I like synchronicity in my life. It leads to my some pretty fantastical places and ponderings. This past week it has been around dinosaurs. Above is a picture of feathers that cover part of a dinosaur’s tail preserved in amber around 99 million years ago. Lida Xing found it in a market in Myanmar(Burma). A study done by Lida Xing and colleagues from Canada and the UK recently micro-CT scan on this piece to reveal how these delicate feathers cover a dinosaurs spine. Even though scientists have found other impressions of feathers in fossils and amber, this is the first time to find feathers attached to the spine they came from. (Current Biology)
Then I read an article in the August issue of the Smithsonian about notorious aristocrat from Transylvania, Baron Franz Nopsca von Felso-Szilvas. One of his many contributions at the turn of 1900’s was that he was the first to theorize that birds were descend from dinosaurs. Later while “rabbit holing” down the internet I found my favorite artist for this week, Darren Pearson. He uses long-exposure photography to get these light paintings of dinosaurs and other cool images.
Not sure if these synchronistic stumblings are profoundly connected, except in the fact that they are all real cool things that people do. And that life is a continuum that connects time and space.
P.S. If you need a stocking stuffer or “woo woo” holiday gift, I do gift certificates for my tarot readings. And, I have added links at the bottom for holiday gift ideas from a few artists and shops I love.
P.P.S Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you. I have added photos from artist Darren Pearson.
Aries – Ten of Cups – The Ten of Cups’ lessons are about celebrating and being joyful. This is a week to keep that energy flowing. Take in the joy by driving to see the neighbor’s Christmas lights. Then spread the love out by baking cookies and give them to your postman. This card is challenging you to enjoy this season and then spread it around. Remember, love is a multiplier not a divider.
Taurus – Page of Wands – The Page of Wands represents enthusiasm in the tarot deck. This week this Page is challenging you to do things that spark your passion. This is a week of experimentation and fun. Remember when you were a kid having a blast and spending most of the day building a fort, and then ended up playing in it for only an hour more because it stopped being fun? Enthusiasm is way more fun when you are building something. Have at it.
Continue reading Tarotcast for week of Dec. 11, 2016
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