Yep, it is time for another round of cute animal pictures to raise our spirits. The end of March is the also the end of the yearly migration of the Emperor Penguin and the beginning of a new generation of penguins. If you have not seen the March of the Penguins, please do it’s an amazing documentary about Emperor Penguins and their breeding season. There are 17 to 20 species of penguins (the debate is still on with scientists). So far, the biggest known species is extinct and stood at the height of 1.77m/5’ 10” and weighed over 91kg/200 lbs.
The above is the tiniest, lesser know and only blue feathered penguin, the Little Blue Penguin, Fairy Penguin or kororā in Māori. It is found on the coastlines of Australia and New Zealand. They are 33cm/13in in height and weigh about 1.5 kg /3 lbs compared to the Emperor who can reach almost 1.1m (3ft 7 in) tall and weigh 35kg (77 lbs). Most penguin species eat krill, squids, and small fish. Ten of the species are considered endangered from varying reasons of weather pattern, climate change, declining food sources, or increase in predation.
Planets and Ponderings: Full Moon in Libra. This moon is about harmony, peace and love however, for the next couple of days Venus planet of love and Chiron the wounded healer are in the opposing warrior and action sign, Aries. So be aware relationships and communication can be a bit at odds, old wounds can re-open so try not to push anything to fast into action. The best way to navigate this time is to be patient, listen with compassion and speak from a place of love. And if you are feeling angst do something active with your body.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

*Sun and Knight of Swords – Last week your first energy for the coming year was about balancing excess and blending binaries. This week you have two Muses to aid in that balancing act. The first is the Muse of Energy. This year is full of growth and light. You will be able to cultivate anything you aim your energy at. However, the second energy the Muse of Slowing Down warns that you need to buffer your intensity and slow your pace so you can think things through. This is a year to actively expand but balance and moderation are your prim directives.

*High Priestess – The Muse this week is the partner to last week’s energy. Last week was a time for reflection- to dive into the subconscious either through dreams, meditation, or aimless ponderings to connect with the flow of energies and emotions that need tending to. By softening your gaze, you see the periphery with more clarity. That peripheral vison while be needed again this week. When this muse shows up, she is calling you to dive into the information around and about your higher purpose. Last week was a modification of self this week is a tuning of why you are here. Look for clues in synchronicities and cycles.

Nine of Coins – This is a great week for working on anything on the material plane. However, to maintain your focus you need more time alone then in the company of others. Take moments to go into airplane mode and put out the do not disturb sign, and only let in people who have your back.

Page of Cups – Last week a shift happened, the pendulum is on a new swing cycle. And you were advised to seek the seeds of serendipity, knowing that there are lessons and gifts in each swing. This week that energy is still in motion. However, The Muse of Innocence is here to help guide you with a fresh set of eyes. Though that vision is rosed color in tint, it is more adept at seeing the silver linings in your week.

Five of Wands – You are going to need last week’s lesson in balancing this week, for it is full of chaotic energies. And harder for you because what cat isn’t attracted to the flicker and flutter of something in motion or distress. It is your choice to jump into the game of cat and mouse. But if you do, know it will be hard to keep your focus and goal in mind with all that movement. Conscious focus and innovative side-stepping will be the key to success.

Knight of Wands – Last week the Muse of Justice came to work with you around the concepts of fairness as well as inequity. Challenging you that for true justice to happen so must deliberation. This week is a whole lot smoother with the Muse of Perfect Timing at your side. If you follow your integrity, you will be in the right place and the right time. So good or bad there are hidden gems for you at ever turn.

Knight of Coins – Learning the right pace for the right job are the lessons this week. If slow and steady is your speed, then work like you are running a marathon. Hydration and nutrition are key. If you work better in short quick sprints, then make your workflow mimic that pace.

*World – The Muse of Tying up Loose Ends is here to help you complete something. This is a great week to tackle anything that has been on your to-do list the longest and/or has just one more step to completion. This Muse is the forebearer to new beginnings, so she is here to help you create space and time for that new thing to take root.

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Living is here to help you combine getting things done with enjoyment. Her first lesson is if you are not having fun while you are working then you are not doing it right. And her second is if you are not savoring all your senses each day then you are not enjoying this time you have on Earth in this body. If you do the second lesson the first becomes easier.

Four of Cups – Last week the Hermit Muse advised you to take yourself out of the world to gain perspective and regroup. You get another week with this energy with her younger sister the Muse of Introspection. Again, your best thinking is done in seclusion from the hustle and bustle of the world. However, if you find yourself having circular thoughts then it is time to turn outward for clues and inspirations. Which you can take back to your reverie.

Six of Coins – Last week the muses advised patience to gain a new perspective. This week the energy shifts to more action. The only caveat is that what you give out will reverberate back to you. So, this is great if you are emitting positive energy. But if you are being judgmental or just plan mean this will also echo back to you. So, watch your P’s and Q’s.

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is wanting to go through photo albums and/or your attic/basement with you. Why? Because your past has answers and hidden treasures that will be useful in your near future.
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