The artist this week is Nancy Fouts. Fouts is a visual punster. Her humor, imagination and mischief-making reconnects us to our own playfulness while challenging our conventional mindset. She has the viewer repurposing and expanding what is the traditional known.
Fouts reminds us that art and life can be lighthearted as well as thought provoking. That is what humor does; it lightens our heart. It relieves the burdensome mind of worry. Prompting us that life can be fun without losing our hard-fought wisdom. In fact, humor when done well makes our minds sharper and more innovative, which is so needed at this time. The pondering for this week – how can you sharpen your mind through your wit?
The planets: Mars is in Taurus (great for getting things done but need to watch hard headedness) and Venus is in Pisces, (great for emotional work can be overly touchy). Well, they square off this week. This brings our relationships in focus – love and hate can be illuminated, and on a grander scale has us working on binary thinking in general. Remember absolutes are great for stability but suck at innovation. And they are rarely 100 percent true, so be careful that this or that thinking does not define you or your actions.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Five of Swords – This is your second five card so let’s dive into that for a sec. Fives signify that there is chaos in your life that either needs to be tamed or avoided. Last week was to avoid and not take on responsibilities that was not yours. This week the chaos is yours. Your ego is causing turmoil. This Muse is here to help you see that your ambition/social standing is making decisions not your integrity.

Two of Wands – The Muse of Adventure is guiding you this week to expand your horizons. This energy is begging you to go out and experience other parts of the World. This might be hard to do right now, but this Muse reminds you the internet can expose you to musings from all over. Here is a fun link to get you started.

Ace of Wands – Last week the Muse of Suspension was holding the energies at bay, so you could take time for introspection and innovation. I hope you could do this pondering so you can start this week dabbling with those innovations in the real world. These is a great week to start anything new. If you were not able, this energy still allows for ruminations, but make sure you have some plans drawn up by the end of the week.

Six of Coins – This week is all about the flow and movement of energy. The more aware you are of this dance the more momentum you can obtain. This Muse reminds you when all parties are served, seen, and appreciated the energy balances and flows with more ease.

Ten of Coins – This week signifies you are in the midst of a chapter closing within the material plane. The Muse of Completions is here to help you be mindful of how hard it was for you to get here. And before you move on to the next, enjoy being in this moment. Be present this week to see and partake in your accomplishments.

Page of Cups – The Muse of Play is calling you to come out and enjoy the simple things in life. Laying in a sunbeam and imagining you are a plant, fishing for Moby Dick, digging to China (or America depending on where you are at), air-conducting the London Philharmonic, or air-guitar/drums for your favorite band. This Muse wants you to revisit when you thought anything was possible and you could be anyone you wanted. This exercise is allowing you to stretch who you are today.

Sun – Last week the Muse of Letting Go was here to help you release what is no longer working for you. Hopefully, this has now provided room for this week’s Muse. The Muse of Divine energy is here to grow whatever you want to focus on. This Muse asks you if all your needs were meet what would be the first thing you would want? Then she prompts you to put that on your mirror and repeat it every time you see it.

Nine of Cups – The Muse of Contentment has arrived to help you find a place of peacefulness. She asks you to lay down your need or perception of perfection. She reminds you that 75 percent is still passing. This is not about being perfect but being ok with things being slight not okay. She reminds you that contentment is easily obtained when not pushed to 10 (or 11 for you Spinal Tap peeps).

Six of Wands – The Muse of Successes is here to remind you that small steps get you to the same goal as large leaps. Look for these small successes to lead you to paths of ease this week. Now is not the time to begin anything new or push something through. If it is working, go with it, and if difficult, hold off.

Two of Swords – This week is a simple yes or no kind of week. Your time is best spent doing then mulling. If you come to a place of indecision, this Muse suggests pulling out a coin and flipping it. Whatever lands will have a useful lesson in its answer and keep you moving forward.

Knight of Cups – This week your emotions are on the surface or at least they should be. Brenne Brown explains this energy well. …We associate vulnerability with emotions we want to avoid such as fear, shame, and uncertainty. Yet we too often lose sight of the fact that Vulnerability is the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity, and love. Be open to your love ones.

Nine of Pentacles – The themes for this birth year are big (letting go and metamorphizing), and last week was about taking part in the world so you could find your place in it. But this week you can put all that momentous stuff aside and just enjoy the simple things in life. The Muse of Refuge reminds you to balance all that extrovert-ness with your innate introvert-ness. This can be as simple as beautifying or tidying your personal space to make it into an oasis of calm, and then enjoy.
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