This painting, The Rainbow, is by George Inness. Inness was born May 1st, 1825 and became one of the most influential American artists of the 19th century. He often used rainbows to convey the divine. Inness attempted through his art to demonstrate the reality of the unseen by juxtaposing blurred elements to refined details intertwining the physical and spiritual nature of the object.
The rainbow is symbolically thought of as a call for hope after a storm, a covenant, a bridge to the gods or a god/goddess itself. Scientifically a rainbow is meteorological phenomena that is caused by reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear directly opposite of the sun and observed at a 42-degree angle. The color sequence starting from the top is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Ten degrees above, often not seen but always there, is a larger and fainter secondary rainbow where the color sequence is reversed.
This is a unique time in history where many aspects of our lives are being reflected, refracted, and dispersed to us. Covid has made the unseen seen and flipped our reality. It has united us globally bringing out our divine side of grace, gratitude, and generosity. And in contrast has brought to light the cracks in each country’s structures and culture were our basic needs are not met. We can no longer not see the unseen of global interdependence, inequality between all our workforces, the disparity in health for races, our presence affecting climate change to name just a few. Now is the time to acknowledge both reflections of our world, to bridge our gaps, and to create a covenant to do no harm.
P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Four of Swords – Relaxation is what you need this week. The energy slows down around giving you time to recuperate and mediate on what needs to happen. The more time you give your body to rest the better your outcomes will be next week.
Ace of Pentacles – The last two week’s energy had you ponder: How does information from your past effect the planning of your future? And does this process hold you back? Can you plan without knowing the outcome? If everything were possible and you had infinite energy, how and what would you grow? This week’s energy is asking you to take your pondering to a plan. Do not let this time of opportunity get away. It is time to create.

Ace of Cups – Last week’s energy was pushing you to take a chance on yourself. Karma, fate, and luck are all part of the cosmic design, but you can and do have some control of where the ball lands on the cosmic roulette table. Your part is to show up and make the bet to change your destiny. This week’s energy will help drive destiny if you let creativity have full reign. Your only roadblock is not being compassionate with your drive for perfection. Do not repress your creative tenacity.

King of Cups – Last week the universal energy for your sign was helping taming your insecurities and self-doubt and making you more resilient. You will need it for this week’s temperamental energy. It easy for you to get swept up in this moody current to land on the shores of apathy. However, you are not heartless just heart weary. Allow yourself time to withdraw into you shell and regroup. You will come back to the land of compassion and balance by the week’s end.

Page of Pentacles – Manifestation is the energy to utilize this week. Anything you set your drive and diligence towards will move at a steady pace. However, this is not a week for bonfires or sparks. Stoke the fires in a sensible and consistent way.

Knight of Swords – This is not a week to rush into anything. The energy around you is unpredictable and can lead you either aimless around in circles or impulsively drive you over a proverbial cliff. A cool thoughtful mind is needed. No superhero antics.

Queen of Cups – Last week’s energy was about transitions – places in your life that need to end so others can begin. You needed more space for harvesting the new, so something needed to give. The energy continues this week with a dash of compassion. Change is never really comfortable even when you and/or it has the best intentions. Try to use this week’s calm and comforting energy to sooth the bruises in this very transitional period.
Eight of Coins – The last couple of weeks had a heavier energy about them. First, they asked you to ponder the concepts of nurturing versus smothering, codependence versus interdependence, and growth versus obstructions. Giving yourself and others the space, time, and energy to grow with just enough structure to feel rooted and secure. Which readied you for new beginnings and spontaneity. If you did this work, then you can use this week’s energy of focusing and mastering the skills to get a jump on your new endeavor. As long as you do not get caught up in perfectionism, for it will drain your inspiration.

*Tower – The energy this week is all about the awakening. Every sign has been dealing with this card and now it is your turn. Society as a whole is dealing with the Tower card. Covid has all of us seeing the cracks in our society. But when you get this card personally you need to take a closer look at where things are broken and where you are resisting change in your own life. This week is a wake-up call. Find your fissures and fix what is fixable. If its too broken then it is time for a significant change.

Seven of Cups – Time for pie in the sky dreaming. Usually with this card I warn people to not be illusional with their dreams. But Capricorns can get too practical, which can block your creativity, so just for this week dream without limits.

Eight of Swords – Self acceptance leads you to freedom this week. Yes, there are places where you feel not in control, bound, and with legacies given unwillingly to you; however, do not let these entrap you. The more you let go of commanding yourself and situations the freer you become and the broader the possibilities for you to step into.

Six of Cups – This week’s energy helps you see how much you have worked for your independence. Your inner child feels more secure. Through self-compassion and forgiveness, you are taking yourself and your decisions more seriously and now people are taking you more seriously too. Congrats. Now you are able to see that the past is now not in control of your future.
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