Above are Grey-headed flying foxes and they are suffering due to climate change ie fire and summers temperatures over 100 degrees. As you know the fire season in Australia has just begun. Luckily due to some rain the raging fires of January are subsiding, but now the area needs help in rebuilding the habitats of Eastern Australia. Above and below are some cute baby pictures of native Australian animals that are endangered due to the fires.
Many of these animals are unique to this continent. Seventy percent of our marsupial cousins and all monotremes are found only in Australia. Marsupials are mammals that give birth to relatively undeveloped babies therefore carrying them around in pouches to nurse them. Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs but still suckle their young.
If you want to help here ae places you can donate to: WorldWildlifeFund, RSPCA, WIRES, Kolas in Care, INC,
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Seven of Coins – Last week, the Star brought with it a lovely, calming, healing energy. This week that energy will carry into to all that you do. You needed time to rest and now refreshed, you can see your work with new eyes. So, this week is great for planting and growing whatever you put your will to.

*Magician – The energy this week is bring the divine down into the world. This energy asks you to find ways to manifest your purpose on this plane of existence. The challenge is thinking to much about it. This dynamism is about tapping into your spirit and calling it into action. Logic often blocks this, so experimentation is key. Do without goal setting and magically the goal will be reached.

*Emperor – The energy this week is used best in building on what already is existing. Get out of your head and get your hands dirty. It is a great week to check items off your to-do list. Fix that cabinet that squeaks, expand on that project you are working on, and/or materialize your dreams. This energy is a great motivator. Just direct the energy and go.

Three of Coins – Collaboration is key this week. The more eyes, minds and hands you have to bounce ideas off of the more you will get done. Take time to ask for input and/or help. Different viewpoints are needed not so much to change your mind but to have more surer footing and clear insight on what you are thinking and constructing.

King of Coins – Last week the energy of change was asking you to dig deep, turn things over, throw out the stones in your path and plant the seeds for things to come. Well this energy continues with the King of Coins. His moto is just do it. Keep moving, keep producing, keeping going – you are on the right path in building upon the material plane. You GO!

*Death – The energy this week is organic change. Time to start on your spring cleaning, getting rid of anything that is dead weight in your life. Doesn’t fit, doesn’t’ work, old emails, books you will never read but carry around, clothes that don’t fit, etc…Dump it. However, this energy is clearing space for planting too. So, take time this week to write down 50 things you wish for, big or small. This energy of change is not sudden but organic, so save that paper and see what has sprouted in a year.

Knight of Cups – The energy to work with this week is vulnerability and your emotions. Are you giving enough space and time to your emotions? Letting off some steam, opening up to someone you feel safe with, asking for cuddles, quality companion time, or bitching to your bestie is all good this week.

Ten of Swords – This week the energy is gnarly, and you can be easily triggered by it. People are just not getting you, so best to walk away from situations when you feel the tension. Defend yourself if you must. However, the more you let yourself get triggered, the more pokey conversations and actions will be on both sides.

*Fool – The energy this week is freedom and newness. This energy reminds you that exploring the world is part of what drives your soul. Discovery is key to bringing new ideas and stimulating your sensualities. This process of newness keeps you from feeling bored or being in a rut. Say yes to things this week especially if you never been there, eaten that, done it. The world is yours to enjoy and discover.

Ten of Pentacles – This week’s energy is about completing projects and basking in your accomplishments. This is not a week to start anything new, so each time you check off an item off your to-do list – celebrate.

Ace of Coins – The energy of beginnings continues for your birth month. This week the focus turns from passions to grounding them into reality. What schedule fits your circadian rhythms? List the foods that empower and refresh you. What are your skill sets? What new skill sets will you need to make your dreams come true? By answering these questions, you can fertilize the seeds to create more opportunities where your passions can flower. This is another great card to begin your new birth year. So far 2020 will be a year where new not only grows but prospers.

Knight of Coins – The energy this Knight brings is stability and pace. This week is about applying structures that support you going forward. So, look to your sleep cycle you getting enough or too much? Look at your eating habits? Are you exercising at least 4 times a week? Is your home relaxing? This week is about tweaking your physical reality into shape for the long haul.
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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