The artist this week is Marina Vargas. Vargas often uses the motif of guns and the color red. Her work can be very jarring which it is supposed to be, but it is also, as art is, very enlightening for the viewer. With all art we as viewers bring our perspective. Of late we have been dealing with a lot of violence and unrest. How do we deal with it is the inquiry in highlighting her art this week.
When asked what her favorite color was, Vargas said it was difficult to pick one, but she uses red often. As she said in a South Mag article: Although there is no doubt that in my work the most predominant (color) of them all is red. I suppose that in some way it is the color that mediates me with the rest of the colors. Red is a wake-up call, it is alertness and it is also the color that represents blood, wound, vulnerability and violence. I suppose that to be in relation with this color is to enter fully into the control that there must be to manage between the instinctive and the rational.
These images of Vargas’ correlate with Mars going into retrograde September 9th through November 13th. Mars is the planet of activity, sex, energy, confrontations, and war. During this time, you should be wary of starting new businesses, projects, or litigation. They may be exceedingly difficult to gain momentum and in the areas of law those that start “the war” may fail. Also, be aware this time can lower sex drive and increase a feeling of malaise. However, this period is great to work on projects already started, organization, and planning. It is made for crossing off old to-do lists, cleaning up your inbox, creating relaxing activities with loved ones, etc…
So, the big lessons with Mars are being aware of what irritates, frustrates and angers you. Take note but not action. And when you feel low energy, it is a wake up call for self-care. This time will be filled with more uncertainty and feelings of vulnerability. Use this alertness to enlighten and enhance your skills at how you are managing between instinctive actions based on fear and rational actions based on love and hope.
Let love and hope win.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

*Hermit – Time to gain some perspective on your life and environment. Something is off and you need to step back from your everyday life to do some contemplation on what it is and how to fix it. The challenge will be finding time for yourself while also equally find time for others. This week is about finding the balance of quiet contemplation and socialization.

*High Priestess – The energy is asking you to tap into your intuition this week. Look for cycles that need to be readjusted, and synchronicities to help move you forward and enlighten situations of inertia or chaos. Your instincts are powerful guides this week. The challenge is keeping your ears and logical mind open to your inner voice. And have a broad enough perspective to see that fear is an emotion not reality.

*Star – This energy comes when you need to do some healing. You need to reignite optimism and hope in your being. This week find time to relax in moonbeams, feel the wind on your face, watch the sunlight flicker from your windows, and acknowledge the kindness of a smile. Finding these moments will give you the curative perspective that after each period of chaos comes a time for healing. That everything has its season and overall, the arc is towards wholeness, healing, and love.

Four of Cups –Well either extroverted or introverted crustaceans this week is meant for quiet contemplation. Which for you introverted crabs is celebratory; however, this pulling in must be productive for both types of crabs. If you find yourself getting lethargic, melancholy, or bored you will be required to step out and reconnect with society until that feeling subsides. Then you can crawl back into your shell until the end of the week.

*World – This energy comes pushing you to complete something. To energize your leonic procrastination that has lulled you to laze on your sunny rock this summer. That was fine for the summer, but summer is moving into fall. This can be as simple as crossing off the oldest thing on your to-do list. You might even find it does not need to be done anymore. This energy wants you to do that final push, so your muse can open new doors for you.

King of Swords – This week’s energy lends itself to long term planning. Time to pull out a blank page and write all your wishes and intentions of what you would like to accomplish in your coming birth year. A great week to make an inspiration board, a bucket list, a brain dump page of all that you can imagine. Then take the rest of your birth month planning on how to reach these goals. The challenge this week is not to do but to think.

Ten of Wands – The energy this week warns that you are taking on too much responsibility. Time to lighten your load by one or two duties, jobs, chores etc.… The challenge is not to worry or pick them back up. The goal is to see, by next week, if someone else picks it up or you find it really did not need to be done.

*Moon – More internalizing with this week’s energy. This muse asks you to dive into your subconscious, listen to your intuition, emotions, and dreams. The challenge is that your emotions can run high this week. Many times, this might be due to your emotional pores being open and susceptible to absorbing others’ emotions. Therefore, your task is clarifying what are your emotions and what are others.

*Devil – Last week your emotional waters were tested by aspects being hidden from you. And you were given the option to dive deep into your shadow side to find your vulnerabilities and strengths or skip it. This week brings with it all sorts of diversions and tests of your character and drive. If you did last week’s work, then this week will go by with ease. You are brushing off the devil’s diversions and strengthening your resolve. If you did not do the work, this week might be tough. Either way think of this week as a test of your character and will.

*Emperor – The energy this week is about building upon your empire. This is a great week to do construction around how you make your money, your physical environment, and/or any hands-on work. The challenge with this energy is to be bolder, build bigger however, be careful of hubris. If you build for the good of many, then your work will prosper in the long run.

*Temperance – Balance is key this week. An alchemy of your material and spirit goals are the subjects to adjust. This is a good week to blend the need to survive with the need to enjoy life. So, this muse asks are you enjoying your life? Does the way you make money give you time and resources to enjoy your life? Or does your work bring you joy but does not provide for you? Your challenge is making fine-tuned adjustments to equal out your material plan with your spiritual one.

Ace of Swords – Last week the energy was about deconstructing your environment or systems and then creating new paradigms. The strategy being pulling everything apart to see its working and non-working components, fix, and then reassemble. Luck for you all, you have another week to do this with this week’s energy of new beginnings and ways of thinking. This muse hones your intellect to a sharp blade. Allowing you to see, decipher, and reorganize with clarity. However, your challenge is allowing your intellect to do the work and keep your heart in the passenger’s seat.
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