This week’s artist is Kerry James Marshall. @kerryjamesmarshs Marshall is an artist and professor best known for his mix media portraits of Black America especially around themes and depictions that have been historically omitted from the American and Western Art history. A mission he calls the “counter-archive” of the painting of black subjects. ‘Part of what I’m doing in my work is about attending to this absence of black representation in the historical narrative. But the question is always then, when you put black people in a picture, what should they be doing?’
Marshall answers this question in two ways ideologically and technically. Ideologically he shows black people going about their day, creating “a sense of simple presence.” ‘Part of my project is to escape this kind of imperative that everything you do as a black person is always about lack. That there’s never a moment in which you have simple pleasure – where you’re just there, where you’re just simply being. And your being is not fraught with all these other layers of historical meaning.’ Though in some of his paintings like The Garden Projects (see Aries and Pisces below) shows us the conundrum between the history of black people in America and his mission.
Technically, he plays with the color black chromatically. First in the choice of saturation and then his use of varying shades of black placed masterfully next to each other. ‘If you looked at the palette, I was using you’d think, “Well, that’s black, black and black next to each other.” And they don’t look so different. But when I use them in a painting next to each other, the differences become more apparent. Because the iron oxide black is inherently red. And if you stack that on top of carbon black, it obviously looks red. Or I’ll mix in cobalt blue, a chrome oxide green, an earth tone like raw umber or yellow umber. What I’m doing is changing the temperature, from cool to warm and warm to cool.” Not only is his art a master class in color theory and painting but it also makes the viewer think about the color black and how we visually see it in the world.
Your pondering for the week: What is color?What does each color mean to you?And then when you apply it to a person’s skin does that change its context or that person?
Solar System highlights
This week begins with a new moon in Pisces on Monday – perfect for daydreaming and wandering in the realms of the unconscious and spirit. On Wednesday it moves into Aries – a great time to start projects. Then on Friday through the weekend the moon is in Taurus – perfect for working or playing in the outdoors.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) has now moved into Aquarius (innovation and society) – a great time to talk about personal and social change. This should also help Mars in Gemini’s lessons. For Mars (action) is still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.
Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Pisces until Wednesday, so we move from going with the flow to Aries firing up our passion and pushing us to action. Jupiter (growth) is in Aries until May 16, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action. And lastly, Saturn (structures) spends its last weeks in Aquarius until March 7th – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. and I have a new tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.
Kerry James Marshall The Garden Projects series
Five of Fire – The unruly currents are still around this week. Where last week was more anticipatory challenges, this week you are faced with known challenges. However, you have the Muse of Chaos to guide you through this turbulent time. Her advice is to take your ego out of the mix. Some chaos you cannot control but what you can manage is your headspace and your ability to ride them out. You have done these tasks before; they are more bothersome than detrimental. So, get out your soul surfboard, calm your mind and ride the waves.
Kerry James Marshall, School of Beauty
Seven of Earth – This week is the perfect combination of work and rest. The Muse of Satisfaction reminds you that the rest after labor can be more satisfying than lazy days’ rest. She advises that after each focused exertion to equally attend to the blissful moments that that this work has gotten you to.
Kerry James Marshall
Seven of Air – The Muse of Small Steps advises you to simplify your projects into bite size pieces. By seeing this week incrementally, you are more likely to gain success than by aiming for a broader goal. Put on your metaphorical “reader glasses” and focus on the minutia.
Ace of Earth – This is a great week to start a project, plant something, look for a new way to make money, or learn a new skill. The Muse of Material Beginnings is here to help organize and fertilize this new project or skillset.
Kerry James Marshall
King of Earth – Another productive energy week for you. The Muse of Construction comes to help you move a project to the next phase. However, this is not a fly by the seat of your pants kind of week. The key to this energy is knowing the inventory of the resources needed to do so. Take time at the beginning of the week to gather what is needed.
Kerry James Marshall Slow Dance
Queen of Earth – The Muse of the Senses would like you to enjoy yours this week. Her assignment is to find ways to luxuriate in each sense. So, indulge in saturating smells, sensualizing sight, enchanting your ears, and titillating your tastebuds and touch.
Queen of Fire – The Muse of Practicality advises that it is time to stop theorizing and go do it. You may have been sitting on an idea or project and this energy is heralding that the time is ripe for action. Go make things happen.
Kerry James Marshall
*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation would like you to conjure something from your imagination into reality. You have all the tools necessary for this invocation. The only caveats are that you will need a connection to the divine and the Force of Will to make it happen. So, declutter your mind from the “what ifs” so you have a clear link to your imagination and begin creating.
Kerry James Marshall
Queen of Water – The Muse of Fun is here with you this week. This energy usually comes when life has become mundane, and you are finding yourself in an endless repeating cycle of wake-work-sleep. She recommends finding time to frolic throughout this week. She wants you to reconnect with the real meaning of life – finding your joy.
Kerry James Marshall
*Chariot – The Muse of Movement is here to help you focus. This week supplies tons of to-dos and luckily the universe is giving you the gas to make a run of it. However, it is solely up to you to have a direction, route, and do all the driving. So, before this week starts make sure you have mapped out what needs to be done and where you need to go, or you will be doing metaphorical donuts in the parking lot. And she reminds you rest stops are necessary for any trip so plan those in too.
Kerry James Marshall
Six of Earth – The Muse of the Ripple Effect has come to visit this week. She comes when you need to be mindful of how you are treating people. As a sign, you all are uber-conscious of being respectful in society; however, this week it is important to bring that mindful kindness to the folks closer to you. You might find it hard to connect because your mind is elsewhere. But it would be beneficial to create moments of intimacy and connection not only for your people, but it will ground you too.
Kerry James Marshall The Garden Projects Series
Five of Earth – This week comes with some challenges, but the Muse of Refuge is here to help you. First, she reminds you that you are not alone, but you will have to put some effort into connecting with people. Secondly, she reminds you that all of humanity deals with challenges and hardships, so your difficulty is not unique. She is not trying to diminish your feelings. But she just doesn’t want you to isolate yourself while you are having them. The big lesson with the challenges you will face this week is seeing that people have your back if you let them.
The artist this week is Juli, @juli_artwork. She is just starting out, so there isn’t much about her that I could find. She is a student studying illustration and her “art captures canids and otherworldly animals with a creative twist.” I especially love her riffs off classic paintings see: Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces . Also check her on Patreon. I love Patreon. It is another way I choose to support artists, 5% of my profit goes to artists there. A way to give back, what art gives to me.
And if you haven’t caught the theme yet, the month of January is in honor of this year being the Chinese year of the Water Rabbit. Rabbits are represented in a variety of cultures. Last week we looked at cultures where they are seen as tricksters. However, in Chinese folklore, rabbits accompany Chang’e, the goddess of the moon, and is represented as one of the zodiacal animals. In Japanese and Korean mythology, they also live on the moon, but they make mochi, a snack of sticky rice. In Vietnam rabbits are seen as symbols of innocence and youthfulness, however, they have replaced the zodiacal rabbit for a zodiacal cat.
Your pondering for the week: What is your favorite food that reminds you of your youth? Why was that food experience special. For fun, try to recreate that feeling.
Solar System highlights
This week the moon starts in Scorpio – follow your passions. On Wednesday it moves into Sagittarius – you might want the weekend to start sooner, but if you have a defined goal this will help you stay on track. And on Friday the moon is in Capricorn – try not to take your work home with you. Hang your problems up with your coat.
No change from last week for the rest of the planets. Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) compromising is key to grease your work wheels. It is also still in retrograde until the 18th. This is a perfect time to reflect, review and redo. After Wednesday we can finally start 2023. Mars (action) is now direct but still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.
Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Aquarius (innovation) until January 26th – where we can focus on updating our environment and how we experience sensuality in our lives. Jupiter (growth) is in Aries (action) until May 24, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer. I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.
*****I have changed using the RWS version of the tarot names and now call the suits: pentacles/coins is now Earth, cups is now Water, swords is now Air and wands is now Fire. I did this because I want to work more closely with the elements that these suits represent.
*Chariot – Finally your planet Mars is moving forward and so the Muse of Movement would like you to take that energy and run with it. This is a great week to start a project, set goals, move your body, and/or take a project to the next phase. And if you don’t know where to start take the advice of Agnes Martin: “Your path is at your feet whether you realize it or not.” The key to this week is just start moving.
Eight of Fire – This week has a plethora of messages from a variety of sources. The problem is which one to focus on. The Muse of Messages advises to either write them all down and sort them out next week. Or prioritize the first 8 you receive and focus on working with them. No matter which way you choose, eyes and ears open.
Nine of Earth – The Muse of Self Reliance is your cheerleader this week. The path to ease is being confident that you can handle whatever is thrown at you. That you will not only survive but thrive. She reminds you if you are reading this you have endured way worse. Use what you already know to tackle any challenges this week. You got this.
*Magician – Where the past couple of weeks the muses have had you hold back, this week you are given a wand to conjure whatever you need. The Muse of Manifestation is passing you the tools required to experiment and create. This week use your imagination and curiosity to play with ideas and projects that you would like to manifest in the coming months. She reminds you this is not about perfection or expectations. This is about the actions that lead to discovery and materialization.
*High Priestess – The Muse of Wisdom is here to realign you to you. This week is a deep dive into self-awareness and the rituals of sacredness. Take this time to acknowledge your super-powers. This Muse also questions are you using them wisely? If so set up or create more support for your daily sacred rituals that bring you closer to the source. If not, spend this week re-connecting with the celestial.
Queen of Fire – The Muse of Vibrancy is asking you to turn up your volume. Whether that is to add vibrant colors to your wardrobe, show your art or raising your voice to be heard. This Muse would like you to stand out. To express your uniqueness for all the world to see.
Knight of Air – This week you need to slow down. The Muses warns you to be careful of your extremities. Like not running with scissors, be careful when chopping vegetables and watch where you step. These missteps may happen on the material plane, but you also need to be careful of your words. You can step into a situation with all good intentions but end up stepping on toes. This week walk with more mindfulness.
Ten of Fire– The Muse of Burdens suggests relinquishing some of your tasks this week. Be aware of not overextending your commitments and be realistic of what you can handle. The lesson with working with this muse is to take responsibility for some things but not all things. Others need to learn how to carry their load or learn to help you carry yours.
Three of Earth – The Muse of Collaboration advises you to work with others this week to create more efficiency and innovation. As they say two heads are better than one, but three heads and six hands are better still.
Page of Earth – The Muse of Critical Thinking is your helper this week. The basic elements of critical thinking are keeping an open mind, asking questions, gathering relevant information, having cognitive flexibility, thinking through to solutions and conclusions. This week is about being reasonable.
Five of Air – This week holds the energy of tension. You can be pulled taunt by the interactions of others. The Muse of Tension advises how to navigate this stormy weather by doing these five things: take a breath before entering a situation or conversation, let go of your ego, be still, let any chaos flow pass you not through you and use silence constructively.
Knight of Water – The Muse of Compassion is here to help you navigate the emotional waters within you and others. Choice wisely who you open up to this week. You need to practice your vulnerability but also to discern who is worthy of your heart. This is not a lesson on guardedness but one on ask
Celebrate 40,000 Years of American Art, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Welcome 2023!
The artist this week is Jaune Quick-to-See Smith. Smith, also a curator, teacher and activist describes herself as “a cultural arts worker”. Smith’s art is a commentary on personal, social, environmental, and political issues of navigating the world as a Native American. By working with layers of paint, images, collage elements, sign-like petroglyphs, text she texturizes meaning into her work. Smith’s complex art compels the viewer to see their own complexity in history, representation, gender, and race. In her words. “Art should reveal the unknown to those who lack the experience of seeing it.” Her message from her art is a process of viewing, agitation often through humor, hopeful understanding and then a call to action.
For example, the above work, Celebrate 40,000 years of American Art though seemingly simple is deep in meaning. First, she has us see the rabbit’s smoke/shadow-dance from background to forefront hinting the movement of past to future. This leads us to the words reminding us that American Art started when Native Americas first walked in the Americas and the importance of bringing Indigenous art into the context of and dialogue of Art. Third, the rabbit imagery has been used in indigenous art for millennia and most notably as the trickster spirit of some Native tribes. The rabbit in their stories can be a hero but is often prone to inappropriate behavior like gluttony, carelessness, and an overinflated ego. So simultaneously Smith is using the rabbit image as a critique of modern artists and the art world. Like the work done by Joseph’s Beuys’s How to explain Pictures to a Dead Hare playing with the concept of what art is or the controversial aspects of Jeff Koon’s Rabbit which sold for $91million dollars. Her work nods not only to history but also to stepping more mindfully into the future.
Your pondering for the week: Let us use this retrograde period to walk or dance slowly 2023 and with more mindfulness. Not leaving the harder lessons of the past five years but honoring our history as we create our future.
Solar System highlights
This week the moon starts in Taurus – start the week slow but steady. On Tuesday it moves into Gemini – conversations and relationships are highlighted. On Friday we have a Full Moon in Cancer, a lovely time for self-care, family and enjoying your home.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) compromising is key to grease your work wheels. It is also in retrograde. This is a perfect time to reflect, review and redo. Mars (action) is still in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. And it’s in retrograde until January 12th, so again this is highlighting to walking into 2023 very slowly, mindfully, and calmly.
Venus (beauty and harmony) moves into Aquarius (innovation) on January 2nd – where we can focus on updating our environment and how we experience sensuality in our lives. Jupiter (growth) is in Aries until May 24, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
*****I have changed using the RWS version of the tarot names and now call the suits: pentacles/coins is now Earth, cups is now Water, swords is now Air and wands is now Fire. Because I want to work more closely to the elements that these suits represent.
PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer. I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
*Hierophant – You all start this year with the Muse of Structures. The place to look is not on the physical plane but on a spiritual and heart center one. This Muse asks you to focus on looking at your support/foundations with your spiritual self and with your close friend group. She wants you to strengthen the weave in your daily life with the people that are important to you and a spiritual practice. Their access may require what seems like a sacrifice of your resources, but it is actual sustenance.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
*Lovers – Connection is the theme for you to start with this year. The Muse of Intimacy invites you into the year with a visualization of what this could mean. The Muse asks you to open your inner eye to a landscape blooming with flowers, a pair of birds singing harmonies of contentment. A journal lying open on a chair welcoming you to be curious and trusting. A cottage in the background where you see a simple but hearty meal waiting for you. This is the magic, learning and exchange of deep connection: growth, harmony, openness, acceptance, and nourishment. Welcome it into 2023.
Four Directions, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Four of Air– You need to slowly roll into 2023, for the Muse of Restoration is calling you to stay in the stillness. The quiet of ritual seclusion brings inner silence and the profound rest you still require. Revitalization and healing are possible this year when sufficient time is dedicated to quietude. However, it is up to you to place and ensure quiet time into your schedule.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
*Death – The Muse of Organic Change walks with you into 2023. Spend time this week evaluating what you are bringing into the new year. This Muse asks you to spend time releasing more of what you no longer need so the “new” has a place to grow. The challenge with this time of pre-creation is it is still nebulous. Work on staying with the planets’ retrograde period of review, revise and release (until January 18th), and keep the need to know at bay. Organic change is inevitable, terrifying, but also beautiful when allowed to naturally blossom.
Coyote Made Me Do It, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Ten of Earth – You are walking into 2023 still having to do some clean up from 2022. The Muse of Fortitude helps us with the banality of day-to-day existence or the struggle of the last mile. She reminds you that this last bit of cleaning up is a pause to adjust and reinvent what will soon be the past. That you still can make magic happen with this ending. This seems to coincide with taking advantage of the planets in retrograde. So, the real beginning of the year starts mid-January for you.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Six of Water – Do not rush into 2023 just yet. The Muse of Remembrance is advising you to do some journaling to close out 2022. Pick six memories of the past year where you have successfully dealt with a challenge and/or experiences that has shaped the person you are now. By doing this exercise you will raise your vibration level to match the positives vibes awaiting you in 2023.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Wisdom Knowledge
Nine of Earth – The Muse of Independence walks with you into 2023 to boast your confidence. Last year was challenging in many aspects. And you have come through it, maybe a little battle sore but with more resources and resilience than you realized you had. So now walking into 2023 you are wiser and better resourced, making the journey going forward easier and giving you the confidence to see and utilize your hard-won sovereignty.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Ace of Air – This is the card of new beginnings on the thought plane. The Muses would like you to make an outline of your goals and aspirations for 2023. The challenge is twofold. First being penetratingly truthful with what you want. Don’t be unassuming or question the substance of the goal. Secondly, leave enough room for something magical to happen too. So, make a few goals that are more about feeling of something you need than reality of a thing.
A Nickel For Your Thoughts, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Queen of Air – The Muse of Details walks you into 2023. Perceptiveness is the skill she wants you to use this week. For example, while entering a room, see how people are gathered, who is pay attention, on their phone, laughing, talking quietly, or sitting alone. By distinguishing the details of situations before engaging, you can align yourself to where you want to be or the next action. Instead of your typical go with the flow attitude, this week is more about preemptive cleverness in deciphering decisions and actions.
In the Footsteps of My Ancestors, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Ace of Earth – Apropos that you would get a new beginning card for your birth month and for the year. The Muses would like to bestow some fertilizer on your year. These energy gifts are the stability of a the Pando root system, strength of Australian Buloke wood, wisdom found in the earth crust, fertility of an Ocean Sunfish, and the potential for abundance if you put in the ground work.
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Ten of Fire – You are walking into 2023 still having to do some clean up from 2022. Luckily this slow walk into 2023 is supported by the planet’s retrograde period that ends on January 19th. The Muse of Responsibility advises that you spend time finishing tasks leftover from 2022. First evaluate if the things on your list are still relevant to the coming year. Then prioritize, what on your list only you can do. Lastly spend the next two and half weeks getting as much of the rest checked off as you can. Clearing your to-do list is essential before you begin your new birth year.
Coyote Made Me Do It, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
Eight of Water – The Muse of Simplification is suggesting the best use of this retrograde period is to reassess if you need to exit a situation and move on to something new. She would like you to lighten your load so you can set a new course into 2023. May times this un-baggaging has to do with emotions that no longer work for you. Or aspects that you are holding on to for comfort or sentimental reasons instead of living in the present. Time to release.
It’s that time again. Every Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets collecting data points from the tarotcast’s cards that each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror of 2022.
I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data shows some statistical difference and or trends, and so far, it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average (which this year the average is 8 times). Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years. I am only on year seven, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see a year in review for 2016 , 2017 , 20182019, 2020, 2021). Also, some of you had asked why I include the tarot card’s name. I do this for my readers that want to learn more about tarot, so for you all that just want the trends, skip over the card names.
Gazing in the Rear-view Mirror
First, I look at overall anomalies or card pulls outside the norm: This is a look through a societal lens. This year the most pulled cards were the Fool and Moon in the Higher Arcane and Four of Swords and the Pages as a group in the Lower Arcane.
The Fool herald of new beginnings, leaps of faith and clean slates. Examples of this are the generational change in leadership with the Democratic party in the house. Or more generally we all were coming out of pandemic with new ideas about how we wanted to come back into society. Many of us have jumped into new lives or come back into society. This could be done foolishly or with wisdom this was part of the challenge with this energy. Either we learned from mistakes and successes of the past and brought them forward into our new life or we unconsciously and foolishly stepped into something that does not align with our aligned path – jumping in with ego or because of fear. An example of that more foolish behavior is Elon Musk buying Twitter and the way he is cleaning house. A more positive aspect is the Great Resignation in the US, where employees were leaving their jobs to find or demand better opportunities.
The Moon was another card we saw a lot. The most recent example is NASA launching its first rocket back to the moon. But the Moon is also about emotions and brings out hidden or repressed aspects of our subconscious. These reflections of our subconscious can be the thing of dreams or nightmares. This year has had a sense of feeling raw, exposed. The moon has revealed our various prejudices and fears reflected in our society, especially around femininity. Sadly, we see this with more hate crimes and laws against trans-people and women around the world. Like the overturning of Roe, the laws in Texas outlawing gender affirming medical treatment, the protest in Iran around women having choice to wear a hijab, to name a few. The lesson with this Muse is society needs to have our collective subconscious revealed, like a wave pulling back exposing the shore. So, we can work to see what lies underneath the waves of emotion and heal it if necessary. The beauty is in the knowing that the tide will shift once again; the life-giving waters of our emotions will return and hopefully to healthier cleaner shores.
The Four of Swords advises us that rest and restoration is needed. Often this is around technology, and we have seen this with examples like the lower subscriptions in Netflix, people want to pull back from working over 40 hours, wanting a reasonable pay rate. But it also says how we easily tire and feel exhausted more this year even though some of the stressors of the past two years have toned down.
Pages are the cards of learning. And all the signs participated in this learning, creativity, and innovating process. However, again like the Fool above, pages can bring with them a sense of naiveté and at times foolishness. If you worked with these Muses well, you had lessons around being humble and learning from others. If not, there were lessons in our mistakes.
The lowest card pulls for the year are places where we did not have enough support from the Universe. The lowest card was the 9 of Cups- only pulled once this year. This card’s energy is around the lessons of feeling satisfied or content – the universe didn’t give us any help in this area. So even though we want the rest of the Four of Swords above we needed to fight for it. Then we had some ties for the next tier, cards pulled twice, the Wheel, Judgement, 10 of Cups and the King of Swords. So not really supported were the Wheel, so we saw sort of the same old same old. Judgement the card of evolution again no big jumps in creating a new world. Ten of Cups which is that big joy and happiness card was hard to find. And lastly the King of Swords so it has been hard to make or even clearly see long-term plans.
That is the big societal trends. And below in the cast are the trends within each sign in comparison to the norm. Art is some of my favorites for the year.
Solar System highlights until the end of the Year
This week the moon starts in Scorpio- prioritize your passion and heart. On Wednesday it moves into Sagittarius, reveling in freedom and adventure. Friday we have a new Moon in Capricorn, make wishes for what you would like to materialize in 2023. On Sunday the 25th the moon moves into Aquarius, great for community spirit. On Tuesday it moves into Pisces – spend time relaxing and daydreaming. And on Thursday into the new year the moon is in Aries great for beginnings.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (work and discipline) for the rest of the year so we can get a lot done through conversations if you can compromise. Venus (beauty and harmony) is also Capricorn – where spending our resources wisely is highlighted.
Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Jupiter (growth) is in Aries until May 24, 2023 – great for manifesting, expansion, and action. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
PS. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricornthis is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Readingfor your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And if you need a quick stocking stuffer. I can supply gift certificates for all my readings.
May light be on you, around you, and within you. Happy Solstice no tarotcast next week so I’ll “see” you all in 2023.
Lucia Heffernan
This year compared to other signs was a very energetically charged for you all. You were one of the two signs that had the most karmic cards, and you had the most at 20 karma cards pulled. Each month you had at least 2 highly charged weeks where you dealt with karma and learned big lessons. Except for the months of April and August where you had none and could take a breather. Also, during this year, you had three major energies on rinse and repeat. The Devil, where learnt lessons were re-tested and you needed to stand up for your moral ground. The Chariot, if change was going to happen this year, it was up to you alone. You and Taurus had the most knights(momentum) cards than other signs. So, the Universe supplied gas for your tank but no help in direction. And this is where the third theme came in if you didn’t have a direction then the Universe put up blockades until you did. So, take these next two weeks to relax, you deserve it.
My Miss America Ernie Barnes
Unlike last year where you had the highest karmic cards in comparison to other signs, this year you had the average amount. However, unlike the other signs you did not partake at all in getting rest/restoration into your regime, for you never got the 4 of swords (rest and restoration). And you and Aries had the most knights (movement) cards pulled compared to other signs. Then to add to it, throughout the year you were pushing for new beginnings, being one of the two signs with the most Aces (new beginnings) pulled. From the start of 2022 to the beginning of April you were busy deconstructing and finishing up projects. The rest of the year was a study in manifesting, healing, emotions, balance, and ending the year with multiple occasions fighting for justice and balnce. Even though feminine energy was not supported by the universe you took up the sword and fought for it in various ways: learning from women, lots of conversations, as well of action steps. Try to spend this last part of the year reflecting on what you have learned from all those that identify with feminine energy, how you can spread what you have learned into 2023, and above all else, REST.
Boyton Close 2020 Gilbert & George
Where in 2021 you had the lowest big energy to deal with but the highest in new beginnings compared to other signs, this year you fell into the average ranges for both. And like most of us, this was a year you took a deep dive into emotions and played with taking a leap of faith by the end of the year. But first you began 2022 focusing on increasing your strength (inner and outer) and aligning with your purpose. By the end of spring and throughout the summer themes of closure, healing, letting go, collaboration, communication, and finding balance were the aspects you were investigating. However, at the end of the year you took on the big themes of deconstruction, fairness, and clean slates. Overall, you had the most 5s compared to other signs. Fives represent chaos, so even though you had the average pull for karmic endeavors, 2022 still had elements of hecticness. So, for the next two weeks continue that investigation of what isn’t working and creating a balance so you can start 2023 with that new but calmer journey you have been asking for.
Shirin Neshat
You had the average amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. Though you had more 8s than other signs throughout the year. Eights mean refine and release, so you were working with those energies too all year. Until May, you were dealing with the concept of mixology or blending. How to find the perfect mix of the four planes of existence: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Then in May, June, and July like Taurus you took a deep dive into the feminine structures and inner strength; however, unlike everyone else who did it through their emotions you did it through the Empress. So, the acts against LGBTQ+, and female rights that were a deep dive psychologically for most were a place to create community, growth, and action for you. However, by August and into November you were wobbling between distraction vs divine attunement, anarchy vs order, and structures vs deconstruction. Finally, you end the year with a bright note and realigning with your purpose. Take these last two weeks of the year creating reminders of what truly brings you joy and purpose, so you can use them as your north stars for 2023.
The Eclipse Alma Thomas
You all had the second highest amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. And you came in with the second most 7s than other signs. Sevens are the cards that focus on expansion and contraction. So, you often felt dueling aspects of introvertism and extrovertism throughout 2022. Though January started off slow, by February you started dealing with the duality of death/manifestation and structure/deconstruction. These are themes you revisited two more times during this year. And like most of the signs you also had to deep dive into your emotions and clean slates. You are now ready to move on from your inner work towards being back into society. Take the next couple of weeks to continue that theme of letting others back into your life, so that 2023’s topics become more about being social and creative collaboration than being pushed and pulled between introvert and extrovert.
Djakou Kassi Nathalie
You had the average amount of karmic energy cards this year compared to other signs. Though you did have more 4s pulled. Fours are the lessons around stability. So, you were working with that energy all year. And like most of us, you also took deep dives into emotions and started looking for new experiences. However, you interspersed those with the themes of creation, growth, goal setting, collaboration, and exploring opportunities. And you did it in your thorough Virgonian way by taking on only one big energy each month. Which is interesting how the year is ending for you with two big concepts around evolution, and self-propulsion. It is like you are on the cusp of evolving into the next better version of you. So, take the next two weeks storing up momentum and designing plans for version youdot2023.
Shantell Martin
You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy this year compared to the other signs. Like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into emotions and starting something new. However, you all decided to take on the most diverse number of karmic themes, and unlike the other signs except for Taurus you did not partake in getting rest/restoration into your regime. Instead, you explored ideas around evolution, balance, perspective, inertia, collaboration, inner strength, opportunities, manifestation, deconstruction, building and growth. Whew! So, it may be best if you spend the next two weeks reflecting on what you want to bring into 2023 and recharging your batteries. You have been very busy, and it is time for you to let go of control and take a break.
Anna Fusco Good requires very little
This year you all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy compared to the other signs. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into your emotions and starting something new. Though you started and finished the year respectively with those themes. You also revisited the concept of self-propulsion versus inertia throughout the year. Having to provide most of the energy and direction or being stop completely in your tracks. That means you spent most of the year driving the bus or being stuck in proverbial traffic. Not to mention you tied with Gemini for the most 5s pulled for the signs. Fives help us find ways to deal with and around chaos. And then between all of that you also worked with the karmic energies of inner strength, structure, building, manifestation, and collaboration. Only slowly down somewhat in the past few weeks. So, I suggest continuing this focus on slowing down and simplifying. Take the next two weeks to rest and enjoy the ending of 2022 and work on what you need to bring more calm and joy into 2023.
Berenice Abbott
You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energy compared to the other signs this year. And like most of us, 2022 was a deep dive into your emotions and starting something new. However, you spread your lessons out, one at the beginning, the middle and again at the end of 2022. Also, you delved into ideas around purpose and growth twice this year. Where you stood out from the other signs is you had the most Pages and 2s. Pages are the muses of learning, and you learn from all four realms: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, especially from the summer on. And 2-cards are lessons on balancing in all the 4 realms also. So going into next year you are more stable and sure-footed. Take these next two weeks to consider what you have learned this year, especially around balance and equity and take that information into 2023.
Debora Lombardi
Happy Birthday Month! You all had an average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2022. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into emotions and starting new projects or journey with a leap of faith. Though you started and finished the year respectively with those themes. However, unlike last year which had a high learning curve, this year was just about gathering information to deepen your knowledge base. Your other karmic themes were moderation, manifestation, self-propulsion, building, deconstruction, and organic change. However, the trend that stood out for your sign was you all pulled the most 6s. Sixes represent exchange. So, there was a lot of back and forth this year of ideas, emotion, and physical resources. You ended the year with World card meaning doors are opening in 2023. Spend the next two weeks making sure your resources are in the green, so you can step fully equipped into whatever is opening up for you in 2023.
Beyte Saar Legends in Blue
You all had an average year in karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2022. And like most of us, this was a year of deep diving into your emotions and starting something new, but you all waited until mid-2022 to start in on these themes. It is not that you weren’t busy because you were. You took on a new karmic theme each month. Themes like structure, luck, collaboration, purpose, fairness, inertia, opportunities, and manifestation. And this year you all have specifically been dealing with the squaring of Saturn and Uranus a bit more than the rest of us. Which showed up by being one of two of the signs having a lot of 5s pulled. Five means chaos or disarray, and the lessons are around learning how to deal with or avoid them So, you haven’t been able to be as free flowing as you innately are. However, Saturn will be leaving your sign and this configuration fully by March of 2023. Freedom is on the horizon for all you water bearers. So, take these two weeks to ponder what you would like to do when the chains of Saturn release you.
Mu Pan
You all were dealt the average amount of karmic energies compared with the other signs in 2022. However, you are the only sign that didn’t deal with the big themes of diving into your emotions or taking a leap of faith or new adventure. The themes you explored are inner strength, manifestation, collaboration, building onto what you have, focus, moderation, hermiting, inertia, purpose, and healing. You also had the most 7s than other signs. Sevens are the cards that focus on expansion and contraction. And you took that hermiting/contraction a bit to the extreme by being the sign with the lowest number of court cards. Court cards represent people, and you had your doors locked to newcomers. But you have ended the year pondering what is next and how to get back into the swing of things. In the final two weeks of 2022, it is vital that you continue working with this theme. Because you will need a road map and destination plotted out for the coming year, and more importantly travel companions.
Another woman that comes out of the Bauhaus movement is Florence Henri. Henri worked with photography and painting. In both she played with plane and dimension. However, in her photography she pushed the limits of perception. By her use of mirrors and techniques of multiple exposure, photomontage, and negative printing, she has the viewer questioning what reality or reflection is. Her 1927 through 30’s studies of shapes, planes and values made her one of the first abstract photographers. Henri destabilized the camera’s capacity for realism by creating artificial and imagined spaces with these techniques. Even when she photographs reality her framing makes us rethink what we are seeing. This made her a perfect example of New Vision photography in the Bauhaus movement and a forerunner in the discussions of Surrealism.
Your pondering for the week: Look into the mirror and what do see? What is reality or a reflection of society?
Solar Systems Highlights
This week the moon starts in Taurus giving us a stable footing to begin the week with. On Wednesday it moves into Gemini- watch your conversations and tone. And for the weekend the moon is in Cancer perfect for staying home and getting your gezellig on. Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn for the rest of the year so we can get a lot done through conversations if you can compromise. Venus (beauty and harmony) also moves to Capricorn on Wednesday – where quality in spending our resources is highlighted.
Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Jupiter is in Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what makes us zing for another 3 weeks. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
****wondering how many people read these solar systems highlights or want it? Please email me or comment in Instagram if you are wanting it to stay. I’m thinking about re-formatting and only want to give what is useful.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Florence Henri 1938
Three of Wands – This week will have its starts and stops. The Muse of Enterprise advises to use both times wisely. If you have a green light go to it. However, if you are waylaid do not stop and stall. These times of inertia are meant to regroup and set up for the next steps.
Florence Henri 1927
Two of Swords – This week is full of indecision. However, the Muse of Choice reminds you that you can choose left or right. Either way will get you to where you need to be. So, flip a coin and carry on.
Florence Henri
*Justice – The Muse of Equity has come to have you investigate the concept of balance. Something in your life is off balance and now is the time to bring some fair play into your life. If you see an injustice speak up. Or if you are experiencing an injustice, parlay for better conditions. If you cannot find or negotiate equity, then you might have to walk away from the situation.
Florence Henri
*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Purpose comes when in this moment in time you are needed. You may not realize that opening that door for someone reignites optimism in them, or that conversation changes someone’s perspective. You are aligned with your higher purpose even when doing these little acts. This Muse reminds you that these gifts of sacredness, of seeing someone, comes when you are being your most authentic self. You are the change in the world.
Florence Henri
Seven of Wands – At some point this week you will be on the winning side or at an advantage. The Muse of Competition reminds us to be good sports. You have had your days in the gutter and know what it is like to not have someone give you a hand to lift you up. Because of this knowledge you can be better than you have been treated. Take the high road this week.
Florence Henri 1932
*Judgement – If you could transform or liberate one thing in your life, what would it be? The Muse of Evolution asks you to ponder this question. This week you have opportunities to level up if you choose. But if you are not focused on what to transform then it might mutate into something else possible not as helpful or enlightened.
Florence Henri
Knight of Cups – The Muse of Romance would like you to spice up your love life. She suggests fire-light, coziness, flowers, and intimate gestures. Now even if you are not in a relationship, you are in one with yourself. So, take time this week to treat yourself and those you love with extra care.
Florence Henri 1929
Six of Coins – Reciprocity is the name of the game this week. The Muse of Mini-karma comes to redistribute wealth and energy this week. She reminds you if you do a good deed, it will come back around though often in a convoluted way. But this also works with negativity. Watch you p’s and q’s this week.
Florence Henri
Two of Wands – Your second energy for this year is the Muse of Mindfulness. This year it is important that you stay in the moment. This is not a year to hold on to the past nor is it a year to think too far into the future. This year is about day to day living. How you can live fully each day this year. This Muse suggests either taking a picture a day or writing about one significant thing that happens each day to help take note of the moments.
Florence Henri
Nine of Coins – The Muse of Self-Awareness would like you to recognize how good you are at standing in yourself. This week may have its ups and downs, but you are doing your best mountain goat personification. You are rock solid even though the ground might not be.
Florence Henri
Knight of Pentacles – The Muse of Stability advises that slow and steady wins the race. Push back if someone is rushing you. You know what pace is appropriate for what action. Take your time, not others.
Florence Henri
*Chariot – The Muse of Self-Motivation is here to cheer you on to change something. She advises that you start small at first. Get rid of one thing you don’t use each day, exercise for 5 minutes each day, eat at least 3 out of the seven colored fruits. By moving just, a notch in the right direction you begin the process that will gain momentum. Consistency is more important than amount.
First, I wanted to thank you all for tuning in. I just finished my seventh year doing this blog, and I really am grateful for you joining me on this exploration of art, tarot, and science as differing conduits to deciphering our collective experience. I started this journey because I missed working with teachers and students, showing them fun ways of imparting and integrating science and social studies’ knowledge through the arts. My focus for these posts has become more dedicated to the under-represented artists that we don’t historically see or who have been forgotten. And then also my personal bias and love for art that combines science or has a social/cultural aspects. Art that is not only visually intriguing but also tries to teach or open us to another’s perspective. And then I throw in animals becasue you know they are cool. Again, I can’t thank you enough for being with me on this road.
And now your artist for this week is Elke Vogelsang @wieselblitz. She is a photographer of dogs, cats, and horses. I go to her page when I need to be uplifted. Vogelsang does capture their more regal and beautiful side, but she has an uncanny ability to also pulls out their goofy side. The side of our pets that makes us laugh when we want to cry. Science has proven that nature and animals lower our blood pressure, calm our nervous system, and increase our oxytocin. Her story on what brought her to this love of photography is worth the read.
Your pondering for the week: Would you want to return as a cat, a dog or a horse?
Solar Systems Highlights
The Moon starts the week in Taurus – ground yourself and dive into your workload. By Wednesday it moves into Gemini, great for conversation and knowledge gathering. On Friday the moon moves into Cancer so the weekend get homey and focus on self-care. No shifts from last week, so continue to focus on: Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion), so conversations can be intriguing and/or impassioned. If there is a crack or wound in your relationship it will show up during this time. This pairing brings aspects to work on out of the shadows and pushes us to heal them. Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Scorpio counter balancing Mercury and Mars’ placement. It is highlighting your sex life and passion.
Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it and Mercury are having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Jupiter has moved into Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what pleasantly gets us up in the morning. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Elke Vogelsang
*Devil – This week something will feel off. You know like when your neck hairs raise up or you get that feeling not to do something. Heed that instinct. The Muse of Mayhem is lurking in the shadows tempting you to doubt yourself. This muse does not want to damage you but to divert you from your path. So stay true to the best part of you and stay the course.
Elke Vogelsang
Page of Coins – Take time this week to learn a new skill set. The Muse of Skill comes just before you need this new talent to upgrade your future. She advises to hit the books, do a workshop, learn something new that will improve your viability in the workforce and/or a survival skill while humaning. Your motto: I am a lifelong learner.
Elke Vogelsang
Five of Wands – This week has aspects of chaos. The Muse of Ego intervenes by reminding you that this turmoil is based in gameplay, and it is your choice to accept or decline the challenge. You can easily walk away from the situation without obligation or karma. But if you decide to play, remember to keep your ego in check and play by the rules.
Elke Vogelsang
*Fool – The Muse of Beginnings is here to start you on a new adventure. The challenge is that it is a journey that you can not plan all the aspects for. It is a quest that encourages faith in yourself and the Universe. You have the knowledge and tools you need to start this endeavor, and you are clever enough to figure out the rest as it comes. So do not fear the unknown, take the first step into this new venture.
Elke Vogelsang
*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation is prompting you to conjure up something. However, she would like you to tap into the divine for inspiration. She encourages your imagination to make broad sweeping gestures, or in contrast manifest meaning in even the smallest of actions. She challenges you to bring the divine into the everyday and to remind your life can be magical. The wand is in your hand.
Elke Vogelsang
*Moon – You may need to find some solitude to dive into your subconscious for insight this week. The emotions that are sparked have roots in the past. The Muse of Shadow Work would like you to explore the whys behind your feelings. She reminds you to do this work you will need to have self-compassion as your companion for this trip into the shadows. That mistakes and missteps are universal, and they are there to help us discover new paths that our ancestors/role models did not know how to navigate. So, tread lightly on your moonwalk.
Elke Vogelsang
*Sun – This is your week to shine Libra. This muse would like you to use your super-powers for the good of all. The challenge for you is to accept the accolades and gifts from using them. So, if someone says thank you, don’t bow in humility, say your welcome and walk with your head held high for being such a good human. This is a practice not only in good deeds but also modeling what healthy self-worth looks like.
Elke Vogelsang
Four of Coins – Your third Muse for this year is the Muse of Resources. This year you will need to attend to your resources: space, time energy and money. This can look like saving money, when spending buy with quality in mind, creating healthy boundaries around how and what you spend your time on, or even how you share physical space. This Muse shows up to help you readjust and refocus on how and what you spend and save your resources on. This year is about increasing efficiency and banking assets for “rainy days.”
Elke Vogelsang
Five of Coins – The Muse of Hardship is visiting you this week. She does not bring the difficulty but comes to make sure you have a safety net when adversity comes around. She asks you what do you need to feel safe if calamity strikes? Things like: is your spare tire inflated? Do you have some cash on hand? Have you touched base with the person that is always there for you?
Elke Vogelsang
*Death – The Muse of Organic Change is here to help you let go and move forward. She reminds you that change happens whether we like it or not. Nature moves from season to season. The shedding and composting of Fall and Winter need to happen so Spring can flourish. You know this but your pragmatism can get in the way of the natural flow of a situation this week. Over analyzation will not help. This change is a process that takes time but like Spring will bring forth a new season of growth.
Elke Vogelsang
Three of Coins – The Muse of Teamwork comes when it is vital for you to work with others. Collaboration is key this week. As they say two heads are better than one. However, three heads and six hands are even better. Take the help when offered and ask for it when you need it.
Elke Vogelsang
*High Priestess – The Muse of Sacred Mystery comes when you need to work on your intuition and purpose. She advises to pay attention to synchronicities. The challenge is the synchronicity is not the clue but what you were doing or feeling at the time. Think of them like signposts that say, “pay attention now”. When you hone this skill of following the signs and interrupting the clues you begin to see the path more clearly. So, look for trends this week and make sure you take time to contemplate the puzzles.
Finishing off the theme of “eerie October” is the artist Jeff Wigman @jeffwigman. Wigman’s art exudes a sense of eeriness, but it also humorous or better yet satirical. The definition of satire is “trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly.” His work is a commentary and exploration of society, art, and the human psyche. Wigman mostly works with oils and seems to be exploring the oil painting techniques and well known imagery of the last 700 years. Many of his paintings have that darker quality and aspects of the Dutch masters like Rembrandt and Bosch, but also a nod to more current artists like Paul Cézanne or Edward Hopper.
For example, classical painters would paint a still life with the skull or skeleton to symbolize death or the unachievable nature of immortality. Wigman paints the classic skull imagery but with a twist, putting these symbols of death on playing puppies’ bodies, or skeletons walking down a lane. We smile or laugh at first but then the feeling of creepy or eeriness sets in. His paintings are visual examples of the beauty and veracity of satire. These paradoxical feelings take us into our own psyche.
Wigman make us think not only of the situation or concept but also of our perceptions of good and evil, virtue and vice, or laughter and despair. This duality is much like our celebrations around death and the turning of fall into winter. We confront our beliefs of mortality, hiding behind masks to fool or scare spirits or inviting the departed to food and festivities. Contemplating death can be scary and sacred. Humaning is complex, lets allow it to be so, and try to have fun doing it.
P.S. There are often hidden treasures in his paintings go to his Instagram or website and focus in.
Your pondering for the week: What costume would you wear to scare or appease the spirits of Halloween? I have added some examples that match with your tarot card.
Solar Systems Highlights
The Moon continues in Aquarius, so we start the week best if we think outside the box or even about the box. By Wednesday it moves into Pisces, making it easy to daydream but harder to focus on work. On Friday the moon moves into Aries enticing us not to relax but experience what life has to offer.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion), so conversations can be intriguing and/or impassioned. If there is a crack or wound in your relationship it will show up during this time. This pairing brings aspects to work on out of the shadows and pushes us to heal them. Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Scorpio counter balancing Mercury and Mars’ placement. It is highlighting your sex life and all things that make you “shiver with anticipation.”
Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it and Mercury are having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Jupiter has moved into Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what pleasantly gets us up in the morning. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Jeff Wigman gravy boat
Four of Coins – Resources are limited this week. The Muse of Savings is advising you to check your bank accounts, pantry, and schedule. Restock your pantry, rebalance your money and time. Make sure you are spending your resources on aspects that nourish you. Costume: Banker or Bank robber.
Jeff Wigman Queen of Corona
Queen of Wands – The Muse of Passion is here nudging you to indulge in yours. She does suggest sharing them either with a co-collaborator, friends, or the world. Tuning into, enjoying and sharing your passions with the world not only re-energizes your inner fire but sparks others as well. Your song: Come on Baby Light my fire with Shirley Bassey. Costume: A Great Queen or Revolutionary.
Jeff Wigman Senators sporting in a Small Town
Two of Swords – You know as a sign it is hard for you all to decide. Well, this week is cooking up some doozies for you. The Muse of Decisions is advising you to take time and consider your options before making any of them. She reminds you the decision is less about the goal but how you want to get there or the factors surrounding it. Costume: A Coin or a Wand.
Jeff Wigman Drunken Centaur
Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love ask you to make a wish that comes from the heart. If you had a seed based in love, what would it grow? Imbue that hope in water, an actual seed or paper and then gift it to a water source around you. Send this love-wish out into the world and see what comes of it in the months to come. Costume: Fairy godmother or Maleficent (or any other “evil” Disney/fairy tale character).
Jeff Wigman Puppy time
Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss would like you to notice and enjoy your abundance. You are at an end of a cycle. Take this week to gather all the positives that have happened in the past 10 months and review. By seeing what has been abundant in your life you can indulge in the serenity of a chapter ending, lessons learned and take only the cups that are full forward. Costume: Buddha or Kali.
Jeff Wigman untitled
Seven of Coins – The Muse of Work comes to help you push projects into the next stages. She asks you first to step back and relook at the schema and see if anything needs tweaking. And if you find that you need to start over or ditch the plan, do not be afraid for this week is the time to do it. Costume: Chef or Butcher.
Jeff Wigman Big View
*Emperor- This week is great for expanding your empire. The Muse of Building has come with her T-square and level. She likes to help with hands-on projects, like fixing that squeaky door or building a birdhouse. It is all about making your space a better place for you and yours. Whether you are building on the physical plane or conceptually it is important that you build with durability and longevity in mind. Costume: Prince(ss) or Pauper.
Jeff Wigman fast freinds
Page of Wands – Your second Muse for this year is the Muse of Creativity. This year is all about adventuring into and experimenting with your creative life. This is a great year to learn something new that makes your heart zing. Find a new outlet for your creative nature and your emotions. She suggests the arts in some form but anything that makes you grow and open your heart to living and learning around the human experience is up for grabs. Costume: Artist from any genre.
Jeff Wigman Heading East
*Fool – The Muse of Foolishness comes when we take ourselves too seriously. This Muse wants you to loosen up and enjoy the adventure of being human. She agrees that at times we do need to plan but this week it is better to fly by the seat of your pants and enjoy the ride. She is having you exercise faith in yourself and the Universe. And to relearn to laugh at sageness as much as folly, for you will land on firm ground eventually 😉. Costume: Mad Hatter, Jester, or Politician.
Jeff Wigman Bad Barbecue
Ace of Pentacles – This is an auspicious week to start a new project on the material plan. This Muse of New Beginnings is wanting you to algin yourself with growth and prosperity. You can actuate this energy by beginning a venture with your hands. Whether that is drawing out plans, a schema, a new schedule, learning to do a new skill or at the very least put your idea in a seed/bulb and plant it. This Muse asks what do you want to manifest on the physical plane? Costume: Farmer or Alchemist.
Jeff Wigman lousey magicians
Eight of Swords – The Muse of Illusion comes when you have bound yourself to a thought pattern that no longer works for you. The challenge is you trying to decipher your thoughts around it instead of saying “no” letting go and walking away from this paradigm. You need a whole new pattern of thought around this issue, but you must release the old one without guilt, critique, or judgement first. Costume: Magician or Snake Oil Dealer.
Jeff Wigman After the Flood
Seven of Wands – This week you need to stand your ground. The Muse of Nonconformity comes to help you push through obstacles. If they align with your true self, you will find it easier, and impossible if they do not. She reminds you it is not what others think that creates who you are. You create you. Be the Unicorn. Costume: Unicorn or Narwhale.
intentions are the children of desire and the grandparents of destiny
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