The artist this week is Bradley Kickett, a contemporary Noongar Artist from Perth Western Australia. Bradley’s work is influenced by experiencing Noongar country from the air. He portrays the flow of the landscape from rivers to the ocean, the wildflowers growth across the land and the shape and flow of the land itself. Kickett takes these birds eye views and interweaves them with “the history and the stories that are shared and passed down to him from his family and elders.”
Your pondering for the week: Notice how your landscape weaves into your stories. How does the setting influence your daily life and perspective?
Solar System highlights
The moon begins in Leo time to show your shine. On Wednesday it moves into Virgo – get organized. On Friday, the moon moves into Libra – focus on your relationships.
Mercury (communication and knowledge) is now halfway through its 10 weeklong stay in Virgo (analyzation). So, lessons continue with getting to the point when communicating. Being clear and concise is the goal. Mercury is in retrograde through Sept 13th. Use this time as a pitstop to Reflect, Review and Redo. Mars (action) moved into Libra (balance) until Oct 12th. Have us purview that our actions justify our goals While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th. This is a four-month exploration on the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?
Jupiter (growth) is in Taurus until May 2024, an aspect that nurtures the expansion of pleasure in our lives. The challenge is dipping into overindulgence while investigating this aspect. Saturn (structures) is in Pisces (flow) until 2026. Wanting us to make our structures elastic and responsive to change. The challenge is our boundaries can get too bendy or have gaps, so we need to work on being flexible but resilient.
And lastly Pluto (the hidden, death, wealth, and shadow) is in Capricorn (work, structure, business, and discipline) until January 2024. So, Pluto is back to playing in the world of business and capitalism. This cycle started in 2008, so whatever you started back then this is the time to tie up any loose ends especially around the house and planets in Capricorn in your natal chart.
***Signs with an * it is a big week for you. Virgo, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year. And Pisces, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.
May light be on you, around you, and within you.

Seven of Earth – This week you will need to push through your projects. So, the Muse of Work has arrived to help. She advises that you get your to-do list organized and sharpen your metaphorical pencils so you can focus on the top seven tasks. Try to keep your head down so you will not get caught up in distractions. Focus is key this week.

*Magician – Even though we are still in retrograde season the Muse of Manifestation has come to get you a head start. So, when Mercury turns direct on the 15th you are fully prepared, rested, and ready to manifest what you want to do. This is a wonderful week to prioritize lists, tweak plans and do prep.

Six of Water – The Muse of Childhood comes when you should look to the past for answers in the present. She reminds you this is less about circling back to the past and more like a spiral up towards the future. You are passing by what feels familiar, but you have grown up a level since the last time you visited this curve.

Three of Fire – The Muse of Looking Forward would like you to spend this last week of this retrograde making plans for the next couple of seasons. This is not about looking at the goals but more about figuring out and refining the steps that get you to them.

*Sun – The Muse of Shine is a muse you work with your whole life. This work is about genuinely believing and seeing your unique shine and then sharing it with the world. This can look as simple as putting some flourish to your look or putting your work out to a broader public.

Five of Earth – Finally you have a more mundane week. Though this week you are working Muse of Hardship. This muse reminds you that you have the help you need but you need to ask for it. You do not need to do all this alone or feel as if you deserve less. This energy would like you to see the light of abundance even when it feels like the dark is closing in. This week is about working smarter not harder.

Eight of Earth – Last week the Muse of Manifestation wanted you to start picturing what you want to manifest in your coming birth year. And now the Muse of Mastery wants you to gather your tools and see what else you might need to obtain your goals. This Muse reminds you that you have the skill set, so focus more on the schedule when to do manifest things than the how this week.

Queen of Earth – The Muse of Senses would like you to indulge in yours this week. She reminds you that you have worked hard and need to take time to pamper yourself. By focusing this pampering through your senses, you also ground yourself into your life and its abundance

*Star – Last week the Muse of Stillness had put you on hold to work with the space between the moments, for there was information waiting for you in the silence. This week’s energy is still asking you to take it slow. The Muse of Healing would like you to spend your extra time doing things that heal your body, mind, and soul.

Queen of Fire – The Muse of Inter-connectiveness is accompanying you this week. She would like you to see the wonder and awe of how things interweave in your life. This can come in the form of déjà vu, chance meetings, feeling moved, or even your own ponderings on the nuances.

Seven of Fire– The Muse of Standing your Ground comes when you need to take a side. Whether that is for a cause, someone else or even for yourself. This is not a week to compromise or go with the flow. This muse reminds you that at least for this week you hold more insight than others.

Two of Air – The Muse of Decisions would like you to ruminate this week before making decisions. Things are not as right or wrong as they seem. You need more information, so take your time. And she reminds you it is okay to ask people for more information or use them as bouncing boards as you sort through your feelings and your thoughts.
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