On April 12th we have an astrological occurrence, Jupiter conjuncts with Neptune in Pisces. This is a once in a lifetime event, and it hasn’t occurred since 1856. An aspect of this conjunction is tapping into our individual and collective spirituality. In 1856 we were in the middle of a period of a spiritual enlightenment and the beginning of the Pre-Raphaelite movement in art. This movement was a counter movement to Realism and where the concept of Aestheticism was re-born. Which is simply defined as “l’art pour l’art” (art for art’s sake). A French slogan from that period that expresses the philosophy that the true intrinsic value of art is divorced from any educational, moral, political, or utilitarian function. This dialogue of utilitarianism and egoism has been going on since the Greeks, and is a catalyst for art, poetry, literature, and philosophical debates.
The artist this week is Evelyn De Morgan. Morgan was part of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. Her paintings are a vivid, highly detailed and are often scenes from mythology, ancient texts, or spiritualism. Though she played to the pictorial aspect of the Aesthetic movement she often hid her socio-political voice and her fixation of death in allegories and defiantly by some of the titles. As in SOS which was a memento to the soldiers on the front in WWI, or Storm Spirits which was painted during the Boer War. In both pictures she does portray hope in the midst of the chaos of war with a rainbow in the former and a calm centered background in the latter. She also was a feminist which one can see in her subject manner and her pictorial representation of the strong woman figure.
Even though we are in a time that feels overwhelming with war, human atrocities, climate change and still dealing with a pandemic, look to the larger arc of history. We as a collective are evolving to a brighter future. So, in your pondering for this week, especially with April 12th conjunction: Would you use this portal of expansion and dreams to wish for a brighter future for yourself and all things in and on this beautiful planet?
Solar System Highlights
The Moon starts this week in Leo – Your time to shine. Then it moves into Virgo on the 12th – great for the work week, organize and tidy up your workspace. On the 14th it moves into Libra – good time for conversations, date night and reconnecting with friends. Then on Saturday it moves into Scorpio for a fun filled weekend. Find your Joy. Mercury moves into Taurus on the 11th – a time of clearer conversations, transmissions and moving projects forward. Mars (action) is in Aquarius (innovation, perspective, and long-term thinking) until Thursday then it moves into Pisces with Venus. So, these two will be working with each other again. Mars by having you work with your intuition to create movement, and Venus wanting us to create more beauty and harmony in our environment and relationships.
Jupiter is in Pisces until May 10th; this aspect is dreamy and holds opportunity and luck. And from the 8th to the 18th (exactly on the 12th) Jupiter and Neptune are conjoined for the first time in 166 years. This a time for creativity, art, spirituality and hopefully will boost our collective spirit. (Personally look at where Pisces is in your natal chart). And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is the focus again for another year.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Aries this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Libra it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Eight of Swords – A thought process or social incident can be vexing you this week. The Muse of Bondage has come with a hacksaw to help release you from its bindings. She reminds you that you cannot be held back by another unless you allow it. There is always a way out and sometimes its as easy as rejecting or walking away from it or them.

Ace of Coins – Last week the Muses of Deconstruction and Bondage asked you to spend the weeks before your birthday getting your power back and equalize your goals with others’ aspirations. And now the Muse of New Projects has come with Spring seeds to plant. This week she asks you to list goals and/or projects (no more than ten) you would like to accomplish in the coming year and then take the first step to do one of them.

Queen of Swords – The Muse of Details has come with a magnifying glass to help you this week. In everything you do make sure examine and work through the details, especially if it is the realm of law, justice, plans or finance. She also recommends direct conversations though be careful it does not come off as an interrogation.

Six of Wands – The Muse of Good News comes this week. This Muse shows ups with good information or when you have a victory or two to celebrate. However, victory or not, jubilations are required for making it through past battles to where you are now.

Seven of Cups – Aspirations and activating your imagination is required by the Muse of Dreams this week. Find time to daydream about what you desire to do and become. This muse would like you to push your boundaries and dream a tad bigger than what you would normally imagine. Though watch treading near the line of sarcastic hubris in all that you do this week.

*Moon – The Muse of the Subconscious has some information for you to process this week. This can come in the forms of dreams, visions, or synchronicities. She reminds you that self-care is important during these illuminations and not to over think but feel your way through them.

Two of Swords – Time to make some decisions. The Muse of Choice has come to remind you it is not so much the decision or goal that you should worry about, but how you feel getting to that goal or decision. Yes, a good pro and con list can help but ultimately these decisions lie within how you feel about them.

King of Cups – This week you maybe channeling deeper emotions. How you traverse this watery plane is more the purpose then the actual emotion you are dealing with. So, dive deep into your feelings but be careful to not be swept away in their currents.

Page of Swords – The Detective Muse comes to help you unearth the information you will need, for it is partially hidden. She reminds you to frame your questions careful in your inquiries. You might have to read between the lines, ask a variety of sources and connect the dots to get the full picture of what is being presented.

Five of Wands – The Muse of Competition comes when you need to focus on your skill set more than winning the match. By focusing on yourself instead of the chaos of others you create more ease in your days while enhance your survival skills.

Nine of Swords – Worry, anticipation and stress are in the air this week. The Muse of Fretting advises the best way to work through this time is to work on only situations that you can control. And for those you cannot control, breath them out and give them to the Universe to deal with.

Ace of Swords – The Muse of New Mind-Sets is here to help you see that this week is the beginning of a new beginning. This new beginning is still a thought in process more than an action step. But it is important that you think through you new beginning. Lay out a plan and let it be flexible for variations.
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