John Bauer is an artist known for his illustrations for Among Gnomes and Trolls first published 1907. He had a unique process when painting. He would start with a small sketch about the size of a stamp with the basic shapes of the image. Then he would slightly scale it up adding more detail. He would do this many times until he reached the size of a square piece of paper between 20-25 centimeters (8-9 inches).
Gnomes and trolls are associated with the earth but come from different origins. Troll mythology comes from ancient Norse and Scandinavian oral history. They said to be beings that are human-like, usually associated with nature or areas of landscape, and are not typically helpful to humans. Gnomes, on the other hand, didn’t show up until the 16th century in writings by Paraceisus who classified them as earth elements. He describes them as two spans high, living underground and not liking human interaction.
Paracelsus was a physician, alchemist and astrologer. He is considered the “father of toxicology” and promoted chemistry as one of the corner stones in medicine. Interestingly, he had a lot in common with gnomes and trolls. He worked with minerals, was small in stature, and did not suffer fools gladly.
PS. Don’t forget your Astrological Tarot Reading for this year.
Aries – King of Cups
The love continues this week with the King of Cups. This King reminds you that your emotions are one of big principles of human life. Your challenge this week is to be in your emotions. The more you deal with your emotions now, the less you will see them as a burdens in the future.
*Taurus – Hanged Man
Last week, the Chariot arrived the second time this year, challenging you to deal with balance issues while making a change in your life. This week is still big work, but where last week was about movement, this week is about stillness. The Hanged Man is time to sit in the sacred and reflect. This can be as simple as sitting on your porch and just reflecting on day, or as complex as mediating on big questions like Who am I, What is my purpose, and/or Why am I here?
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of March 4, 2018
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