The artist this week is Sonja Hinrichsen @sonjahinrichsen. Hinrichsen is a multimedia artist that works within and about nature and how humanity interacts or could interact with it. Her work resonates with ancient petroglyphs, chalk land carvings, but also the clash between nature and modern civilization. All her pieces seem to investigate the vacillation from flow to stillness, so we can see the movement of land, a bird, and our observations through time.
One of the beautiful things about Hinrichsen’s work is that with many of her pieces, you can imagine yourself participating in it. Like her snow drawing pieces which is often done with herself and up to 50 volunteers in snowshoes interacting with the land and a concept. And by doing so we can see that we are connecting not only to each other but the land itself. In her words: I believe that through the means of art it is possible to point out the importance of environmental soundness – through speaking to emotion and passion for nature, and through unlocking an ancient sense of freedom and awe.”
Your pondering for this week: Spend time interacting with the flora and fauna. Harmonize with the duality of the flow and stillness of nature.
****And I am experimenting again. I had switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire. Now I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards. So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).
Solar System highlights
The moon begins the week in Pisces – go with the flow. On Tuesday it moves into Aries – kick into action. On Thursday and through the weekend it’s in Taurus – ground yourself and finish tasks.
Mercury is back in Sagittarius so you can re-tweak and do more experimenting with your communication skills until February 8th when it rolls back into Capricorn to implement what you have learned. Mars (action) is in Capricorn (discipline) until February 14th. This is a great time to get things checked off your to do list. While Venus (beauty and harmony) has moved into Sagittarius until January 23rd, so she would like you to experiment with any aspect that increases beauty in your life.
Jupiter (abundance) is in Taurus (grounding) until May 25, 2024, which is all about expanding pleasure but watch overindulgence. And Saturn (structures) is in Pisces (dream, create) thru Feb 13, 2026, so fluidity is the name of the game.
*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Eight of Fire – This is the second eight so a quick dip in the number. Eights in tarot are the cards of holding and releasing. Last week the muses wanted you to consider where you have been, where you are now and then consciously embarking on a journey that brings you new emotional horizons. And now the muses would like to download information that you will need to move forward with impetus. Hint: this info often comes in multiple times and various ways until you get it, so ears and mind open for glitches in the matrix.

Spirit of Fire – The Muse of Warmth reminds you that you can literally light up a room. You are inspirational when you engage with your passion. So how can you feed your fire so you can feed others?

Nine of Air – The Muse of Overthinking has come because you are circling a problem that has a hidden solution. This can be either you are worrying over something you can’t control, or this is not the time to deal with it. Either way you need to put the problem down for a while and come back to it later – this week, next week or possibly never.

Heart of Water – The Muse of Joy would like you to find time this week to play, because your emotional well is running a bit dry. So, playing on the floor with pet or child, drawing or coloring, snowball fights, sledding, skating, swimming, whistling, singing or any way to use your senses without a goal in mind is prescribed.

Two of Water – The Muse of Romance would like you to use that amazing charisma you have and to charm the pants figuratively or literally off someone (or yourself). You need to flex and strengthen that amazing skill you have of giving pleasure and making someone’s day. Go on, you can do it, you know you are good at it.

Spirit of Earth – The Muse of Nurturing comes when someone or something needs tending to in a supportive way. This energy is not asking you to take control but to help guide the person or process in a gentle and loving way. This muse challenges any co-dependent energy and persuades you and the energy to become more naturally interdependent.

Nine of Earth – The Muse of Contentment is here to remind you to stop for a moment and realize all that you have accomplished and reassess what is left to do to succeed. You may find that you are a place where you can put down the proverbial spade and relax for a moment. This is a smell the roses – stop and contemplate the rainbow kind of week.

*Empress – The Muse of Nurturing comes when it is a good time to create something. The challenge is this thing needs to be nurtured into being- like think 10 months from now. So, what would you like to bring into the world? Think around the concepts of cultivation, wholeness, nature, and coexistence.

Spirit of Air – The Muse of Angles advises looking at situations from all sides. By doing this you are diverting the energy from critical to inquisitive and from ignorance to insight.

*Death – The Muse of Organic Change comes when your process of transformation needs some revisions. You are trying to quicken the pace of a manifestation. She advises slowing down. There is something that needs to be re-worked or possible let go so that the movement and creation happens more organically.

Spirit of Water – The Muse of Flow would like you to examine yours. She asks you to look for places that feel stagnated or dammed up. These places of restriction are linked to untapped emotions. These restraints are self-placed, and you are taking something way too seriously. Even if the situation or feeling is dark, she advices to uncork it with laughter and have some fun.

Heart of Earth – The Muse of Discovery comes when there is some skill set that you need to learn or update. You will need this knowledge in the coming months. Look to places of discomfort or unease to if you are at a loss on what to study. This week take yourself back to school.
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