This week is a collection of artists from Gibbs Farm in New Zealand. This is a private art collection commissioned by Alan Gibbs that he started over 20 years ago. Gibbs Farm is open to the public once a month for free but must be booked in advance. The interesting aspect of any sculptural park is how the artist decides to utilize the land itself. This farm’s vast landscape rolls from mountains down to the shallow flats of Kaipara harbor gives each artist a lot to choose from though challenging. Also tricky the artist must contend with the prevailing westerly weather of the area.
You can see how each artist highlights the elements of the landscape with their art. Some artist work with the landscape like Kapoor with shape or Goldworthy with the tides. Or artist like Van Den Eijkel or Judah work in contrast the former with color the latter with angle. And then there are artist like Lin or Lye that use the elements of the landscape, grass, and wind to be part of the sculpture itself.
Your pondering – How do you work within your landscape?
Solar System highlights: The Moon starts this week in Aquarius – innovation is key. Then moves into Pisces on the 2nd – dream time. Onto Aries for the weekend – go out and be active. We have 3 planets in Capricorn until February 14th. Mercury in Capricorn is retrograde until Feb 3rd, so Review, Reflect, and Reassess until then. Then we can once again start to set things in motion. Venus is in Capricorn – where beauty and harmony are achieved through practicality. Mars is also in Capricorn- where we can easily focus our momentum. So though the week starts with inner work we move into action by the weekend. Lastly, Jupiter is in Pisces until May; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And Saturn is in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is the focus for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Four of Cups – Last week the Muse of Organic Change nudge you to grow and asked you to let something go. You get another week of this reflective energy if you feel as if you have not totally taken out the trash. If you have done your life chores and your tabletops are clean, then take this time to look inward and relax into what could look like a mini hibernation for the week. Either way, solitude is fine for the week but by the weekend turn your eyes and mind back out to the world.

Queen of Cups – The Muse of Fun is here with lampshade in hand. This week your goal is to have a bit of fun ever day. Whether that is playing games, watching some comedy, finger-painting, or making a snowman, it is important to bring laughter and play back into your world. (Check out Greg or Pinky two of my favorite hilarious people)

Eight of Coins – The Muse of Mastery has come to help you tweak your skills of choice. Take this week to focus on one thing that needs to be upgraded in your work life. Does your website need tweaking? Your resume? Or your communication skills? What needs just a bit of a nudge to take you to your next level at all things pertaining to work.

Page of Wands – Playing around with your creativity is needed this week. This Muse loves to experiment without a goal, doodle while listening to music, search the internet for random art from the 15th century. By randomly playing in the land of creation, inspiration will come.

*Death – The Muse this week is Organic Change. Like last week this energy is pushing you to let go of the old to fertilize the new. She gently reminds you that change/death is inevitable. By fighting it you leave your field “fallow.” This Muse likes to compost the past and release its pain. By letting go of things that aren’t working and/or your suffering, you allow yourself space to grow. This can look as simple as changing jobs or as complex as forgiving someone. And don’t worry this energy takes time to fully transition but at least start the process this week.

Knight of Coins – Last week the Muse of Fertility came to help you give birth to ideas and experiences. You get another week to work with this birthing process with the Muse of Pace. This Muse gives you the momentum you need to go forward and expand; however, she also reminds you that we all work at our own unique optimal pace and way. Sprinter/Marathoners; Diurnal/Nocturnal; Solitary/Collaborative, etc. Find when and how you work best to utilize this energy with efficiency.

*Judgement – The Muse of Metamorphosis has come to do more brainstorming with you around how you want to up your game or evolve into the new and better you. Evolution has four main components. Potential, can it be done? Variation, are there multiple avenues to get there? Competition, do you have to vie for resources? And proliferation, can it be done more than once? So run your goals through these lenses.

Six of Swords – Small trips are needed this week. Each of these little outings will have hiding “Easter eggs” for you. Check by bodies of water if you can.

*Tower – Look around you and check for cracks because Kali has come to shake things up. This Muse causes chaos so you can see what needs to be fix. The best way to work with this energy is to find your “cracks” first and then actual fix the problem. Caution this is not a week to use literal or proverbial “duct tape”.

Ten of Swords – I hope last week you honed your skills in flexibility, self-compassion, and patience to partake in the deep nourishment of your emotions and soul. Because this week the Muse of Epiphany has come to gracefully end an old way of thinking or responding. It may be a hard ending but be grateful for the lessons you have learned, for it is preparing you to respond differently to challenging situations.

*Wheel – This Muse reminds you that everything changes. If you are in a place of fortune, be grateful for the wheel will eventually cycle out of this phase. And if you are in a place of misfortune, this too will not last. Karma or dumb luck may have gotten you here, but what you do with it is within your power.

Seven of Coins – The Muse of Work is here with a cup of coffee. This week’ energy gives you the kick to get things done. By using this energy you are investing in your future.
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