This is spooky month but with spook comes fantasy. This week I will be reading from the Tarot of the Divine who uses fairy tales and myths from around the world for the imagery. Fairy tales and myths have similar qualities. They usually convey a moral or a lesson. The characters may vary but there is usually a hero, villain, and a friend/mentor. There is some magical or otherworld element. And the heroine/hero usually has some task or problem they need to solve to overcome evil. These stories were told to not only impart knowledge but for the readers to contemplate their own story. So this week ponderings are: What is your story, how have you vanquished your monsters, what tasks do you still need to accomplish to reach your “happily ever after” and please remember for a full life story you need sequels and multiple happy endings.
This week’s artist Kinuko Craft pulls from the realm of the fantastical. Her art is meticulous and highly detailed. Since the 90’s she focuses on illustrating fantasy book covers, opera posters, and her amazing fairy tale books. Each piece shows her love for art history and fine art itself. I recommend going to her site to see these up close the detail and layering is amazing.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
*Chariot – Time to harness your emotions and start creating momentum. The places that you have once floundered are no longer a hindrance, for you have learned from your mistakes. What lays before you is the known. Now you have the experience to avoid the potholes on your path. So get a move on this week. Use this Mars energy to your advantage and get a head start on 2021. Your tale: The Three Princess of Whiteland, Norway.

Knight of Cups –The energy this week resonates with love, kindness and standing up for who and what you believe in. The challenge is that you might need to befriend a dragon or put others needs ahead of your own. However, these challenges and sacrifices do work in your favor in the long run. Your tale: Halibu the Hunter; Mongolia.

Nine of Wands – This week ‘s energy is a bit of a battle. The key to navigate these trials is to be vigilant while maintaining hope. Your tasks are honing your resilience and being prepared. This can look as simple as carrying snacks and water with you this week to sustain your energy. Your tale: Vasilisa the Beautiful, Russia.

Knight of Coins– Last week was about keeping hope alive and spending time to heal. This week’s energy is about action. This is a great week to slowly and steady do what needs to be done. Persistence is key. Your tale: Heitsi-Eibib, Khoikhoi, South Africa

*Fool – Last week’s energy surrounded the concept of insightful exposure of what is driving you crazy or blocking you. However, this was to be done with a new perspective. If you did your work, you are ready to take the next step into the unknown. If not, then you can fall into the doldrums and feel the path is hopeless. So the key now is to take the step knowing that even if you fail you will not fall. Your tale: The Little Mermaid, Denmark

Page of Wands – Last week’s energy was about creating the divine on to the material plane. This energy bleeds into this week but with a focus more about the playful energy of creation. If you are not having fun creating the world you are in – why are you doing it? And if you are stuck in a world you have not totally created you can still pull out crayons and color outside the lines. Your tale: Mwindo, Republic of Congo.

*World – This is your first big energy card to start off your birth year. This is the card of happily ever after endings following a difficult journey. You have gone through the trials, and now it is time to wrap up the old story so you can start anew. This year brings it endings as well as beginnings. Spend this week writing a list of what needs to be finished. And then start building a vision board for what you want next. Your tale: Hinemoa and Tutannekai, Maori, New Zealand.

Three of Coins – Where last week people may have gotten on your nerves, this week they are vital to your success. Collaboration and recognizing other’s gifts are part of finding solutions and ease. The challenge is you may need to come at projects and problems with humbleness not hubris. Your tale: Banjhakri and Banjhakrini, Nepal.
*Tower – This is the second time you got the Tower this year. What have you not dealt with that is not working in your life? If this is the same thing that was not right back in May, get it fixed now because the third time around tends destroy to create movement. If you dealt with the May issue, then look for small cracks in your foundations. These usually have to do with the material plane, like not having a solid exercise regime, not liking your job, not have 6 months of savings or still in debt. You might need to make some sacrifices to mortar up the holes, but it is worth it in the end. Your tale: Rapunzel, Germany.

Four of Cups – There is something in plain sight that needs your attention. You are not seeing because it is not being the squeaky wheel or bursting fireworks. This week look for simple solutions, and basic pleasures. What is most “mundane” may be the most useful. No reason for extravagance. Your tale: The Nightingale, Denmark.

King of Coins – This energy is about digging in deep and holding steady. You can help others with their hopes and dreams this week. However, the challenge is acknowledging when you need to pull in your energy. Conservation is key for preservation. Do not worry, if you are honest, the people around you will support you as much as you support them. Your tale: Hah-nu-nah, The world Turtle, North American Iroquois.

Two of Cups – Last week the energy of creation for comfort was key. You needed some positive mothering energy to sustain yourself. The energy this week resonates with this sense of comfort and love. Though the focus is more on equality and partnership. Your inner circle must fill your cup as well as challenge you in your growth. Take time to connect to those that you love and separate from those that only take or hurt. Your tale: Enkidu and Gilgamesh, Iraq, Sumerian.
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