The planets: Mercury is retrograde until February 18th. This is a great time to Review, Reflect and Revise. There is a new Moon in Aquarius on the 11th, a great time to daydream the future and innovatations.
Now to this week’s artist, Kilian Schoenberger (@kilianschoenberger). Schoenberger’s hashtag is fogpants and for good reason. His portrait of this atmospheric phenomena is otherworldly. Each photograph seems staged for a fairytale or period piece horror flick. His artistic ability of capturing sunlight, fog and snow has us entering another world, where time and space extends into the ether.
Fog forms when something warm and moist meets something cold. The most common is radiation fog when the Earth radiates stored heat into the night’s cool air. This fog sits and doesn’t move. Advection fog is driven by warm moist air across cold surfaces like snow or water, and it flows. Ultimately fog is a cloud on the ground. In Schoenberger’s depiction of this phenomena, it becomes less of an embodiment of the unknown. A place where we can lose our way or where scary monsters lurk. Instead, he invites us to enter a dimension where we can walk on clouds.
Light and Love
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Three of Wands – Last week’s energy was about reviewing if yourself and/or others were being unjust or not aligned with their integrity. This exercise of tuning into integrity will help with this week’s energy of alignment. This Muse helps you see that your timing/action-taking is perfect even if it seems you are not moving forward. The world is behind the scenes aligning things while you wait to enter the into the act. Motto: have patience until it is the right moment to pounce.

Four of Coins – The Muse of Thriftiness is here. Resources (time, money and/or space) are tight this week. She reminds you of ways you can be more frugal. Whether that is only going out to shop once this week or stretching your food budget by going deep into the freezer and eating what is there. The key is time and money is precious. So, what do you want to spend your precious resources on?

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship is knocking. She prompts that connection is important to keep up your spirits. Take some time this week to reconnect with your BFFs. Your emotional reserve is emptier than you think, and your friends are a quick refreshment in joy.

Six of Swords – The muse of small transitions is here to help move things along. She reminds you that small simple movements forward are needed to move ahead. So, take your to do list and break down each item into smaller chunks, or prioritize the simpler projects to create momentum.

Star – The Muse of Healing and Hope is here for you this week. You may feel a bit war-torn, or not feeling like you or anything fits, kinda like the little the ugly duckling. However, this muse is here to nestle you under her wings and show you that the world has some bright spots just for you. She will lead you to easter eggs of hope if only you open your heart and mind to them. Whether that is someone opening a door for you, a sincere thank you, or someone giving you an eye-crinkle masked grin. These glimpses of positivity are here to show you the world is not totally lost, and you are not broken, a misfit or “an ugly duckling.”

Knight of Cups – This week’s energy migrates your heart from chest to sleeve. This is not a totally bad thing. It is great for flirting and for deep meaningful conversations with ones you love. However, be aware you can be overly sensitive and take things too much to heart. Remember Mercury is in retrograde and people can say things they do not mean or can hear incorrectly. It is a bit of a telephone game, so act accordingly.

Ten of Coins – The energy this week surrounds successes. This is a great week to finish off projects and then indulge in the aura of your achievements. Abundance is in the air, your work is to grab these brass rings and enjoy the gifts that come with your hard labor.

Page of Swords – The Muse of Sleuthing is here to help you dig out the truth. Things are not what they seem this week, so you will have to do some investigating. Since the truths are not on the surface, you will have to ask questions in a variety of ways to find the facts. So ears open and a nonjudgmental mind will help you discover the information you need.

Seven of Coins – Work is the focus this week. This is a terrific time to get done whatever you set your mind and hands to. The challenge is getting started. However, once you begin there is no stopping you.

Page of Coins – The Muse of Study is here to help you. You have something to learn this week that will be extremely useful in the coming months. So, time to don your student hat and open your mind to the new. Motto: Learning is fundamental to my growth.

Devil – This is your first higher arcane card for your birth year. So, this is a theme to revisit throughout the year. This Muse’s energy is about testing your integrity and how you define yourself. This correlates with Jupiter- planet of expansion and Saturn planet of structures interacting with your sun pretty much all year. In a way this year is like your final exams. Old structures and constructs – things you have already learned will come up again. Your challenge is enacting what you have learned. Once you finish you can innovate into your next reincarnation.

Judgment – During your final month before your new birth year the Muse of Awakenings has arrived. This Muse wants you to start imagining what you want you to be in this coming year. The challenge is this is not about what you can obtain on the material plane, but what you want to metamorphize into. This can look as simple as getting in touch with your spirit guide/animal and having a conversation on transformation. Or as complex as a vison board composed of only colors and feelings.
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