Tag Archives: Collage

Tarot and Art-cast for Feb 16 – March 1, 2025

Lincoln, Mark Wagner

In “honor” of Presidents’ Day and the all-mighty dollar, the artist highlighted in this tarotart-cast is Mark Wagner. Wagner is a collage artist that works with one material, the dollar bill.  Collage is a unique art form because it relies on materials that already exist and often already have cultural references attached to that object or image.  So, collage can be used to relay that pre-existing reference or can go so far to completely transform it.  As Wagner states: “To what extent is the material transfigured? Is it to be circumcised…or neutered? Collage can gently adjust or fully transform. Collage can enshrine a thing fully intact…elevating an object, framing and presenting it as a reliquary. Or it can put a material on trial, violate or destroy it, mince a thing into its molecular simplicities.” 

I suggest you read his blogs.  He puts forth an interesting hypothesis about the correlations between collage, and magic.

Your pondering: I have been trying to navigate how to live in this interesting moment in history.  When piecing together what I put my focus on, this pondering from Wagner resonates: “Placing things in proximity enables them to interact. No chemical reaction—be it simmer or explosion—occurs unless reagents first come into contact. All love stories start in this manner. As do all border disputes…. Side-by-side on the page, matched images mingle. Some attract; some repel. Pick your metaphors for harmony and dissonance: fair skies and stormy, love and enmity, peace and war—collage is ultimately about interaction, and these metaphors will serve us well. Do things go together smoothly or not? Do they lead to seamlessness or seemliness?”

Solar System highlights

We begin with the Moon in Libra – highlighting relationships and harmony.  On Tuesday it moves into Scorpio – work with your passions.  Friday it moves into Sagittarius – go exploring.  On Sunday February 23rd the moon moves into Capricorn – great energy to start your work week.  Tuesday the 25th it moves into Aquarius – do something social.  Then on Thursday the 27th the moon is in Pisces- take time to dream of a better world.  And finally on Saturday it is in Aries – great energy for starting a project.

Mercury is now in Pisces – use this aspect to talk about your dreams for the future.  Mars is retrograde again in Cancer until February 23rd, 2025. So once again action moves sideways not in a straight line.   But this is our second opportunity to find new and better avenues than the obvious or easiest ones. The on the 26th Mars goes direct – so movement forward becomes a bit easier though still it takes side roads to get to your destination.

Venus is still in Aries.  This is not one of Venus’s favorite spots. But it does teach us to follow through with our actions and to take this Aries “go for it” energy to make the world a more loving place.  Just watch for stubbornness or over reaction.  Lead with curiosity and how to create win-win situations that move you forward not backwards.

Our longer aspects: Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, is in Gemini until June.   This placement helps us to work with opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written pursuits.  However, we must also watch its challenging aspects: not following through, gossip, too much information and fickleness.   Saturn is in Pisces until February 2026 teaching us how to be more fluid and inclusive in our structures.



*Signs with an * it is a big week for you.   Aquarius/Pisces this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo/Virgo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in, now is the time.

**** I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the tarot & art-casts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.




Big Fish Little Fish, Mark Wagner

*Hermit – The Muse of the Larger Perspective is your buddy for the next two weeks.  She usually shows up when you need to step back and see the bigger picture.   To see the landscape, you are working with.  The challenge with this energy is that you can’t totally hermitize.  You will need to keep your proverbial “open sign” on.  However, she does recommend that you make people work for your attention.


Powerline, Mark Wagner

Eight of Fire – The next two weeks you will be given vital information for the coming months.  The Muse of Messages advises to help prioritize what you need to know, ask the universe/guides specific questions.  Then watch carefully for the messages because they will be flying in with speed.  And they are often encoded in synchronicities and repetition. She also recommends keeping notes of your ideas.  However, she warns this is a time to gather intel not to jump into action.


Bird in Hand, Mark Wagner

Ace of Fire – Wow another ace.  All aces signify beginnings.  For the last two weeks the Ace of Air signified a new way of thinking or a decision for change.  The muses asked what thoughts can be transmuted from stagnation to progression?   And now they provide you the fire to start this progress.  This ace is perfect energy to start seeding any project you want to see grow in the coming months.


Mark Wagner
Concerned Citizen, Mark Wagner

*Star – The Muse of Healing comes when you need to set some time aside to heal your heart and soul.  You have gone through a major restructuring.  And now it is time to step back and find your truth that gives you hope and makes you more resilient.  Things have been rough out there and all the water signs are especially feeling it.  But this muse reminds you: “How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist.” lyrics by Saturn, Sleeping at Last.


Mark Wagner

Mind of Earth– The Muse of Investing would like you to prioritize for the next two weeks what you want to materialize. This muse gives you the energy to build upon a project that you have in progress or have kept on the back burner for too long.  She does recommend that you wait until February 23rd when Mars stations direct again to really move on it. So, until then this is a time to collect your resources to get ready to launch at the end of February.


Mark Wagner
Mark Wagner

Five of Earth – The Muse of Refuge would like you to spend these next two weeks working with resources that fortify you.  She recommends this exercise.  Get some paper and make three columns.  In the first column make a list of things (people, aspects at work, the news etc.…) that take resources/energy but don’t give anything in return. Then the second column, make a list of things that take from you but also give back.  And then the more challenging, in the last column list the things that only resource you (give you energy or restore your energy).  Once you have categorized them, then for every item that you do in the first column you do something in the third column to restock your energy.  So you don’t feel so depleted.


Mark Wagner

Ten of Earth – Hopefully you worked with the Muse of Burdens to lighten your load.  If so, this week is meant for enjoyment.  Finding moments that restabilize who you are, who you support, who supports you, what brings you comfort, etc.  If not, this is a week to get projects finished or at least to a place that they no longer pressure you.  And then no matter what, do not start something new and fill your weekends with enjoyment.  Your motto: I work hard and balance that with play and joy.


Mark Wagner
Mark Wagner

Seven of Water – The Muse of Dreams comes for two reasons.  First the universe and therefore you need a clearer vision of what you dream for.  This energy is about daydreaming the specifics.  And the second is that you are not dreaming big enough.  This muse wants you to stretch your imagination.  She reminds you that you never know what comes out of dreaming big.  However, the challenge is accepting, as the Rolling Stones say, you can’t always get what you want but you get what you need.   Sometimes the muses know better than you.


Peacock, Mark Wagner

Three of Fire – The Muse of Enterprise comes when you are usually stagnant in using your imagination and creativity, stalling and/or having the blahs at what you do for a living.  So, this muse asks why are you doing what you are doing? She is challenging you to reignite your passion and start working on something that you love. Start building the future you want to live in.


Way the Wind Blows, Mark Wagner

*Hanged One – The Muse of Suspension comes for two reasons.  One foretells that there will be something you will need to put hold on.  And two, she suggests simultaneously using this suspension to gain a new insight or perspective.  For example, if you are stuck somewhere, use this extra quiet time to let your mind wander and see what new insights it gives you.  This card portrays the hanging of Odin from the Tree of Life where he discovers the runes (Not creates – but discovers).  This is a bit of quantum physics energy – that any form of intelligence, or anything really, already exists we just need to take the time to tap into its “frequency” to manifest it.


Mark Wagner

*Empress – The Muse of Creativity is challenging you to create.  She reminds you that quality work takes time, like gardening you plant the seed, let it sprout, then tend it to maturity.  So, this muse asks what do you want to bring into your world?  What would bring you joy and comfort?  What would feel good and fulfilling?  Now is the time to plant those seeds.


Serpent, Mark Wagner

*Temperance – For the next two weeks the Muse of Harmony has decided to dance with you.  She asks, what makes you stable and what helps you go with the flow?   What are your ideal mixtures of social and alone times?  What ingredients do you need to do something creative? She reminds you that this mixing is like cooking not all ingredients are measure equally.  So, what is your mix for a balanced lifestyle?

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Dec 3, 2023

Almut Hilf
Almut Hilf

The artist this week is Almut Hilf @almut_hilf.  Hilf is a collage artist, but in an innovative way.  Her palette is the shades that vary between black and white.  In her words about the series KENNLINIE: “The photographs were copied in different sizes and brightness levels, have since been cut up in a continuous process and collated again and again as paper collages, then reproduced and printed 1:1 with high resolution.  The starting point of KENNLINIE are the rooms of Galerie Barbara Thumm. They are based on an idea of the architecture as a barge on a journey, as a motor for development. Images in process. Architecture as a building of possibilities and beginnings. Beginning, causing, preceding, trying.” She is now working on a series: pictures in books- libraries as living organisms.

What resonates with me about her work is it reminds me of how we move through life.  Not as a circle were we repeat the same things but a spiral where we pass by an experience, season, emotion that is similar, but it is not an exact repeat of the same thing.  And where most of our decisions are not an easy yes/no but often a decision made because of the grey and are based on past experiences that are similar.  We want the certainty of a cyclic season, but in actuality as we layer our memories and perspectives, we become something new each moment as do the spaces we walk through.


Your pondering for this week: Work with spending each day perceiving with fresh eyes. Seeing the present as something new that you can layer on top of the past and ponder the comparisons and contrasts.


Solar System highlights

The moon begins the week in Virgo helping you stay organized.   On Wednesday it moves to Libra highlighting relationships and harmony.  On Saturday it moves into Scorpio so have fun and follow your passion.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Capricorn (discipline) until Dec 23rd, so we move from experimentation of our communication to implementation on what we learned. Don’t worry, you get to re-tweak and experiment when Mercury rolls back into Sagittarius at the end of December.  Mars (action) is in Sagittarius (exploration) until the end of the year wanting us to investigate and expand our horizons.  While Venus (beauty and harmony) has moved into Scorpio (passion and release) until the end of the year so this is a perfect time to enjoy the height of the winter/summer season.  And a time to release what causes disruption in your life.

The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Sagittarius, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Gemini, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Almut Hilf
Almut Hilf

*Devil – The Muse of Wilding is wanting you to let lose just a bit.  The challenge is not to go full out into the land of extremes.  But just step out of the chains of society, gender, race, etc.… and step into what naturally is you.  This could look like changing your hair style to match your hair type not what your boss, partner or society demands.  Or wearing more color or just black.  How can you challenge yourself to be a bit freer to express the wilder side of you.


Almut Hilf
Almut Hilf

King of Water – The Muse of Channeling would like you to engage in stepping into other people’s metaphorical shoes this week.  The challenge is not bringing your own emotions into the costuming.  This week is a deep dive into the concept of empathy.   This practice brings understanding of others, but more potently how hard it is to let go of your own bias.


Almut Hilf
Almut Hilf

Three of Fire – The Muse of Negotiations is here to help you through this week.  When you find yourself in situations that are non-productive, negotiation is your best tool to get things moving in the right direction.  This can even be negotiations with yourself.  For example, if you have a project that needs doing but has stalled, time to negotiate with yourself what benefit you can gain by doing that.  It can even take the form of self-bribery.


Almut Hilf
Almut Hilf

*Judgement – The Muse of Evolution would like you to ponder on what in your life needs to evolve or transform.  Maybe it is traveling more to know more about the world, or maybe staying at home more to become more intimate with your family and self, less social media for more reading, etc…  What habit needs shifting?  What exploration needs scheduling?  What do you need to do to up your game and evolve your soul.


Almut Hilf
Almut Hilf

Two of Earth – This week the muses would like you to play with balancing.  The Muse of Flexibility suggests focusing on only two things this week.  And then work all this week between the two.  This is a lesson in simplicity, discipline and to help control “squirreling.”


Almut Hilf
Almut Hilf

King of Fire – The Muse of Rituals would like you to ponder on actions you do and then make them divine.  Some examples:  Taking out recycling becomes an act of protecting Mother Earth, brushing your teeth becomes an act of self-care, or smiling and telling a stranger to have a good day is an invocation for peace.


Almut Hilf
Almut Hilf

Queen of Fire – The Muse of Guardianship is asking you to ponder all living things you protect and how you do it.  She then asks you to prioritize them.  And then, she asks, “are you on the list? And if you did list yourself, where in the priorities are you.  If you are not in the top three then you need to work your way up to a higher position.


Almut Hilf

*Sun – The Muse of Radiance would like you to turn up your shine.  She would like you to focus your energy on things you do best and do more of that this week.  Also, if you can get some actual sun this too will give you more energy and clarity on what to focus on.


Almut Hilf

Three of Air – The Muse of Breakthrough advises you to do a deep dive into a wound you are feeling resurge this week. Even though this feeling of hurt is now, the injury is from the past. And the muses would like you to begin healing it from the bottom up.  As Alice Walker said, Healing begins where the wound was made.


Almut Hilf

Knight of Fire – The Muse of Timing comes to herald that you are in the right place at the right time to receive divine knowledge.  The challenge, this knowledge can come in disguise as a negative as easily as it can be a positive.  So, this muse suggests to receive the wisdom but to let go of the tone.



*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation asks you to be aware of what you are manifesting in the world.  This week is potent with energy to start projects and bring ideas into reality.  But the muse would like you to make sure the reason behind what you want to manifest is beneficial to you or to the world.  She warns this is not a time to push something that may not be fully though out.  As they say, measure twice before the cut.



Eight of Air – This is your second eight so a quite dive into the number.  Eights are the numbers of refine and release. Last week the Muse of Mastery wanted you to refine your strengths.  This week the Muse of Letting Go would like you to release your weakness.   She advises working with the ones that were put there by others, but you have held on to.  They may have once served you but now they do not.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Nov. 5, 2023

Anne Ryan
Anne Ryan

The artist this week is Anne Ryan.  Ryan (1889–1954) was an American Abstract Expressionist artist associated with the New York School. She began as a poet and novelist, then moved on to oil painting.  By 1941 she encountered the New York City avant-garde when she joined the Atelier 17, a famous printmaking workshop in New York.

The prominent turning point in Ryan’s work occurred after the war, in 1948. She was 57 years old when she saw the collages of Kurt Schwitters at a gallery. That night she dedicated herself to this newly discovered medium. She started with words, scrapes of paper like Schwitters but moved onto a rich variety of fabrics and papers to achieve effects that are both calming and intimate. Ryan could see that collage like poetry conveys meaning in a compact space. Her work in this medium numbered over 400 pieces by the time of her death six years later.

Your pondering for this week:  Have you ever experienced something profound or meaningful because of its briefness?


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Virgo, a great way to start the week organized and ready to go.   On Thursday it moves to Libra – it’s all about relationships and balance.  And on Saturday, the moon moves into Scorpio – dive into your passions.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion) until Nov. 10th. Express yourself but watch over doing it.   It then moves into Sagittarius, where we can experiment with our communication style.  Mars (action) is in Scorpio until November 24th. Wanting us to check that our actions are supporting the expression of our passion.  While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Virgo (organization) until November 8th. So now we move from contemplating our outward expression harmonizes with what is within, to applying what we have learned into our life.

The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Taurus, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



Anne Ryan
Anne Ryan

*Justice– The Muse of Justice would like you to see that a variety of aspects in your life are not right or wrong, but they are complex and often paradoxical.  There are situations where you need to find the best solution which is one of compromise and equity.  This week is a balancing act of give and take with any negotiations.  This is especially true if you are doing any legal work.


Anne Ryan

Five of Fire – The Muse of Chaos comes when you are working outside of the flow.  Think of this energy like jumping into the ropes of Double Dutch.  There are factors you need to work with, timing and commitment.  You don’t have to play but if you do, you will need to commit to it.


Anne Ryan

*Magician – I hope you got rest last week, for this week the Muse of Manifestation is calling.  This is a great week to bring something into being.  The challenge is that you will need to focus the energy and it needs to benefit more than you.  Wands out – and start the magic.


Anne Ryan
Anne Ryan

Queen of Water – The Muse of Fun would like you to partake in some belly laughs.  Maybe you are down in the dumps, stressed or just so focused and serious, this week balance it out with some joy.  It will create more ease and flow in your heart, mind and creativity if you do.


Anne Ryan
Anne Ryan

King of Earth – The Muse of Construction is here to help you finish a project or at the very least get it to the next phase.  She challenges you by asking what is your motivation? If you have a solid answer that spurs you on to jump to it.  But if not, she asks you to ponder – is the problem you or are you building something you don’t believe in?


Anne Ryan
Anne Ryan

Nine of Water – The Muse of Overflow comes for two reasons.  One you are accepting the abundance around you and the other is you are feeling like too much of a good thing can be overwhelming to.  The key for both is to share the abundance.


Anne Ryan

Page of Fire – The Muse of Art would like you to experience some this week.  This energy comes to give you inspiration and can relight your spark.  So, get out your art supplies and make some art, dance, go to a museum, music venue or gallery and experience some, or all of the above.


Anne Ryan

King of Water – The Muse of Emotions comes to remind you that you need to sit with yours and get to know them individually.  Each of your emotions this week has a valuable lesson or information for you.  To better understand this process read the Guest House by Rumi.


Anne Ryan

Seven of Fire – The Muse of Climbing would like you to ponder what mountain are you climbing and why?  Is it to get a better vantage point?  Is it the challenge?  Etc.… The important point to these forms of questioning is to find out if the exertion level is enough to get you to the summit.  And if not, what resources do you need to help you reach it.


Anne Ryan

Ten of Fire – You are carrying a hefty load, and the Muse of Burdens asks you is this excess necessary at this moment?  She challenges you to deal with the parts that are a priority whether it is an obligation or timing and put the rest down.  For some things can wait or they are not your responsibility in the first place.


Anne Ryan

Ace of Air – All Aces are energies presented to begin something.  This energy is about processing a new way of thought.  The muses suggest the best way to gather intel into this is looking outside yourself first then change the dogma internally.




Anne Ryan

*Temperance – Moderation is key this week.  Moderation is defined as “the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions.”  But it can also be seen as the Middle Path in Buddhism “the avoidance of two extremes of practical life, namely, indulgence in sensual pleasures on the one hand and severe asceticism on the other.”  The muses would like you to avoid the extremes this week like over the top self-indulgences or severe self-judgements.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 10, 2021

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Better Days Are Coming

This week’s artist is Ruby Silvious.  Silvious artistic journey involves the consideration of what can be used as a canvas and therefore what is art.  The transformative aspect of her work is her uses of everyday ephemera and elevating it to an art form.  This has been done before but Silvious dives deeper and longer in her investigations then others.  An example of this is the series where she created an art piece a day for 363 days using teabags for her canvas.   She later published this collection as 363 Days of Tea.

The art shown in this blog is the product of Silvious specific and our collective times.  Silvious explains, inspired by Picasso during his Blue Period, this series uses found materials around the house/yard as canvases over a 14-day self-isolation period during the coronavirus pandemic, 2020.  All in monochromatic shades of blue.

Every one of us has gone through our own blue period with Covid.  Hopefully, this series has us collectively sighing, smiling, and pondering how can we raise the energy of our everyday experience into something sacred and precious.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Frontliners

Light and Love


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Capricorn this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Cancer it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Wash your Hands

Eight of Cups – This week’s muse advises you that you need to either turn away from a project or person at least this week, possibly longer.  Consider this advice as the avenue to simplifying your life.  If you continue in this old pattern you will be allowing the drama of old models to get in your way to a lighter brighter future.  Time to figuratively clean out your junk drawer.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Six Feet Apart

Page of Swords – You will need to keep your thinking cap on and vision board up on for this week also.  Last week was about long-term planning and figuring out what you will be focusing your energy on in 2021.  This week your energy is best spent doing some research on how to make that happen.  Again, many insights will come from out-side sources, so reporter/researcher hat on.  Inquiry is your Muse. 

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Personal Protection Gown

Ace of Swords – New ideas and ways of thought are key this week.  The more innovated your ideas the more prepared you will be in the coming months.  Brainstorming is your Muse’s energy.  Also, very practically at the end of the month Mercury is going retro so if you need new electronics now is the time to buy.

Ruby Silvious Shelter in Place

Knight of Wands – Last week the muse asked you to free yourself of old stories that have bound you to past recollections of self and take control of your new narrative.  You may continue this process with this week’s energy.  However, this energy invites you to be more creative and playful with parts of your narrative.  This muse frees your passion and purpose to explore new storylines.

Ruby Silvious Shelled Shock

Five of Wands – This week the Muse of Chaos has invited herself in.  Her goal is to liven things up and keep you from getting stuck in routines and boredom.  However, she can be very messy with this process.  The best way to work with this energy is to allow the chaos to ensue without trying to control it.  When you do not feed the energy, it putters out quickly.

Ruby Silvious Emergency Preparedness

Page of Wands – Inspiration and creative energy continues this week.  This muse reminds you that all work and no play makes jill/jack a dull person.  Go find and play with things that make you zing.  This can look like deep listening to an album, re-reading your favorite book, camping…  Do what you love and be with it intently.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Flattening the Curve

Queen of Wands – Last week you may have had times that seem to take every ounce of strength you had to persist, BUT the universe gave you moments to refresh your spirit.  This week’s muse energy continues to re-fill your courage, confidence, and joy.  The key to connect with this energy is to follow your desires and aspirations.  You are worthy of the light.

Ruby Silvious Social Distancing Fashion

Seven of Cups – Last week the muse was asking you to let go of 2020’s bindings.  I hope you did, for this week the Muse would like you to dream.  Dream outside your old boundaries.  Go ahead ask for what you want.  There is no hurt in trying.  The key is to not to focus on the goal but imagine the how that goal would make you feel.  This gives the Universe space to gift you in ways your mind may not be able to predict.  Dream big.

Ruby Silvious Hunkered Down

Three of Wands – This week things are on the move behind the scenes.  For you this might feel like a standstill, but you still need to put energy towards your goals for the future.  Think of this time like you are in a holding pattern waiting to land.  This is not the time to turn back or use your energy for useless worrying.  Let things take their natural course.

Ruby Silvious
Ruby Silvious Self Isolation

Knight of Coins – Pace is key this week.  Somethings take time, and some done quickly.  This Muse has you playing with how to lump/space your projects together and create a pace to your work.  Do you like to do all the quick jobs at one time?  Emails in the morning or on Mon, Wed, and Fri?  Find your natural rhythm.  To move forward she suggest this mantra:  I set the pace for the horse; the horse does not set the pace for me.

Ruby Silvious Deemed Essential

Hierophant – This energy is best used in pondering and overhauling your structures and boundaries. First make sure you have some goals set to shoot for.  Then take time reorganizing and streamlining to create more ease to obtain those goals.  This can look as simple as rearranging your room, schedule, diet.  Or this can look as complex as finding useful and innovative mentors that can help you in that reformation.

Ruby Silvious Peace, Love and Good Health

Ace of Wands – Last week the muses had you balancing inequalities and re-focusing your life to your truths.  This week you can continue these ponderings; however, this energy also wants you to think of ways to innovate your life.  This year has the possibility to create new opportunities.  Take this week to lift your wand and start casting some spells that will mature in the summer.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 9, 2020

Njideka Akunyili Crosby
Njideka Akunyili Crosby

The artist this week is Njideka Akunyili Crosby.  Her work is about occupying two worlds both her native Nigeria and America.  Njideka does this though a weaving of her photographs, family photos and pages from popular Nigerian magazines creating a fabric like pattern throughout her work.  Her process is a layering of collage, photo transfer, fabric, acrylic paint, charcoal, and colored pencil.  This give her pieces a duality of “busy” with the patterns and serene with her choice of compositions of models and motifs.   

This complexity and layering of culture are mimicked in her native land of Nigeria and the place she now lives, America.  Both are multicultural nations trying to find a cohesion to create a country.   Nigeria is a multinational state that is inhabited by 250 ethnic groups with over 500 distinct languages all identifying with a wide variety of cultures.  The composition of American population is also is represented by almost every country in the world.  So, in her work she takes the viewer into layered landscape exploring her personal journey in inhabiting and defining what is it to be a Nigerian who lives in America.    

Are we a melting pot or a tossed salad?  This has been a debate since the 1960’s.  The melting pot metaphor used by Emerson was the concept of the fusing process of the European immigrant to melt down their heritage and reforming into a new American.  The con to this outlook is the lose of the immigrant’s individuality.  Then in the 1960’s the idea of multiculturism took hold.  This is the concept that we are a tossed salad holding on to our individual cultures with the law and the market being the dressing that binds us.  The con for this approach is that America as a whole loses its culture of what defines us as an American citizen and what we as a country represent.  This debate rings even truer today.  Maybe we need to re-examine our metaphor like Crosby does with her art.  Maybe we are a collage of cultures layered to form a single motif.  So as with Crosby’s work, when we step into look at America closely, we can see each detail and as we step back, we see us a cohesive and magnificent work of art. 

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Leo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aquarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.   

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Njideka Akunyili CrosbyNjideka Akunyili CrosbyFour of Wands – Home is where the flow is this week.  Time to give your house some loving, and you will get it back four-fold.  Things like deep clean that bathroom, lawn maintenance, adding plants, feng shui your house, decluttering your drawers or any activity to your home that creates more comfort and ease.  This homey attention will make the rest of your life flow better. 


Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Ten of Swords – This week is about hurt from outside sources and learning how to deal with them.  First lesson is you learning to stop listening to your ego over your intuition and internal integrity.  A possible reason for outside sources sharp vibes is that you have played either martyr or savior instead of seeing yourself as one of them.  Second lesson, these outside people are having problems of their own.  And yes, their ugliness may squirt on you, but the challenge is not let muscle memory set in with this illusion of rejection or hurt.  Take this time to close the laceration(s) and either prepare to start anew with these outside people or forces, or if need be walk away as long as you do not do it from the place of the wounded.   


Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Nine of Cups – Last week the forces where calling you to make choices.  You get more time do so with this energy’s help.  This muse reminds you that you do not need to be totally “there” to know that you are worthy of this change.  So, it asks you are you dreaming big enough?  Would the theme of these choices illuminate you if the journey got dark?  Do these choices create a sense of ease in your life?  And the first choice should be that you accept contentment over ecstasy because your gifts are on their way.    


Njideka Akunyili Crosby
Njideka Akunyili Crosby

*Emperor – The vibe this week is about building your material plane, protecting and feeding your goals.  This is a great week to implement ideas into your workflow, to bring your business or work to the next level.  The challenge is to not only promote and uplift yourself but also to uplift others in the process.  Look to benefiting the whole not just the individual.  Be a steward of good.   


Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Four of Swords – The energy this week mid-birthday month is exploring your realms of relaxation.  The duality of Leo is you have lots of energy, but also like a lion enjoy laying around soaking in the “act” of inertia.  Your challenge is exploring all the ways you relax, either active or sloth like, and then how are you going to consistently incorporate this in your life.  Your goal is to find time to unwind at the very least four times a month at the best four times a week in the coming year.   



Njideka Akunyili CrosbyNjideka Akunyili Crosby*Strength – Ok, time for some beast training this week.  What are your monsters?  This energy advises to tame these demons you must work with them.  There is a mediation that embodies this practice :  Feeding your Demons.  Another way is to personify your monster into someone or thing you would not normally listen to but can be entertaining at times.  (I see my anxiety as Harlequin from Batman.)  The challenge is not fighting with your monster or killing it but accepting it and seeing when it is trying to be an ally. 


Njideka Akunyili Crosby
Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Ten of Cups – The energy this week is about finding activities that bring you bliss.  Connection and love are the keys to finding ways to open your heart.  So, this can be simple extended hugs, deep conversations with friends, or having a socially distance beverage with your close ones.  However, these are hard times to connect with others.  If you are solo, this energy can be tapped into by hugging yourself, holding your own hand or dancing with your favorite YouTube/TikTok video.  It sounds strange but since we do not often do it, it tricks the mind that we are connecting with another and turns on our endorphins. So, let the loving commence.


Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Two of Swords – This is your second two so quick check in with the numerology.  Two means balance.  Last week was about finding balance from the reality of your present with the plans of where you want to be in the future.  This week the challenge is making balanced choices with your head and your heart. 


Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Ace of Swords – The energy this week is all about learning something new to help you expand your understanding or perspective.    The best way to use this energy is in deep conversation, your head in a book, or ears tuned into a new podcast.  Your mind needs to be fed new ideas expanding its data and bringing enlightenment for the coming weeks.   


Njideka Akunyili Crosby
Njideka Akunyili Crosby

*Tower – Every sign is having its turn with the Tower, change that occurs outside of your control.  Now is your time to make sure you are contemplating how you are going to rebuild your structure after 2020.  Take this week to look at the “cracks” that 2020 has brought on in your life.  The important aspect with this inspection is that you do not rebuild with the same fault lines in your foundation.  So even though the structures you imagine and are creating look different, make sure you are not building on the same defective footing.  This can look as simple as you have become vegetarian but not getting enough protein or you are creating a slower lifestyle but then fill in your schedule.


Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Ace of Wands – Inspiration continues this week, but this energy has potential for new beginnings to sprout.  This is a great week to start any project or go exploring.  Your soul is craving passion and newness.  Feed the fire.


Njideka Akunyili Crosby
Njideka Akunyili Crosby

*Wheel – The energy this week is about taking chances to move forward.  This year has had its ups and downs, but you must continue to spin the wheel to create fortitudinous change.  For the kernels of synchronicity wait undeveloped until they are sought after.  Now is the time to move ahead for each step this week leads you to a new era of luck and destiny.




Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 12, 2020

Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Arghavan Khosravi was raised in Tehran, Iran.  In her art, she weaves historical and pop culture motifs into her personal and political experiences.  Khosravi invites the viewer to traverse the threads that connect and possible bind culture to personal identity.  She has us pondering how, who and what has helped construct the answer to who am I.  Globally we are on seeing where aspects of institutions, historical constructs and political systems are dividing us, frightening us, and hindering our civilized evolution.

Our analysis can be painful in seeing where history and culture has bound our potential, but also productive in the fact that we can break and reweave our systems to become more humanitarian, united, and better humans individually.  Khosarvi’s art is vital in this process for seeing cultural influence but also her art has the viewer seeing aspects of themselves in another.  She gives us strands to weave a new global perspective where there is no other just us.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Eight of Coins – The last three weeks were high energy full of pondering, purpose, and cleansing.  This week the energy drops down and becomes more practical.  The time is ripe for doing things on the material plane.  Focus on one project and take it to completion.  The challenge is that you may have to fine tune your skills to complete the project, however that is easily within your reach.


Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Six of Coins – Cause and effect are big aspects of this week.  For all the positive you do, positive will return to you three-fold.  This however is true for negative energy you send out.   The peculiarity of this energy is that the payback comes for seemingly illogical sources.  Your motto:  The road to success is never a straight-line.


Arghavan Khosravi

Three of Swords – Interesting this is your 3rd week of threes, so a quick check in with that numerology again.  Threes are stability through expansion.  First you were advised to reach out to friends to fill your cups.  Then you were asked to visualize your future and faith became your stabilizing force.  Now you need to heal your heart to stabilize your mind.  Take time this week to honor your sorrow while not dwelling in suffering.


Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Nine of Cups – This is your last birth card for the month, and it is a blessing.  The past two years the eclipses have been moving and shaking in your sign causing havoc and change.  The last energy for your birth month is contentment.  So, your challenges for the coming year: build new structures that allow you to do you more authentically, let go of controlling everything by letting the Universe work behind the scenes in obtaining your dreams, and in your plans allowing this new life to bring you contentment.


Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

*Strength – Strength is your power, your nemesis, and what to ponder as you finish your last week before moving into your birth month.  There are paradoxes with your strength you need to be aware of.  Your strength comes from dealing with your weakness.  Your self-doubt comes from trying to control things that cannot be tamed.  Your insecurity is also the root of your compassion.  Once you allow these truths into your constructs of self – you will find and tap into your inner strength more easily.


Arghavan Khosravi

Ten of Swords – This week is prickly but is also an ending of a perfidy.  You are caring a pain of betrayal and the energy surrounding you is here to help you cleanse it.  The challenge with this energy is not to allow the cycle to start again but rising above it.  Your motto:  When they go low, we go high.  Michelle Obama


Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

*Death – Where last week’s energy was manifestation:  a time to build and expand your empire, this week’s energy is very organic and only partial in your control.  Continue to put energy in the things you want to move on the material plane, but be aware that somethings are out of your influence.  This does not mean that the project you are working on is rotten or erroneous, it is just you cannot control every aspect of it. Do what you can to move things along, but the Universe has the pace in which it will happen.  Your motto this week: Go with the flow.


Ten of Cups – Last week’s energy asked you is your life-path aligning with your integrity and your goals for the year 2021.  That challenge is still on, but this week’s vibe wants you to add an extra ingredient: bliss.  Somehow you have disconnected or become dysfunctional with pleasure.  Pleasure is defined as a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment.   Your challenge is to adjust your plans, so they integrally aligned with you.  The test is you find yourself enjoying the process, satiated by the outcome, and finding your bliss in the mix.


Arghavan Khosravi

Knight of Wands – The last couple of weeks your muse asked you to do the work by exploring your physical, mental, or spiritual plane, and enhancing attributes and circumstance that bring you that sense of Ah.  This week is more of the same, but it is not all on you.  Now your muse is leading you to be in the right place and right mind to do what needs to be done.  The challenge is believing that.  Your metaphorical motto:  Green means go, red means stop, and yellow play it mellow.


Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Six of Swords – You are moving to the next level this week.  It is a small but significant rite of passage.  The challenge is simplifying your thoughts to get through this allegorical eye of a needle.  Side note:  this card also signifies messages when around water.  Look for synchronicities when you come across the element or visage of water.


Arghavan Khosravi
Arghavan Khosravi

Eight of Swords – Last week, you were asked to look for the keys to enlightenment in the daily simple things – finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.  Though you had to pull away from society to do it.  This week that space is still needed but do not be entrapped by it.  Too much aloneness and/or to far into your thoughts untethers you from reality.  Your challenge is finding ways to get out of your thought and its patterns.


Arghavan Khosravi

*Universe – This week’s energy is a paradox wrapped up in enigma.  This energy holds infinite growth with stagnation.  It achieves evolution with regression.  The challenge is not to try and figure it out or control it but ride the quantum wave.  If any sign can do it is you my fish-friend.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of July 5, 2020

Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger Questions

Barbara Kruger uses contemporary mass media and its strategies to create sexual, social, and political messages.  She challenges the viewer to examine stereotypes, classism, gender roles, social relationships, political issues, constructs of power, identity, consumerism, and sexuality.  Most of her work consists of black and white photographs overlaid with bold captions.  Kruger did the above piece 19 years ago in 1991. Her pieces are even more relevant now, even in the context of race, because she pulls her images from mass media where the lack of POC voice still challenges us as a society.

I normally let the pieces speak for themselves, but I would like to share why I particularly picked the above piece as my hero shot.  Yesterday there was a lot of hate rhetoric around the celebration of July 4th.  Though I agree with the anger behind it, I fear we might be losing the hope and sentiment that those 13 colonies fought for, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.   I have lived in a place where at the time woman where not allowed to drive or vote.  So, when I came back, I had a new respect for America’s quest as a nation.

So, are we still asking these questions Kruger poses? Yes!  But we are also in a system where we can and should always ask them. For this questioning helps us in aligning our government and our citizenship with equality and humanity. Just look at what is happening now to freedom of speech in Hong Kong or Russia.  Do not let our pride in our concept of America create contempt for our fellow compatriots, the nations within this nation, or the nations that we co-habituate with on Earth.  Keep asking these questions of identity, society, who is holding the power, and strive for the truths that are said below.  For in a true Democracy the power is with its people.

Below is the preamble to the Declaration of the Independence (with a few words tweaked- which is my unalienable right).  Re-read it, for it is still a very powerful statement for a creed on how to live and govern.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men Humanity, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind humans are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

*Death – Another high energy week for you.  The past couple of weeks’ focuses had you pondering your purpose and aligning your plans of action to that that purpose.  However, before you take your steps into this new landscape, the energy this week is wanting you to slough off the old.  Do a thorough cleansing of body, mind, and spirit of all that feels dusty and of no use.  This can look as easy as cleaning your house and/or doing a full body scrub.  Or this can be as challenging as letting go of old habits or mind sets that are no longer relevant or useful.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger no

Nine of Wands – The energy this week is perseverance.  Make your boundaries strong and follow through on what work needs to get done.  This is a great week to complete projects and/or conversations.  The challenges with this energy are feeling overwhelmed, hyper-vigilant and/or defensive.   You can make a boundary without making it life or death.  You can be prepared but you can not control the outcome.



Barbara Kruger Your seeing is your believing

Three of Wands – This is your second week of threes, so a quick check in with that numerology.  Threes are stability through expansion.  Last week you were advised to reach out to friends to fill your cups.  This week the focus is expanding your dreams and faith will be its stabilizing force.  Things will get better; the universe is working behind the scenes.  However, it is up to visualize what you want in the future.  This imagining helps the universe include you in the plans.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

Queen of Wands – This week the energy is giving you a bit of a birth month reminder.  You are here for the soul purpose of being you.  The energy summons your creativity, self-expression, self-acceptance, and compassion.  The challenge is asking: What edges do you want to explore?  This is a great week to set those intentions and inspirations for your coming birth year.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

Four of Wands – This week’s energy is designed to connect with home and family.  Take this time to give a nod to those family groups that surround you.  Also is a great time to find moments where you can nestle into your den and curl up with your favorite form of entertainment and cup of fluid.  This is a nesting type of energy use it to acknowledge and hang with your pride.



Barbara Kruger

Four of Cups – Use the energy that surrounds you well this week by pondering, meditating, and seeing the bigger picture/purpose/cycles.  The challenge is that this energy can also feel like quicksand if you do not tether yourself with hope.  If you can see your place in the bigger picture, that the arc of evolution is long and heads towards the positive, then you can use this pause to hone your talent of visualization and creativity while being in the moment of stillness.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

*Emperor – The energy that surrounds you this week is manifestation.  This is a great time to build and expand your empire.  One challenge is that you need to lead, and therefore you making decisions solo.  Thus, making your go-tos of compromise and negotiation nearly impossible.   And the other challenge, though for you all might be joy, is your creation must be for the greater good of those around you.  Go get things done.



Barbara Kruger

*Justice – This week’s energy has you utilizing the concepts of cause and effect and/or big karmic.  Take this week to ponder and plan is your life-path aligning with your integrity and your goals.  However, this week is not time for big action.  But it is perfect for imagining your choices, what path they will lead you to in 2021, and taking small steps in the now to get closer to your soul path.  Side note: For any of you about to do legal stuff or contracts get it ready this week make sure all is in order and works to your goals, so you can jump once Mercury is out of retro on July 12th.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

*Temperance – Another big energy week for you.  Last week your muse asked you to explore the physical, mental, or spiritual plane.  This week the energy turns to harmony, balance, and patience.  If you can accomplish this Zen like composure you will attract/see meaningful events and people.  Enhance attributes and circumstance that bring you that sense of Ah.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

Five of Cups – The energy this week can come at you a bit hard and you might just be a bit sensitive to it.  The key to this week is to let your emotions out like the rain but look for the silver lining in every cloud. This is not being Polly-anna but a nod to the emotions you are feeling without them sweeping you away.



Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

*Hermit – Deep thoughts are useful this week.  Now is the time to process and learn from your experiences since your last birthday.  You might have to pull away from the masses to do this kind of work.  The keys to enlightenment are in the simple things you do daily.  Find the extraordinary in the ordinary.  Listen not only to your inner muses but also wise words can come from people passing by.  Ears and heart open; mind sharp.



Barbara Kruger

Ten of Wands – This week take advantage of the energy of ending cycles.  For those items that are no longer of use, let them go.  For those items that are too burdensome, delegate them.  Simplify so you can focus on what is a priority and move that to completion.