Tag Archives: Cattle Breeds

Tarotcast for week Of May 8, 2016


Taurus is the sign of the bull. There are 242 breeds of cattle according to Oklahoma State University, and 800 according to Wikipedia. No matter, they all came from the one ancestor the aurochs. The last of this species was poached in the forest of Poland in 1627. This species of cattle is most likely what the Taurus’ bull looked like to the Greeks. It is taller and heavier than most of the domestic cattle we see today. There are two subspecies that evolved at separate times from the aurochs – the Indian species leading to the zebu and a Euraisia species that lead to the taurine. It is the many combinations of these two subspecies that lead to 242-800 breeds of cattle we know today.

The fiction behind the image of Taurus is about the myth of Poseidon making Pasiphae, Minos’s wife, fall madly in love with the Cretan Bull (this was due to her husband finding the bull beautiful and not sacrificing it – the curse seems a bit misdirected to me) and she then birthed the famed Minotaur from that coupling. Years after, Hercules captured the rampaging bull, then let it go, then Thesus caught the bull (now called the Marathon Bull) again, and then sacrificed it to Athena or Apollo. The Gods placed its image in the sky to honor it. I know Taurus have a reputation for being difficult; however, for me the bull that most personifies Taurus is Ferdinand. The peaceful bull that would not fight in the bull ring. Yes Taurus can be stubborn and when stung can look really mean and ferocious but ultimately they all would rather just smell the flowers and enjoy life in all its beauty.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

*Aries – Wheel of Fortune – Ok this is a 1 out of 5,184 chance to happen. You got the Wheel of Fortune again. So you have one more week where the winds of fate are blowing in your direction. You have more time to learn which chances to take as long as the cost does not outweigh the loss.


*Taurus – The Sun – Another great card for your birthday month! The Sun card is a card of growth, joy and happiness. The Sun is here to remind you to shine, prosper and share your light. The challenge of The Sun is to identify the beauty in your life and figure out how to tend to its growth. The Sun also reminds you that the sun can casts shadows. These shadows can be from other people standing in your light or you outshining others. So be aware what can dim your light or how you dim others radiance.
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