The artist this week is Jane Lee. Lee is a painter that deconstructs painting and therefore the creation process. She works with the components that build a painting, the canvas or the thread that makes it, paper, the stretcher, the paint. Her painting exploration is Impasto to the ninth degree. Impasto is paint that stands up from the surface because of how it was applied or the quantity of paint.
She typical does not work with paint brushes but utensils around her house and her hands. She starts with a blank canvas and begins to layer it as she goes through the day. Then she peels or digs back into those layers exposing them. By exposing the layers, edges or decomposing the painting she makes the viewer ponder the process of creation, deconstruction, and then reconstruction. Lee has us pull back our own process of layering our emotions and experiences as we walk through our day. That we do not truly know what the day holds. The knowing comes when we reflect and dig back into our life. When Tan Siuli asked her about how she came to this process from traditional painting Lee said “I asked, what makes painting a painting? How can I create art in an unconventional way that is more related to daily life, that can allow me to be free, to celebrate and to embrace unexpected process, as in life?
Your pondering for the week: Can you walk through life excited about the unexpected? And when you do reflect back, can you reconstruct your life into a piece of art, a thing of beauty?
Solar Systems Highlights
The Moon starts in Capricorn – work and checking things off your to-do list. Then on Wednesday the moon moves onto Aquarius – great for innovation. By Friday it goes into Pisces – great for a dreamy weekend. Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Libra where communication in your relationships is highlighted. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Virgo all this month a perfect time to tidy up your house and bring practical aesthetics into your life.
Mars (action) is now in Gemini, where it will stay until March 25th, 2023. Yes, that is a 7 month stay instead of it’s usually 1-2. Mars is pushing us to truthfully talk our walk. The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off. So, it has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction. Jupiter is in Aries; it influences action and expansion until October 28th. And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its focus.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Fire is with you this week to help you accomplish anything you focus on. The key is it to maintain optimism even in the mist of a challenge. By thinking positive, you find the positive solutions and help you need.

Six of Coins – The Muse of Exchange is here to balance karma. When this muse shows up you may be called to help someone and find help when you ask for it. This is a generous energy, so spread the good around. Motto: There is enough if we share – Lordcowboy.

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Bondage comes when your thoughts are holding you back. Watch your self-talk this week. She asks would you say to a friend what you say to yourself? Would you put them down or not support their dreams? You are in control of these thought-chains. Now is the time to let them go and be free.

*Devil – The Muse of Diversion comes to teach discipline and focus. This week will feel as if you have no gumption or are so easily distracted that getting things done might be challenging. The easiest way to work with this energy is to do what needs to be done first. Then you can play/daydream once you have done your chores.

*World – The World is calling to you this week. The Muse of Opportunities is knocking at your door. The challenge is opening it. Whether it’s fear or just feeling overloaded, you would like not to put more on your plate. And this Muse agrees. Something will need to end to bring the new in. So, take time to tie up loose ends or let go of something that just isn’t working. Because new possibilities need a seat at your table.

Two of Coins – Your third Muse for your birth year is the Muse of Juggling. She brings you lessons around balance, accomplishment before addition, and adaptability. You will have multiple opportunities that will also hone your skills of prioritizing, time management, and efficiency. And a side note, physically it is a good year to do balancing exercises like tai chi, yoga, or capoeira.

Seven of Coins – This week might feel like an up-hill battle. But the Muse of Perseverance is here to help fortify your determination to take something to completion. You have come so far, and you have the will and energy to keep going. Your rewards are coming; it will just take a bit more energy and time to get there.

King of Coins – This week it is time to turn a vision into tangibility on the physical plane. This can be in the areas of home, work, or the world. By building in your physical realm, you increase your resources as well as others around you.

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams has come to invoke your imagination and expand your dreams. The universe works with our dreams to create available options for our life choices. Your dream-cups have dried up. Time to fill your cups, so the universe has something to work with.

Page of Swords – The Muse of Inquiry comes when you need to investigate a bit deeper into circumstances. It is not that aspects are purposely hidden. For people, they might not be aware or focus on the deeper aspect. And if it is a circumstance, you just need ask more questions to find a more suitable solution.

Five of Cups – This week can be very frustrating for tiny things will just not line up. So, the Muse of Mistakes and Mishaps comes to help. She advises these frustrations happen for a few reasons. One, things that are just not in your control and you shouldn’t try to make them yours to deal with. People are responsible for their own messes. Two, the mishap is yours, but you are way too hard on yourself when making it. And three you are way to hard on someone else’s misstep. They already know and you don’t need to point it out. We all make mistakes or have off days. Let go of the errors and learn the lesson when there is one.

Knight of Swords – This week can feel rushed. However, you need to slow down to assess the real situation. Think and inquiry before jumping. And on a side note, be careful with your extremities. No running with scissors.
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