Happy birthday month Virgos!
The artist this week is Ed Fairburn. He creates portraits using traditional ink, pen and pencil but with a unique canvas, old maps. Fairburn calls this process “topopointillism, a combination of topography and pointillism.” His pieces examined closely still contain the information of the map, but the viewer also paradoxically loses the person. This resonates with the science inquiry of what percentage of our genetics or our environment effect who we are. Or the philosophical inquiry that one event can define us. We are influenced by where we inhabit and what we do in each moment. But our life is not just as simple as the sum of its part or the how, what, when and the who. What makes us magical and unique is the alchemy of the whole, the whys.
P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you. Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Eight of Wands – Last week’s energy was prodding you to produce a plethora of beauty and ingenuity. Challenging you to allow for experimentation and mistakes while letting your imagination play. This energy of discovery continues this week. The task to truly playing is you must accept there is no simple yes or no. This week is about moving forward with the unknown – without all the answers.

*Devil – As they say the devil is in the details and details have the potential to be your biggest foe in the coming week. So you have two ways to choose how to deal with this. Either to purposely dig deep into the rabbit holes and allow distraction to take you off course. You will get to your destination at some point. Or let go of all the details and go with the flow. Being more flexible and permitting imperfection in. The challenges with either choice is seeing that you have a choice and make either one more fun.

*Judgement – Last week’s energy was about changing your fortune. And your challenge was to follow the breadcrumbs of synchronicities and serendipities. This week is another high energy week with a reckoning at its core. You need to see yourself as the beautiful spark of inspiration that you are. That because of your flaws you shine more brightly. Your motto: There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen

Eight of Coins – The last two weeks were high energy about building and planning your future that ethically balance mind, heart, and soul. This week is taking all that and doing the feet on the ground work. It is a great week to get things off your to do list.

Six of Cups – So last week the energy was to trust that the blank canvas of your coming year would have to be a paint as you go scenario, while challenging you to not repeat old patterns or keep that canvas blank. This week you get to use the five planets in retro energy to do the 3 R’s reflect, reassess and revise. The challenge is not getting too sentimental with the past. Use it as a resource, not your only foundation of reality. An exercise in this is going through photo albums and just pick a couple of photos per trip that really have the feeling of the memory. Then use the rest in art projects or creating wallpaper for your bathroom or living space.

Ace of Wands – This week is a great week to start anything. The challenge is to pick something that inspires you for at least a six-month period or longer. This energy is about planting and growing a seed now that you can harvest in 2021.

*Hermit – This week’s energy compels you to find seclusion. You need to pull away from society as much as possible, reground and gain some perspective. As much as you can, turn off technology, the news and try not to answer the phone. You need to realign your wants and needs without hearing all the hubbub around you. Silent contemplation is your friend.

*Emperor – The energy this week is highly active and used best in building what is already started. This project needs your guidance and you might have to call in some favors to get it moving towards completion. Your challenge is though this endeavor needs a leader it does not need a tyrant. Watch your bossiness. Don’t be a sheep dog wrangling its flock by nipping at their heels. Think more like a helpful guide dog, nudging people to the right path.

Three of Wands – Last week was all about not getting distracted but realizing that part of your antsyness is that you need to schedule some fun. Sadly, this week’s energy does not allow you as much funtastic time as your soul needs. So, the key to another week of work is setting up plans for an everyday ritual/period of letting off steam.

Queen of Swords – The energy this week is a no-nonsense, no-BS, and all about clear visioning. This is a great week to do solid planning, strategically thinking, diving down to the details, and making sure your communications are clear.

*Temperance – The energy this week is about balancing multiple elements into a cohesive path. This can look like having a lot of disconnected projects or tasks, but you perfectly plan the right route to get it all done and still eat, exercise, and relax. The key is divvying up the tasks in a way that creates ease throughout the whole week.

Six of Coins – The last couple of weeks’ energies felt a little like you were on a roller coaster or yo-yo. This week’s energy calms down to a nicely balanced week. There is still give and take, positive and negative forces, but it does not feel like you are dealing with extreme g-forces anymore. Leaving you exhausted and feeling squished. The only challenge this week is that energy exchange does happen. So, the more positive energy you put out the more you get in return; however, this works for negative too.
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