Happy Spring and Happy Birth-month to Aries
Louise Nevelson is the artist of the week as we leave winter and enter into spring. Nevelson tenacity helped her surmount the sexism and ageism of the art world that still reverberates today. At 42 she had her first solo-show, and her big break came when she was 60 when she was included in the “Sixteen Americans” at the MOMA in 1959. She is best known for her large monochromatic abstract assemblages made from street salvage remnants of urban life: baseball bats, milk crates, driftwood, picture frames, toolboxes, cardboard, toilet seats, newel posts and gingerbread carvings etc…. She also designed jewelry, painted, drew, and used textiles in lithography. Her themes are often around marriage, royalty, the cosmos, mortality, and displacement. But her most astonishing aspect of her work and her life is the ability create a new existence out of a death, much like what spring does every year.
Your pondering for the week: How does ageism effect your life? What can you bring to life that society has cast off?
Solar System highlights
This week the moon begins in Pisces – start your week intuitively. On Tuesday night there is a new moon in Aries – great time for new projects. Then on Friday thru the weekend the moon is in Taurus, plant your seeds, play outdoors, and make time for family outings.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Aries – watch your tone when trying to push through a project or get your point across. Especially since Mars (action) is in its last week of a 7-month journey in Gemini (communication and knowledge). Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk and follow up with actions. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it is having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Taurus until April 3rd. This is where it loves to be. It wants us to indulge our senses especially with the natural world.
Jupiter (growth) is also in Aries until May 16, 2023 – great for manifestation, expansion, and action. And Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint in Pisces. So now all that work you did with structures, building and innovating them the past 5 years, it is time to make sure they are elastic and responsive to change. The challenge is our boundaries can get too flexy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient, think like bamboo or jellyfish.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. and I have a new tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Four of Air – The Muse of Refresh comes when you are not realizing how depleted you are. She advises to take time this week to unplug, slow down, and recharge your battery. She reminds you this is the beginning of your birth month and before you soar into your new year you need time to wind down, check your engines and refuel.

Eight of Air – So last week was a bit of a bear and now you may feel a bit stuck. Aspects of your life and/or perspective might be holding you back. The Muse of Bondage comes to help you untie yourself from these limiting thoughts. She asks what can you do just this week to lighten the atmosphere? The way to get untangled is to untie one knot at a time.

Seven of Air – The Muse of Hope has come to help you through the miasma of this week. She advises to break your tasks into small doable chunks. By focusing on the one step in front of you, you will gain more success than trying to navigate the broader fogger landscape.

King of Earth – The Muse of Grounding has come to help you get done whatever you focus on. She does require that you have a to-do list. Once you have a good plan the process will come with ease.

Nine of Fire – This week will require that you need to power through an aspect of your life or project that is just not flowing. The Muse of Perseverance invites you to understand and flex how resilient you are. All fire signs have this amazing ability to create energy from the smallest spark. Time to gather some tinder and create the fire within.

*Tower – So, this week has some powerful forces that you have no control over. The Muse of Fortification is here to advise. She recommends first to survey your surroundings and see if you see any fault lines, underlying stress fractures or structures that need to be reinforced. Secondly, fix them. Then lastly if the storm becomes a tempest, batten down the hatches until it blows over and deal with the reconstruction after the storm.

*Star – After last week you all need this energy. The Muse of Healing has come to help heal and restore your body, mind, and spirit. This Muse will help illuminate the positive aspects of your surroundings and guide you to places of solace and joy. The only thing you need to do is accept it. She advises sitting on the couch and watch comedies interspersed with naps throughout your week. As an old Irish proverb says: A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.

*Judgement – Hopefully the Muse of Destruction made last week a light rainstorm instead of a cyclone of trouble. Either way the Muse of Evolution is here to uplift you to the next transformation. Take this week to look what was torn down and how would you make it better. If last week was smooth sailing, then look to oiling what is creaking. The keys to this week are improving ease and evolving to the next phase.

*Hierophant – The Muse of Tradition is here to point out that an aspect of your day-to-day structures has become antiquated. Now is the time to create a new tradition, ritual, or practice. Take advantage of this Aries new moon with Saturn in Pisces pushing flexibility and update your tenets to serve you better.

Eight of Earth – The Muse of Productivity is here to push yours. This is a great energy to use to strike off items on your to-do list or start new projects if you have extra time to kill. Your song: Super Model (You better Work) by RuPaul

*Lovers – The Muse of Relations is here to get you to focus on all your relationships. Take this week to get in touch with loved ones and deepen your connections. This is not always easy for air signs; you still need your space. And this Muse is not asking you to give it up totally but try to stay on the ground when you do interact. So, you can give your loves some focused attention.

Seven of Waters – The Muse of Dreams is here to have you work with yours. For some of you, you need to dream wider and bigger. For others you need to turn down your expectations. And this muse has the same advice for both of you. Ground yourself and focus on the emotion you want to feel more than the object you want to obtain.
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