The artist this week is Emma Amos. Amos is a painter, printmaker, and textile artist. Her work often confronted and destabilized the norm of Big A art. She embraced complex issues of being looked over, not seen, erased from history because of color, gender and even choice of art materials. She looked at her inner conflict of loving artistic styles of Gauguin or Picasso, the celebrated echelon of white Eurocentric art and her own identity as an artist. In her words: “Every time I think about color it’s a political statement. It would be a luxury to be white and never have to think about it.”
Your pondering : How has your race, gender or sexual orientation benefitted and/or hindered your life?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Virgo – keeping you organized and focused. On Tuesday it moves into Libra – harmony and balance are key. On Thursday thru the weekend the moon moves into Scorpio – follow your passion. Then on Sunday it moves into Sagittarius – find ways to explore. Then Tuesday, March 5th the moon moves into Capricorn – time to get to work. On Thursday it moves into Aquarius helping us think outside the box. And we finish the two weeks on Saturday with the moon in Pisces wanting us to go with the flow.
Venus and Mars are still hanging with Pluto in the water-bearer’s sign. Aquarius is the sign of social consciousness. It pushes us to innovate and think about how our actions affect not only our own future but the future of the world. So, the areas these planets are having us look within the context of making personal and social change is Venus (can I create beauty and harmony not only for myself but for all around me?), Mars (do my actions benefit more than me?) and Pluto (how can I share my power and wealth to the collective?). So, I suggest pondering at least one of these planets’ questions in the coming weeks.
And then the twist comes with the Sun and Mercury moving into Pisces joining Saturn. They are asking us how we can be adaptable in how we shine and how we communicate. This is still a lesson about our influence and place in society. Just these two are asking us to be more flexible and respondent to the situation and how we react to it.
*** Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
****And I am experimenting again. I had switched from using the older suits name (pentacles, cups, swords, and wands) to a more elemental way of reading them which is earth, water, air, and fire. Now I would like to leave the binary and feudal system of the RWS’s court cards. So, the RWS old version is Page, Knight, Queen, and King is changing to Heart (pure embodiment of element), Body (moving the element), Spirit (living the element) and Mind (taking care of the element).
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Seven of Water – The Muse of Dreams would like you to find time in the comings weeks to daydream. And this muse says to dream big. It is not a guarantee that it will come true in its entirety, but it will lead you to what you need. As the Stones say: You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.”

Body of Earth – The Last two weeks the Muses had you working on building up something in your life. Now they are giving you the stamina and more time to continue that work. This Muse reminds you that your pace is an important factor to this process. This is a lesson on slow and steady wins the race.

*Judgement – The last two weeks the Muse of Forms wanted you to focus on how to innovate your day-to-day structures to give you a strong base. And now with those strong foundations in place you can jump with the Muse of Liberation into a future that is more uplifting and transformative. Here’s the challenge; if those foundations are clipping your wings, then you need to tweak them until you can soar. An easy example: less caffeine and more B-vitamins. And the muses remind you to use the planets’ energy of social consciousness and adaptability to help you in your liberation.

Nine of Air – So you have been doing a lot of thinking…. maybe too much. The Muse of Worry advises the next two weeks to be a crash course on what you can and cannot control and to work on being present. This muse reminds you that worrying is a useful skill if it actually solves a problem, but many aspects of life are not pre-solvable. What can make you prepared is to work on making your mind more resilient and flexible. And realizing that if you’re reading this you already are intelligent and strong-willed enough to survive, so give yourself some credit.

Ten of Water – The Muse of Happiness would like you to indulge in some joy these coming weeks. Yes, there is work to be done and yes tomorrow is looming. But also look around, you are surrounded by good things and now is the time to feed those aspects. Pay attention to the beauty of living. Enjoy the sun coming through the window, running in the rain, hugging your family and friends, laughter, good food, music…

Eight of Earth – The Muse of Craft is working with you these coming two weeks to elevate your work practices. This could be working on your organization skills, taking a class, or practicing scales in music. They key is you have superpowers now is the time to super charge them.

Ten of Earth – The Muse of Family asks you to reconnect with yours in the coming weeks. This does not have to be your blood relatives, but people that make you feel grounded and supported. The muses are asking you to deepen the roots with those people in your life. This is a great time to reminisce and acknowledge yourself and each other how far you all have come.

*Emperor – The Muse of Realization prompts you to build something. The key is this work needs to be done on something already in process or something that was put on the back burner. Now is the time to dust it off and get it to the next level. And remember to use those planet energies of how does it benefit not only you but others and/or has does it improve adaptability or is it adaptable to more than one scenario?
*Tower – The Muse of Deconstruction is here to have you acknowledge what isn’t working for you and correct it; before an outside force deconstructs it for you. Now the planets are throwing in a challenge and hints to these re-designs. Making it so it helps you but also lifts others and/or it utilizes the concept of adaptability. This Muse suggests studying and incorporating the properties of bamboo: durability, flexibility, strength, and versatility.

Three of Earth – For the next two weeks the muses would like you to reflect on the concept of collaboration. Collaboration is when two or more things work to obtain the same goal. This is not just human focused but also looking at how trees collaborate with their environment, how your pet collaborates with you or how bees collaborate in a hive. The planets are helping by adding how does what you do resonate with society as a whole and how does collaboration increase adaptability?

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum comes to help an aspect of your life along. For the next two weeks, she will help you with the proverbial gas and vehicle, but you will have to work on the roadmap. So, she asks you what is your goal? What is the timeline? What provisions do you need for an ease passage? Now you have two weeks to work on this “map” but the sooner you get things prepped the sooner you can hit the gas and go. On a very practical side check your tires, and make sure you wear the right kind of footwear for each occasion.

Seven of Earth – The next two weeks will require some head-down hard work. The beauty of this is if you do the work now in two weeks you will be able to relax a bit and enjoy the harvest. The Muse of Work advises navigating this period with more ease by having a designated stop time each day and like last weeks’ muse advice, preparation is key. So, this means strict boundaries around your work time as well as rest time. You need to focus fully on both, and you have a finite amount of energy and time each day. So, this Muse also suggests turning away from social media, news, and mind-numbing activities during this time.
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