why we kept what we did and do.   It will be awkward, but it is essential in seeing the present we must look at bigger picture both longitudinal in the society and culture and latitudinal in time and space.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Ingrid Pollard
Ingrid Pollard A heavy nonpresence

*Justice – Another high energy week for you.  Last week was about evolution and awakening to your divine nature.  Asking the question am I fulfilling my purpose or calling?  Hopefully, you have answered that question for this week you are called to align your purpose, integrity and plan your next steps.  In essence, wake you that you hold the responsibility for your actions.



Ingrid Pollard Self Evident series

Seven of Swords – Last week, the energy around you was dripping with creation.  And reminding you that with the power of love anything can flourish.  The energy has shifted what once was abundant is now slightly off.  Pieces of the puzzle feel as if they are missing.  Do not look for trickery but be aware that the future is shifting.  If you keep to your integrity and calm your emotions, this wobble will pass.  You will re-find your path, by creating and moving with small steps.



Ingrid Pollard Seaside series

Three of Cups – Take this week to hang with friends.  You are needing imbibement in some truth, honesty, and vulnerability that only your soul group can give you.  Time to empty and refill your emotional cups and maybe some real cups too.



Ingrid Pollard Landscape Trauma

Three of Wands –The energy of crumbling systems is still resonating this week. As you build new structures, boundaries, and schedules to access this next part of your journey, realize things are also working behind the scenes.  All the pieces can not be seen or dealt with this week.  This is a time to ponder and dream while the future continues in its reconstruction.



Ingrid Pollard
Photograph by Ingrid Pollard from the series ‘Self Evident’

Two of Swords – Indecision and a feeling of being lost surrounds you this week.   The key to working with this exercise in free choice is to hone your intuition skills.  If you pause, you will feel the strings pulling you to a direction.  The challenge is realizing this journey is more about the trip then the destination.



Ingrid Pollard Hidden Histories, Heritage Stories

Two of Wands – Now is the time to step out of your past and into your potential.  This week’s energy is encouraging you to take a few steps into the future you have been planning and dreaming of.  The challenge is actively being present in taking that first step.



Ingrid Pollard Landscape Trauma

King of Coins – Creating prosperity is a skill this energy is wanting you to practice this week.  It is a great time to ie: rework your budget, find ways to increase your credit score, access the wealth you need to live the life you want…  Getting a firm foundation around your finances, allows you to start accumulating the material abundance that you require for a comfortable future.



Ingrid Pollard
Ingrid Pollard Pastoral Interlude

Nine of Swords – Worry and fear add to the stressful energy this week.  This can make you vulnerable and might end up with you not getting a good night’s sleep.  The skills you need to work on this week are putting your worries to bed before you.  A good exercise is writing them all down on paper about an hour before bed and then tuck all but two in.  Then ask your subconscious to work on the chosen pair while you sleep.  You will be amazed when you wake up your mind often sorts it out while you get a solid night’s sleep.



Ingrid Pollard Hidden Histories, Heritage Stories

*Fool – Your muse this week is the explorer on the physical, mental, or spiritual plane.  Time to get in your car or bike and feel the wind whistle past your ears.  You need to feel movement and newness.  And when you do partake in them your wanderlust and/or stagnation will subside.  Take advantage of head in the cloud’s kind of days, for inspiration awaits upon your arrival.



Ingrid Pollard
Ingrid Pollard Self Evident

Ace of Cups – The energy this week wants you to find new ways to connect to your emotions.  Your emotional depth is found in acts of creation.  This energy asks what would your heart want you to start on this week?  What can you create that will have your heart figuratively skipping a beat?



Ingrid Pollard

Eight of Cups – Simplification and cutting off what is not useful is needed this week.  What is not working for you anymore?  What steps need to happen for you to heal?  After you have dumped the spoiled contents of these cups what will you fill them with?  For some of you, you will need to walk away and for others you will need to stand your ground for your emotional well-being.  Either way this is a week where the new paradigm is waiting to happen you just need to walk to it unhindered.



Ingrid Pollard
Ingrid Pollard Contenders

Nine of Wands – You are almost at the end of a cycle.  Take this week to tie up loose ends, follow through and meet your goals.  Use this week’s energy to maintain your boundaries so you can check things off your list.  The challenge is to not give up; you have the energy and are prepared for this push.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 26, 2020

Hubble Telescope
 The image is nicknamed the “Cosmic Reef,” because it resembles an undersea world.

Art in Space.  The Hubble Telescope just had its 30th birthday in space.  Above the latest picture is a giant red nebula (NGC 2014) and its smaller blue neighbor (NGC 2020) part of the Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, located 163,000 light-years away. The blue we see is oxygen emitting from stars.  The red is the presence of nitrogen and hydrogen.  And the wave/cloud is actually the “wind” made by those stars’ energy pulsating out.  How magnificent is this!

On April 24th, 1990 Hubble was launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida attached to the Discovery space shuttle.   It has been serviced and upgraded by 5 more missions from 1993 to 2009.  To date Hubble has taken over 1.4 million observations.  Data from this telescope has helped astronomers measure the expansion and acceleration rate of the universe, study black holes, take in depth looks at planets and their atmospheres, just to name a few of the advances in astronomy.

Below are more incredible photos from the Hubble Telescope take this year and last.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Hubble TelescopeSix of Cups – Last week the World card heralded the concepts surrounding completion and triumph versus incompletion and disappointment as your coming year’s driving force.  This week’s energy has you starting that search in the past.  Look for useful models about completion in personal and/or world history to help process and expand your knowledge on how to maintain resilience no matter the outcome.


*Universe – Another great energy for your birth month!  Last week’s energy had you ponder:  How does information from your past effect the planning of your future?  And does this process to get to the future holding you back?  Can you plan without knowing the outcome?  Now the Universe card has you looking towards a more distant future.  This energy asks you: If everything were possible and you had infinite energy how and what would you grow?  This is a call from the Universe to evolve but it can only help you if you give it some ideas.  So, think big!


Hubble Telescope*Wheel – This is the last month before your new birth year and the universe is giving you a chance to change your fortune for the coming year.  It is pushing you to take a chance on yourself.  Yes karma, fate and luck are all part of the cosmic design, but you can and do have some control of where the ball lands on the cosmic roulette table.  Your part is to show up and make the bet to change your destiny.  Yep you got to play, so what you going to do?


*Strength – So if anything, this time has taught you that you have control issues to work on, and that you need a lot of self-compassion to tame these inner demons.  The amazing bit about this energy work you been doing is that your inner strength is getting stronger.  This week’s energy will help you in taming your insecurities and self-doubt and make you more resilient to boot.


Hubble TelescopePage of Swords – The energy around you this week is not helping your restlessness, but you can let your curiosity tame your gitchiness.  As you let your curiosity roam more ideas start popping up.  This exercise will not only divert you but also take you on a better path than the one you are on now.


Three of Swords – Forgiveness is key to this week’s energy of suffering and sorrow.  Stop licking your wounds and let them heal.  Now is the time to move on and take a more optimistic look into your future.


Hubble Telescope*Death – The energy this week is about transitions.  There are places in your life that need to end so others can begin.  Utilize this energy like weeding a garden.  You need more space for what you want to harvest, so something needs to give.  Let what doesn’t work go.


*Fool – Last week’s energy had you pondering the concepts of nurturing versus smothering, codependence versus interdependence, and growth versus obstructions.  If you did this, you are now giving yourself and others the space, time and energy to grow with just enough structure to feel rooted and secure.  Which readies you for this week’s energy of new beginnings and spontaneity.  Now you have the space to take advantage of the free spirit energy that prevails this week.  If you did not do this pondering, you may fall on a foolish path.  So think before you leap.


Hubble TelescopeEight of Cups – This week is about creating some space and simplification.  You need the space to spread out your mind and body, but your environment is cluttered.  So, clean out the closet, your inbox, and/or your desk, so you can walk away from the old and into the spacious horizon of the new.


Ace of Wands –This week’s energy is full of opportunity and potential, but you must stoke your fires of inspiration.  Create a vision board, daydream, dig into social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram to rouse your muses, write lists of your wishes, peer into fire and conjure visions.   Now is the time for new beginnings.


Hubble TelescopeTwo of Coins – Balance is key this week.  The more flexible you are the better you can attend to your priorities.  This sounds like a paradox, but it is key to not overcommitting yourself and giving away time to do not actually have.


Page of Coins – This is a week of possibilities that lead to achievements and victories.  You will need to be diligent to make it manifest but anything you put effort to will move towards success.  This energy comes to validate that your dreams are flourishing, and you are moving towards goals you have wished and worked into being a while back.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of April 19, 2020

April showers
Blue Mosque Istanbul

April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes.  But is it true?  The first time it is found in writing is in a poem from 1610, Sweet April showers, do spring May flowers.  Historians believe this proverb was born in areas either in or around the United Kingdom.  Because the month of April tends to be especially rainy due to the position of the jet stream.  However, the real reason for flowers blooming is the temperature.   As the temperature gets closer to spring like weather, flowers bloom no matter the amount of rain.  And why the temperature?  Well the insects that pollinate these flowers can only move when the temperature is above 45°F or 7.2°C.

So, take this drizzly season and be like the bee, relax.  These rainy days set the mood for tea, lazy afternoons, piddling or reading.   And enjoy these amazing raindrop pictures by photographer Duscan Stojancevic.  And remember to try and support the arts and artists if you can.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

P.P.S.  New moon in Taurus great time for grounding, starting a new project.  And if you do wishes, areas around money, sensual pleasure, perseverance, patience, self-worth, and releasing stubbornness.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,





*World – At the last day of your birth month the karma card shows up – the World.  So, for this birth year the driving force will be the concept of completion and triumph versus incompletion and disappointment.  The big question for you is how much your personality is tied to completing projects and the success of them?  Why is the attainment of goals so important in your make up?  How can you feel complete when there is more to do?  Can you feel harmony in the emptiness of challenges or defeat?



Brooklyn Bridge

Two of Wands – What a great energy to start your birth month with!  The best way to use this week’s energy is through discovery.  You are in a place that holds both the past and the future in it.  And in this space, there is information for you to glean.  How does information from your past effect the planning of your future?  And does this process to get to the future holding you back?  Can you plan without knowing the outcome?  These are the questions to ponder this week.



Grand Central Station

Eight of Cups – Last week’s energy was about infinity growth.  And was to be used as a reset button, a time to make changes that will take you to your next phase, mission, and/or purpose.  That energy is still hanging around you this week.  This is not a time to avoid or walk away form this opportunity.  It is time to clean house and start anew.



April showers
Sagrada Familia Barcelona

Ten of Pentacles – The energy around you is tense with thoughts of financial security in the future.  Your wealth lies in more than monetary goods.  You are at an end of a fiscal cycle but that does not mean an end to economic security.  Look in the coming weeks for inspiration of where to or how to go next with all things green.  But be careful that you do not go on an emotional shopping spree this week.




Six of Cups – To get out of last week’s doldrums call upon the energy of innocence and playfulness.  This week find joy in the little things.  And there are hidden messages in your childhood to help you get there.  More crayons, more time with a lying on the floor perspective.



World Trade Center Hub NYC

Five of Swords – Last week your task was taking this time of stagnation as a moment for you to let go of resistance and pain.  To contemplate the future and find paths to a more enlightened way of being.  This energy continues with more lights to guide you to enlightenment – compassion, and reconciliation.  To truly let go of your pain you need to reconcile with it.  Be compassion with it, tame and love it.



National Assembly Belgrade

King of Cups – It is easy to see the world with the duality of right and wrong, but this time period calls for a balancing act of both.  You and the ones around you can be moody and your go-to is to create harmony.  However, trying to control harmonious outcomes may be impossible this week.  So, compassion is key to navigating this week’s energy.



April showers
Church of St Save Belgrade

*Empress – Motherhood and all it entails is a big theme this week for you.  The concepts surrounding and for you to ponder are nurturing versus smothering, codependence versus interdependence, and growth versus obstructions.  The areas of contemplation and hopefully solution are how to give yourself and others the space, time and energy to grow with just enough structure to feel rooted and secure.



National Library NYC

Six of Coins – Last week’s energy was about completion, creating more harmony, success, and forward momentum. The energy shifts a bit this week from endings to sharing.  The more positive energy you can emit the more positive energy you will gain back.  Of course, this works with negative energy too.  The only kink with this transfer is that the return usually comes back from a convoluted path.



ada bridge belgrade

Queen of Coins – This week is all about practicality while still indulging in your five senses.   The easy avenue for this is eating and enjoying healthy food.  But there is also a need for beauty, so what in your life can be practical and beautiful.  Arrange your fruit in a basket, invest in beautiful but good sheets, change the lighting in your rooms to match their use?  For example, cozy lights in the living room and bright lights in the kitchen or office.  These are the things and places to invest your energy in this week.



Empire State Building NYC

King of Wands – This week’s energy is around upping your game.  Doing things that enhance your skills, experimenting to find new ways of doing things, or finding some way to upgrade your business, presence and or leadership.  How can you re-energize your vision and intent for your future?



April showers
Flat iron bldg NYC

Four of Swords – Last week the energy was having you walk on the sunny side of the street.  Luckily, you can hide a bit this week, but you will still need to bring that sunny energy with you in the form of self-care. This time period has pulled more energy out of you then you realize.  No need to fear just schedule in daily times of solitude to recharge your batteries.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of March 1, 2020

Marc-Le-Cornu_Infinity-Eight-Aerial photography
Marc LeCornu Infinity-Eight

This week I continue the theme of flying with a glimpse into aerial photography.  Aerial photography not only open ours eyes and mind to a unique perspective but it gives us a sense of awe of how we and our world are part of a bigger construct.

The highlight of this genre is the Drone Awards, which are now looking for submission for 2020.  This is a worldwide competition about aerial photography that is now on its third year.  This competition though called Drone Awards includes a variety of platforms, fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, balloons, blimps, rockets, kites, parachutes and drones.  The winners are showcased at the exhibition Above Us Only Sky held in Siena in October.

Aerial Photography has been around since the 1860’s when James Wallace Black photographed Boston from a hot-air balloon.  The first drone or at the time called quadcopter was created by Jacques and Louis Bregut in 1907.  However, its limitations of being unsteerable and requiring 4 men to steady it, it only lifted two feet off the ground.  The first pilotless winged craft came about 10 years later and of course was evolved for warfare.  However, by 1960 with the breakthroughs in transistor technology decreasing the size of RC planes, unmanned aircraft became big with hobbyists.  By 2010 the AR Drone released by the French company Parrot, where the drone is controlled via WIFI using a smart phone.  This breakthrough has created a boon in amazing aerial photographs and videos.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



Aerial photography
whale sharks-by-Bachir Moukarze

King of Wands – This week’s energy is boosting your abilities of envisioning a brighter future and the intentions that you will need to lay the foundation to manifest it.  However, we are still not out of the woods with Mercury in retrograde which slows creation, but by the end of the week you can start moving your visions into manifestations.



Aerial photography
Benoit Stichelbaut Dourveil Beach

The Messenger – Where last week the world was harsh and unsupportive, this week the messenger comes with divine signs to guide your way through the chaos.  The other perk with this energy is it will protect you from the turmoil if you don’t jump into it.  Remember you always have choice, but at least the best choice will be well lit.



Tuan Nguyen Tan- Burden Salt Harvest

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is all about perseverance.  If you keep your nose to the grindstone and do your due diligence you will reap your just rewards.  However, if you don’t do the preparational work, you will increase your workload and cause delays throughout this week.



Yevhen Samuchenko 2 people-2 dogs and 4 shadows

Knight of Coins – Slow and steady is the energy to work with this week.  Go after your responsibilities one step at a time.  Patience is key.  Don’t rush; find a comfortable stride and continue on.



Khanh Phan – Flowers on the Water

Four of Cups – Well Mercury is still in retrograde until the 6th so last week’s Hanged Man, low or inert energy, is still hanging around with the Four of Cups – withdrawal and meditation. So, this is another week to catch up on anything already in progress or contemplate your next steps.  The skill you are honing is acceptance and utilization of the low energy weeks as much as those fiery energies you so love to dive into.



Aerial photography
Jacek Deneka_A Shoal of Colorful Fish

Seven of Swords – This week’s energy has a hazy deception in the air.  First you need to realize that Mercury is still in retrograde, so miscommunication and an inertia prosper during this time.   Second, this energy has nothing to do with you, if you don’t get involved in other’s drama or even let your own pessimism get in the way.  You do not have to be the moral police 24/7.  This energy is best dealt with by seeing the small victories instead of everything looking like a hundred-year war.



Aerial photography
Jeremiasz Gądek_ Island of Love

King of Cups – Compassion is key to this week’s energy.   And here are some key points to remember.  You can not control everything.  You and most people are doing the best they can.  Situations and problems do balance out in the long view. And finally go with the flow with an open heart.



Aerial photography
Ming Li_Waltz of Overpass

Page of Cups – This is your second page so let’s look closer at the page energy.  Pages represent learning or coming at situations with a more open viewpoint.  Last week your passion needed reigniting so finding new ways to light your soul was key.  This week the Page of Cups wants you to view the world with more curiosity and love.  Seeing the world with rose-colored glasses actually open up more opportunities for you this week.



Aerial photography
Dendrites by Branko Markovic

Seven of Cups – The energy this week is murky and full of illusions and misconceptions.  This is mostly due to Mercury still being in retrograde, so misinterpretation and self-misrepresentation still abounds.  This is not a week to make any decisions, but it is a great week do delve into fantasies and dreams. However, beware that you don’t try to bring your fantasies into the light of day.  These visions are just for enjoyment and expanding your mind to otherworldly possibilities.  They can plant seeds of potential for the future but not probability of the present.



Ningtai Yu_Love in the poem

Nine of Swords – This week’s energy is all about letting go.  Letting go of controlling every aspect of your life.  This is a hard one for you Capricorn especially because this year is so full of forward momentum.  But to cope with all the possibilities, all the positive energy, and all the hope, you must stop trying to control it all.  Worry will get you nowhere – not this week nor this year.



Aerial photography
Jie Zhang Game of The Earth TETRIS

*Death – Change is in the air, but it is slow in coming. Mercury is still in retrograde until the end of the week.  You cannot rush the universe, nor do you want to.  As they say there is a season… Take this time to weed and till your soul’s soil.  Trying to rush the change is due to a fear or a resistance on your part.  Take this week to look at your possible blocks and clear those from the road so the Universe has a clearer path to create the change that you are wanting and waiting for.



Aerial photography
Diana Buzoianu_Alone

Three of Swords – Mercury is still in retrograde until the end of the week.  This energy feels as if you are bound to the assignment of Sisyphus – rolling a rock up a hill to only see it roll down time after time.  This week feels as if you are in a seemingly endless cycle of triumph and sorrow.  The key to working with this energy, if you feel stuck, move on to the next task and come back to “the rock” another day.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
