The artist this week is Lois Mailou Jones. She worked with textiles, costumes, watercolors, paintings, and collages and was part of the art department at Howard University (1930 to 1977). Her work is typical recognized for its use of masks, bright colors, and geometric shapes, a deep dive into her cultural ancestry. Even though her interest in masks continued throughout her career, her arc of color choice and style wasn’t always that way. It progressed from muted to vibrant, realistic to abstract that correlates with her travels and studies. Jones is a brilliant model of the concept of a lifelong learner.
For example, she took a yearlong sabbatical to Paris in 1937 where she found like most African American’s at that time that her race seemed irrelevant to her success. During this time, she introduced African tribal art into her paintings and the Parisian galleries loved them. This experience celebrated and spurred on her exploration of the idea of masks and ancestral art. Then in 1970 we see a jump in color and abstraction in her work. At that time, she was commissioned by the US Information Agency to serve as a cultural ambassador to Africa, touring eleven African countries. This trip influenced her further exploration into various African motifs that she continued until her death in 1998. These are only two examples of how she expanded her perspective throughout her life. She studied and worked throughout America, Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean and her work shows how each experience expanded and deepened her art.
Your pondering for the week: What events helped color your world?
Solar System Highlights
The Moon starts in Aries which is a great energetic start to the week. Then Taurus comes in on Tuesday continuing the momentum for getting things done. Then the moon moves into Gemini for the weekend a great time to hang and exchange thoughts with friends. Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo – time for sharing, helpful advice and hashing out solutions. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo – update your style, bio and resume so you can accent your shine. Mars (action) is in Taurus, so do your action steps at a saner, slower, and steadier pace. Jupiter is in Aries; it influences action and expansion until October 28th. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its focus.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Ten of Wands – People will be asking a lot of you this week. The Muse of Burden has come to help. She reminds that you have responsibilities but not all of them are yours. Yes, you could get tasks done quicker, or just get them done. But this does not help you focus on what you really need to do or teach those around you to carry their weight. Time for applying some accountability into your life.

Queen of Coins– The Muse of Sensuality comes when you need to re-ground into your senses. She challenges you two ways. One, she reminds you that the reason for working is to also enjoy that works’ rewards. Then she challenges you to dive into each sense this week by rewarding yourself through sensually experiencing life. Partake in pleasurable food, scents, sounds, textures, and sights.

Five of Wands – I hope you worked with the Muse of Moderation practicing the middle path of ease and balance. For this week, the Muse of Chaos brings challenges that try to un-stabilize your footing. You can manage these encounters as long as you realize you are stepping into “the game.” So your motto maybe something like: “yes, I’m jumping through hoops but I have trained for it and can do it with ease.”

Eight of Wands – This week will be full of messages and information. The challenge is that not all of them are pertinent or yours. So, the Muse of Messages advises that you ask specific questions and if needed ask for a clarifying symbol (ex: you see a bird, a dog barks or that somethings comes in threes) to help sort through what is useful this week.

*Fool – Your final card for this year is The Muse of Possibilities. But let’s review your other muses to work with this year. First was the Muse of Overthinking giving you rules to live by about staying in the present. Then the Muse of Organic Change wants you to create change by letting go of the past and planting seeds for the future. The challenge with the latter is to properly plant your seeds in groups that work together and in proper seasons. Then the Muse of Inquiry advises to sharpen your skill at astute questioning and deep listening to help you find the answers you will need. And lastly the Muse of Possibilities prophesizes that this year can be a starting point for new adventures. The challenge is can you let go of the past, simplify the present and plan based on natural timing for the future. Remember this is a yearlong process, so don’t try to push things faster than what can naturally happen.

Four of Wands – The Muse of Home is calling for you to spend time feathering your nest. She asks what makes you comfortable and secure in your home space? Does your house need to be cleaned, cupboards replenished, or add some color to your space? This is the week to spend time make your home a place you want to be in.

*Moon – The Muse of the Subconscious comes to shine light on what is hidden. This week pay attention to your dreams and/or synchronicities (ex: seeing the number 3). The challenge with this Muse is that it does take some deciphering to get at the heart of the message. She advises to start with your feelings, and they will lead you on to the path of discovery.
Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details is helping you out this week. She recommends creating ease by paying attention to the minutia. That means read the fine print, listen to what people are actually saying, deep dive into questions and look at multiple views without bias. The challenge is coming from curiosity and not interrogation.

Three of Coins – Collaboration is key to ease this week. You all often don’t ask for help but this week it is important to. Because you need varying perspectives, possible physical help and to see that you are supported. The challenge is putting pride and ego aside and asking for it.

Six of Swords – This is the second 6 so a quick dive into the number. Sixes often have to do with cause and effect. Last week it was how the past effects the present. And this week the Muse of Transitions help you take that knowledge and move it into the future. Often this means that something needs simplifying to continue to the next phase.

Page of Wands – The Muse of Intuitive Thought and Creation comes when you need to re-light your spark. She asks you to reunite with your passions. What turns you on? What makes you wake up excited? Now is the time to put these activities back into your schedule.

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Schemes shows up for one of two reasons. She shows up when you need to be very watchful of how you navigate work situations. Or she comes when you need to scheme up a new plan to increase your chances of success. Either way play nice.
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