The artist this week is Dorothea Tanning. When you play the game Having a Dinner Party, where you pick 10 people alive or dead that you would have over, I would pick Dorothea Tanning as one of them. She is a creative. Tanning is well known for her surreal paintings, but her endeavors include drawing, painting, sculpting, installations, costume design, set design, writing poetry….
She published a book of poetry the year before her death in 2012 at 101 years old. The span of her work in her words is “her enigmatic versions of life on the inside, looking out.” Tanning draws us into her mind as well as her physicality. She also often paired her work with poems from other poets, to give even more depth into her painterly ponderings. As we view her work one feels not only acquainted with her investigations of self but also, we identify ourselves in her. For me, I would learn more about me by my conversations with her.
Your pondering, as the veil thins this week, who would you invite to your party, dining with the dead? And I have attached a line, bolded, of Tanning’s poem All Hallow’s Eve to each of your casts. Start with the first 2 lines here and read down.
Be perfect, make it otherwise.
Yesterday is torn in shreds.
Solar System highlights: On Monday the Moon starts in Cancer– get cuddly with a partner or pet and self-care should be on the agenda. Then it moves into Leo on Oct 28th – a time to shine. The Moon then finishes in Virgo – so you can categorize your candy haul. Mercury is in Libra– great for communication, creating networks and getting in touch with friends. Venus is in Sagittarius asking are we feeding and nurturing our relationships enough to keep them growing? Mars is in Libra until Oct. 30th – the last week investigating relationships around the question are your actions following your words? Then it moves into Scorpio – passion is in the air and a great time to finish up projects. And lastly, Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus until end of December.
P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,

Page of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration has come this week. You will find that she has hidden at least one “Easter egg” of insight in each day. These small gifts are here to help you motivate or bring your work/life up a notch. Lightning’s thousand sulfur eyes

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structures has arrived with rulers and T-squares. This energy comes around when you need to check the structures that support you in life. Something is off kilter. Whether it is your schedule, eating habits, your rules/morals, or your boundaries one of these is not aligned with your way of life. The challenge with this energy is making sure when you do this re-structuring that it remains flexible enough that you can still grow. Rip apart the breathing beds.

Five of Cups – The Muse of Clumsiness is here to spill liquids and disrupt emotions. So, on a practical side, don’t put your fluids by electrical devices. And on a heart side, be careful how you interpret emotional outburst- yours and others. This week can also be full of fret. Your challenge is to clean up your mess and leave others to clean up their own. Hear bones crack and pulverize.

*Tower – The Muse of Destruction has come with a sledgehammer to dismantle some aspect of your life. You don’t really have any power in this deconstruction; except to lessen the chaos by finding what needs to be fix before this energy does it for you. This can be as simple as your desk has been a mess for weeks – clean it up. Or as challenging as leaving a job or relationship that is no longer working for you. Look around and find out what you have pushed off for ages and know well and good that it needs to be done so do it. Doom creeps in on rubber treads.

*High Priestess – The third high energy week for you. The last two weeks advised you to pause and evaluate, then the Muses suggested remixing to balance your fabrication. Now the Muse of Higher Purpose ask you to tap into your intuition and ask what’s next? Now this Muse is asking what the purpose is behind your next steps? Are they leading you to where you want to go, who you want to be? If not, time to take a hard look at your plan and re-do. If so, you still have a few insights to round out the picture. Intuition and asking your spirit guides are keys to unlock the secrets to the next steps. Countless overwrought housewives,

*Moon – The Muse of Unconscious is here to help with your fears. This energy wants you to investigate the darker hidden aspects of what you fear. This Muse reminds you that interacting with your worries as if they are friends, allows you to see that they are like helicopter Moms. Trying to keep you from harm, but also keeping you locked up. So, this week converse with your fears, and coax them to see that they really don’t have to save you. You are doing just fine. Minds unraveling like threads,

Seven of Coins – The energy this week is all about work. Time to get things done and off your to-do lists. The challenge is you will not see the benefits from your labors for a couple of weeks. Try lipstick shades to tranquilize

Page of Coins – Last week you started off your birth month with the Muse of Deconstruction and The Muse of Potential. They wanted you to strip away what is not working so you can re-divine a new you and your surroundings. Now the Page of Coins joins this duo declaring that one of your roles this coming year is being the student. This is a year to learning new skills on the material plane. This can look like going back to school, learning new skills for work, or trying on different hats in the workplace. Fears of age and general dreads.

Two of Coins – The Muse of Juggling comes when you need to adjust at how you get things done. This week is not made for multi-tasking. This muse advises to take on one thing and do it well before adding a new something to your attention. Sit tight, be perfect, swat the spies,

Four of Cups – The Muse of Introspection has come to help you remove the metaphorical lint from your belly button. She advises that you spend ¾ of your time navel gazing, but you must spend the other fourth doing and being in the world. Don’t take faucets for fountainheads.

Three of Cups – The Muse of Friendship comes when your emotional glass is empty. She reminds you that friends can uplift your spirts the best. Find time this week to just hang and talk shit with loved ones. Drink tasty antidotes. Otherwise

Queen of Coins – The Muse of Keep Calm and Carry On is here to remind you to do just that. She advises that practicality, down-to earthiness, and compassion are the elements to work with this week. Also, a great week to invest in your future. You and the werewolf: newlyweds.
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