Art in Space. The Hubble Telescope just had its 30th birthday in space. Above the latest picture is a giant red nebula (NGC 2014) and its smaller blue neighbor (NGC 2020) part of the Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, located 163,000 light-years away. The blue we see is oxygen emitting from stars. The red is the presence of nitrogen and hydrogen. And the wave/cloud is actually the “wind” made by those stars’ energy pulsating out. How magnificent is this!
On April 24th, 1990 Hubble was launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida attached to the Discovery space shuttle. It has been serviced and upgraded by 5 more missions from 1993 to 2009. To date Hubble has taken over 1.4 million observations. Data from this telescope has helped astronomers measure the expansion and acceleration rate of the universe, study black holes, take in depth looks at planets and their atmospheres, just to name a few of the advances in astronomy.
Below are more incredible photos from the Hubble Telescope take this year and last.
P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you. Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
Six of Cups – Last week the World card heralded the concepts surrounding completion and triumph versus incompletion and disappointment as your coming year’s driving force. This week’s energy has you starting that search in the past. Look for useful models about completion in personal and/or world history to help process and expand your knowledge on how to maintain resilience no matter the outcome.
*Universe – Another great energy for your birth month! Last week’s energy had you ponder: How does information from your past effect the planning of your future? And does this process to get to the future holding you back? Can you plan without knowing the outcome? Now the Universe card has you looking towards a more distant future. This energy asks you: If everything were possible and you had infinite energy how and what would you grow? This is a call from the Universe to evolve but it can only help you if you give it some ideas. So, think big!
*Wheel – This is the last month before your new birth year and the universe is giving you a chance to change your fortune for the coming year. It is pushing you to take a chance on yourself. Yes karma, fate and luck are all part of the cosmic design, but you can and do have some control of where the ball lands on the cosmic roulette table. Your part is to show up and make the bet to change your destiny. Yep you got to play, so what you going to do?
*Strength – So if anything, this time has taught you that you have control issues to work on, and that you need a lot of self-compassion to tame these inner demons. The amazing bit about this energy work you been doing is that your inner strength is getting stronger. This week’s energy will help you in taming your insecurities and self-doubt and make you more resilient to boot.
Page of Swords – The energy around you this week is not helping your restlessness, but you can let your curiosity tame your gitchiness. As you let your curiosity roam more ideas start popping up. This exercise will not only divert you but also take you on a better path than the one you are on now.
Three of Swords – Forgiveness is key to this week’s energy of suffering and sorrow. Stop licking your wounds and let them heal. Now is the time to move on and take a more optimistic look into your future.
*Death – The energy this week is about transitions. There are places in your life that need to end so others can begin. Utilize this energy like weeding a garden. You need more space for what you want to harvest, so something needs to give. Let what doesn’t work go.
*Fool – Last week’s energy had you pondering the concepts of nurturing versus smothering, codependence versus interdependence, and growth versus obstructions. If you did this, you are now giving yourself and others the space, time and energy to grow with just enough structure to feel rooted and secure. Which readies you for this week’s energy of new beginnings and spontaneity. Now you have the space to take advantage of the free spirit energy that prevails this week. If you did not do this pondering, you may fall on a foolish path. So think before you leap.
Eight of Cups – This week is about creating some space and simplification. You need the space to spread out your mind and body, but your environment is cluttered. So, clean out the closet, your inbox, and/or your desk, so you can walk away from the old and into the spacious horizon of the new.
Ace of Wands –This week’s energy is full of opportunity and potential, but you must stoke your fires of inspiration. Create a vision board, daydream, dig into social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram to rouse your muses, write lists of your wishes, peer into fire and conjure visions. Now is the time for new beginnings.
Two of Coins – Balance is key this week. The more flexible you are the better you can attend to your priorities. This sounds like a paradox, but it is key to not overcommitting yourself and giving away time to do not actually have.
Page of Coins – This is a week of possibilities that lead to achievements and victories. You will need to be diligent to make it manifest but anything you put effort to will move towards success. This energy comes to validate that your dreams are flourishing, and you are moving towards goals you have wished and worked into being a while back.
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