The artist this week is Emily Irving-Swift. I came across her when researching underwater museums. Swift did a free dive and took pictures of Museum of Underwater Sculpture Ayia Napa, Cyprus. In 2020 Ayia Napa, commissioned Jason deCaires Taylor (I have highlighted his work before) to create an underwater sculpture park. The park consists of 130 figurative sculptures amongst sculpted trees and plants. Taylor used pH neutral cement that facilitates coral growth on what was an empty sand seabed. According to the website it is “a symbol to enhance the story of Ayia Napa’s newly created Marine Protected Zone, whilst acknowledging the deforestation practices of the past.” This sculpture park will bring what was once a desert in the ocean to a thriving sea community.
However, the photos drew me in to investigate who this person was who took these amazing pictures at MUSAN. And I found Swift’s Instagram @emilyirvingswift. I fell in love with her abstract sea photos though I couldn’t find much more of her work. One of arts’ gifts is it puts us in a state of contemplation or deep reflective thought. That is what drew me to Irvign-Swift’s work. So, I hope you enjoy and ponder on them as well.
Your pondering for the week: I’m experimenting a little this month. So, it is a little different. I wrote the ponderings down below for each sign.
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Taurus – time to ground yourself. On Thursday it moves into Gemini – where the focus turns to communication and information. Then during the weekend, the moon is in its home sign Cancer – perfect for finding your cozy spot and naps.
The planets are doing the same thing as last week. Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Virgo (analyzation) for a 10 weeklong stay. So, this is around lessons with getting to the point when communicating. Being clear and concise is the goal. Mars (action) is also in Virgo until August 27th. This combo makes getting things check off your to-do list easier. While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th. This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?
Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus, an aspect that nurtures expansion of pleasure in our lives. The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect. So, we have until May 2024 to work on perfecting our balance between work and play. Then Saturn (structures) is in its two-year stint with Pisces so we can make our structures elastic and responsive to change. The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.
And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024. So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any lose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum pondering for you this week. No matter the challenge, you have the will and intelligence to be balanced as you move forward on this journey.

Three of Water – The Muse of Friendship pondering for you this week: Embrace being part of something larger than yourself.

Six of Earth – The Muse of Karma pondering for you this week: What you have sent forth in love comes back to you from unexpected resources.

Eight of Water– The Muse of Intention pondering for you this week: When you have chosen the path that flows, instead of the one that tempted you, you felt obligated to walk, or stagnated you, you begin to walk the path of destiny.

Five of Water – The Muse of Grief pondering for you this week: What is holding you back from fully forgiving yourself and others? Time to emote, release, and carry only the good parts forward.

Eight of Fire – The Muse of Intel pondering for you this week: See everything this week as a gift of information.

Ten of Water – The Muse of Serenity pondering for you this week: Try for just this week to truly believe that well-being is your natural state.

Page of Air – The Muse of Theory pondering for you this week: For just this week say and be okay with the statement: “I don’t really know.”

*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition pondering for you this week: You were put here on purpose as you are. Dive deep into that gift.

Queen of Fire – The Muse of Creative Collaboration pondering for you this week: Every time you have created or felt something you are collaborating with the collective conscious not only for your own growth but for the benefit of the collective.

*Tower– The Muse of Deconstruction pondering for you this week: Every time something has blown up your life you have used your power of innovation to create something new and improved.

Five of Earth – The Muse of Poverty pondering for the week: Scarcity has taught you gratitude, grace, the ability to dream and then conjure up a better future.
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