Happy Halloween, Samhain, and Day of the Dead
Finishing off the theme of “eerie October” is the artist Jeff Wigman @jeffwigman. Wigman’s art exudes a sense of eeriness, but it also humorous or better yet satirical. The definition of satire is “trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly.” His work is a commentary and exploration of society, art, and the human psyche. Wigman mostly works with oils and seems to be exploring the oil painting techniques and well known imagery of the last 700 years. Many of his paintings have that darker quality and aspects of the Dutch masters like Rembrandt and Bosch, but also a nod to more current artists like Paul Cézanne or Edward Hopper.
For example, classical painters would paint a still life with the skull or skeleton to symbolize death or the unachievable nature of immortality. Wigman paints the classic skull imagery but with a twist, putting these symbols of death on playing puppies’ bodies, or skeletons walking down a lane. We smile or laugh at first but then the feeling of creepy or eeriness sets in. His paintings are visual examples of the beauty and veracity of satire. These paradoxical feelings take us into our own psyche.
Wigman make us think not only of the situation or concept but also of our perceptions of good and evil, virtue and vice, or laughter and despair. This duality is much like our celebrations around death and the turning of fall into winter. We confront our beliefs of mortality, hiding behind masks to fool or scare spirits or inviting the departed to food and festivities. Contemplating death can be scary and sacred. Humaning is complex, lets allow it to be so, and try to have fun doing it.
P.S. There are often hidden treasures in his paintings go to his Instagram or website and focus in.
Your pondering for the week: What costume would you wear to scare or appease the spirits of Halloween? I have added some examples that match with your tarot card.
Solar Systems Highlights
The Moon continues in Aquarius, so we start the week best if we think outside the box or even about the box. By Wednesday it moves into Pisces, making it easy to daydream but harder to focus on work. On Friday the moon moves into Aries enticing us not to relax but experience what life has to offer.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion), so conversations can be intriguing and/or impassioned. If there is a crack or wound in your relationship it will show up during this time. This pairing brings aspects to work on out of the shadows and pushes us to heal them. Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Scorpio counter balancing Mercury and Mars’ placement. It is highlighting your sex life and all things that make you “shiver with anticipation.”
Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023. This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it and Mercury are having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Jupiter has moved into Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what pleasantly gets us up in the morning. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Four of Coins – Resources are limited this week. The Muse of Savings is advising you to check your bank accounts, pantry, and schedule. Restock your pantry, rebalance your money and time. Make sure you are spending your resources on aspects that nourish you. Costume: Banker or Bank robber.

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Passion is here nudging you to indulge in yours. She does suggest sharing them either with a co-collaborator, friends, or the world. Tuning into, enjoying and sharing your passions with the world not only re-energizes your inner fire but sparks others as well. Your song: Come on Baby Light my fire with Shirley Bassey. Costume: A Great Queen or Revolutionary.

Two of Swords – You know as a sign it is hard for you all to decide. Well, this week is cooking up some doozies for you. The Muse of Decisions is advising you to take time and consider your options before making any of them. She reminds you the decision is less about the goal but how you want to get there or the factors surrounding it. Costume: A Coin or a Wand.

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love ask you to make a wish that comes from the heart. If you had a seed based in love, what would it grow? Imbue that hope in water, an actual seed or paper and then gift it to a water source around you. Send this love-wish out into the world and see what comes of it in the months to come. Costume: Fairy godmother or Maleficent (or any other “evil” Disney/fairy tale character).

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss would like you to notice and enjoy your abundance. You are at an end of a cycle. Take this week to gather all the positives that have happened in the past 10 months and review. By seeing what has been abundant in your life you can indulge in the serenity of a chapter ending, lessons learned and take only the cups that are full forward. Costume: Buddha or Kali.

Seven of Coins – The Muse of Work comes to help you push projects into the next stages. She asks you first to step back and relook at the schema and see if anything needs tweaking. And if you find that you need to start over or ditch the plan, do not be afraid for this week is the time to do it. Costume: Chef or Butcher.

*Emperor- This week is great for expanding your empire. The Muse of Building has come with her T-square and level. She likes to help with hands-on projects, like fixing that squeaky door or building a birdhouse. It is all about making your space a better place for you and yours. Whether you are building on the physical plane or conceptually it is important that you build with durability and longevity in mind. Costume: Prince(ss) or Pauper.

Page of Wands – Your second Muse for this year is the Muse of Creativity. This year is all about adventuring into and experimenting with your creative life. This is a great year to learn something new that makes your heart zing. Find a new outlet for your creative nature and your emotions. She suggests the arts in some form but anything that makes you grow and open your heart to living and learning around the human experience is up for grabs. Costume: Artist from any genre.

*Fool – The Muse of Foolishness comes when we take ourselves too seriously. This Muse wants you to loosen up and enjoy the adventure of being human. She agrees that at times we do need to plan but this week it is better to fly by the seat of your pants and enjoy the ride. She is having you exercise faith in yourself and the Universe. And to relearn to laugh at sageness as much as folly, for you will land on firm ground eventually 😉. Costume: Mad Hatter, Jester, or Politician.

Ace of Pentacles – This is an auspicious week to start a new project on the material plan. This Muse of New Beginnings is wanting you to algin yourself with growth and prosperity. You can actuate this energy by beginning a venture with your hands. Whether that is drawing out plans, a schema, a new schedule, learning to do a new skill or at the very least put your idea in a seed/bulb and plant it. This Muse asks what do you want to manifest on the physical plane? Costume: Farmer or Alchemist.

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Illusion comes when you have bound yourself to a thought pattern that no longer works for you. The challenge is you trying to decipher your thoughts around it instead of saying “no” letting go and walking away from this paradigm. You need a whole new pattern of thought around this issue, but you must release the old one without guilt, critique, or judgement first. Costume: Magician or Snake Oil Dealer.

Seven of Wands – This week you need to stand your ground. The Muse of Nonconformity comes to help you push through obstacles. If they align with your true self, you will find it easier, and impossible if they do not. She reminds you it is not what others think that creates who you are. You create you. Be the Unicorn. Costume: Unicorn or Narwhale.
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