First off, Happy Birth-month Scorpios!
Now to our last spooky artist. Imagine if Margaret Keane (Big Eyes) and Dr. Seuss’s art had a goth child you would have this week’s artist Maria of Peppa Potter. I cannot tell you much about her other than I found her on Instagram awhile back and when her stuff pops up on my scroll I smile. I need to smile right now and maybe so do you. She takes what could be scary and turns it into something you would want to cuddle with all day.
And just a reminder the holiday season is starting, and lesser-known artists are needing our support. So instead of heading to the virtual mall go look at Etsy or Instagram and support small business crafters and artists.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Five of Pentacles – Where last week you were asked to be aware of doling out your resources to unnecessary actions. This week’s energy can continue to deplete and blur your vision and power. Even though your planet, Mars is in your sign it is also in retrograde until November 11th, so the best use of your resources is focusing them down to a single area at a time. Keep reviewing, reassessing, and readjusting.

Queen of Cups – Last week’s muse had you contemplate and adjust your purpose, passions, and creativity. The muse this week adds to that – investigate your emotions. Do your emotions guide your actions or actions guide your emotions? Do both align with your purpose and passions? Has your compassion, empathy, and love buttons been exhausted? This muse reminds you all emotions are important to flow through your life; however, be aware of emotional burnout, especially this week. Your purposes, passions, and creativity should replenish not drain. So, either they are off or how you are doing is. Take this week to figure it out and find solutions.

Page of Pentacles – This muse advises that you work on new skills to manifest your future into being. The best use of this energy is in exploration and increasing your knowledge. Be the student of your life. What is the world teaching you that you will need to implement or reinvent for a more prosperous future?

Eight of Wands– Your second eight let us reflect on eights energy. Eights are the work horse cards, so these last 2 weeks are about getting things done. Last week was doing physical things. This week it is categorizing and integrating information. Great week to clean out your email inbox. But it also a week where information is coming at you fast and furious. The challenges are finding your flow, prioritizing, and setting aside some space to integrate or rid any information that sticks out.

Nine of Pentacles – Finally you get to pull back this week a bit. Time to assimilate some of the stuff you have been working on. This is a great week to try out some of your ideas into real life situations. Finding what fits comfortably and with ease. The big challenge is working smarter not harder.

Page of Wands – Inspiration is the muse to play with this week. The challenge is making time and space to let your creative juices flow without setting any goals. A great exercise is to deliberately get out the crayons and color outside the lines.

Four of Pentacles – Your second four so just to check in with 4 energy. Fours are about grounding. Last week it was about getting grounded physical and mentally. This week’s energy is about grounding your resources. Some examples would be getting your finances in order, create a savings account or add more than usual to it. Suzie Orman the PBS money guru says with these times if you can sock away at least six months of expenses that is great. And if you cannot try to find extra ways to cut your expenses by $10 a month and put that into a savings account. On the other hand, your resources can be how you are spending your time. If whatever you are doing is not gaining you space, time or wealth now is the time to readjust and revise what you are doing.

Knight of Cups – Last week you started off your birth month with the Devil card. This energy is one of your karmic energies for your sign. This coming year will have lots of distractions and temptations to take you off course. So, the Devil muse had you write down your what you want to happen in 2021 so when diversions pop up you can pull out your map to stay on your path. Continue this week pondering what you want to manifest. However, the week’s muse advises to center on what your heart wants. You are a romantic at heart so dream like one.

Seven of Pentacles – Work is the focus this week. You are one of the few signs that is not in full reflection mode with the retrogrades. You are using this Aries energy to keep moving, and this week is spurring you on to do just that. A great week to get things notched off your list. The only challenge is not to get sidetracked from your plans. Keep your head down and do your work one step at a time.

*Fool – Last week was about harmony. By understanding that balance is not about equal it is about appropriate amounts for a harmonious flavor. Now that you are in hopefully a place of Zen you can jump into a new beginning. I know you all like some sense of order, but this week can test that. If you have done your harmony work, you can now jump in without a plan. If you have not, you will need to center yourself with each task. But either way see your path and tasks with the concept that you are now working with a new blank canvas.

Queen of Swords – The best use of the energy this week is paying attention to the details, being strategic and be direct with your communication. This can be a challenge for you will need to be in each moment to see its nuances.

Three of Wands – Whew last week is done and this week’s energy is sunnier if you keep your head space focus on the possibilities a brighter future can hold. This week is about staying true to your vision and actions while the rest of the world gets its act together.
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