The artist this week is Njideka Akunyili Crosby. Her work is about occupying two worlds both her native Nigeria and America. Njideka does this though a weaving of her photographs, family photos and pages from popular Nigerian magazines creating a fabric like pattern throughout her work. Her process is a layering of collage, photo transfer, fabric, acrylic paint, charcoal, and colored pencil. This give her pieces a duality of “busy” with the patterns and serene with her choice of compositions of models and motifs.
This complexity and layering of culture are mimicked in her native land of Nigeria and the place she now lives, America. Both are multicultural nations trying to find a cohesion to create a country. Nigeria is a multinational state that is inhabited by 250 ethnic groups with over 500 distinct languages all identifying with a wide variety of cultures. The composition of American population is also is represented by almost every country in the world. So, in her work she takes the viewer into layered landscape exploring her personal journey in inhabiting and defining what is it to be a Nigerian who lives in America.
Are we a melting pot or a tossed salad? This has been a debate since the 1960’s. The melting pot metaphor used by Emerson was the concept of the fusing process of the European immigrant to melt down their heritage and reforming into a new American. The con to this outlook is the lose of the immigrant’s individuality. Then in the 1960’s the idea of multiculturism took hold. This is the concept that we are a tossed salad holding on to our individual cultures with the law and the market being the dressing that binds us. The con for this approach is that America as a whole loses its culture of what defines us as an American citizen and what we as a country represent. This debate rings even truer today. Maybe we need to re-examine our metaphor like Crosby does with her art. Maybe we are a collage of cultures layered to form a single motif. So as with Crosby’s work, when we step into look at America closely, we can see each detail and as we step back, we see us a cohesive and magnificent work of art.
P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you. Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Four of Wands – Home is where the flow is this week. Time to give your house some loving, and you will get it back four-fold. Things like deep clean that bathroom, lawn maintenance, adding plants, feng shui your house, decluttering your drawers or any activity to your home that creates more comfort and ease. This homey attention will make the rest of your life flow better.

Ten of Swords – This week is about hurt from outside sources and learning how to deal with them. First lesson is you learning to stop listening to your ego over your intuition and internal integrity. A possible reason for outside sources sharp vibes is that you have played either martyr or savior instead of seeing yourself as one of them. Second lesson, these outside people are having problems of their own. And yes, their ugliness may squirt on you, but the challenge is not let muscle memory set in with this illusion of rejection or hurt. Take this time to close the laceration(s) and either prepare to start anew with these outside people or forces, or if need be walk away as long as you do not do it from the place of the wounded.

Nine of Cups – Last week the forces where calling you to make choices. You get more time do so with this energy’s help. This muse reminds you that you do not need to be totally “there” to know that you are worthy of this change. So, it asks you are you dreaming big enough? Would the theme of these choices illuminate you if the journey got dark? Do these choices create a sense of ease in your life? And the first choice should be that you accept contentment over ecstasy because your gifts are on their way.

*Emperor – The vibe this week is about building your material plane, protecting and feeding your goals. This is a great week to implement ideas into your workflow, to bring your business or work to the next level. The challenge is to not only promote and uplift yourself but also to uplift others in the process. Look to benefiting the whole not just the individual. Be a steward of good.

Four of Swords – The energy this week mid-birthday month is exploring your realms of relaxation. The duality of Leo is you have lots of energy, but also like a lion enjoy laying around soaking in the “act” of inertia. Your challenge is exploring all the ways you relax, either active or sloth like, and then how are you going to consistently incorporate this in your life. Your goal is to find time to unwind at the very least four times a month at the best four times a week in the coming year.
*Strength – Ok, time for some beast training this week. What are your monsters? This energy advises to tame these demons you must work with them. There is a mediation that embodies this practice : Feeding your Demons. Another way is to personify your monster into someone or thing you would not normally listen to but can be entertaining at times. (I see my anxiety as Harlequin from Batman.) The challenge is not fighting with your monster or killing it but accepting it and seeing when it is trying to be an ally.

Ten of Cups – The energy this week is about finding activities that bring you bliss. Connection and love are the keys to finding ways to open your heart. So, this can be simple extended hugs, deep conversations with friends, or having a socially distance beverage with your close ones. However, these are hard times to connect with others. If you are solo, this energy can be tapped into by hugging yourself, holding your own hand or dancing with your favorite YouTube/TikTok video. It sounds strange but since we do not often do it, it tricks the mind that we are connecting with another and turns on our endorphins. So, let the loving commence.

Two of Swords – This is your second two so quick check in with the numerology. Two means balance. Last week was about finding balance from the reality of your present with the plans of where you want to be in the future. This week the challenge is making balanced choices with your head and your heart.

Ace of Swords – The energy this week is all about learning something new to help you expand your understanding or perspective. The best way to use this energy is in deep conversation, your head in a book, or ears tuned into a new podcast. Your mind needs to be fed new ideas expanding its data and bringing enlightenment for the coming weeks.

*Tower – Every sign is having its turn with the Tower, change that occurs outside of your control. Now is your time to make sure you are contemplating how you are going to rebuild your structure after 2020. Take this week to look at the “cracks” that 2020 has brought on in your life. The important aspect with this inspection is that you do not rebuild with the same fault lines in your foundation. So even though the structures you imagine and are creating look different, make sure you are not building on the same defective footing. This can look as simple as you have become vegetarian but not getting enough protein or you are creating a slower lifestyle but then fill in your schedule.

Ace of Wands – Inspiration continues this week, but this energy has potential for new beginnings to sprout. This is a great week to start any project or go exploring. Your soul is craving passion and newness. Feed the fire.

*Wheel – The energy this week is about taking chances to move forward. This year has had its ups and downs, but you must continue to spin the wheel to create fortitudinous change. For the kernels of synchronicity wait undeveloped until they are sought after. Now is the time to move ahead for each step this week leads you to a new era of luck and destiny.
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