Planets: There is a Full Moon in Scorpio tomorrow which lights up our shadow side and since it squares off with Saturn and Uranus things can get harsh. So, the next couple of days pull back, stay calm and work on yourself. Also, Mars just went into Cancer. That is not its favorite position, fire versus water, so things can get sensitive, but it is great configuration for anything that has to do with sprucing up your home, hanging out with family, or self-care.
This week’s artist is Pan YuLiang (Pan YuLin). Pan was one of the first woman artists in China to paint in Western style. However, until recently, her work was controversial for she painted or drew nudes instead of the traditional subjects for women at the time, florals, and still-life. Often having to pose as her own model. Even though she was appointed Dean of Western Art at the Shanghai Art Academy her nudes were often taken down at her shows in China. She permanently moved to Paris in late 1930’s and stayed until her death. Posthumously, she is getting the notoriety due to her, not only in China but worldwide.
Pan’s paintings combine the traditional lines of Chinese ink drawings and the bold colors of Fauvism. Her images much like Frida Kahlo’s show the strength and poetic gestures of women being woman. Through art expressing the concepts of feminism, celebrating the strong female image without extinguishing our beauty. She also worked in the disciplines of sculpture, watercolor and print making. In each she pursued the adage Finding oneself through our forefathers, yet not forgetting oneself in the past. So, I pose this pondering to you: how do you use your past without getting tethered to it?
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Three of Wands- This week planning and preparation are the forces to work with. Spend Sunday looking at the steps that need to be done for a project in the future. The rest of the week set about working setting up and gather the materials so those steps can begin.

Two of Cups – The Muse of Relationships is here to help you work on intimacy in yours. Take time this week to put energy into your close relationships. The challenge is you must also ask for equity from your partners. As you fill their cup so should they fill yours.

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship is here to remind you that you need a solid hang with your friends. Your emotional cup needs spilling and filling. So, crying with grief or laughter is the prescription your heart requires, and only do it around those you can be vulnerable with.

*Moon – Use this week’s full moon energy to its fullest. Dive deep into your shadow self and lovingly cajole some of your monsters/protectors to vacate your subconscious or begin metamorphosing into champions of the light. Remember, be kind to both yourself and them for neither of you like to be sternly confronted or pushed.

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details is here to help you. By drilling down and focus on the details you can create enough energy to push through any inertia or apathy. One metaphorical or literal exercise is to clean your sink, groat in your shower, or the edge of baseboards with a toothbrush. Before you know it, you will bring out the bigger tools and clean the whole bathroom. By attacking one small to-do, it will start the domino effect needed to help you gain momentum to do more.

King of Swords – The Muse of Long-term planning is here. This week is best to deal wit looking at the big picture of the whys. Take time to make sure what you are planning is still consistent with what you are wanting. Then spend time planning the how and when before working on the who and what.

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum has come to help. The only problem she has the metaphorical gas but no car or plan. That is up to you to find. The best way to use this energy wisely is plot your course before you move, or you will be driving in circles all week.

*Sun– The Muse of Optimism and Success is here to shine on all the wonderful things and opportunities that are awaiting you, if you are wanting them. Life is on the path of getting a whole lot better, your work is to allow yourself to glow and grow.

Three of Swords – The Muse this week reminds us with ever failure or loss comes a lesson, enhancing your resilience and sharpening your skills. There are messages in your mistakes, sadness, or pain. Do not turn away from these for there is a gem of truth and healing in each.

Page of Wands– The Muse of Artistic Experimentation has come to break you out of some restraint or inertia. Innovation is born out of trial and error. Try new recipes, combine new mediums, color outside the lines. The more you allow yourself the freedom to dabble with your mistakes the more you will revolutionize your paradigms.

*Empress and Emperor– The Muse of Creation is here with her companion the Muse of Building. So you can choose create things out of what seemingly is nothing or build on what is already there. It is a great week to start projects or drill down or getting a project to the next level. Either way this week is about using these energies for formation, moving forward and growing outward.

Death – This Muse is here to aid you in letting go of something to enable growth this week. Something on your lists of to-dos or wants is no longer serving what the new you needs. So, reexamine your desires something is not working and needs to be chucked. This release allows new things you cannot even fathom the space to flourish.
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