Since we are still in Scorpio season and have already pondered death and transformation now let’s focus on its other realm, sex. The artist is I Gusti Ayu Kadek Murniasih. Murni’s artistic style came from a traditional form of Balinese art, Pengosekan style, painting and batik. She uses bold colors and strong lines to create her work. However, Murni broke away from traditional Balinese themes of flora and fauna to work through her traumatic past of sexual abuse by using a stream of images conjured from her dreams and subconscious. Her work, once considered crude in her home country, is now seen by the world as original and a voice of resilience.
Your pondering: We as a collective are still dealing with gender bias based in our overly simplistic concept and overuse of binarism. This binary thinking leads to “us versus them” instead of “we” or a “black and white: yes/no” instead of the gray areas seen by examining the why behind an action. What would happen if we when we think of classification and judgment we see a spectrum instead of a set of distinctively separate boxes? Would it end war? Genderism? Racism?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Sagittarius – the beginning of the week might be challenging to be focused. But by Tuesday you hit your stride with the moon in Capricorn giving us the motivation and direction to get to work. On Friday the moon is in Aquarius – go with the flow. Then on Sunday the moon moves into Pisces – a great time for your imagination and daydreaming.
But again, this moon energy creates a slow start to the week and makes it hard to focus. But by Tuesday November 12th our energy gets reignited with an Aries moon. That energy continues as the moon moves into Taurus on Thursday November 14th. And we end the two weeks with the moon moves into social Gemini – reconnect with friends.
Mercury is in Sagittarius until the end of the year. This is due to its retrograde from November 9th to the 29th. This is a 9-week exploration of truth seeking and growth in communication. And remember during the retrograde season it is the best time to recharge, reflect and redo.
Venus is in Sagittarius until December 7th. This is a time for exploration and growth around the concepts of love, beauty and harmony. Mars is now in Leo until the end of the year. This aspect is fiery – great for getting things done but be careful around egotism in yourself and others. This is not a time to start a fight!
And just to jump to Pluto for a sec. Since mid-September Pluto has moved back into Capricorn. So, until November 19th you may feel stuck in old patterns that you thought you had worked through. This is the last time in our lifetime to do shadow work in whatever house Capricorn sits in your natal chart. And for most of us, we have been doing the work since 2008. So, this last bit is just to tweak not overhaul.
And our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June of 2025. This placement is here to help us work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits. However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness. And lastly Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.
** Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.
*** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Five of Fire – These next two weeks hold the potential for chaos. The muses’ counsel to navigate this energy is in realizing you have a choice in engaging in the games or not. You can walk away. You are not required to play if you don’t like the rules. However, the challenge is if you decide to jump in you will need to commit to the rules and stay until its conclusion. If you jump out mid-game, you will be disqualified or create more chaos in doing so.

Two of Earth – The Muse of Juggling comes when you need to maintain a better focus. For the next two weeks she advises to stop multi-tasking and only take on one project at a time. Part of her reasoning is the energy in the coming weeks might throw you some curve balls and if your hands/thoughts are full you will not be able to “catch” and deal with it. Pare down your to-do list to the essentials, so you can be focused and aware if aspects become off kilter.

Seven of Fire – The keys to ease in the coming two weeks have to do with two conditions. One is obtaining a vantage point to gain perspective and secondly, increasing the potential energy to exert more than average force to get something done. Remember, Mercury starts retrograding and slowing down processes while throwing curve balls, so space and time are both needed to navigate this energy. So first, the muses advise when trying to find a solution step back from the situation, take a break and walk away for a bit. Give your mind a rest. Then secondly, they advise being prepared. Make sure you are well rested and well fed so you can tackle any problem.

*World – The Muse of Integration is hanging with you these coming weeks. She is asking you to take this Mercury retrograde time to process information and emotions so during December you are prepared to take on new opportunities as well as wrap up 2024. You will get inspiration from the muses during this time, write them down. They also advise playing with ideas, expanding your dreams, and meditating with the cosmos.

*Wheel – This energy comes to rebalance karma to set up a transformation in your life. During this Mercury retrograde it is important you go with the flow. Take advantage of tiny as well as big opportunities. Spin the wheel often and see what comes up. The muses remind you this spinning shouldn’t cost you anything on the physical, thought or emotional plane. This energy is about increasing potentiality so watch expectations. The lower the expectation the greater the prize.

Six of Earth – These next two weeks will have some turbulence. And the Muse of Kindness has come to remind you that you can “catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” You all may be well- aligned with Venus in her go with the flow attitude, but the people around you are vibing way more with Mars in Leo’s fiery attitude. So, the muses are warning you not to take the bait and to be “the calm in the storm” by administering kindness instead of being the helpful critic or the hyper-vigilant truth teller that is your innate nature.

Three of Air – The Muse of Breakthrough comes to help you heal old wounds put there by others. The challenge with these coming two weeks is that it feels as if these wounds are re-opened. However, the muses remind that these occurrences, though they feel as if you are being re-wounded, are actually just a reminder of where more healing needs to happen.

Ten of Fires – The Muse of Burdens comes when you have or about to take on too much. Some of these tasks are your responsibility but at least 3-4 are not or you can ask for help to get them done. This muse advises prioritizing what needs to be done in the coming weeks and then just focus on the top three. Once they are done, you can focus on the next three. And the rest see if someone else can pick them up or even better, by the end of this time, they are no longer a problem.

Ten of Water – As you finalize this birth year the muse would like you to sit back and enjoy what you have reaped. All tens are energies of endings, but this one is about enjoying the end before starting anew. These next two weeks focus on what makes you feel happy, free, and flowing. If you are having problems seeing the beauty the muses advise daily gratitude to sync you up with the positives.

*Strength – The Muse of the Inner Compass is with you in the coming weeks to get you to ponder the Whys behind what you want to do. She asks will your actions obtain what and who you stand for or want? Has your morals or goals changed? What is the most important obtainment that you want in 2025? Then are you and your tasks/work aligned with that goal? Take this Mercury retrograde to reflect and readjust.

*Death – This energy aligns well with the coming retrograde. This energy likes releasing as much as planting seeds. The Muse of Organic Change asks what would you like to change that can be accomplished in the next 9-10 months? And what do you need to let go so you can? Use Mercury’s retrograde energy – rest, reflect, and re-do – to lay the groundwork for what you want to grow.

Seven of Air – The Muse of Stealth comes when you need to work behind the scenes to find out what needs to be done. You fish are highly intuitive and absorb others’ emotions readily. But during this time your radar for the reasons behind the emotions is off. So, you will need to be inquisitive without being interrogative or overtly obvious in your questioning. Use your intuitive IQ to look for trends more than relying on gut feelings.
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