The artist this week is Carrie Mae Weems. Weems uses her art to bear witness to the presence or absence of black woman in history. She used photography, video, performance, installations, and social practices to explore this subject. Trained in dancing and photography in the mid-1980s she became interested in the observation methods used in the social sciences.
By the early 1990s, she began placing herself in her photographic compositions in an “attempt to create in the work the simultaneous feeling of being in it and of it.”2 She has since called this recurring figure an “alter-ego,” “muse,” and “witness to history” who can stand in for both the artist and audience. She helps us explore the concept of who is doing the looking and for what reason or end? Watch the video explaining her work From Here I Saw What Happened and I Cried (1995). Weems work could be summed up in this quote from an interview with Dawoud Bey, “My work endlessly explodes the limits of tradition… I’m determined to find new models to live by. Aren’t you?
Your pondering for this week: What models do you live by?
Solar System highlights
The moon is still in Scorpio at the beginning of this week – keep your passions lit. On Tuesday it moves to Sagittarius – find time to explore something new. On Thursday the moon moves to Capricorn – giving you the drive to finish up the work week. And on Saturday, the moon moves into Aquarius – spend time in society.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Sagittarius (exploration) until Dec 1st, where we can experiment with our communication style. Mars (action) is in Scorpio (passion and letting go) until November 24th. Wanting us to check that our actions are supporting the expression of our passion. While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in her home sign Libra (relationships and harmony) until December 4th. So, November is a big month in exploring how to harmonize our communication to help us harmonize our relationships while we make time in our life for things that make us zing.
The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Scorpio, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Taurus, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Three of Air – This week has the potential to trigger old wounds. This energy is not a warning of things to come but a place where healing should begin. The Muse of Healing recommends that you dive deep into the why behind your frustration, anger, or sadness, find its source, and give yourself the love that was denied or never given.

Seven of Earth – This week’s energy gives you the stamina and resilience to get stuff done. The Muse of Work reminds you there is a harvest at the end of this push. A time to enjoy what you have sown and rest from the work, but this week is not the time. Carry on and get sh*t done.

Six of Air – The Muse of Transition comes when it is time to move on. Whether it is a project, relationship, way of thought or action. Something is not working for a reason. Now is not the time to push through. Let it go for this week and see if by week’s end it resolves or it is no longer a problem. If it does not, then you can reassess and simplify.

Three of Water – The Muse of Friendship would like you to enjoy yours. Spend time with the ones that you love that love you back. This is a time to share emotions and deepen bonds.

Page of Earth – The Muse of Study would like you to pick up a book, listen to a podcast or watch a documentary. This muse comes when you are doing to much internal gazing and/or skimming social media. This muse challenges you to deep dive into something interesting. There is a spark for you there, but it’s up to you to do the homework.

Seven of Air – The Muse of Scheme is pushing you to plan. This muse is not using scheme as a verb but as a noun ie: a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining a particular object or putting a particular idea into effect. Pull a hope or wish off the shelf and start to make plans for how to bring it into existence.

Four of Earth – The Muse of Resources comes when your resources of time, money, and/or space are limited. She advises that you budget them better this week or you will run out of one or all of them before you can finish what you started.

Eight of Air – The Muse of Bondage asks you what old thought paradigms are holding you back? If you need help, she reminds you they are not yours but were placed there by others and you have now adopted them. Maybe at some time they worked, but now they are more like burdens. She advises that all you have to do is let go.

Tower – The Muse of Deconstruction comes when some part of your life is on a shaky foundation. Is your sleep schedule off? Are you eating right? Have you had enough physical contact? Have you had time to just relax? All these components are necessary supports for you to do you out in the world. Shore up what is missing this week.

High Priestess – The Muse of Sacredness comes when you need to tap into your spirit. She advises finding a mundane task you do every day and making it sacred. Things like brushing your teeth become an act of loving kindness to your body. Or taking out recycling becomes a ritual of honoring the earth. She challenges you to make the mundane – sacred.

*Devil – Last week’s energy was around starting a new project or idea. However, this week life is throwing some distractions to take you off course. So, watch surfing the internet for hours, your social media intake, dealing with other people’s problem and not your own or any other rabbit holing that you may do. This week is about staying focused.

King of Wands – The Muse of Charisma challenges you this week to turn up yours. There is a vibrance in you that can move mountains and break down walls. She does advise to watch that your compliments reside in truth and your goals are not solely self-center. This exercise is for the good of the whole as well as you.
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