From Winter Solstice to New Years, I reflect back on what has been and plan for what is to be. Also, I’m data geek. I keep excel sheets on the tarotcast’s cards each sign gets throughout the year. So, this tarotcast is dedicated to our rearview mirror view of the 2017.
I look at the data in two ways, how many times each card was pulled (for anomalies) and what the actual cards were for each sign (trends). For fun I want to see if the data show some statistical difference and or trends, and so far it has. This means that certain cards get pulled outside the average, (which this year was 7.5 times) in a 12 month period. Now, to be truly scientific I would have to do this for many years and I am only on year two, but let’s see how this works with the data I have so far. (You can see 2016 year in review tarotcast here.)
Overall, 2017 had less high and lows than last year. The Aces (beginnings) averaged out to the same this year as last, but 2016 had more 10s cards (endings) then 2017. The Magician reigned in 2017. He challenged us to change the world around us and align it more to how we would like our world to be. This year at the Magician’s best was about the self, experimentation and what can I personal manifest into my life. And at worst was about greed, deceit, manipulation and using one’s skills and abilities for negative ends. The “Me Too” movement is a great example of how both sides of this card played out in society.
There were more “least pulled” cards (2 times) this year than last year: 4 swords, 5 of cups, 8 of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, and King of Cups. I see these as areas where we did not have enough. Overall we haven’t had enough healing emotionally and mentally, nor have we had enough mastery of the skills we need to feel at ease.
The card pulled the most was the Ace of Wands (17 times) same as last year that has us once again asking ourselves the big philosophical questions of why we are here, and what do we stand for. The Eight of Wands (17 times) also ranked high this year. This card means we were inundated with news and messages and needed to decipher which messages information was relevant and useful.
Then I looked at each signs trends and that is below. The pics are my top 12 tarotcast’s pics. Photo by Charles Pinion.
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Believe it or not this has been an average year when compared to the rest of the signs but how it played out was a bit hard. The beginning of 2017 was laid back until about April then you were full on throughout the summer. You had a small respite in September, but you were back in the saddle again the rest of the year. Creating and maintaining structure was the theme that challenged you 2017
Even though this was an average year of intensity, people, endings and beginnings, you haven’t had a month which hasn’t had something big going on. All of the big change cards and the most knights (movement) visited you more than any other sign in 2017. Therefore, your big trends were around change mostly outside of your control and how to keep moving forward. You all handled it but I hope 2018 brings you a smaller to do list and more spaces to breath.
You had a big karma year in 2017 which played out with you coming in second on the having the most high arcane cards (15). Lucky for you the timing worked in your favor with a month on and a month off all year. However, you have been living out your two lives maybe a bit too well. So your Strength (maintaining it) was your big challenge this year. Hopefully, 2018 will have you living one life instead of two.
You had an average year with its up and downs. However, the first part of your year was crammed packed until March. You had a nice lull until July then you were off running until November. And you are ending the year with a bang. The High Priestess was your theme this year and next. She came to you each quarter and for your birthday yea reading challenging you to weave spirituality in your life.
This year started and ended with a bang for you all even though you average the same amount of stuff that the other signs went through. The Empress hung-out with you more than any sign this year. She challenged you to examine and expand how nurturing and mothers are in or not in your life. .
You all had the lowest karma cards this year but the highest pulls for Aces (new beginnings). Meaning, this year you have been trying on a lot of hats in all the parts of your life. However, you were one of the two signs that did not try out the Magician hat this year. All these components lead to 2017 being a year of experimentation instead of manifestation.
Like 2016 you had more than average amount of people in your life compared to other signs, but overall this was an average year for you. Your big theme was the Emperor which challenge you to Do it. This is a card of business and how you make your wealth. Though with all the people you have been dealing with, it also was a challenging year on expressing your authority and maintaining your boundaries.
This was an average karmic year for you though most of the big stuff you dealt happened from January to April. You were last on the list of getting aces -new beginnings (only one). However, that was due to the Empress and Magician via for your attention throughout 2017. They challenged you to experiment and grow what you already had in process instead of creating new projects.
You had an average time this year with big themes, people, beginnings and endings. You started off the year with a lot on your plate then had a nice break from February through March. Then for the rest of the year, you tackled a new big idea about once a month. You grab on to the Magician’s big theme this year by visiting with him more than any other sign (3 times). This was a year of you experimenting to discover and manifest new ways of creating the world you want.
You come in second, having the most Higher arcane cards to deal with this year. They were all helping you with your most visited themes of tearing down (the Tower) and building back better structures (the Hierophant) in your life. Hopefully, you have done most of the that work in 2017 so next year you can settle into your newly built life.
Well Aquarius you had the highest amount of higher arcane cards (karmic) this year. This year was a big one for you. You biggest themes were with the Devil card (4 times) and the Magician (3 times). The Devil had you dealing with your negativity, feeling stuck and thinking you do not have control. The Devil usually shows up right before one gains enlightenment to test your resolve and strength. The Magician balanced you out by having you experiment and think outside the box to free you from where you felt stuck. With all this hard soul work this year, 2018 should be a breeze.
This year fell in the averaged range with big themes, people and endings, but came in second in having eight Aces (beginnings) in 2017. Your most visited cards were Emperor and the Hierophant this year. The Aces and these two dudes challenged you to create better structures, make yourself a better provider, and generate more prestige in your work. This was a year of doing to give you a step up into a better place for 2018.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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