I have been holding off on Robin Isley for some time waiting for the Halloween season. Then with more recent research, I found an article from Hautemacabre.com and found the trouble in waiting. These amazing digital collages have been banned from Tumblr and Isley’s website had been hacked, so I could not link to their website. So as not to repeat, please go to the article link for An Obscurum of Secrets the Lost Art of Robin Isely. They do a lovely write up with the artist.
However, to keep this artist’s work alive in digital land, I decided like the writer at Haute Macabre, to post Robin’s work now even without a website link. (Once Isley gets a url I will edit this post). So not only do you get to see these lovely eerie collages but you also gain a link to a great website Hautemacabre.com where every day is Halloween.
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aries it is your half way mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.
*Sun –The Sun foretells this is a very positive week. The Sun card lends its energy to make you and what you focus on grow and expand. The challenge with this week is two-fold. When focusing make sure you use the right intensity for each aspect of your life. Your lessons are balancing your intensity with what you are working with. This means laser focus with actions but not with people. And a benevolent shine on people where that energy will not move projects forward. Remember light can make things grow, cut things off and create deserts. Shine wisely.
Six of Coins – The Six of Coins is the mini-karma card. This week is especially important to mind your p’s and q’s. The more positive you give out the more you receive, and the more negative out will attract negativity to you like a magnetic. Your motto this week: Play nice.
Six of Wands – The Six of Wands advises to step back from projects and see your positive progress. This is a week when wearing laurels is appropriate and justly due. A great week to celebrate accomplishments and take a must needed rest. The challenge with this card is though you have won the battle by the end of the week you will need to suit back up for round two.
Two of Wands – The Two of Wands advises you to look towards the future. Leave the past in the past and move forward. This is a great week for planning and strategizing how to expand your horizons.
*Judgement and the Eight of Coins – Another power week for you all. First, the Justice card came pointing out decisions that need to be made but you need more background information to make a justified decision. Then the Devil card challenged your morality, integrity and purpose. Now that you have past your exams, Judgement pronounces it is time to act and evolve to the next level. The Eight of Coins is the way. This card advises you to up your game by honing your skills to mastery. Practice makes perfect is your motto this week.
Seven of Cups – The Seven of Cups advise this a great week for daydreaming. Take time to dream big outside of your normal imaginings. The lesson with this card is dreaming activates the imagination which is vital for inspirations and intuitive thoughts. The challenge is using this kind of dreaming for information and not taking it too literally. For instance, you dream you are a Queen/King. You (most likely) factually are not, but you do need to make sure that you are getting the respect you deserve.
Queen of Cups – The Queen of Cups is the perfect birthday month card. She comes when you need to treat yourself with the kindness you give to others and have some fun. This week, oxygen mask first on yourself then you can tend to others, and once the plane has landed time for some margaritas and dancing. This week’s motto: Life is short – have some fun.
*Hanged Man – The Hanged Man advises contemplating before moving forward. The challenged with this card is that your environment might help the process along if you don’t take the initiative first. This week take heed when pauses arrive and try not to push anything through that isn’t easy. This can look as simple as getting stuck in traffic, or as complex as the project at work stalling out. The importance of these pauses is utilizing these breaks to contemplate not act.
Four of Swords – The Four of Swords advises that this week is best utilized by you resting and building up your strength. This card shows up when your immune system is getting drained. So, take vitamins, eat well and get 8 hours of sleep.
Four of Coins – The Four of Coins recommends spending your money and time wisely this week. Don’t be too stingy with it either. If you really love something, buy it. If you are having a good time, stay and reschedule the next event. However, this card warns that your spending of money or time should be on things that are worthwhile.
Eight of Cups and Wands – Two cards this week and both eights. Eights mean manifestation. The Eight of Cups is the card of getting rid of things that no longer work and Eight of Wands is new information coming in. Your theme this week is metaphorically or literally cleaning out closets, so you have room for new stuff. The challenge with getting rid of things is not hanging on to them for sentimental reasons. If it doesn’t fit, toss it. The second challenge is prioritizing for there will be lots of new information/things/people coming at you, so to help think: what do I really need to know this moment. Your motto: Out with the old and in with the new.
Page of Coins – Fresh eyes are still important this week. Last week Page of Cups said embodying hope changes your outlook and those around you. Now, the Page of Coins challenges you to have the senses of a student. This week learning is key. Keep your eyes and mind open, for lessons come from a variety of source.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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