It is my favorite month for spooky inspired artists. The artist this week is Cait McCormack, @mister_caitlin.
In their words: “My self-taught practice primarily involves meticulously crocheted cotton thread that is dredged in a mixture of non-toxic glues, natural dyes, and foraged pigments, and fashioned into sculptural forms. The string central to this process is typically sourced from estate and garage sales, as well as collections inherited from my deceased family members, who used it during the Great Depression to create delicate adornments for their homes and bodies. My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was a kindergartener, and the practice is deeply entwined with my lifelong compulsion to produce hand-wrought objects in response to the world around me.”
I love that during this month the veil between life and death gets thinner. McCormack’s work reaches through this veil. She sources their material, skills, and subject matter from the past. And then their subject matter brings up these transgenerational questions of death, gender, sex, isolation, and ruination. And within this process they memorialize the trauma or triumph of living.
Your pondering for this week: How do you memorialize your traumas and triumphs?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Taurus – start this week by grounding yourself. On Tuesday it moves into Gemini – hone your communication skills. On Thursday, the moon moves into Cancer – self-care is needed. Then for the weekend the moon is in Leo – find a bit of sun and relax in it.
The planets are starting to move. First Mercury (communication and knowledge) is going into Libra on October 4th. We moved from lessons to being clear and concise when communicating to finding the balance of listening as well as communicating clearly. Mars (action) is also in Libra until Oct 12th. Having us purview that our actions justify our goals While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th. It is in its last week having us explore the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?
The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

*Temperance– Last week the Muse of Possibilities asked you to expand your horizons. This muse reminds you that experiencing “the new” not only expands your environmental space but also allows expansion in your mind and your soul. Now that you have created space, the Muse of Intention would like you to do a deep dive into the why behind what you intend do. Do your actions align with your intentions? And now with the background in exploration of what is possible, you have opened yourself to new intentions and/or the space to redesign the old ones.

Queen of Water – Last week you had tea with your more sobering emotions getting to know them more intimately. This week the Muse of Fun would like you to reacquaint yourself with the sunnier side of your emotional spectrum. Time for playing in puddles, ridiculous dad jokes, and spreading random joy to others.

Queen of Fire – The Muse of Spirit has come to inquire about yours. How is your passion level? Your spirit? How are you creating in your life? What is getting you up in the morning? If you cannot answer one or all these, this is the week to contemplate on finding those answers. And if you can, take this week to create space for your spirit to grow.

*Sun – The Muse of Radiance would like you to apply some shine to your life and grow. She reminds you, however, not to step into the full sun without some sort of metaphorical sunscreen. You need protection so that you do not spend your solar energy solely on others’ well-being or growth.

Four of Earth – The Muse of Savings would like you to not overspend in the areas of money, space, or time this week. She would like you to bank some of these material commodities, so you can spend them with more leisure later this month.

Ace of Earth – Material new beginnings are blessed this week. The muses say that this energy is great for starting new projects on the material plane. Time to plant those bulbs in the fall so they can bloom in the spring

Eight of Fire – Messages and information surround you this week. So, the Muse of Messages advises you on how to sort through this pile of “paperwork” in two ways. One, you have a single focus and only access the messages through that lens. Or two, you can collect everything you hear and see without discernment. And then next week categorize and prioritize it. The key is that all this information is useful and if you miss some along the way it will come back around.

Three of Water – The Muse of Friendship comes when you need to hang with your BFF’s, for your emotional cups need filling. The interesting thing is that their cups need filling too. So don’t be shy or worried about interrupting, the hang is beneficial to all of you.

Libidinous Drifter
Seven of Air – The Muse of Simplicity would like you to work smarter not harder this week. She advises working on only the things that are easy to deal with. You will have more success and gain more ground than you think you will if you do so.

Knight of Air – This week has the potential to be full throttle. So, the Muse of Rushing is advising you to slow down. Watch getting pulled into situations or conversations that have potential of requiring a heroine or hero. This week take the slow road and the metaphorical back seat. And if you have to take action, watch and listen before you leap.

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structure ask what are your foundational needs? She asks you to be specific like you need healthy snacks in the house, to wind down before bed by reading, more alone time or more time with friends. And then she advises to take one foundational need and implement it solidly into your schedule.

King of Pentacles – Last week the Muse of Intention wanted you to dive into your intentions and make sure they align with your goals and vice versa. Now the Muse of Action would like you to start doing the action steps that are now more in line with your desires and therefore your destiny. Take the step.
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