The Nightmare by Johann Heinrich Fussli is eerie. The Demon sitting on the chest of a woman in the throes of a bad dream. We have all felt that weight of waking up from a nightmare. The word, nightmare, comes from the Old English mare, a mythological demon or goblin who torments others with frightening dreams. The prefix of night was added to stress the dream aspect. Most of Johann’s work has that sense of creepy. His figures seem to pop out of shadowy backgrounds, as if a flash of light has revealed them out of the darkness.
To add to Fussli’s spookiness, he was famously known for being pursed by Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the founding feminist philosophers. She died at the age of 38, eleven days after giving birth to her second daughter Mary Shelly author of Frankenstein.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
*Magician –Last week the Sun card lent its energy to make you and what you focus on grow and expand. Now the Magician takes the Wand supporting you on manifesting skills. This card foretells that the power is your hands to create the divine onto this earthly plane. This can look as simple as, your goal was to be a better cook last week you looked over cookbooks and found that baking was the thing. This week you practice baking pies until you make one that would make your great great grandmother proud. Or this can be as complex as you deciding to start your own business and this week you write up your mission statement.
Eight of Swords – The Eight of Swords has you looking at what is holding you back. This week the best use of your time is to find out why, what or who is part of your inertia, realizing why you have been holding on to these chains of the past, and then letting them go.
Four of Swords – The Four of Swords advises that you need to rest this week. This card shows up when your energy/immune system is being drained, but you are not aware of it. The best way to handle this card is eat well, take your vitamins, get 8 hours of sleep, and avoid energy vampires.
Eight of Wands – The Eight of Wands foretells a plethora of information is coming at you. The challenge is trying to process it all. There are two ways to work with this energy. Either funnel it with a focus in mind or take everything in and prioritize next week. The key is eyes, ears and mind open.
Queen of Cups – The last three weeks were full of energy. First, the Justice card came pointing out decisions that needed to be made but you needed more background information to make a justified decision. The Devil card challenged your morality, integrity and purpose. Then Judgement pronounces it is time to act and evolve to the next level. With the Eight of Coins advising you to up your game by honing your skills to mastery. Finally, this week you can relax with the Queen of Cups. She helps you find the fun in your life. Take this week to enjoy your friends, family and/or the solitude of a good book. Your motto: Live and Love
*Moon – The Moon, the card of emotions and subconscious, calls to you this week. This card comes to tell you something is hidden from you. The best use of this energy is taking a deep dive in to your subconscious. When you do this exercise, you can find pearls of wisdom. These gifts help you sync up with your intuition, purpose and the universe’s flow. The challenge this week is getting lost in contemplation without a guiding light. This light can be as simple as finding the positive within the dark or as complex as finding the dark within the light. Your motto: all things in the shadow are not bad but they are relevant.
Ace of Cups – The Ace of Cups is another perfect birthday month card. This is your second Ace for your birthday month so this coming year will be perfect for new beginnings. Also, though your cards were all minor (this means no big karma for you this year) they stayed in the realm of the material and emotional plane. The Ace of Cups this week added that this coming year is a place where new relationships and love will prosper and grow. The work with this card and the year is about how you feel in your skin and life. The key to success with these four cards is making decisions and plans by how you want to feel in the physical world. So, if something doesn’t feel right then it isn’t in the cards for your divine life. This is challenging for you as an air sign because you usually judge things with your mind, but 2020 is all about feeling how you walk on this Earth.
Ten of Coins – Last week the Hanged Man advised contemplating before moving forward and helped with this process by making your surroundings inert, or at least feel like moving through molasses. The Ten of Coins is a 180 degree turn of energy. Where the Hanged Man wanted you to contemplate the Ten of Coins wants you to complete. This is a perfect week to finish up projects already in process. The challenge is not starting anything new but taking time to enjoy the finished product.
*High Priestess – The High Priestess brings the energy of the sacred, knowledge of the ancients and a broad perspective for interpreting cycles. This week look to synchronicities for guidance, texts for knowledge, and your soul for cyclic behavior. By doing this you become more sync with your divine purpose and the Universe’s helping hands. This is a great week to ask your guides for messages. This can be as simple as seeing a black bird meaning stop, look and listen, for there are clues and messages for you. Or this can be as complex as looking to your ancestors for family cycles of behavior that need to be purified.
Knight of Wands – The Knight of Wands is telling you: you are in the right place at the right time. When this Knight shows up, look around and know that everything around you right now is here for your enlightenment. Your challenge is to grasp it.
Knight of Coins – The Knight of Coins advises that slow and steady wins the race this week. Pace is the challenge. So not too fast and not too slow, find your groove and stick with it.
Nine of Wands – The Nine of Wands portends that preparation is key this week. So, before you leave the house make sure you have everything you need. Before you go into a meeting look over your notes/agenda. The more prepared you are the easier your week will flow.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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