Spring has arrived and so have the flutterbies, which is butterflies’ more appropriate and onomatopoetic name, as any child will tell you. These creatures are the one of the most popular cultural motifs in literature and visuals, so they are the most widely identifiable insect other than the ant. Butterfly adults are characterized usually by four colorful scale-covered wings. The majority are diurnal or awake during the day. And, unlike moths who lay their wings flat when resting, butterflies hold their wings vertically. Another variation is when they enter their pupa stage, most do not make a cocoon but harden their larva exterior and gestate inside.
Butterflies make up the order Lepidoptera (scale winged in Greek). As of now there are about 17,500 species of butterflies. Their scales are an amazing example of the intricacies of nature. The black and brown scales are colored with melanin just like in human skin. Where the yellow is derived from uric acid (urine) derivatives and flavones from the food they digested as a caterpillar. And the rest (blue, greens, red and iridescent colors) are created by micro-structures in their brown or black scales that reflect the vast array of visual colors we see.
To identify and help butterflies in your area here is a great site https://butterfly-conservation.org/
P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you. Taurus now is a perfect time for your Astro birthday reading

King of Cups – The last couple of weeks the Ace of Cups, the Sun and Chariot united their power in helping you change and expand any area of your life you focus on. Then Temperance chimed in reminding you that balance and moderation is the ultimate path to ease in making this change happen. This week you continue your journey of growth but with a direct focus on cups/emotions. This King wants you make sure you are following your heart not your head with not only the process of change but the change itself.

Six of Cups – Last week the Sun card proclaimed this is your year to shine and illuminate. The Six of Cups continues this theme by advising you to shed some light on your past. There are some dark shadows of childhood that need to come out into the light. These can be old dreams or ideas put aside that need to be played with again, or old nightmares that need basking in the light of adulthood. Either way this reminiscing has messages of growth in them.

Four of Wands – The Four of Wands begs for you to stay close to home this week. Your home is calling you to spend some time making it homier and then nestle in its comfort by the weekend.

King of Wands – The King of Wands is the card of the artist or visionary. This card wants you to feed your passions. Do things that means something to your soul. Spend at least a little time this week daydreaming and listening to your passion.

Two of Pentacles – The Two of Pentacles is all about balancing the every day details in life. This can be your water and food intake are not balanced, your core muscles need strengthening, and/or your work/life balance is off. This card suggests all of these can come into equilibrium with small tweaks instead of grand gestures.

Six of Pentacles – The last couple of weeks have had some frustrating and possibly humbling moments with the Hanged Man and the Ten of Swords. The Six of Pentacles can be a break in the maddening days ahead but only if you send out positive vibes. This card is the mini version of karma what you put out will come back three-fold good or bad this week, so watch your P&Qs.

Seven of Pentacles – The Seven of Pentacles is the card of hard work and harvests. This week you just need to focus and push through. The work you have is doable though feels overwhelming. Take this week one task at a time and by the end of the week you will be able to harvest some of the benefits of your hard labor.

*King of Pentacles and the Hermit – This week it is even more important that to get anything done you need to hermit up. The Hermit comes when you need to gain perspective in your life by giving yourself some distance. This can be as simple as taking a day without electronic devices or working from home for a week. Or as complex as going on conference/retreat or doing your form of “Tune in, Turn on, Drop out” for the week

*Moon and the Page of Cups – You know that picture book Where the Wild Things Are? You need to live that out this week. Get in touch with your inner child, create a ruckus, go to your room, party with monsters, remember who loves you, and return to eat a good super.

Five of Pentacles – The Five of Pentacles deals with loss and the fear that can come from it. This can look like a literal loss of a material object, like keys or phone or a metaphorical loss like worrying about old age and sickness. The key to this card is you are not alone. When you find yourself in a state of loss this week ask for help.

*Justice– Week two with big cards. Last week, the High Priestess advised you to stop long enough to hone your intuition and listening to your inner voice. This week, you will need your inner voice to navigate the Justice card. This card has you focusing your mind’s eye to the concepts of integrity and fairness. What should be very black and white, muddies to shades of grey. You will see more paradoxes than answers and solutions. The best way to deal with this challenge is stay true to your morals and integrity, while also seeing others points of view.

Queen of Swords – Last week, Judgement had you “trying on” the new evolved you and then challenged you by asking – can you see and love the new parts you are growing and leave self-judgment behind? Hmmm no getting away from this challenge Pisces, for the Queen of Swords is not letting you deviate from last week’s focus. She only adds this one question/statement – aren’t you the one who should be your most loving protector?!
May light be on you, around you, and within you,
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